
12manage Now Has Integrated AI

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Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

12manage Now Has Integrated AI

🔥 12manage hereby announces the availability of Integrated AI throughout our management platform.
The term “Integrated AI” simply means you can now ask in any forum discussion for an Artificial Intelligence-opinion with a single click. In most cases AI will provide an interesting additional view (in combination with what our members already have contributed).

Would you like to try it?
  1. Look up an interesting management topic
  2. Proceed to a forum discussion
  3. Scroll down and look for this button:
AI Opinion
You may try this feature for free.
Here you can search for an interesting forum topic. Have fun…. 17-4-2024


  MIFLORA Gatchaiian
MIFLORA Gatchaiian
Consultant, Philippines

AI Integration Application Examples in Various Situations

Please explain some more what you mean by AI Integration. Actual presentation of examples regarding the kind of information or question one can ask which can show the capability of AI Integration to respond clearly and significantly. Although AI is very much publicized, its proper application is still not clear to me enough to help me appreciate its total importance or advantages. especially in the areas of research in sensory evaluation methods. 18-4-2024

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Integrated AI Example

@MIFLORA Gatchaiian: Thank you for asking. I know it is a bit hard to understand what we mean by Artificial Intelligence and by AI Integration. That's why we invite you to try it yourself.
So here is an EXAMPLE:
In our discussion "How to MANAGE Cases of Stress and Burnout Among Employees?", I clicked the "AI Opinion"-button at the end of the discussion. This is the literal result I got from Integrated AI:

"Managing stress and burnout among employees is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive work environment. Here are some strategies to help manage these issues effectively:
  1. Promote Work-Life Balance: Encourage employees to maintain a balance between work and personal life. This can be achieved by setting reasonable work hours, encouraging breaks, and respecting personal time off.
  2. Provide Supportive Work Environment: Foster a supportive culture where employees feel comfortable discussing their stressors and seeking help. Encourage open communication, provide resources for mental health support, and promote a non-judgmental atmosphere.
  3. Offer Flexible Work Arrangements: Allow for flexible work arrangements such as telecommuting, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks. This can help employees better manage their personal responsibilities and reduce stress.
  4. Set Clear Expectations: Ensure that employees have a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and expectations. Ambiguity can contribute to stress and burnout, so provide clear guidelines and regular feedback.
  5. Encourage Regular Breaks: Encourage employees to take regular breaks throughout the day to recharge and prevent burnout. This could include short breaks, lunch breaks, and opportunities for relaxation or exercise.
  6. Promote Healthy Habits: Educate employees about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, and stress-reducing activities such as mindfulness or meditation.
  7. Offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): Provide access to Employee Assistance Programs that offer counseling, mental health support, and resources for managing stress. EAPs can be a valuable resource for employees experiencing burnout or other mental health issues.
  8. Promote Social Connections: Foster a sense of community and belonging among employees by organizing team-building activities, social events, or peer support groups. Strong social connections can help buffer against stress and promote resilience.
  9. Encourage Time Management Skills: Provide training or resources to help employees improve their time management skills. Effective time management can reduce feelings of overwhelm and help employees prioritize tasks more effectively.
  10. Lead by Example: Managers and leaders should lead by example by demonstrating healthy work habits, prioritizing self-care, and openly addressing stress and burnout within the organization.
  11. Monitor Workload: Regularly assess and adjust workload to ensure that it is manageable for employees. Avoid overloading individuals with excessive tasks or unrealistic deadlines.
  12. Recognize and Reward Accomplishments: Acknowledge and celebrate employees' accomplishments and contributions. Recognition can boost morale and motivation, reducing the risk of burnout.
By implementing these strategies, organizations can effectively manage cases of stress and burnout among employees, promoting a healthier and more productive work environment."

You can now generate such "AI Opinion" with a single mouse click in all of our management forum discussions and best practices.
I hope this example is helpful. 18-4-2024

  Norman Dragt
Norman Dragt

AI Generates Information not Knowledge

Although I like the summary ChatGPT makes, it does show its shortcomings. It misses something: teaching employees to recognize their triggers, helping them to get resilient.
It also shows how we are starting to accept burn-out as part of working life. We are not really trying to prevent it, we just try to manage it. Where real management of burnout would make burnout a thing of the past. And as the current and coming generation of employees will probably be much more burnout prone we need a different approach.
But as said it is a good example of what AI can provide, but we have to remember that, as with all information, it only becomes knowledge if you also know how to value the information and use it. 18-4-2024

  David Stehlik
David Stehlik
Professor, United States

Great, Love It, When Fenced, and When We're Accountable

Great, Love It, When Fenced, and When We're Accountable
As a heavy user of paid AI services and Premium 12manage user, one concern I have is response-bloat. One thing I like about the human-centric responses in the discussions on 12manage is that they demonstrate real human limits - and not artificially unlimited intelligence - in their responses. Human experts are demonstrating focused application of their knowledge, usually to a topic where they are expert practitioners or most interested in developing and discussing their current or future expertise. AI responses, even when mostly correct and helpful, have and make no claim to any obligation to the field and their colleagues in that field. I tested it out. If I'm understanding this correctly, there now is the extra option to click the "AI Opinion"-button on 12manage. That sends you to the ChatGPT interface with an already prepared entry to receive an automatic relevant response from the bot.
The 12manage member then has the option to post whatever output they deem useful on 12manage. 18-4-2024

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

I’m Happy you Like It

@David Stehlik: Yes! That is completely correct. In other words:
  1. In any discussion you can click the "AI Opinion"-button.
  2. AI will automatically generate text.
  3. You can copy + paste the result to 12manage and adjust it if necessary.
  4. You probably learned something valuable and helped to enrich our forum topic.
Everyone: Try it now in a discussion you like! Search for an interesting forum topic. 19-4-2024

  Melchiorre Calabrese
Melchiorre Calabrese
Business Consultant, Italy

About AI - How to Make it Useful

AI can be a precious tool. But, like all tools, first of all it is necessary to use it with judgment and wisdom.
I think the “AI integration” of 12manage is really useful.
That’s for it is possible to have instantly the opinion reported by AI and compare it with the ideas expressed by different experts.
Finally, we can compare everything with our own ideas to make the most appropriate choices. 22-4-2024


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