
Kommunikation och Färdigheter

Kommunikation och färdigheter. Metoder, modeller och teorier (A-Ö)



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Kommunikation och färdigheter

14 Ledningsprinciper av Fayol

4 Dimensioner på Relationsarbete Butler och Waldroop

7 Goda Vanor Covey

Analogiskt Strategiskt Resonemang Gavetti och Rivkin

Arkitektur av Zachman

Ashridge Missionsmodell Campbell

Attributionsteori Heider

Balanserade Styrkort Kaplan och Norton

Behovshierarki av Maslow

Behovsteorin McClelland

Belbin Teamroller

Clarksons Grundläggande Principer

Coaching, Coachande, Coachning, Rådgivare

Delphimetoden Helmer

Dialektisk Undersökning, Dialektik

DICE Ramverk BCG


Emotionell Intelligens Goleman

Erfarenhetslärande Revans

ERG Teori Alderfer

Faciliteringsmetoder, Faciliteringsstilar Heron

Femte Disciplinen, Fem Discipliner Senge

Flerkanalsmarknadsföring, Multikanalsmarknadsföring

Företagets Anseendekvot Harris-Fornbrun

Förändring av Organisationskulturer Trice och Beyer

Förändringsdimensioner Pettigrew och Whipp

Förändringsledningens Isberg



Grundval för Makt och Inflytande French och Raven

Grupptänkande Janis

Hagbergs Modell om Personlig Makt

Hela Hjärnmodellen från Herrmann

Hävstängerna för Kontroll Simons

Idékläckning (Brainstorming)

Inramning, Framing Tversky


Intressentkartläggning, Intressentmappning

Johari Fönster Luft och Ingham

Kaizen Filosofin

Karismatiskt Ledarskap Weber

Katalytiska Mekanismer Collins

Kepner-Tregoe Matrisen

Konkurrerande Värden Ramverk Quinn

Kontingenttheori Vroom

Kraftfältsanalys Lewin


Kulturdimensioner Hofstede

Kulturell Intelligens Early

Kulturtyper Deal Kennedy

Kundrelationshantering, Kundrelationsmarknadsföring, CRM

Kunskapshantering, Kunskapsledning Collison och Parcell

Kärngruppsteorin Kleiner

Ledarskapets Övergångsmodell Tannenbaum och Schmidt

Ledarskapsstilar, Ledarstilar Goleman

Ledarskapsutveckling Charan och Drotter

Ledningsmatris (Ledarskapsstilsmatris) Blake och Mouton

Lägga till en metod / modell

Marknadsföringsmix, Marknadsmix, 4P-modellen McCarthy

Mentoring (Mentorskap)

Metaplan Metoden Schnelle

Minneskartor (Mind Mapping)

Moderbolagsfördel, Koncernfördel Goold och Campbell

Moderbolagstilar, Koncernstilar Goold och Campbell

Moraliskt Syfte Mourkogiannis

Målstyrning (MBO) Drucker

Målvägsteori | Path-Goal Theori House

Nivå 5 Ledarskap Collins

Nyckelpersoners Värdeperspektiv

OODA-modellen, OODA Loop Boyd

Operativa CRM


Organisatoriska Konfigurationer Mintzberg

Orsak- och Verkansdiagram, Fiskbensdiagram Ishikawa

Placering, Placera Trout


Positiv Avvikelse Pascale och Sternin

Prestationsstyrning, Resultatstyrning

Pyramidprincipen Minto

RACI-Matris, RACI-Roller, RACI-Modell

Resultatbaserat Ledarskap Ulrich

Resultatorienterad Ledarskap


Sex Tänkhattar de Bono

Situationsanpassat Ledarskap Hersey och Blanchard

Sju Överraskningar Porter

Social Intelligens

Soft Systems-metodik Checkland

Spiral Dynamics Modell Graves

Strategiledningskontor Kaplan och Norton

Strategiska Kartor, Strategikartor Kaplan och Norton

Strategisk Intention, Strategisk Avsikt Hamel och Prahalad

Team Management Profilen, Teamkomposition Margerison och McCann

Teori om Planerat Beteende Ajzen

Teori om Redogörat Aktion Ajzen

Teori X Teori Y McGregor

Teori Z Ouchi

Tillväxtfasermodell Greiner

Tolv Principer för Nätverksekonomin Kelly

Tystnadens Spiral Noelle-Neumann



Värdemappning Jack

Värderapporteringsramverk PWC

Åtta Attribut hos Framgångsrikt Ledda Företag Peters

Mer i Ordboken



Kommunikation och Färdigheter Intressegrupp.

Intressegrupp (303 medlemmar)


Forumdiskussioner om Kommunikation och Färdigheter.

ämne How to Disagree with a Superior: Recommendations
Disagreeing with someone who is more powerful than you (e.g., your manager) can put you in a difficult situation. You have to carefully think about WHAT to say and more importantly the WAY you expres...
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ämne Communicating Effectively
How to communicate in an effective way? 1. Remember the definition of communication i.e. what the communication means 2. What's the purpose of your communication 3. Bring the process (elements) of ...
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ämne How to Give a Powerful 5-Minute Presentation
Short and more focused speeches can be more effective than lengthy ones that introduce too much information and delve into unhelpful detail. A five-minute presentation can be more captivating than a t...
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ämne Types of Communication
What are the types of communication? A. Interpersonal Communication (between two people/small group, feedback is instant, audience is homogeneous and known to the source) B. Intrapersonal Communicat...
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ämne Management versus Life Skills
I just read this cool quote: "Lots of management skills are really life skills". Swagatam Basu, Gartner The more I learn about management, the more I seem to agree with Mr. Basu. The purpose fo...
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ämne Communication Apprehension, Fear of Presenting, Presentation Anxiety
Presentations are important in business. They can be a true differentiator between success and failure of a business pitch, online webinar, investor confidence attraction, sales closure, etc.The suc...
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ämne Tips for Questioning: Asking Questions and Responding to Them
Questioning is an underrated tool of communication, and people usually don't ask enough questions in conversations. Among various reasons behind the resistance of enquiring, Wood Brooks and John (2018...
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ämne The Impact of Culture on Communication
Communication styles can mean different things to different people, in particular when the cultural impact comes into play. This is important for expatriate roles where some period of adjustment is n...
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ämne Communication in Management
This entire area of communication is very important and much is written on the subject. I believe that in the context of manager - subordinate, knowing enough about your employee to allow you to commu...
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ämne Morgan's 4 Underlying Intents (Aims) to Become an Authentic Speaker
The ability of communicating authentically (and being perceived as authentic person) is a very important leadership skill. When they possess it, leaders can relatively easily move others to a position...
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ämne Problems with Communication in Other Language
Hi there, I'm in a team of 4 with one manager. 3 out of the 4 members plus the manager are French speaking guys. I am the only one non-French speaking, so I use only English. My team members always ta...
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ämne Not Invited... Should you Attend a Meeting?
Imagine yourself being part of a cross-functional team, working on a major project (e.g., a revamp of your company's website). The work is happening smoothly, but one day you find out that you have no...
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ämne Managing a Personal Dispute at Work
It's happened to all of us - a business argument that got personal, or a fierce personal disagreement in your team, or anywhere in the work environment There are many causes, but the end result is ...
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ämne Role of Communication in New Companies
Evaluating the role of communication in a turbulent business environment, what are the key elements to consider for boosting the performance of the performance of new companies?...
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ämne How to Manage (Insidious) Insubordination?
Insubordination is the act or behavior of refusing to obey orders from a person in a position of authority (power). Insidious insubordination is the malignant, malicious, vicious, malign, nasty, evil ...
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ämne How to Organize a Meeting? Best Practices
Many people are considering meetings a waste of time. Sometimes we might even have thought ourselves that the last meeting we attended was unproductive. However meetings are not a waste of time, but p...
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ämne ABC of Good Communication
- Be yourself - Remove communication noises and biases - Create a communicative environment - Learn to listen (and ask questions) - Don't be single minded (no prejudices) - Take risk (it makes th...
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ämne The Impact of Gender on Communication Styles
Research shows that communication styles are relatively different for men and women. This is because using language is a learned social behaviour: How we talk and listen are influenced by our experien...
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ämne Interaction versus Communication
What is the difference between communication and interaction? Often people use it together but if one defines each of the terms, in what situation are they most suitable to be used? Thank you....
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ämne Morals and Communication
Communication can be a great tool if used with good morals. Excluding the details, we all have learned pretty much the same ideology of good morals. We are supposed to work together and build each ot...
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🥇 25 Common Presentation Mistakes and Tips
Some people have a natural talent for public speaking. But of course, those without such innate abilities can improve their presentation skills as well. Here's a list of frequently made presentation ...
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🥈 Understanding Perceptions of Other People and Yourself
I am looking for models or frameworks to help me understand and manage the perceptions other people and myself have but I am unable to find any?...
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🥉 What are the Skills a Management Consultant Should Have?
Hi everyone! I'm a student and I would like to become a management consultant in the future. What are the hard and the soft skills you think a management consultant must have? Why? Thanks!...
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ämne Communication Channels: What is Grapevine Communication? Definition and Importance
There are various channels of communication. Describe the importance of grapevine communication (Ed: ~informal, non-official, rumours). Please illustrate with an example. Thank you....
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ämne 8 Resolutions for Difficult Interpersonal Conversations
Sometimes a conversation (at work) can be awkward, difficult or not effective, despite of good intentions. Monique Valcour describes 8 practical techniques you can apply to get a difficult interper...
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ämne 10 Tips and Ethics for Attending Business Meetings
No matter how mind-numbing things get, don't be lulled into thinking that meetings aren't important. The fact is, they can make - or break - your career. Here are 10 things you should NEVER do in a me...
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