
Business Intelligence (Корпоративный интеллект)

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Что такое Business Intelligence (Корпоративный интеллект)? Определение

Business Intelligence (Корпоративный интеллект) - процесс

Business Intelligence (Корпоративный интеллект) (BI) нацелен на принятие более эффективных деловых решений посредством использования обширной категории Информационных систем управления, приложений и технологий для сбора, хранения, анализа данных и обеспечения доступа к ним. BI использует своевременную и точную информацию для принятия решений.

Типичные функции BI

Как правило, функции BI включают поддержку принятия решений, запросы и отчетность, аналитическую обработку online, статистический анализ, прогнозирование и количественный анализ. BI представляет собой системы, которые помогают компаниям понять источники успеха корпорации и предсказать будущее последствия решений по текущим вопросам. Эти системы играют ключевую роль в процессе стратегического планирования корпорации.

Типичные формы применения Корпоративного интеллекта

Типичные системы BI: описание профилей клиентов, анализ набора потребительских товаров и услуг, приобретаемых на рынке, предотвращение отмывания денег, предотвращение мошенничества, анализ контактов с клиентами, сегментация на рынке, присваивание кредитного балла, доходность продукта, динамика товарно-материальных запасов, а также определенный риск, связанный с формами применения.

Программное обеспечение Корпоративный интеллект

Программное обеспечение BI снабжает менеджеров более качественной организационной информацией , позволящей им принимать более эффективные деловые решения, и, в конечном итоге, ведет к увеличению акционерной стоимости и стоимости для заинтересованных сторон. Системы BI играют ключевую роль в процессе стратегического планирования корпорации.

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Обсуждения на форуме о Бизнес-аналитика.

тема Business Intelligence Tools for SMEs
For the last two years I have been working giving some advice on processes improvement to local companies from small to medium size and I have found that the level of business controls (reporting/dash...
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тема Creating Decision Making Dashboards
Companies must make common dashboards available, integrating all relevant information to support the decision-making process and performance valuation. This means that all managerial roles will see th...
Комментарии1 комментария
тема Business Intelligence Definitions
Business Intelligence (BI) is the process of gathering, maintaining and analysing a vast amount of data for taking fact-based business decisions and not gut-based....
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тема Business Intelligence Software
What is the actual role business intelligence (BI) software is playing in the actual strategy process of an organization?...
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тема Evaluation of Business Intelligence Systems. Metrics
I am looking for metrics to evaluate BI systems. Someone has a clue? Is there a standard available for this?...
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тема Sense Making in Decision Making Support
Hi, I'm currently writing my masters thesis. It's title is: "Sense Making in Decision Making Support". According to Gartner, business intelligence is an umbrella tool. It is accessing analytic inf...
тема Setting up a BI Unit
What are the steps required to create a Business Intelligence section in my department to facilitate business planning, strategy formulation and decision making? Do you have any tips or pitfalls to s...
Комментарии3 комментария
тема Combining GIS and BI
Sometimes we can combine a GIS with BI to provide a better way to make a decision....
тема Business Intelligence Quotes
Time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted - Sun Tzu, 4th century B.C....
тема Business and Strategic Intelligence
Is strategic intelligence the same concept as that of business intelligence? The only difference I picked up was that strategic intelligence is more military operation kind of thing. But is the concep...
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тема Self-servicing Business Intelligence
Bill Hostmann from Gartner Research in a SAS magazine expects that information will be increasingly self-servicing. Getting information to business users in a relevant, accurate, consistent and timely...
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🥇 Business Intelligence History
Wikipedia says In 1989 Howard Dresner, a Research Fellow at Gartner Group popularized "BI" as an umbrella term to describe a set of concepts and methods to improve business decision-making by using fa...
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🥈 Decision-centric BI (DCBI)
I recently read a new term: "Decison-centric BI" in an article by Dan Vesset from IDC in SASCOM. DCBI is the move from information delivery (historic reporting) to a collaborative, hypothesizing, mode...
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Business Analytics Best Practices / Business Intelligence Best Practices

Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, Evidence-based Decision Making, Big Data
Babson-Professor Thomas H. Davenport in the Harvard BR of January 06 provides 10 best practices on BI: 1. Apply sophist...

Competitive Intelligence Best Practices

CI, BI, Business Analytics, Compettive Advantage
According to Liam Fahey in the article The Future Directions of Competitive Intelligence: Some Reflections (Competitiv...

Using BI for Competitive Advantage - Best Practices

Business Intelligence, Competitive Advantage, Best Practices
In a recent report from the Economist Intelligence Unit titled "Levelling the Playing Field - How Companies Use Data for...

Common Business Intelligence Pitfalls

Investing in BI, Avoiding Pitfalls, Getting Full Value out of Business Analytics
In a recent white paper by QlikView titled "BI for the people", it is argued that following 10 common pitfalls might pre...

Limitations of Real-time Business Intelligence

Decision-making, Business Analytics, Decision Support
- Cost - The costs of real-time BI are very high. A simple system could easily cost a company millions of dollars, but r...

Generic Benefits of Real-time BI

Decision-making, Business Analytics, Decision Support
- Real-time BI dramatically reduces the latency of making decisions and reacting to events. There are generally four lat...

What are the Main Categories of BI Tools?

BI Types, BI Categories
It is essential that any organization understands its own business processes and appreciates the fact that BI tools are ...

Preparing for Implementation of BI systems

Generic Steps to Consider, Checklist
According to Tad Leahy in the article The right BI tools for the job (Business Finance, October 2002) seven steps have...

3 Steps in Solving Problems with Data Credibility

Improving Data Reliablility, IT, Business Intelligence
The problem of data credibility Data credibility problems have been existed for many years. Due to this credibility pro...

Internet of Things and Marketing

Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Internet Strategy
Billions of physical devices around the world today are connected to the internet, all collecting and sharing data. This...

Using BI for Competitive Advantage - Focus Areas

IT Strategy, Competitive Advantage
According to the report "Levelling the Playing Field - How Companies Use Data for Competitive Advantage" by the Economis...

Relevance of BI to Strategy and Decision-making

BI, Decision-making, Business Analytics
A research study conducted by Business Week Research Services and Business Objects shows that more than half of the crit...

Defining Real-time Business Intelligence

Decision-making, Business Analytics
Real-time Business Intelligence, in contrast to business intelligence, is defined as the use of, or the capacity to use,...
Источники Информации

Различные источники информации о Бизнес-аналитика. Здесь вы найдете PowerPoints, видео, новости и т.д., чтобы использовать в своих собственных лекциях и практических занятиях.


Performance Management with Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence, Corporate Performance Management, Key Performance Indicators, ERP, Predictive Analysis
Paper by Luminita Hurbean. In todays highly competitive business, the quality and timeliness of business information fo...

Implementation of a Business Intelligence Strategy. Steps

Business Intelligence, BI Strategy, BI Process, BI Steps
This presentation is about BI and the steps that need to be taken in order to be successful. The presentation includes t...

BI Overview: the Concept and Main Trends

Business Intelligence
Presentation that provides an overview of Business Intelligence and describes the main trends in it. The presentation in...

How DSS, AI and IT can aid the Transformation Process of Knowledge

External Knowledge Sharing
Paper by Saadat Alhashmi. Competitive organisations must be able to locate, capture, store, share and leverage not only ...

Using Big Data for Competitive Advantage

Customer Analysis, Data Management
Presentation about unstructured consumer information, or Big Data. Big Data if processed correctly - can give companie...

KPIs and KPI Management

Understanding KPIs, Introduction
Introduction by expert Joe Panebianco gives a first understanding of what Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) are and the...

Business Intelligence Diagram

Business Intelligence
Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...


Полезные инструменты, касающиеся Бизнес-аналитика.













Сравните с BI: Activity Based Costing (Учет затрат по видам деятельности)  |  CSFs and KPIs  |  Balanced Scorecard (Cбалансированная система показателей эффективности)  |  Performance Management (Управление эффективностью)  |  Beyond Budgeting (Вне бюджетирования)

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