
Управление Человеческими Ресурсами

Человеческими Ресурсами. Методы, модели и теории (А-Я)



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Управление Человеческими Ресурсами

14 Principles of Management (14 принципов менеджмента) Fayol

Appreciative Inquiry (Восприимчивое дознание) Cooperrider

Ashridge Mission Model (Модель миссии Ashridge) Campbell

Attributes of Management Excellence (Признаки превосходства в управлении) Peters

Attribution Theory (Теория атрибуции) Heider

Balanced Scorecard (Cбаланси­рованная система показателей эффекти­вности) Kaplan Norton

Belbin Team Roles (Роли группы Belbin)

Benchmarking (Бенчмаркинг)

Bridging Epistemologies (Установление эпистемологий) Cook Brown

Catalytic Mechanisms (Каталитические механизмы) Collins

Change Approaches (Подходы к изменениям) Kotter

Change Behavior (Поведение перемен) Ajzen

Change Equation (Уравнение перемен) Beckhard

Change Management Iceberg (Айсберг управления изменениями)

Change Phases (Фазы перемен) Kotter

Changing Organization Cultures (Изменение организационных культур) Trice Beyer

Coaching (Коучинг)

Competing Values Framework (Концепция конкури­рующих ценностей) Quinn

Core Competence (Ключевая компетенция) Hamel Prahalad

Core Group Theory (Теория центральной группы) Art Kleiner

Crisis Management (Антикризисное управление)

CSF Rockart

Cultural Dimensions (Культурные измерения) Hofstede

Cultural Intelligence (Культурный интеллект) Early

Culture Levels (Культурные уровни) Schein

Culture Types (Культурные типы) Deal Kennedy

Customer Satisfaction model Kano (Модель потребительской удолетворенности Kano)

Dimensions of Change (Параметры перемен) Pettigrew Whipp

Dimensions of Relational Work (Аспекты реляционной работы) Butler

Distinctive Capabilities (Отличительные возможности) Kay

Economic Value Added (Экономическая добавленная стоимость) EVA


Emotional Intelligence (Эмоциональный интеллект) Goleman

ERG Theory (Теория ERG) Alderfer

Expectancy Theory (Теория ожиданий) Vroom

Experience Curve (Кривая опыта)

Exploratory Factor Analysis (Исследовательский факторный анализ)

Facilitation Styles (Стили фасилитации) Heron

Five Disciplines (5 дисциплин) Senge

Force Field Analysis (Анализ силового поля) Lewin

Fourteen Points of Management (14 пунктов менеджмента) Deming (Деминг)

Groupthink (Групповое мышление) Janis

Growth Phases (Фазы роста) Greiner

Model of Personal Power (Модель личной власти) Hagberg

Хоторнский эффект Mayo

Hierarchy of Needs (Иерархия потребностей) Maslow

Human Capital Index (Индекс человеческого капитала) HCI

Instrumental Approach of Stakeholder Theory (Инструментальный подход к теории заинтересо­ванных кругов)

Intangible Assets Monitor (Анализ нематериальных активов) Sveiby

Intellectual Capital Rating (Оценка интеллектуального капитала)

Intrinsic Stakeholder Commitment (Действительная приверженность интересам заинтересо­ванных сторон)

Johari Window (Окно Johari) Luft Ingham

Kaizen philosophy (Философия Кайдзен)

Knowledge Management (Управление знаниями) Collison Parcell

KPI Rockart

Leadership Continuum (Континуум лидерства)

Leadership Pipeline (Канал лидерства) Drotter

Leadership Styles (Стили лидерства) Goleman

Learning Organization (Обучающаяся организация) Argyris Schön

Management by Objectives (Управление по задачам) Drucker

Managerial Grid (Таблица стилей руководства) Blake Mouton

Managing for Value (Управление ради ценности) McTaggart

Mentoring (Менторинг)

Normative Approach of Stakeholder Theory (Нормативный подход к теории заинтересо­ванных кругов)

Office of Strategy Management (Офис управления стратегией) Kaplan Norton

Operations Research (Исследование операций)

Organizational Configurations (Организационные конфигурации) Mintzberg

Organizational Learning (Организационное обучение) Argyris Schön

Organizational Memory (Организационная память) Walsh Ungson

Organization Chart (Схема организационной структуры)

Outsourcing (Аутсорсинг)

PAEI management roles (Роли управления PAEI)

Path-Goal Theory (Теория соответствия целей и средств) House

People CMM (CMM персонала) CM-SEI

Performance Categories (Категории эффекти­вности) Baldrige

Performance Prism (Призма эффекти­вности)

Portfolio Analysis (Портфельный анализ)

Result Oriented Management (Менеджмент, ориенти­рованный на результат)

Results-Based Leadership (Лидерство, основанное на результатах) Ulrich

Scientific Management (Научные методы управления) Taylor (Тейлор)

Seven Habits (7 привычек) Covey

Situational Leadership (Ситуативное лидерство) Hersey Blanchard

Skandia Navigator (Навигатор Skandia) Leif Edvinsson


Social Intelligence (Социальный интеллект)

Spiral Dynamics (Динамика спирали) Graves

Stages of Team Development (Этапы развития группы) Tuckman

Stakeholder Value Perspective (Перспектива стоимости с точки зрения заинтересо­ванных сторон)

Strategic Intent (Стратегический замысел) Hamel Prahalad

Strategic Stakeholder Management (Стратегическое управление заинтересованными сторонами)

Strategy Map (Карта стратегии) Kaplan Norton

Systems Thinking / Dynamics (Системное мышление/динамика) Forrester

Добавьте метод / модель

Team Management Profile (Профиль управления командой) McCann Margerison

Ten Principles of Reinvention (10 принципов обновления) Osborne

Theory of Constraints (Теория ограничений) Goldratt

Theory of Mechanistic and Organic Systems (Теория механисти­ческих и органических систем) Burns

Theory of Needs (Теория потребностей) McClelland

Theory of Planned Behavior (Теория запланированного поведения) Ajzen

Theory of Reasoned Action (Теория обоснованного действия) Ajzen Fishbein

Theory X Theory Y (Теория X Теория Y) McGregor

Theory Z (Теория Z) Ouchi

Training Within Industry (Обучение в промыш­ленности)

Two Factor Theory (Двухфакторная теория) Herzberg

Value Based Management (Ценностно-ориенти­рованное управление)

Value Creation Index (Индекс создания ценности)

Value Mapping (Систематизи­рование ценности) Jack

Value Profit Chain (Цепочка ценностной прибыли) Heskett

Whole Brain Model (Общая модель мозга) Herrmann

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Обсуждения на форуме о Управление Человеческими Ресурсами.

тема Управление человеческими ресурсами - определение
Я пытаюсь найти хорошее определение HRM (Управление человеческими ресурсами)… Wikipedia определяет HRM как стратег...
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🔥 Основные(популярные) методы подбора персонала
Основные(популярные) методы подбора персонала: 1. Внутренний подбор (кадровый резерв, активисты) 2. Внешний по...
тема Which Background is Preferable for a Manager?
Selecting candidates for a job is never easy. Certainly when we're talking about managers, considering they are going to play an important role in your organization... Which one do you prefer to hire...
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тема Line Managers' Knowledge of HR
Should all line managers have basic knowledge about HR? Why (not)?...
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тема Job Evaluation Systems
My organisation carried out a job evaluation change. We changed the grading structure and the salary structure. Long-serving employees are not satisfied, because they are on the same grade with new em...
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тема Human Resources Management: Art or Science?
Is the human resources management field a science or an art?...
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тема Human Resource Audit
Hi! if anybody can please give me some information on Human Resource Audit and Human Resource Accounting (about the two processes and their application)....
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тема HR Challenges in the 21st Century
The current global economy appears to be a major challenge to organizations and job seekers. The difficulty in finding work is faced by many people, including young and older workers. What do you see...
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тема Favorite HR Phrases :-)
What is your best HR phrase?...
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тема Definitions of Human Resources Management
I am looking for a good definition of HRM... Wikipedia says Human Resource Management is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people work...
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тема Core functions of HR?
What are the core functions of human resource management? What should be considered its main purpose?...
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тема Meaning of Employee Induction, Orientation and Onboarding
Hi all, the terms induction, orientation and on boarding are widely used when orientating new employees to the company and to the job. Is there a clear definition (somewhere in theory) of these terms ...
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тема Role of the HR Manager in a Financial Crisis
What is the role of the HR Manager in a (global) financial crisis?...
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тема Differences Between HR Practices in Small and Large Organizations
What are the main differences between Human Resource practices in a small versus a large firm? Thank you for your suggestions......
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тема Employee Relations - Frames of Reference
I am required to produce a report regarding how employee and employer interests can be reconciled in a pluralist organisation. One of my main arguments is that of social partnership, but could anyone ...
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тема Role of the HR manager in M&A
What is the role of the HR manager in mergers and acquisitions?...
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тема Old Myths about HR?
Recently, I've known about the old myths of HR. In the six myths such as 1. People go into HR because they like people, 2. Anyone can do HR, 3. HR deals with the soft side of business and is theref...
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тема Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) - Overview
With the world of work in a state of constant, advanced flux, the need for HR systems and ways to adjust to this technology-driven, data-driven, and employee-centric world is at an all-time high. Here...
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тема The 7 G Framework of HRM Practices
Prof. Ajantha S. Dharmasiri developed a very intuitive framework for HRM practices or functions. It is known as the "Seven G Framework". In brief, the Seven Gs are as follows: Goal, Get, Grow, Give, ...
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тема Return of Piecemeal Pay/Work
"Piecemeal work" or "piecemeal pay" mean that you pay your employee for every unit (output) they complete. In other words, their salary payment is not based on the time they worked. It's been a while...
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тема Ratio of Number of HR Positions to Staff Numbers
Based on my experience, the ratio of HR positions in an organization appears to vary from 1:50 to 1:250. I suspect that the ratio varies based on the ORGANIZATION'S SCOPE, SIZE, COMPLEXITY, AND INDUS...
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тема Does an HR Manager Need Relations in the Industry?
Is it neccessary for a Human Resource Manager to have a network in the industry?...
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тема Human RELATIONSHIP Management
We must move away from the concept of resources. Management actually manages RELATIONSHIPS - between managers, employers and employees, environment and employees, pay and pensions: the list goes on, y...
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тема The Role of HR in Safety and Security at Work
I would like to be enlightened on aspects of work security as is supposed to be understood by a Human Resource manager. Thank you......
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тема What is the Effect of Globalisation on HR?
What is the effect of globalisation on HR practices such as recruitment & selection? Thanks for your builds......
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тема The Warwick Model (Hendry and Pettigrew)
The Warwick Model was developed by Hendry and Pettigrew at the Centre for Strategy and Change at Warwick University in the early 1990s (hence the name "Warwick model"). It distinguishes five main elem...
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тема New Employee Orientation
I am beginning with my master thesis. The subject is developing a New Employee Orientation (NEO) design: - What topics should be included in NEO? - Why is NEO an important issue to address? - Who i...
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тема Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management
Artificial intelligence (AI) evolved rapidly in the last decade. AI is bound to enter the realm of HR as well and be included in onboarding processes, benefits administration, and improve the overall ...
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тема Crucial Things to Know for a Starting HR Manager
I am studying HR. What are the first few things which I should understand well if I become the HR manager of a company?...
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тема Impact of HRM on Company Performance
I am writing a project on The critical evaluation of the roles of human resource management on the performance of an organisation. Can I get help on any theories and policies which relates hrm to perf...
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тема Retirement of Baby Boomers and Ikigai
I watched a recent news item by CBC Canada on the upcoming retirement tsunami of the Baby Boomer Generation (1946-1964). May or may not be good news for generations X and Y. The experts referenced no...
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тема Psychological Contract
What is a psychological contract? How can it be of help in the organization when the management of an organization understands the term psychological contract? How can it help them to improve the rela...
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тема Green Human Resource Management
Environmental issues and corporate sustainability have become a significant managerial challenge of the 21st century. Companies are taking many small and big steps to start with going green and sustai...
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тема Models to Determine Numbers and Types of Staff
Does your organization use an organizational model where position ratios are predetermined by the number of FTE (Full Time Equivalents) and job types? As an example: ten front-line workers require on...
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тема Salary Policy on Natural Disasters ('Acts of Nature')
Dear All, I recently joined a non-profit organization, which deals in animal welfare. I am responsible for re-framing HR & Compliances policies as per current corporate benchmarks. The organization d...
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🥇 Introducing New HR Policies
Am working for a young company, I have been asked to come up with some HR policies which can be adopted to run a company. Policies on staff management and administration. Could anyone assist me please...
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🥈 Methods of Employee Profiling by HR?
As part of a human resource audit, can somebody suggests methods of human resource profiling of employees from recruitment to retirement....
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🥉 HR as a Strategic Business Partner
I am carrying out a diagnosis on my organisation to find out how HR as a strategic business partner can lead to competitive advantage. Does anyone have an idea how to go about it?...
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тема Creating a HR System in a Family Business
I have been directed to set up a HR system in my company. Recently the management of the company has been switched over to a foreign owner. I am facing tremendous problems to change the existing work...
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тема Ideas for Improving HR Service Delivery
Many organizations are looking for innovative and creative ideas. Including in HR.If you were advising your HR Department on new approaches to HR Services and Programs, what would you suggest?- Wo...
Комментарии25 комментария

тема Methods to Create Task Descriptions
Hi! I search a method or a step of analysis to create descriptions of tasks. Can you help me? Thank you!...
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