
Добро Пожаловать в 12manage

12manage — это сеть знаний об менеджменте и бизнес-администрировании.

  • Более миллиона членов. На 12 языках и в 12 дисциплинах.

  • Быстро находите решения и советы по каждой проблеме управления.

  • Обсуждайте ситуации с менеджерами, консультантами и учеными.


Методы и Модели по Менеджменту

Изменение и Организация

Изменение и Организация

14 Principles (14 принципов) BPR Chaos Theory (Теория хаоса) Kaizen (Кайдзен) больше...

Коммуникация и Навыки

Коммуникация и Навыки

Attribution Theory (Теория атрибуции) Coaching (Коучинг) Seven Habits (7 привычек) Strategy Maps (Карты стратегии) больше...

>Процесс принятия решений и Оценка

Процесс принятия решений и Оценка

Discounted Cash Flow (Дисконтированный денежный поток) Mind Mapping (Составление карт разума) Stage-Gate (Стадия-Проход) WACC больше...

Этика и Ответственность

Этика и Ответственность

Действительная приверженность интересам заинтересованных сторон Moral Purpose (Нравственная цель) Strategic Intent (Стратегический замысел) больше...

Финансы и Инвестиции

Финансы и Инвестиции

ABC CAPM Earnings per Share (Прибыль на акцию) EBITDA EVA Management Buy-out (Внутренний управленческий выкуп) больше...

Человеческие ресурсы

Человеческие ресурсы

Expectancy Theory (Теория ожиданий) Hierarchy of Needs (Иерархия потребностей) Theory X Theory Y (Теория X Теория Y) больше...

Знания и Нематериальные активы

Знания и Нематериальные активы

Сбалансированная Система Показателей Bridging Epistemologies (Установление эпистемологий) IAM (Мониторинг нематериальных активов) SECI больше...



Contingency Theory (Теория обстоятельств) Leadership Styles (Стили лидерства) Situational Leadership (Ситуативное лидерство) больше...

Маркетинг и Продажи

Маркетинг и Продажи

Brand Personality (Индивидуальность брэнда) Маркетинг-микс Product Life Cycle (Жизненный цикл товара) Маркетинг Отношений больше...

Менеджмент программ и проектов

Менеджмент программ и проектов

Force Field Analysis (Анализ силового поля) Six Change Approaches (6 подходов к изменениям) больше...

Стратегия и Инновации

Стратегия и Инновации

7-S Framework (Концепция 7-S) Матрица BCG Конкурентное преимущество Core Competence (Ключевая компетенция) Five Forces (Пять сил) больше...

Цепочка поставок и Качество

Цепочка поставок и Качество

Deming Cycle (Цикл Деминга) Six Sigma (6 Сигма) SERVQUAL Value Chain (Цепочка приращения стоимости) больше...

Последние Темы

Ложный страх фокусирования  |  Ловушка растущего рынка  |  В чем смысл стратегии, если неизвестно, что будет завтра?  |  Конкурентная стратегия для малого бизнеса  |  Почему компании не могут достичь конкурентного преимущества

Отзывы о 12manage

Мнения пользователей о 12manage, сгруппированные по темам.

🔥 Уникальная информация об управлении
12manage содержит информацию, недоступную больше нигде на русском языке. Я недостаточно свободно говорю по-англи...
Комментарии1 комментария
тема Dynamic Source of Management Knowledge and Wisdom
I find 12manage a very different model of propagation of knowledge and wisdom. It is useful, refreshing, different and always giving something new. A traditional pedagogic education has advantages as...
Комментарии22 комментария
тема Premium Membership of 12manage is Fantastic
I have also taken up the 12manage premium membership for 6 months and feel ecstatic to have access to even more interesting and relevant resources and material....
Комментарии21 комментария
тема 12manage is Highly Relevant for Practicing Managers
It is a forum of practising managers - unlike others which are indulged in theoritical jargon which rarely works in a practical situation....
Комментарии38 комментария
тема Splendid for Management Consultants
Splendid is the word to describe 12manage. I have always argued against Francis Bacon's submission that 'Knowledge is power'. Knowledge is power only when profitably and successful applied. The capac...
Комментарии47 комментария
тема Exceptional Management Content
12manage is a wonderful site. Thank you so much for creating this forum. The content is exceptional and the bantering between members on so many diverse business topics is educational and entertaining...
Комментарии17 комментария
тема 12manage Very Helpful Sources for MBA Students
12manage has helped me to do better in my MBA program because I get all I want from 12manage thanks so much......
Комментарии38 комментария
тема Great Management Forums
12manage is a genius idea and in my opinion a great success on the net in the area of management forums. For me it is definitely the best in terms of content....
Комментарии37 комментария
тема Great Continuous Learning Site on Management
I like to share my knowledge and in doing so, I learn more. With this perspective, I am drawn closely to 12manage.com and its efforts in online learning and sharing and spreading knowledge....
Комментарии22 комментария
тема Exchange Managerial Knowledge Globally
I want to congratulate you for this terrific initiative that is join and move managerial knowledge around the world. The experience and acquaintance exchanging will certainly bring news horizons to ma...
Комментарии29 комментария
тема Fantastic Tool for Management Executives
Thanks for providing such an intriguing online management learning website for managers and executives! The articles and discussion topics are very interesting and educative....
Комментарии17 комментария
тема A Dream for All Lovers of Management and Administration
A unique site, the dream of all lovers of administration and management. This is my way to thank for it in the middle of as much information and as much experience. My greater recognition for this wor...
Комментарии5 комментария
тема Best Management Science Open Knowledge Base
I've been an attendee of 12manage for about 1,5 years. To be honest, 12manage is the best 'management science' open knowledge base of its kind, both for its structuring and professional contents. Cong...
Комментарии10 комментария
тема 12manage, many thanks...!
Warm wishes to Jaap and the 12manage team. The site is incredible. This virtual platform is the meeting of "great minds", if I may call it, in a common venue. The site covers most of the management th...
Комментарии6 комментария
тема Incredibly Useful Social Network for Managers
12manage is simply awesome! It stands out from any other network I belong to: valuable insights, great advice from other professionals, site's ease-of-use and, more importantly, a content refresher, a...
Комментарии19 комментария
тема Key Role of 12manage in Facilitating Management Sciences Globally
Since I have been a member of this global and unique network of managers, business students, academics, and professionals, I have realised that 12manage plays a key important role as globalized academ...
Комментарии5 комментария
тема A Compendium of Knowledge
I see 12manage as a compendium of knowledge, a didactic rendezvous packaged in a modest and compelling village square pattern of ideas such that anyone who cares to learn can readily have access to wh...
Комментарии7 комментария
тема Excellent Source for Preparing any Management Project
12manage is an excellent resource to prepare for the use of a management approach or concept in some business project. There is a summary of all major concepts and you can contribute and raise issues...
Комментарии3 комментария
тема Contributing to 12manage is Fun
I enjoy contributing to 12manage and appreciate your efforts in creating this forum for practitioners like myself to share thoughts and ideas. I like to support 12manage through adding comments and gi...
Комментарии3 комментария
тема Great E-Learning Platform on Business and Management
A great e-learning network on management and/or business. Glad to be sharing know-how and meeting you here!...
Комментарии14 комментария
тема 12manage Gives Quick Access to your Interest Area
What I like so far is the seamless interface to one's specialty... Compared to other business networks. What's crucial is "time"... I like the fact I can get in and out of this portal (12manage) quick...
Комментарии7 комментария
тема 12manage Very Good PhD / Research Source
12manage is a very good research engine that can give you unconventional understanding of various topics. Once you become a member, you'll always be looking forward to share your very fresh thoughts a...
Комментарии17 комментария
тема 12manage Highly Recommended for Teachers, Lecturers and Professors
Excellent. Recommended for those who teach or research in organizational field. As a lecturer I will use these summaries for developing our teaching materials in the class room, and as a researcher I...
Комментарии18 комментария
тема Sounding Board for Management Ideas and Concepts
I am finding 12manage to an interesting sounding board for ideas and concepts. The remarkable thing I see is the global response rate is very good. And that you have thinking professionals as members....
Комментарии13 комментария
тема 12manage Also Helpful for Beginners
Besides for managers, students, academics, and experts, 12manage is also the greatest sharing and online education site for beginners in managing businesses and non-profit organizations....
Комментарии4 комментария
тема Everybody Manages Each Day!
It is more than 5 years since I started with 12manage, I gained a lot of knowledge in different aspects of business and management terms and models. But not not only that, 12manage gave me chances to...
Комментарии2 комментария
тема 12manage is Hard to Find in Google
I stumbled across this site when googling a theorist for my MBA - why could I not find it earlier as it is an ace at getting information in a quick format without having to trail through the libraries...
Комментарии4 комментария
тема Learn Management from Many Perspectives
12manage lets me learn different perspectives and trends in M. I have found some of the entries and comments on managing useful. They allow me to check my knowledge and add to it. Reading the differ...
Комментарии6 комментария
тема 12manage Reveals and Helps with the Complexity of Management
I find the website most intriguing in that the points raised quite often seem simple at first glance, but are then exposed as being significantly more complex in reality by the contributors. This is...
Комментарии2 комментария
тема Great Sources for University Students
As a university student, I found 12manage's explanations about finance concepts enabled me to think about homework problems differently. The additional insight offered by other members enhanced my per...
Комментарии15 комментария
тема 12manage Now Has Integrated AI
12manage hereby announces the availability of Integrated AI throughout our management platform. The term Integrated AI simply means you can now ask in any forum discussion for an Artificial Intelli...
Комментарии6 комментария
тема 12manage Encourages Learning on Management
12manage is a tool that encourages learning at the comfort of your home. The wealth of experiences and knowledge it exposes one to on a daily basis is out of this world... It invites you to daily rese...
Комментарии1 комментария
тема Management Education for Those with Lower Financial Capacity
I love the concept of 12manage. It brings management education to the reach of those with lower financial capacity. That is impressive in my opinion. Well done....
тема Methodologies for Managing Different Situations
12manage is a good help to understand that there are structured methodologies for managing different situations and what skills are needed....

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