
Beslutsfattande och Värdering

Beslutsfattande och värdering. Metoder, modeller och teorier (A-Ö)



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Beslutsfattande och värdering

14 Ledningsprinciper av Fayol

ABC-Kalkyl, ABC-Metoden


Aktieägares Perspektiv på Värde

Avkastning på Investering, Avkastningsgrad


Analogiskt Strategiskt Resonemang Gavetti och Rivkin

Attributionsteori Heider

Avkastningsränta, Kalkylränta, Kapitalkostnader

Balanserade Styrkort Kaplan och Norton

Bass Diffusionsmodell

Begränsningsteorin, Teorin om Begränsningar Goldratt

Behovshierarki av Maslow




Business Intelligens

CAPM-modellen Sharpe

Centralisering och Decentralisering


CVA-modellen Anelda


Delphimetoden Helmer

DICE Ramverk BCG

Diskonterat Kassaflöde


Effekt och Värde Ramwerk för IT Hammer

Ekonomiskt Mervärde (EVA)

Erfarenhetslärande Revans

Fem Krafter Porter

Fritt Kassaflöde

Fullständig Kostnadsredovisning



Grundval för Makt och Inflytande French och Raven

Grupptänkande Janis

Hela Hjärnmodellen från Herrmann

Idékläckning (Brainstorming)



Intressentkartläggning, Intressentmappning

Kaosteori Lorenz

Kepner-Tregoe Matrisen

Kontingenttheori Vroom

Kostnad för Eget Kapital


Kraftfältsanalys Lewin


Kritiska Framgångsfaktorer Rockart

Kulturell Intelligens Early

Kulturtyper Deal Kennedy

Ledarskapets Övergångsmodell Tannenbaum och Schmidt

Ledningsmatris (Ledarskapsstilsmatris) Blake och Mouton


Marginalekonomi (Economic Margin)


Marknadsmervärde, Marknadsvärdering

Metaplan Metoden Schnelle

Minneskartor (Mind Mapping)

Lägga till en metod / modell

Målstyrning (MBO) Drucker

Mäta Kunskapsflöden/Immateriella Tillgångar, Intangible Assets Monitor Sveiby


Nyckelpersoners Värdeperspektiv

Nyckelprestationsindikatorer Rockart



Orsak- och Verkansdiagram, Fiskbensdiagram Ishikawa

PEG-Talet, PEG Ratio

P/E-Talet, Pris/Vinst-Talet, Vinstförhållandet


Prestationsstyrning, Resultatstyrning

Produktlivscykler (Produktlivscykel) Levitt

PRVit-systemet, PRVit-metoden

RACI-Matris, RACI-Roller, RACI-Modell


Reala Optioner Luehrman

Relativ Värdetillväxten Mass

Resultat före Ränta, Skatt, Avskrivningar och Amortering (EBITDA)




Sex Tänkhattar de Bono

Simulering av Processer


Skandia Navigator Edvinsson

Skäligt Marknadsvärde

SMART Drucker

Social Intelligens

Spelteori Nash

Spiral Dynamics Modell Graves

Steg-Grind-modellen Cooper

Strategidynamiken Warren

Strategiska Drivkrafter Wiseman

Strategiska Kartor, Strategikartor Kaplan och Norton

Strategisk Riskhantering Slywotzky

STRATPORT-modellen Larreche


Systemdynamik, Systemtänkande Forrester


Tids- och Aktivetetsbaserade Kostnader Kaplan

Tio Strategiskolor Mintzberg

Tolv Principer för Nätverksekonomin Kelly

Totalavkastning för Företaget (Total Business Return)

Totalkostnad för en Tillgång (Total Cost of Ownership)

Tystnadens Spiral Noelle-Neumann

Value Engineering Miles

Varumärkes Identitetsprisma Kapferer

Varumärkespersonlighet Aaker


Vinst före Ränta och Skatt (EBIT)

Vinstpooler (Profit Pools) Gadiesh och Gilbert

Vägd Genomsnittlig Kapitalkostnad (WACC)

Värdebaserad Styrning

Värde Discipliner Treacy och Wiersema

Värdemappning Jack

Värdering och Mäta Intellektuellt Kapital, IC Rating

Värdeskapande Index

Värdestyrning McTaggart

Återbetalningsperiod, Återbetalningstid

Överavkastning (Excess Return)

Mer i Ordboken



Beslutsfattande och Värdering Intressegrupp.

Intressegrupp (189 medlemmar)


Forumdiskussioner om Beslutsfattande och Värdering.

ämne Decision-making According to Peter Drucker
Definition of a Decision A decision is a choice whereby a person performs a conclusion about a situation. This represents a course of behavior about what must or what must not be done. It is the po...
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ämne The Role of Optimism in Decision-Making
How does optimism influence decision-making?...
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ämne Why a Leader Must Make Informed Decisions
Ramos said: 'No authority shall rule over reason, on the contrary the mind must prevail over the authority to manage it'. Therefore a wise leader should consider others' opinion, especially the views...
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ämne Avoid These Common Decision Traps and Errors
Making decisions is your most critical job as a leader. The more high-stakes a decision is, the more likely you are to get stuck. Here's how to avoid three of the most common traps: 1. Anchoring Bias...
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ämne Decision Making Process not Only for Managers
Decision making processes are not only for managers, they work in all fields of the organization......
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ämne Conscious and Unconscious Decision-making
A decision is a neurological process taken individually, collectively, or with a cyber brain that results in an action. The decision and hence actions can be taken consciously or unconsciously and the...
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ämne Individual versus Organizational Decision-making
We should distinguish between two basic levels (or types) of decision-making when studying the above methods and theories: 1. Individual decision-making - Historically viewed as a relative simple, li...
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ämne Decision-making Reviews?
Jerome Groopman says it's about time that managers make themselves more vulnerable by organizing formal decision-making reviews when a poor decision has been made, or when a particularly important de...
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ämne The Role of Opinions in Decision-making
Opinions play a major role in decision making in the absence of sufficient management information and lack of analytic skills. Although modern management tools emphasize that management information ...
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ämne Making no Decision at All
Should the Indian way of decision making - "no decision at all" be construed as a decision?...
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ämne Good Judgment in Decision Making
We are often in a situation where there are no right or wrong answers when we must make a decision. In such situations we need "good judgment". Good judgment is the ability to combine personal qualiti...
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ämne Role of Artificial Intelligence in Organizational Decision-making
What do you think is the role of Artificial Intelligence (big data, self-learning software, digital networks, algorithms) in strategic organizational decision-making? Does it represent an entirely ne...
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ämne What Makes a Manager Into a Good Decision-maker? 10 Traits for Decision Making
Decision making is vital in our life, be it workplace or home. My long experience in industry and thirty years of marriage say decision making needs the following traits in a 'manager': 1. Knowledge...
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ämne Avoid Hasty Decision-making
Life itself is the ultimate school for making decisions. We make decisions constantly when faced with any situation. However, we need not be hasty about making them (although some are required on the...
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ämne The Role of Religion in Decision Making
Do Religion, Yoga, Meditation play any role in correct decision making? Our religions preach many virtues which are age old and long lasting. They are playing a vital role in many people's lives. - ...
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ämne Silence Following a Decision is Sometimes Seen as Agreement
Some individuals/organizations/cultures will perceive/treat silence following a decision as agreement. The other party should be aware of that....
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ämne What is Institutional Theory?
Has anyone got any information or pointers to this theory? Thanks......
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ämne Reasoning in Decision Making
In a business decision making process, an aspect of 'Reasoning' is involved. Reasoning is the process of using existing knowledge to draw conclusions, make predictions, or construct explanations. Ther...
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ämne Apps for Decision-making
Are there any systems or intelligent apps to help make the most appropriate decision among a set of alternatives by choosing the best solution alternatives to a problem based on some analysis?...
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🥇 Rational Decision-making
I don't believe in any rational decision-making methods for managers. The complexity of most management decisions is big, and the circumstances change quickly. As a result, many executives prefer the...
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🥈 5 Steps to Learn from your Mistakes
We all know that making mistakes is needed to learn from them, in order to do things better in the future. Indeed, people are often told to learn from mistakes, to maximize return on failure. But how ...
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🥉 15 Obstacles to Making Decisions
What kinds of obstacles do you know to making (correct) decisions? Here is my collection of common reasons which may or will lead to bad decisions. I am looking forward to hearing your further obstac...
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ämne Improving the Decision-making by Managers: Choice Architecture
A different approach towards improving decision making is 'Choice Architecture'. In every organization, employees tend to make decisions that will neither benefit their employer nor themselves. Accor...
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ämne How to Choose the Appropriate Decision-making Method
Most decision makers in organizations rely on conventional decision-making tools - even in situations of high complexity and uncertainty. However, these basic tools are based upon the assumption that ...
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ämne 6 Ways of Dealing with Uncertainty at Work
Have you ever wondered if and how you should start a new job at a new organization? Are you considering the option of a transfer to a new team or department? Do you have jitters about the new project...
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