
Организация и изменение

Изменение и организация. Методы, модели и теории (А-Я)



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Организация и изменение

14 Principles of Management (14 принципов менеджмента) Fayol

McKinsey 7-S Framework (Концепция 7-S)

Acquisition Integration Approaches (Интеграционные подходы к поглощениям) Haspeslagh Jemison

Action learning (Активное обучение) Revans

Adhocracy (Адхократия)

Appreciative Inquiry (Восприимчивое дознание) Cooperrider

Ashridge Mission Model (Модель миссии Ashridge) Campbell

Balanced Scorecard (Cбаланси­рованная система показателей эффекти­вности) Kaplan Norton

Bases of Social Power (Основания социальной власти) French Raven

Beyond Budgeting (Вне бюджет­ирования) Fraser

BPR Hammer Champy

Brainstorming (Мозговой штурм)

Bridging Epistemologies (Установление эпистемологий) Cook Brown

Business Process Reengineering (Реорганизация бизнес процессов) Hammer Champy

Capability Maturity Model (Модель развития функциональных возможностей) CMM

Catalytic Mechanisms (Каталитические механизмы) Collins

Catastrophe Theory (Теория катастроф) Thom

Causal Model of Organizational Performance and Change (Причинно-следственная модель организационной деятельности и изменения) Burke-Litwin

Centralization (Центра­лизация) и Decentralization (Децентра­лизация)

Change Approaches (Подходы к изменениям) Kotter

Change Behavior (Поведение перемен) Ajzen

Change Dimensions (Аспекты перемен) Pettigrew Whipp

Change Equation (Уравнение перемен) Beckhard

Change Factors (Факторы перемен) Pettigrew Whipp

Change Management Iceberg (Айсберг управления изменениями)

Change Phases (Фазы перемен) Kotter

Changing Organization Cultures (Изменение организационных культур) Trice Beyer

Chaos Theory (Теория хаоса) Lorenz

Charismatic Leadership (Харизматическое лидерство)

Coaching (Коучинг)

CMM model (Модель CMM)

Co-Creation (Co-создание) Prahalad Ramaswamy

Competing Values Framework (Концепция конкури­рующих ценностей) Quinn

Contingency Theory (Теория обстоятельств) Vroom

Core Competence (Ключевая компетенция) Hamel Prahalad

Core Group Theory (Теория центральной группы) Kleiner

Crisis Management (Антикризисное управление)

CSF Rockart

Cultural Dimensions (Культурные измерения) Hofstede

Cultural Intelligence (Культурный интеллект) Early

Culture Levels (Культурные уровни) Schein

Culture Types (Культурные типы) Deal Kennedy

Decentralization (Децентра­лизация)

Deming Cycle (Цикл Деминга) PDSA

DICE Framework (Концепция DICE) BCG

Dimensions of Change (Параметры перемен) Pettigrew Whipp

Dimensions of Relational Work (Аспекты реляционной работы) Butler

Disruptive Innovation (Подрывная инновация) Christensen

Distinctive Capabilities (Отличительные возможности) Kay


Enterprise Architecture (Архитектура предприятия) Zachman

Entrepreneurial Government (Предпринимательское правительство) Osborne

Expectancy Theory (Теория ожиданий) Vroom

Experience Curve (Кривая опыта)

Facilitation Styles (Стили фасилитации) Heron

Five Disciplines (5 дисциплин) Senge

Force Field Analysis (Анализ силового поля) Lewin

Forget Borrow Learn (Забыть, занять, выучить) Govindarajan Trimble

Fourteen Points of Management (14 пунктов менеджмента) Deming

Gestalt theory (Теория Гештальт)

Groupthink (Групповое мышление) Janis

Growth Phases (Фазы роста) Greiner

Хоторнский эффект Mayo

Hierarchic Organization (Иерархичная организация) Burns

Hoshin Kanri - Policy Deployment (Разработка Стратегии)

Implementation Management (Управление исполнением) Krüger

Intellectual Capital Rating (Оценка интеллектуального капитала)

Industry Change (Изменение отрасли) McGahan

Industry Life Cycle (Жизненный цикл отрасли)

Innovation Adoption Curve (Кривая восприятия инноваций) Rogers

Intangible Assets Monitor (Анализ нематериальных активов) Sveiby

Just-in-time (Точно в срок) JIT

Kaizen philosophy (Философия Кайдзен)

Knowledge Management (Управление знаниями) Collison Parcell

KPI Rockart

Leadership Pipeline (Канал лидерства) Drotter

Leadership Styles (Стили лидерства) Goleman

Learning Organization (Обучающаяся организация) Argyris Schön

Добавьте метод / модель

Level 5 Leadership (Лидерство 5 уровня) Collins

Levels of Culture (Уровни культуры) Schein

Levers of Control (Рычаги управления) Simons

Management by Objectives (Управление по задачам) Drucker

Managerial Grid (Таблица стилей руководства) Blake Mouton

Managing for Value (Управление ради ценности) McTaggart

Mentoring (Менторинг)

Mergers and Acquisitions approaches (Подходы к сделкам по слияниям и поглощениям)

Metaplan (Метаплан) Schnelle

Modeling business processes (Моделирование процессов дела)


Office of Strategy Management (Офис управления стратегией) Kaplan Norton


Organic Organization (Органическая организация) Burns

Organizational Configurations (Организационные конфигурации) Mintzberg

Organizational Learning (Организационное обучение) Argyris Schön

Organization Chart (Схема организационной структуры)

Outsourcing (Аутсорсинг)

PAEI management roles (Роли управления PAEI)

Parenting Advantage (Преимущество родства) Goold Campbell

Parenting Styles (Типы родства) Goold Campbell

Path-Goal Theory (Теория соответствия целей и средств) House

PDSA Deming Cycle (Цикл Деминга)

People CMM (CMM персонала) CM-SEI

Performance Categories (Категории эффекти­вности) Baldrige

Performance Management (Управление эффект­ивностью)

Performance Prism (Призма эффекти­вности)


PMMM Reiss

Portfolio Analysis (Портфельный анализ)


Positive Deviance (Позитивное отклонение) Pascale Sternin

Product Life Cycle (Жизненный цикл товара) Levitt

Real Options (Реальные опционы) Luehrman

Result Oriented Management (Менеджмент, ориенти­рованный на результат)

Seven Habits (7 привычек) Covey

Scientific Management (Научные методы управления) Taylor (Тейлор)

Servant-Leadership (Служащий-лидер) Greenleaf

Seven Surprises (7 неожидан­ностей)

Shared Service Center (Разделенный сервисный центр)

Shareholder Value Perspective (Перспектива акционерной стоимости)

Simulation modeling (Имитационное модели­рование)

Six Thinking Hats (Шесть мыслящих шляп) de Bono

Skandia Navigator (Навигатор Skandia) Edvinsson


Soft Systems Methodology (Методология мягких систем) Checkland

Stage-Gate (Стадия-Проход) Cooper

Stages of Team Development (Этапы развития группы) Tuckman

Stakeholder Value Perspective (Перспектива стоимости с точки зрения заинтересо­ванных сторон)

Strategic Intent (Стратегический замысел) Hamel Prahalad

Strategic Thrusts (Стратеги­ческие опоры) Wiseman

Strategic Types (Стратеги­ческие типы) 

Strategy Map (Карта стратегии) Kaplan Norton

SWOT Analysis (SWOT-анализ)

Systems Thinking / Dynamics (Системное мышление/динамика) Forrester

Team Building (Тимбилдинг/Построение команды)

Ten Principles of Reinvention (10 принципов обновления) Osborne

Ten Schools of Thought (10 школ мысли) Mintzberg

Theory of Constraints (Теория ограничений) Goldratt

Theory of Mechanistic and Organic Systems (Теория механисти­ческих и органических систем) Burns

Theory of Reasoned Action (Теория обоснованного действия) Ajzen Fishbein

Theory X Theory Y (Теория X Теория Y) McGregor

Theory Z (Теория Z) Ouchi

Training Within Industry (Обучение в промыш­ленности)

Trajectories of Industry Change (Траектории изменения отрасли) McGahan

Turnaround Management (Финансовая реструкту­ризация)

Twelve Principles of the Network Economy (12 принципов сетевой экономики) Kelly

Value Based Management (Ценностно-ориенти­рованное управление)

Value Chain (Цепочка приращения стоимости) Porter

Value Disciplines (Ценностные дисциплины) Treacy Wiersema

Value Mapping (Систематизи­рование ценности) Jack

Value Stream Mapping (Систематизи­рование потока ценности)

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Обсуждения на форуме о Организация и изменение.

🔥 Организационноe Развитиe
Термин организационное развитие (развитие организации, Organization Development) использовался достаточно свободно с к...
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тема Checklist of Organizational Problem Areas
I discovered the following useful checklist of typical organizational problem areas: 1) Dysfunctional organizational structure. 2) Poor financial control. 3) Interpersonal conflict. 4) Lack of qu...
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тема At what Level Should an Organization be Diagnosed?
When should a change agent diagnose at individual-level, group-level and organizational level? And what are the strengths and weaknesses at each level?...
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тема Change: A Challenge and a Necessity
In the past, the field of organizational change and change management turned out problematic and change managers and senior management struggled. Yet today it is evident that changing organizations i...
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тема Loops and Mutual Causality in Organizational Change
As Gareth Morgan said in his book Images of the Organization: "We should think about change in terms of loops rather than lines and to replace the idea of mechanical causality with the idea of mutual ...
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тема Change: the Only Constant for Managers and Leaders
The constancy of change forces itself into our consciousness because of the dynamism of the human condition. Change is the only constant in the leadership/management process. The key to my mind is in ...
Комментарии70 комментария
тема Can Organizational Change Lead to Extinction?
Is change better if it is revolutionary (i.e. fast and experimental) or evolutionary (slow and steady)? Will change ever result in an "extinction event" for an organization because it was either too r...
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тема People Need Some Constancy (Besides Change)
People need some constancy (besides change), so when engaging in extensive change it is important to establish the things that will remain unchanged / bedrock (i.e. integrity, follow up... whatever)....
Комментарии12 комментария
тема Why do Organizations Change?
We all know that organizations change. They have to. But exactly why do organizations change? In other words, what are the causes or reasons for change to occur in organizations? How can these reason...
Комментарии27 комментария
тема Relevance of Change Management Theories?
My interpretation of change management theory in a practical sense is that change theories are never used, but are more sub-consciously instilled within managers. Although it could possibly be proved ...
Комментарии58 комментария
тема Change is a Natural Process
If we think about change as a natural process in life... This occurs from two related lines: 1. The theory of chaos and self organization on the one hand, and 2. Complexity theory on the other hand...
Комментарии12 комментария
тема What is an Organization?
Someone asked me the other day: what exactly is an organization? DEFINITION OF AN ORGANIZATION Well, in in simple terms, an organization is defined as: "an entity comprising one or more people tha...
Комментарии5 комментария
тема Are we Managing Change or the Perceptions about Change?
Are we even managing change or are we managing employee feelings about the change?...
Комментарии25 комментария
тема Evolution Theory in Organisations?
Having just joined this forum I was surprised that there is no theory or model listed for "evolution theory". Surely this is the key process by which organisations develop their individual characteris...
Комментарии5 комментария
тема The Role of Conflicts in an Organisation
A conflict is not necessarily good or bad, but must be evaluated in terms of its individual and organisational functions and dysfunctions....
Комментарии10 комментария
тема On what do the Efficiency and Effectiveness of an Organization Depend?
Does the efficiency and effectiveness of an organisation depends on the people who are in an existing organization? Thank you for your kind feedback....
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тема Normative Re-Educative Strategies?
Hi, can anybody provide me more information related to the topic normative re-educative strategy. I'll be very thankful....
Комментарии3 комментария
тема Reframing Organizations (Bolman and Deal)
I would like to know about Framing / Reframing of organizations. What is the model and what are advantages, disadvantages, and challenges in simple terms....
Комментарии6 комментария
тема Change Management in the Realty Industry
How would you initiate change [management] in the construction industry which generally does not have strategic plans, there are delays in every activity and cost overruns are a way of life....
Комментарии2 комментария
тема Searching for the General Theory of the Firm
Is it not possible to set up the general theory of the firm? The reason why I raise this question is that there are so many methods, models and theories in dealing with business management, both theo...
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🥇 Key Issues of Change Management (at the Executive Level)
The ability to manage organizational change at a high level has become a crucial skill for executives. The times of simply aiming for organizational continuity and predictable earnings growth are gone...
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🥈 Change Management: Theory versus Practice
I would like to make a comparison between theory and practice in change management. I am writing a paper in which I discuss the following sentence: "I smoke, I know it is bad for me, but I won't stop"...
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🥉 The Core of Organizational Change is in the Emotional Relations and Social Ties
The core of successful (organizational, social) change is embedded in the emotional relations among actors involved in the movement. The real change is the changes of the emotional relations or the st...
Комментарии6 комментария

тема Change Management Factors in Technology Transformation
During any technology transformation - like when implementing new technology initiatives or improving over the existing technology within organisations - what are the main factors that contribute to t...
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