
Supply Chain Management och Kvalitetsledning

Supply Chain (Leveranskedjan, Leverantörsstyrning, Försörjningskedjan) och Kvalitetsledning. Metoder, modeller och teorier (A-Ö)



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Supply Chain och Kvalitetsledning

14 Punkter av Deming

3C Modellen av Ohmae


5 Krafter Porter

6 Sigma-metodologi

8D Problemlösning (Åtta Discipliner) Ford

ABC-Kalkyl, ABC-Metoden


Begränsningsteorin, Teorin om Begränsningar Goldratt




BPR Metoden Hammer och Champy

Business Process Reengineeringmetoden Hammer och Champy

CMM Kapacitetsmognadsmodell

CPFR - Gemensam Planering, Beräkning och Påfyllnad


Demings Cykler (PDSA / PDCA)

Diamant Modellen Porter




Fem Krafter Porter

Fjorton Punkter av Deming

Fullständig Kostnadsredovisning

Horisontell Integration

Hosrin Kanri Policyuteveckling, Hosrin Kanri Planering

Industriförändring McGahan

Industriträning, Industriutbildning

Just-in-time Filosofin (JIT Filosofin)

Kaizen Filosofin


Kluster Porter

Konkurrensfördel Porter

Konkurrensfördelar för Nationer Porter

Kraljic Modellen, Kraljic Matrisen

Kundnöjdhetsmodell Kano

Lean Manufacturing (JIT)

Leverantörsstyrda Lager, VMI


Marknadsföringsmix, Marknadsmix, 4P-modellen McCarthy

Moderbolagsfördel, Koncernfördel Goold och Campbell

Moderbolagstilar, Koncernstilar Goold och Campbell

Lägga till en metod / modell


Nyckelpersoners Värdeperspektiv


Organisatoriska Konfigurationer Mintzberg


Orsak- och Verkansdiagram, Fiskbensdiagram Ishikawa

PDSA, PDCA, Demings Cykler


Produktlivscykler (Produktlivscykel) Levitt

Quality Function Deployment, QFD-metod, QFD-process Akao

Relationsmarknadsföring Levitt


Samskapande Prahalad och Ramaswamy

SERVQUAL-metoden Zeithaml

Sex Sigma-metodologi

Simulering av Processer


Spelteori Nash

Strategiska Drivkrafter Wiseman

Strategiska Triangeln Ohmae


Teorin om Begränsningar Goldratt

Teori X Teori Y McGregor

Teori Z Ouchi

Tillväxtfasermodell Greiner

Tolv Principer för Nätverksekonomin Kelly

TQM Total Quality Management Deming

Traditionell Handel och Internet

Tredjepartslogistik (3PL)

Vetenskaplig Ledning Taylor

Vinstpooler (Profit Pools) Gadiesh och Gilbert


Utvecklingsvägar för Förändring Inom en Industri

Value Engineering Miles

Vertikal Integration


Värde Discipliner Treacy och Wiersema

Värdekedjan Porter


Åtta Discipliner Ford

Mer i Ordboken



Supply Chain och Kvalitetsledning Intressegrupp.

Intressegrupp (404 medlemmar)


Forumdiskussioner om Supply Chain och Kvalitetsledning.

ämne Why does Supply Chain Management have such a Low Profile?
Supply chain management and logistics are major part of most organisations activities and yet they have a low profile in many organisations. Why? Thanks....
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ämne Ethical Supply Chain Managemant
What can be considered principles and standards of ethical supply management conduct? Thank you for your input!...
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ämne Core Elements of the Supply Chain?
I am conducting some research regarding what are the core elements of a supply chain and I will then also critically review the software that has been developed to improve the supply chain. I am inter...
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ämne What is Service Management?
What is service management? What is the role of technology in service management?...
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ämne What is Trade Finance?
What is trade finance, what are TF methods, and what is the role of banks in trade finance?...
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ämne Operations Management versus SCM
What is operations management? Is there a difference between supply chain management and operation management?...
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ämne Barriers of Supply Chain Management
Can anyone tell me what are typical barriers of supply chain management?...
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ämne Supply Chain Management versus Logistics
What is the difference between supply chain management and logistics?...
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ämne Influence of ICT on Supply Chain Trust Levels
I am looking for information on the influence of recent electronic supply chain methods and technologies such as the Internet, EDI, APS, CPFR, JIT, etc. on trust levels in supply chain relationships. ...
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ämne Quality Philosophies & Approaches
Hi I'm a Btech Quality student doing research on Quality Philosophies and Quality Approaches. I've been searching the internet and numerous books but I've found very little information. Could...
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ämne The 5 or 7 Rights of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
The main aim of SCM is a continuous supply of materials at 5 "rights" (5 Rs) which are: 1. The Right Place 2. The Right Time 3. The Right Quantity 4. The Right Quality 5. The Right Price This ...
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ämne Advantages and Disadvantages of Supply Chain Management
What are key advantages and disadvantages of SCM?...
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ämne How to Create a Logistics or Supply Chain Management Vision?
I am looking for some examples of a Vision of Logistics. Most companies publish their company vision. But are divisions within big companies also developing a SCM or Logistics Vision? If so, have you ...
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ämne Darwin and Supply Chain Management
In the past people believed that the company with the strongest supply chains would be the leaders. But it's not the strongest that survive in Supply Chain Management. Darwin was right when he said it...
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ämne Five Metrics for Operations: QCDSM
The big 5 metrics for operations are found in the acronym : QCDSM. The Toyota Way: Measuring the Big Five in Metrics. Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety and Moral....
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ämne Integrated Supply Chains
Tons of books and articles appear on various aspects of global supply chains and their integration to achieve perfections in their 'efficiency' and 'responsiveness'. While these two pillars hold the k...
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ämne Opportunities of Supply Chain Management
Please explain: what are the typical opportunities of supply chain management?...
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ämne Supply Chain Mapping Methods and Software
I am looking for suggestions on the best methods for mapping Bulk Commodity Supply Chains. I am trying to map some Coal and Iron Ore Bulk Commodity Supply Chains (BCSC) from mine to market to identif...
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ämne Importance of Supply Chain Management
Can anyone explain to me: What are the reasons why SCM is important?...
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ämne High-Level Analysis of a Supply Chain
Hi, I'm searching for a investigation method to capture the current situation of a Supply Chain. Are there any methods to analyze / map the Supply Chain (with a helikopterview) with costs and revenues...
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ämne Organizational Network versus Supply Chain
Can anyone tell me what are differences between organizational networks and supply chains?...
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🥇 Implementing Supply Chain Management - Strategies
What are the strategies for implementing SCM and what are their merits and demerits?...
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🥈 Typical Enablers of Supply Chain Management
Can anyone tell me what are typical enablers of supply chain management (SCM)?...
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🥉 Types of Logistics Strategies? Classifications
What kind of logistics strategies can be adopted? How can they be classified into types of logistic / supply chain strategies?...
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