
How to Organize a Meeting? Best Practices

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Aniket Deolikar
Aniket Deolikar
Consultant, India

How to Organize a Meeting? Best Practices

Many people are considering meetings a waste of time. Sometimes we might even have thought ourselves that the last meeting we attended was unproductive. However meetings are not a waste of time, but poorly organized and as a result unproductive meetings are! How can we as managers make sure that meetings run smoothly and are productive so that something effective actually comes out of them?

Here are the main best practices to organize / conduct / run productive meetings:
  • LIMIT THE ATTENDANCE: As far as the contribution from everyone is needed, try to keep the meetings limited to a small number of people. There is no universally valid best number, but keeping it to around a maximum of 7-8 people will make it easy to exchange ideas and also to notice the body language of each and every one. Keeping the number low allows everyone to contribute their ideas in a 1-hour meeting. If there are more people, half of them won't be able to contribute and thus their interest in the meeting will degrade, thus making the meeting less productive. According to social loafing theory, if there are too many hands, people work less than they ought to.
  • DON'T ALLOW THE USE OF DEVICES: In particular smartphones and laptops. Many people boast they are good at multitasking, but the truth is that humans cannot multitask, they just quickly change the attention span from one task to others. Thus the use of devices will lead to many distractions in the meeting hampering the real purpose of the meeting. Note also that the use of smartphones in a meeting not only distracts the person himself, but also the others present in the meeting. Also, it is considered socially inappropriate. There can be some exceptions, for example to take notes, or if somebody expects a very important message, but otherwise, the use of smartphones should be avoided to make the meetings short and productive. And obviously, if the person receives such message, he immediately leaves the meeting.
  • KEEP THE MEETING SHORT: Some meeting lasts for 2 hours but still nothing productive comes out of it. Try to keep the duration of meetings short. When people realize there is a large workload, they won't bother wasting time with trivial questions and only important issues will addressed in a short span of time. Some time pressure will make the meetings more efficient, but don't overdo it by making the meeting time so short that you miss important inputs.
  • CREATE AND SPREAD THE AGENDA OF THE MEETING WELL AHEAD OF TIME: A very important aspect of the meeting is the agenda of the meeting. People should know what topics will be discussed in the meeting ahead of time. This gives two main advantages:
    • People will be prepared for the meeting.
    • There will be specific questions.
    Thus the meeting can be short and effective. Only the topics mentioned on the agenda can be discussed. Other topics which are not on the agenda, Have to be postponed until a next meeting. This increase the discipline and will keep the current meeting focused, concise and clear.
Using these practices will help increase the productivity of most of the meetings.

⇨ Please share any additional tips on organizing meetings. I am looking forward to your ideas!

Sources: Amy Gallo, "The Condensed Guide to Running Meetings", HBR Guide, 2015, July 6.


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Consultant, India

How to Organize Meeting Best Practices

Well written. I have seen many unproductive meetings. Here are 3 more tips:
- SHORT AGENDA: Write the agenda crisp and measurable as far as possible.
- CHOOSE THE RIGHT FORM: Sometimes it would be prudent to instead of a physical meeting have a quick virtual meeting or even just to use some chat window or similar digital tool to elicit views on the agenda points rather than a full meeting.


Best Practice Strategies for Meetings

Great tips for keeping meetings productive.
USE A PARKING LOT: Also remember to put items in the parking lot if they come up, but aren't relevant to the agenda topics.
REVIEW THE GROUND RULES: Sometimes reviewing the ground rules such as allow one speaker at at time, brainstorm when appropriate, summarize the action plan after the main agenda topics and allow a Round Robin* at the end of the meeting for last minute focused comments is helpful. Attendees sometimes forget their manners.
One good thing out of the pandemic is more focused virtual meetings and they don't seem to last so long!
* Editor: In the Round Robin technique, each attendee is given an opportunity to speak once before anyone may speak a second time, commonly by calling on the attendees around the table in turn or in alphabetical order.

  Wilma van Velde
Wilma van Velde
Coach, Netherlands

Steps for Organizing a Meeting

Organizing a meeting effectively is crucial for maximizing productivity and achieving desired outcomes. Here's a standard, step-by-step template/guide on how to organize a meeting:

Clearly define the purpose of the meeting and what you aim to achieve. Ask yourself:
- What is the main objective?
- Why is it necessary to have a meeting about this?
- What are the desired outcomes?

Select the participants based on their relevance to the agenda and their contribution to achieving the meeting’s objectives. Consider:
- Who needs to be involved?
- Who can contribute valuable insights?

Select a suitable time and venue for the meeting, ensuring it accommodates the schedules of the participants. Factors to consider:
- Time zones, if participants are from different regions
- Availability of the meeting room or virtual meeting platform

Prepare a detailed agenda outlining the topics to be discussed and the time allotted for each. Key components of a well-structured agenda include:
- Welcome and introductions
- Discussion topics
- Q&A session
- Any other business (AOB)

Send out invitations well in advance, including the agenda, date, time, and location or virtual meeting link. Provide enough context about the meeting's purpose and expectations.

Ensure all necessary materials, such as presentations, documents, and handouts, are prepared and distributed to participants beforehand.

During the meeting, it’s crucial to keep the discussion focused, ensure everyone has an opportunity to contribute, and follow the agenda. Key points:
- Start on time
- Review the agenda
- Encourage participation
- Keep discussions on track
- Summarize key points
- Assign action items

Take detailed notes during the meeting or assign someone to do so. Document discussions, decisions made, and action items assigned.

After the meeting, send out meeting minutes promptly, summarizing what was discussed, decisions made, and action items. Follow up on action items and ensure accountability.


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