
Процесс принятия решений и оценка

Процесс принятия решений и оценка. Методы, модели и теории (А-Я)



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Процесс принятия решений и оценка

14 Principles of Management (14 принципов менеджмента) Fayol

Absorption Costing (Калькулирование себестоимости методом полного поглощения затрат)

Activity Based Costing (Учет затрат по видам деятельности) ABC ABM

Action learning (Активное обучение) Revans

Analogical Strategic Reasoning (Аналогическое стратегическое рассуждение) Gavetti Rivkin

Attribution Theory (Теория атрибуции) Heider

Balanced Scorecard (Cбаланси­рованная система показателей эффекти­вности) Kaplan Norton

Bases of Social Power (Основания социальной власти) French Raven

Bass Diffusion Model (Модель распространения Bass) Bass

Benchmarking (Бенчмаркинг)

Brainstorming (Мозговой штурм)

Brand Asset Valuator (Система оценки брэнд актива)

Brand Identity Prism (Призма индивидуальности брэнда) Kapferer

Brand Personality (Индивидуальность брэнда) Aaker

Break-even Point (Точка безубыточности)

Business Intelligence (Корпоративный интеллект)

Capital Asset Pricing Model (Модель оценки финансовых активов) Sharpe

Cash Flow Return on Investment (Доходность инвестиций на основе денежного потока)

Cash Value Added (Денежная добавленная стоимость) CVA Anelda

Cause and Effect Diagram (Диаграмма причины и следствия) Ishikawa

Centralization (Центра­лизация) и Decentralization (Децентра­лизация)


Chaos Theory (Теория хаоса) Lorenz

Contingency Theory (Теория обстоятельств) Vroom

Cost-benefits analysis (Анализ затраты-выгода)

Стоимость капитала

Стоимость акционерного капитала

Crisis Management (Антикризисное управление)

Critical Chain (Критически цепь) Goldratt

CSF Rockart

Cultural Intelligence (Культурный интеллект) Early

Culture Types (Культурные типы) Deal Kennedy

Decentralization (Децентра­лизация)

Delphi Method (Метод Дельфи) Helmer

DICE Framework (Концепция DICE) BCG

Direct Costing (Калькулирование себестоимости по прямым затратам)

Discounted Cash Flow (Дисконтированный денежный поток) DCF

DuPont Model (Модель Du Pont)



Economic Margin (Экономическая маржа) EM

Economic Value Added (Экономическая добавленная стоимость) EVA

Excess Return (Избыточная доходность) ER

Fair Value accounting (Учет справедливой стоимости)

Free Cash Flow (Свободный денежный поток)

Five Forces (5 сил) Porter

Force Field Analysis (Анализ силового поля) Lewin

Full Costing (Калькулирование полной себестоимости)

Game Theory (Теория игр) Nash

Gestalt theory (Теория Гештальт)

Groupthink (Групповое мышление) Janis

Hierarchy of Needs (Иерархия потребностей) Maslow

Impact/Value framework (Концепция влияние/стоимость) Hammer

Industry Life Cycle (Жизненный цикл отрасли)

Intangible Assets Monitor (Анализ нематериальных активов) Sveiby

Intellectual Capital Rating (Оценка интеллектуального капитала)

Internal Rate of Return (Внутренняя норма доходности)

Kepner-Tregoe Matrix (Матрица Kepner-Tregoe)

KPI Rockart

Leadership Continuum (Континуум лидерства) Tannenbaum

Liquidation Value (Ликвидационная стоимость)

Management by Objectives (Управление по задачам) Drucker

Managerial Grid (Таблица стилей руководства) Blake Mouton

Managing for Value (Управление ради ценности) McTaggart

Market Value Added (Добавленная рыночная стоимость) MVA

Marginal Costing (Калькулирование себестоимости по переменным затратам)

Metaplan (Метаплан) Schnelle

Mind Mapping (Составление карт разума)

Modeling business processes (Моделирование процессов дела)

Net Present Value (Чистая текущая стоимость) NPV

Operations Research (Исследование операций)

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Organization Chart (Схема организационной структуры)

P/E ratio (Коэффициент цена/прибыль)

Payback Period (Период окупаемости)

PEG Ratio (Коэффициент цена/рост доходов)

Performance Management (Управление эффект­ивностью)

Plausibility Theory (Теория правдоподобия)

Portfolio Analysis (Портфельный анализ)

Product Life Cycle (Жизненный цикл товара) Levitt

Profit Pools (Пулы прибыли) Gadiesh, Gilbert



Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital (Скорректированная на риск доходность капитала) RAROC

Real Options (Реальные опционы) Luehrman

Relative Value of Growth (Относительная ценность роста) Mass

Return on Investment (Возврат на инвестиции) ROI

Risk Management (Управление рисками)

Root Cause Analysis (Анализ основной причины)

Scenario Planning (Планирование сценариев)

Shareholder Value Perspective (Перспектива акционерной стоимости)

Simulation modeling (Имитационное модели­рование)

Six Thinking Hats (Шесть мыслящих шляп) de Bono

Skandia Navigator (Навигатор Skandia) Leif Edvinsson


Social Intelligence (Социальный интеллект)

Spiral Dynamics (Динамика спирали) Graves

Spiral of Silence (Спираль молчания) Noelle-Neumann

Stage-Gate (Стадия-Проход) Cooper

Stakeholder Analysis (Анализ заинтересо­ванных кругов)

Stakeholder Mapping (Систематизация заинтересо­ванных сторон)

Stakeholder Value Perspective (Перспектива стоимости с точки зрения заинтересо­ванных сторон)

Strategic Risk Management (Стратегическое управление рисками) Slywotzky

Strategic Thrusts (Стратеги­ческие опоры) Wiseman

Strategy Dynamics (Динамика стратегии) Warren

Strategy Map (Карта стратегии) Kaplan Norton


SWOT Analysis (SWOT-анализ)

Systems Thinking / Dynamics (Системное мышление/динамика) Forrester

TDC matrix (Матрица TDC) Internet

Ten Schools of Thought (10 школ мысли) Mintzberg

Theory of Constraints (Теория ограничений) Goldratt

Time-Based Activity Based Costing (Контролируемый по времени учет затрат по видам деятельности) Kaplan

Total Business Return (Совокупный коммерческий доход) TBR BCG

Total Cost of Ownership (Совокупная стоимость собственности)

Twelve Principles of the Network Economy (12 принципов сетевой экономики) Kelly

Value Based Management (Ценностно-ориенти­рованное управление)

Value Creation Index (Индекс создания ценности)

Value Disciplines (Ценностные дисциплины) Treacy Wiersema

Value Engineering (Стоимостное Проектирование) Miles

Value Mapping (Систематизи­рование ценности) Jack

Variable Costing (Калькулирование себестоимости по переменным затратам)


Whole Brain Model (Общая модель мозга) Herrmann

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Обсуждения на форуме о Процесс принятия решений и оценка.

🔥 Рациональный процесс принятия решений?
Я не верю ни в какие рациональные методы принятия решений менеджерами. Сложность большинства управленческих...
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тема Decision-making According to Peter Drucker
Definition of a Decision A decision is a choice whereby a person performs a conclusion about a situation. This represents a course of behavior about what must or what must not be done. It is the po...
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тема The Role of Optimism in Decision-Making
How does optimism influence decision-making?...
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тема Why a Leader Must Make Informed Decisions
Ramos said: 'No authority shall rule over reason, on the contrary the mind must prevail over the authority to manage it'. Therefore a wise leader should consider others' opinion, especially the views...
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тема Avoid These Common Decision Traps and Errors
Making decisions is your most critical job as a leader. The more high-stakes a decision is, the more likely you are to get stuck. Here's how to avoid three of the most common traps: 1. Anchoring Bias...
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тема Decision Making Process not Only for Managers
Decision making processes are not only for managers, they work in all fields of the organization......
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тема Conscious and Unconscious Decision-making
A decision is a neurological process taken individually, collectively, or with a cyber brain that results in an action. The decision and hence actions can be taken consciously or unconsciously and the...
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тема Individual versus Organizational Decision-making
We should distinguish between two basic levels (or types) of decision-making when studying the above methods and theories: 1. Individual decision-making - Historically viewed as a relative simple, li...
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тема Decision-making Reviews?
Jerome Groopman says it's about time that managers make themselves more vulnerable by organizing formal decision-making reviews when a poor decision has been made, or when a particularly important de...
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тема The Role of Opinions in Decision-making
Opinions play a major role in decision making in the absence of sufficient management information and lack of analytic skills. Although modern management tools emphasize that management information ...
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тема Making no Decision at All
Should the Indian way of decision making - "no decision at all" be construed as a decision?...
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тема Good Judgment in Decision Making
We are often in a situation where there are no right or wrong answers when we must make a decision. In such situations we need "good judgment". Good judgment is the ability to combine personal qualiti...
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тема Role of Artificial Intelligence in Organizational Decision-making
What do you think is the role of Artificial Intelligence (big data, self-learning software, digital networks, algorithms) in strategic organizational decision-making? Does it represent an entirely ne...
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тема What Makes a Manager Into a Good Decision-maker? 10 Traits for Decision Making
Decision making is vital in our life, be it workplace or home. My long experience in industry and thirty years of marriage say decision making needs the following traits in a 'manager': 1. Knowledge...
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тема The Role of Religion in Decision Making
Do Religion, Yoga, Meditation play any role in correct decision making? Our religions preach many virtues which are age old and long lasting. They are playing a vital role in many people's lives. - ...
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тема Avoid Hasty Decision-making
Life itself is the ultimate school for making decisions. We make decisions constantly when faced with any situation. However, we need not be hasty about making them (although some are required on the...
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тема Silence Following a Decision is Sometimes Seen as Agreement
Some individuals/organizations/cultures will perceive/treat silence following a decision as agreement. The other party should be aware of that....
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тема What is Institutional Theory?
Has anyone got any information or pointers to this theory? Thanks......
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тема Reasoning in Decision Making
In a business decision making process, an aspect of 'Reasoning' is involved. Reasoning is the process of using existing knowledge to draw conclusions, make predictions, or construct explanations. Ther...
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тема Apps for Decision-making
Are there any systems or intelligent apps to help make the most appropriate decision among a set of alternatives by choosing the best solution alternatives to a problem based on some analysis?...
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🥇 Rational Decision-making
I don't believe in any rational decision-making methods for managers. The complexity of most management decisions is big, and the circumstances change quickly. As a result, many executives prefer the...
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🥈 5 Steps to Learn from your Mistakes
We all know that making mistakes is needed to learn from them, in order to do things better in the future. Indeed, people are often told to learn from mistakes, to maximize return on failure. But how ...
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🥉 15 Obstacles to Making Decisions
What kinds of obstacles do you know to making (correct) decisions? Here is my collection of common reasons which may or will lead to bad decisions. I am looking forward to hearing your further obstac...
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тема Improving the Decision-making by Managers: Choice Architecture
A different approach towards improving decision making is 'Choice Architecture'. In every organization, employees tend to make decisions that will neither benefit their employer nor themselves. Accor...
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тема How to Choose the Appropriate Decision-making Method
Most decision makers in organizations rely on conventional decision-making tools - even in situations of high complexity and uncertainty. However, these basic tools are based upon the assumption that ...
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тема 6 Ways of Dealing with Uncertainty at Work
Have you ever wondered if and how you should start a new job at a new organization? Are you considering the option of a transfer to a new team or department? Do you have jitters about the new project...
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