
Typer av Företagskultur (Deal och Kennedy)


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Vad är de oilika kulturtyperna?

Kultur maskinskriver (Deal och Kennedy)

Terrence Deal och Allan Kennedy var bland de första att skriva om företagskultur. I deras bok 1982 företagskulturer: Riter och ritualer ur företagets liv, de definierar organisatorisk kultur, på det sätt som saker blir gjorda.

Deal och Kennedy förordar företagskultur som baseras på en sammankoppling av sex olika beståndsdelar: historia, värderingar och övertygelser, ritualer och ceremonier, berättelser, heroiska figurerer och det informella kulturella nätverket av historieberättare, skvallerbyttor, viskare, spioner och präster. Deras kulturtypsmodell visar på fyra företagskulturtyper som är baserat på två beståndsdelar:

  • Återkopplingshastighet: Hur snabb är återkopplingen och belöningen som erhålles, där personalen informeras att de gör ett gott eller dåligt jobb).
  • Graden av risk: Nivån på risktagande (graden av osäkerhet).

Kombinationen av dessa två beståndsdelar resulterar i fyra typer av företagskulturer:

  1. Tuff Macho kultur (snabb återkoppling och belöning, hög risk):
    • Betonar resultaten från en hög risk och den höga potentiella minskningen eller ökningen av belöning.
    • Fokusera på nuet, individualism rådande över teamwork.
    • Typiska exempel: reklam, mäklararvode, sport.
  2. Arbeta hårt spela tufft kultur (snabb återkoppling och belöning, låg risk):
    • Betonar resultaten från kvantitet av arbetsinsats i stället för osäkerhet.
    • Fokusera på en snabb handling, hög nivå av energi.
    • Typiska exempel: försäljning restauranger, programvaruföretag.
  3. Processkultur (långsam återkoppling och belöning, låg risk):
    • Betonar är allmänt låg, men kan komma från interna politik och dumhet till system.
    • Fokuserar på detaljer och processexcellens.
    • Typiska exempel: byråkratier banker, försäkringsbolag, offentlig tjänster.
  4. Vadslående (Bet your Company) företagskultur (långsam återkoppling och belöning, hög risk):
    • Betonar resultat från hög risk och försening, innan du vet om handlingar har betalat sig.
    • Fokuserar på långsiktighet, förberedelse och att planera.
    • Typiska exempel: farmaceutiska företag, flygplansproducenter, oljeprospekteringsföretag.

Bok: Terrence E. Deal, Allan A. Kennedy - företagskulturer: The Rites an Rituals of fCorporate Life (1982)

Bok: Terrence E. Deal, Allan A. Kennedy - The New Corporate Cultures (2000)

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Forumdiskussioner om Företagskultur.

ämne Building Blocks of Organizational Culture: The Six Components of Corporate Culture (Coleman)
Culture, unlike its short and easy definition – the way we do things here – isn't as easy a concept to get the hang of. Yet every complex thing relies on a foundation and in case of culture, as obser...
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ämne Perfect Definition of Corporate Culture (Uttal, 1983)
In an article in Fortune magazine (Oct. 17, 1983 - pp. 66-72), writer Bro Uttal defined 'corporate culture' as follows: "A system of 'shared values' (what is important) and 'beliefs' (how things wo...
Kommentarer14 kommentarer
ämne Creating an Innovative Organizational Culture
Innovative cultures are greatly valued because they are not only good for a company's bottom line, but also largely depicted as fun and characterized by easy-to-like behaviors such as tolerance for fa...
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ämne Another Culture Type: the Yes Culture
Schmidt and Rosenberg recommend to establish a "Yes Culture" in order to establish an innovative firm. It is a culture in which the default answer to innovators asking if they may proceed with their i...
ämne How to Deal with a Culture of Gossip and Backbiting?
Hi all, I am in the following situation: - I am the deputy of a Team Manager (TM). - The team consists of people with low- or very low education. They love to gossip and backbite either the other te...
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ämne Innovation in a Target / Performance Culture
Many organizations today have a 'target culture', which is characterized by strong performance management, performance monitoring, individual target setting. Furthermore, such organizations are behold...
ämne Do Competitive Work Cultures Lead to Better Performance?
I am searching for information and sources (books or articles) to give me information about differences between competitive and cooperation cultures at work. And what types of cultures are competitive...
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ämne The Effects of Leadership on Organizational Culture
Hi, I am currently researching on "The effects of leadership on organizational culture" for my thesis. I am enrolled for the MSc in leadership and change management. Your ideas and comments will be h...
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ämne Culture Types Useful Model
This model on culture types makes it easy to understand why certain results can be attained, particularly when efforts are made to enforce cultural change....
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ämne High Performance Work Culture
Of what does a high performance work culture consists...?...
ämne Connecting Culture and the Dominant Strategy
The flaw in the Deal and Kennedy model is that it does not connect culture to the strategies being implemented by the organization. In my book, The Alpha Strategies, Understanding Strategy, Risk, and...
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ämne International Culture Types
I think that the four culture types model has now become too limited. Not many of the types work well for third-world country or current developing nation cultures.. Who knows of a corporate culture ...
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🥇 Eight Types of Organizational Culture (Groysberg)
Culture is the social order of an organisation. It forms people's attitudes and behaviours in a wide range of ways. Cultural norms determine what is encouraged or discouraged and what is accepted or r...
Kommentarer5 kommentarer

🥈 12 Culture Factors of Drennan?
Has anyone heard of Drennan and his 12 factors in which you can recognize a corporate culture? He is the one who said culture is 'The way we do things around here'. There's so little on him and his th...
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🥉 Culture of Accountability
Any experience with a Culture of Accountability? There are different books and suppliers of the concept, workshops and consultants. I was wonderng about how effective it is....
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Praktiska Implementeringstips


Establishing an Organizational Culture of Perpetual Crisis

Corporate Culture Best Practice
An interesting article in the issue of Fortune (Sept. 5, 2005, no. 15) explains how Jong-Yong Yun, CEO of Samsung, is re...

Strategies to Change Employee Habits, Hearts and Heads

Changing Organization Cultures
According to J.E. Kee and K.E. Newcomer ("Why Do Change Efforts Fail? What Can Leaders Do About It?", The Public Manager...

Pitfalls and Best Practices in Culture Change

Changing Organizational Cultures, What to DO and what NOT
According to Jon Katzenbach and Ashley Harshak ("Stop Blaming Your Culture", strategy+business, Spring 2011, Issue 62), ...

Top-5 Reasons for Burnouts are All Management-related!

Burnout Causes, Burnout Reasons, Causes of Burnouts
A 2018 Gallup study of nearly 7,500 full-time employees found that no less than 23% replied they feel burned out at work...

Why is Changing an Organization Culture So Hard? The ASA Model (Schneider)

Organization Culture, Culture Change, Corporate Culture, Change Management, Recruitment
Why is changing an organization culture so difficult? Because, once it is established, a culture has the tendency to str...

How Culture Levels Explain Failures in Organizational Learning and Innovation

Improving Organizational Learning, Organizational Innovation, Changing Organization Cultures
Schein (as cited by Bertagni et al., 2010) tries to elaborate on the question why organizational innovations often fail ...

The Importance of Culture in Organizational Performance

Organizational Culture, Corporate Culture, Employee Behavior, Organizational Performance
John Connolly, former CEO of Deloitte UK, argues that one of the most critical determinants of organizational performanc...

7 Mechanisms to Change Corporate Cultures

Change Management, Organizational Change, Culture Change
Management can choose from this menu of actions to change a problematic corporate culture: 1. Making a compelling case...

PROs and CONs of a Strong Corporate Culture

Corporate Culture Change, Change Management, Organizational Change
Implementing a significant change is generally easier when the corporate culture is not strong. By strong Corporate Cult...

Olika informationskällor om Företagskultur. Här hittar du powerpoints, videor, nyheter etc. som du kan använda i dina egna föreläsningar och workshops.


Management Across Cultures: Managing in a Global Context

Cross-Cultural Management, Cultural Dimensions, Cultural Intelligence, Multicultural Teams, Global Leadership, Global HR
This presentation consist of six sections that together form an extensive description of management across cultures. The...

Role of Corporate Culture

Culture Change, OD
Good presentation about the role of corporate culture. Topics: What is Organisational Culture? What is the link between...

Workplace Innovation: Growing an Innovation Culture

Creating an Innovation Culture, Employee Engagement, Social Innovation
How do you build an innovative workplace culture? That's an actual and complex challenge for most organizations these da...

What is Corporate Culture

Short Intro
What is corporate culture, how can you determine what is the CC, What is driving a CC?...

Introduction to Organizational Culture and Climate

Organizational Culture, Organizational Climate
Presentation about organizational culture and climate, including the following sections: 1. Learning objectives 2. Bas...

5 Strategies to Successfully Manage Cultural Differences

Cultural Differences, Cultural Intelligence, Cross-Cultural Teams, Company Culture, Hofstede
Cultural differences can be an asset rather than a liability to a team if carefully managed and other people are approac...

What is Corporate Culture? Learn from 4 CEOs

Corporate Culture, Organization Culture, Organizational Culture, Starter for Training / Workshop
Corporate cultures are at the core of organizations and "...every company has a culture, either by design or by default....

Innovation Culture: Reducing Fear in Organizations

Innovation Management, Change Management
This presentation elaborate son the issue of fear in organizations, particularly on the process of reducing fear so as t...

Organizational Culture and Critical Theory

Organizational Culture
A detailed presentation, explaining Organizational Culture and Critical Culture. A description of Organizational Cultu...

Meeting Culture

Funny Picture
Funny picture about meeting culture....

Macho Culture

Funny Picture
Funny picture showing people buttering up....

Culture, Cultural Competence, Cultural Intelligence and the CQ

Cultural Intelligence
This presentation is a good introduction to culture and contains three large sections: Culture, Cultural Competenence an...

Introduction to Organizational Culture

Initial Understanding of Organizational Culture and Why it Matters to an Organization
Daniel Denison explains what an organizational culture is and why this own unique identity matters to an organization. H...

Funny Org Chart Picture

Org. Charts / Culture
Funny picture to explain organization charts and/or organizational culture....

Culture Types Diagram

Corporate Culture
Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...


Användbara verktyg angående Företagskultur.













Jämför kulturtyper med: Nivåer av Organisatorisk Kultur  |  Förändring av Organisationskulturer  |  Kulturdimensioner  |  Grupptänkande  |  Kärngruppsteorin Kleiner  |  Kontingenttheori Vroom  |  Förändringsledningens Isberg  |  Förändringsfaser  |  Kraftfältsanalys  |  Teori om Planerat Beteende  |  Ledarskapets Övergångsmodell Tannenbaum och Schmidt  |  Kulturell Intelligens (Early)

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