

Лидерство. Методы, модели и теории (А-Я)



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Appreciative Inquiry (Восприимчивое дознание) Cooperrider

Attributes of Management Excellence (Признаки превосходства в управлении) Peters

Attribution Theory (Теория атрибуции) Heider

Bases of Social Power (Основания социальной власти) French Raven

Beyond Budgeting (Вне бюджет­ирования) Fraser

Centralization (Центра­лизация) и Decentralization (Децентра­лизация)

Change Approaches (Подходы к изменениям) Kotter

Change Behavior (Поведение перемен) Ajzen

Change Equation (Уравнение перемен) Beckhard

Change Management Iceberg (Айсберг управления изменениями)

Change Phases (Фазы перемен) Kotter

Changing Organization Cultures (Изменение организационных культур) Trice Beyer

Charismatic Leadership (Харизматическое лидерство) Weber

Coaching (Коучинг)

Competing Values Framework (Концепция конкури­рующих ценностей) Quinn

Contingency Theory (Теория обстоятельств) Vroom

Core Group Theory (Теория центральной группы) Art Kleiner

Crisis Management (Антикризисное управление)

Cultural Dimensions (Культурные измерения) Hofstede

Cultural Intelligence (Культурный интеллект) Early

Culture Levels (Культурные уровни) Schein

Dimensions of Change (Параметры перемен) Pettigrew Whipp

Dimensions of Relational Work (Аспекты реляционной работы) Butler

Emotional Intelligence (Эмоциональный интеллект) Goleman


ERG Theory (Теория ERG) Alderfer

Expectancy Theory (Теория ожиданий) Vroom

Five Disciplines (5 дисциплин) Senge

Force Field Analysis (Анализ силового поля) Lewin

Forget Borrow Learn (Забыть, занять, выучить) Govindarajan Trimble

Framing (Фрейминг) Tversky

Groupthink (Групповое мышление) Janis

Growth Phases (Фазы роста) Greiner

Model of Personal Power (Модель личной власти) Hagberg

Hierarchy of Needs (Иерархия потребностей) Maslow

Instrumental Approach of Stakeholder Theory (Инструментальный подход к теории заинтересо­ванных кругов)

Intrinsic Stakeholder Commitment (Действительная приверженность интересам заинтересо­ванных сторон)

Leadership Continuum (Континуум лидерства) Tannenbaum

Leadership Pipeline (Канал лидерства) Drotter

Leadership Styles (Стили лидерства) Goleman

Leadership Styles (Стили лидерства) House

Level 5 Leadership (Лидерство 5 уровня) Collins

Leveraged Buy-out (Выкуп за счет кредита)

Levers of Control (Рычаги управления) Simons

Management Buy-out (Внутренний управленческий выкуп)

Management by Objectives (Управление по задачам) Drucker

Managerial Grid (Таблица стилей руководства) Blake Mouton

Managing for Value (Управление ради ценности) McTaggart

Mentoring (Менторинг)

Moral Purpose (Нравственная цель) Mourkogiannis

Normative Approach of Stakeholder Theory (Нормативный подход к теории заинтересо­ванных кругов)

OODA Loop (Цикл OODA) Boyd

Organizational Configurations (Организационные конфигурации) Mintzberg

Organization Chart (Схема организационной структуры)

PAEI management roles (Роли управления PAEI)

Parenting Advantage (Преимущество родства) Goold Campbell

Parenting Styles (Типы родства) Goold Campbell

Path-Goal Theory (Теория соответствия целей и средств) House

Performance Prism (Призма эффекти­вности)

Portfolio Analysis (Портфельный анализ)


Positive Deviance (Позитивное отклонение) Pascale Sternin


Result Oriented Management (Менеджмент, ориенти­рованный на результат)

Results-Based Leadership (Лидерство, основанное на результатах) Ulrich

SECI model (Модель SECI) Nonaka Takeuchi

Servant-Leadership (Служащий-лидер) Greenleaf

Seven Habits (7 привычек) Covey 

Seven Signs Of Ethical Collapse (7 признаков нравственного упадка) Jennings

Seven Surprises (7 неожидан­ностей) Porter

Situational LeadershipⓇ (Ситуативное лидерство) Hersey Blanchard


Social Intelligence (Социальный интеллект)

Spiral Dynamics (Динамика спирали) Graves

Stakeholder Value Perspective (Перспектива стоимости с точки зрения заинтересо­ванных сторон)

Strategic Intent (Стратегический замысел) Hamel Prahalad

Strategic Stakeholder Management (Стратегическое управление заинтересованными сторонами)

Добавьте метод / модель

Ten Schools of Thought (10 школ мысли) Mintzberg

Theory of Constraints (Теория ограничений) Goldratt

Theory of Mechanistic and Organic Systems (Теория механисти­ческих и органических систем) Burns

Theory of Needs (Теория потребностей) McClelland

Theory of Reasoned Action (Теория обоснованного действия) Ajzen Fishbein

Theory X Theory Y (Теория X Теория Y) McGregor

Theory Z (Теория Z) Ouchi

Turnaround Management (Финансовая реструкту­ризация)

Twelve Principles of the Network Economy (12 принципов сетевой экономики) Kelly

Two Factor Theory (Двухфакторная теория) Herzberg

Value Based Management (Ценностно-ориенти­рованное управление)

Value Disciplines (Ценностные дисциплины) Treacy Wiersema

Whole Brain Model (Общая модель мозга) Herrmann

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Обсуждения на форуме о Лидерство.

тема Неполный лидер
В HBR от 7 февраля я нашел новый взгляд на методы лидерства в статье Deborah Ancona c.s. Она утверждает, что ни один челов...
🔥 Лидерство требует чувства собственности
Наше исследование (автором являюсь я и мой колега R. Chandrashekar) показывает на то, что «лидерство без обладания» н...
тема Management versus Leadership
Warren Bennis, the leadership guru has differentiated leadership from management with two simple acronyms: 1. The management acronym POEM means: Plan, Organise, Execute and Monitor and Measure. Thi...
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тема The Incomplete Leader
I noticed a new perspective on leadership methods in HBR Feb 07 by Deborah Ancona c.s. She argues no human being is perfect and no leader can be perfect. So maybe it's for the best to stop trying to ...
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тема Leadership Definitions
Leadership has been described as "The process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task." Definitions more inclusive of f...
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тема The Glass Ceiling: Leadership Barriers for Women
According to a study by catalyst.org, gender stereotyping is one of the key barriers to women's advancement in corporate leadership. It leaves women with limited, conflicting, and often unfavorable op...
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тема Leadership is Context Specific
Leadership is context specific. There is no such thing as "universal leadership" or "global leadership". Experience of leaders in different fields has proven this. Leadership is about clarity of purp...
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тема Leadership Lessons: Why Did Trump Win in 2016?
Donald Trump will be the next (Republican) US President... His win over (Democratic) rival Hillary Clinton surprised the pollsters, the media, who not? There are many reasons behind his victory, but ...
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тема So Many Leadership Theories...
There are so many theories of leadership from Trait to Servant Leadership theory... Leadership varies according to the context, but what is in general the most prevalent leadership theory today?...
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тема Machiavellian Leadership and Management
While I was reading a book on Machiavellianism with unusual interest, my 13-year old daughter asked what is this all about. Usually I like such questions and I encourage them to ask such questions. My...
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тема Why Should one be a Leader?
After studying some of the threads I somewhat miss the discussion "Why are we leaders?" Ownership leaders are of course obvious. Is it the role as manager or is it the own personal development that is...
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тема Attributes of a Personal Executive Assistant (Board Secretary)
I'm interested to learn from members that serve on either executive committees or boards of global companies: what are the common attributes you look for when planning to employ a Personal Assistant? ...
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тема Leadership and Trust: The Trustworthy Leader
A thought worth sharing with you all: Amy Lyman, author of 'The Trustworthy Leader writes: Trustworthy leadersunderstand the complexity of bringing together a group of human beings to pursue extraor...
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тема Effective versus Strong Leadership
At the heart of every successful organisation or group is the driving force of effective leadership. "Everything rises and falls on leadership" (Maxwell, The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, 19...
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тема Are Leaders Born or Made?
Hello everybody, what is your opinion: is leadership a god-given gift which comes naturally with birth, or can it be gathered and learned after some age?In other words, is leadership development a m...
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тема Challenges for Leaders Today
What do you think are the main challenges for a manager-leader in business today?...
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тема A Leader is Someone Who Has Followers...
A key issue that is sometimes overlooked is that a leader is a leader when, and only when (s)he has followers. These followers will follow the leader if: 1. The followers think that the leader wants ...
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тема 3 Levels of Leadership
Always keep in mind that organizational leadership has to be taken as executing capabilities at three levels: - individual capabilities; - group capabilities; - organizational capabilities. These ...
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тема Establishing Self-Leadership in Organizations
A culture of self-leadership in the organization leads to less dependency and promotes responsible, active, motivated and creative employees who help to achieve efficiency and effectiveness. How can ...
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тема Attributes of Leaders | Leadership Attributes
I'd like to give some basic attributes on leadership that run on all fields of corporates. In my view, attributes of high quality leadership are: A. Forming and inspiring a shared vision inspiring pe...
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тема 10 Differences Between a Boss and a Leader
I would like to start this article with a simple quote: "Every Leader is a Boss, but Every Boss is not a Leader" To build our understanding of this topic, let's focus on some typical DIFFERENCES betw...
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тема Irrefutable Leadership Laws Through All Times
Hi everyone, does anybody here know irrefutable laws of leadership? Please share them......
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тема Leading a Consulting Firm, Law Firm or Accountancy Firm
Leadership in a professional service firm requires more than energizing followers around a vision. According to Professor Laura Empson, leading a law / accountancy / consultancy firm should be seen as...
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тема You can Lead Without the Title
Well, the subject title is not exactly mine, but from Robin Sharma, who is a well know leadership person. What I like about this subject is that to achieve anything in life one has to perform like a ...
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тема Recognizing a Bad/Poor CEO Upfront
Is it possible to see upfront if a CEO is likely to perform bad after (s)he is appointed?...
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тема Leadership Impact
There are an unlimited number of leadership conversations on every Leadership platform. There are few asking the question of leaders, "What do they believe their IMPACT is on their organization; its p...
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тема Can a Sports Team Leader Become a Business Leader?
In a world where, everyday, there are constant calls for more effective leaders, better leadership or even leadership, one cannot help but lament on the fact that we have so many great sports team lea...
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🥇 Leadership Requires Ownership
Research shows that Leadership without Ownership does not exist. We used to debate as to whether "Leadership is a myth or not". Myth generates false hopes and hope is HOPE, whether false or genuine. ...
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🥈 How Leaders Create Followers
What is exactly is the quality of leaders to have followers? I want to have insight how do leaders create (true) followers?...
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🥉 Unlearning and Leadership
Unlearning is more important than learning for modern leaders. Leaders can have no appreciation of understanding the situations of the 21st century without full control on unlearning. Unlearning has t...
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тема Quick Wins Traps in New Leadership Job/Role
Of course, realizing quick wins is important, for example when you're in a new leader/management job. By doing so you reassure your boss or stakeholders that they made the right promotion / hiring dec...
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тема Leadership Styles in Schools
What leadership styles are required to be exhibited by educational leaders such as deans, heads of schools and principals of high schools?...
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