
Sex Sigma-metodologi | Sex Sigma-process | Sex Sigma-modell


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Vad är Sex Sigma?

Sex Sigma är en kvalitetsledningsmetodologi som förser företag med verktyg för att förbättra kapaciteten i deras affärsprocesser. Denna ökning i prestation och minskning i processvariationer leder till defekt minskning och förbättring av vinster, anställdas moral och kvaliteten på produkten. Detta är ett kvalitetsmått och förbättringsprogram som uppfanns av Mikel Harry och Motorola. Den fokuserar på kontrollen av en process tills den punkt då sex sigma (standardavviker) från en mittlinje eller 3.4 defekter per miljon objekt. Detta inkluderar identifierbara faktorer som är kritiska för kvaliteten som beslutats av kunden. Den minskar på processvariationer- och förbättrar kapaciteter, förhöjer stabilitet och designsystem för att stötta målet med sex sigma.

Sex Sigma-metodologi 6 Σ

Sex Sigma modellen är ett mycket disciplinerat tillvägagångssätt som kan hjälpa företag att fokusera på att utveckla och att leverera nästan perfekta produkter och tjänster. Den baseras på det statistiska arbetet av Joseph Juran, en rumänskt-född och amerikansk-banbrytare av kvalitetsledning. Uttrycket ”Sigma” är en grekisk symbol använt för en statistisk term som mäter hur långt en given process avviker från perfektion (standardavvikelse). Om sigma numret är större närmar du dig perfektion. En sigma av 1 är inte tillräckligt bra; sex sigma definieras som endast 3.4 defekter per miljon. Den centrala idén bakom Sex Sigma är att, om du kan mäta hur många ”defekter” du har i en process, kan du systematiskt räkna ut hur du kan avlägsna dem. Således kan du nästan komma fram till en ”nolltolerans av fel”.

Det japanska ursprunget till Sex Sigma kan fortfarande ses som systemet med olika ”bälten” som det använder. Om du är ny inför Sex Sigma, och du går på en grundläggande träning, då får du ett grönt bälte. Någon, som har ansvaret för att leda ett Six Sigma lag, kallas svart bältare. Slutligen så finns det en speciell elit som kallas "Master Black"gruppen som leder och hanterar de med svarta bälten.

De Fem stegen i Sex Sigma. Process

En typisk Sex Sigma process har följande fem steg:

  1. Definition. Det första steget i alla Six Sigma projekt är att klargöra problemet och att begränsa dess omfattning på ett sådant sätt att mätbara mål kan uppnås inom ett fåtal månader. Därefter samlas ett lag för att undersöka processen mer specifikt, föreslå förbättringar och genomföra dessa rekommendationer. I den tillverkande världen brukar projektchefer och deras sponsorer typiskt börja med att definiera vad som utgör en defekt och upprättar därefter en uppsättning av målsättningar som skapas för att minska risken för att defekter skulle uppstå igen.
  2. Mätning. I det andra steget av ett Sex Sigma projekt samlar laget in data och förbereder den för en analys på hög nivå.
  3. Analys. Så fort en process har kartlagts och dokumenterats och kvaliteten på de understödjande och tillförlitliga datat har verifierats, kan Sex Sigma laget påbörja analysen. Lagmedlemmarna startar vanligtvis genom att identifiera de sätt där personer har misslyckats agera på det sätt som egentligen behövdes, eller genom att identifiera på vilket sätt  som personer misslyckas för att tillse att man uppnår en effektfull kontroll i varje steg.
  4. Förbättring. Rekommendera, avgör och genomföra förbättringar.
  5. Kontrollera. I slutskedet av ett Six Sigma projekt  skapar laget kontroller. Dessa möjliggör för företaget att bibehålla och fördjupa förbättringarna.

Särskild Intressegrupp SIG

Sex Sigma-metodologi Särskild Intressegrupp SIG.

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Forumdiskussioner om Sex Sigma-metodologi.

ämne Six Sigma in an R&D context
Is it possible to use Six Sigma to improve the quality of R&D processes? Or do R&D activities naturally defy systematic improvement efforts?...
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ämne Six Sigma DMAIC and DMADV
Two Six Sigma sub-methodologies are called: DMAIC - Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control, and DMADV - Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify. They are both systematic, structured and fac...
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ämne Statistical Process Control (SPC): PPK versus CPK
According to many, Six Sigma is based on Statistical Process Control (SPC), a method of visually monitoring production processes. In Six Sigma, each business process must be measured and for this ofte...
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ämne The 5 x Why Method (The 5 Whys)
DESCRIPTION OF THE 5 WHY METHOD The "5 x why" method has been developed by Toyota to perform an iterative Root Cause Analysis of production-related problems. The "5 x why" method is one of the availa...
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ämne Focus of Six Sigma: The 6 Rights
Six Sigma management can focus on following 6 Right (Rights): - Right Support - Right Project - Right Road Map (DMAIC) - Right People (training) - Right Tools - Right Result (high performance, h...
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ämne Is Six Sigma Enough? (To Improve the Quality Level of an Organization...)
In order to improve a process, or to get a new standard or higher quality level in an organization, is 6 Sigma a good approach? My partners say that 6 Sigma is just for solving actual problems (d=def...
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ämne Six Sigma for Marketing
Six Sigma for Marketing (SSFM) is the newest Six Sigma variant. SSFM links interdependencies of strategic marketing, tactical & operational processes. It proactively drives growth (e.g., new offering...
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ämne Add Standardization to DMAIC Phases in Six Sigma (DMAICS)
In my experience I implemented the Six Sigma process following 6 instead of just 5 phases. The first five are the classical phases (DMAIC) for the analysis, solution implementation and solution effect...
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ämne Six Sigma in Medical Transcription
How can Six Sigma be used in the field of medical transcription? What are all the gradients that need to be worked on in medical transcription with Six Sigma?
Editor: Medical transcription is the p...
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ämne Differences Between Six Sigma and TQM
Although invented at Motorola, Six Sigma has been perfected at General Electric. GE is truly the home of Six Sigma. The factors differentiating Six Sigma from Total Quality Management are Six Sigma's:...
ämne Evaluating Six Sigma Project Leaders
How can I evaluate the talent of Six Sigma project leaders (presentation skill, answering, strategic thinking, and so on)? What grading and evaluation of the factors do you recommend?...
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ämne Disadvantages of Lean Six Sigma. Drawbacks
Hello! I am a student and I am trying to investigate why not every company is willing to implement Lean Six Sigma (LSS) in their environment. I found out that some of them say that it is: 1. Too expe...
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ämne Best Practices Lean Six Sigma in Social Care
I have been using Lean Six Sigma (I'm a Black belt) in Adult Social Care in the UK and to my knowledge I am the only person in the UK using this in this business area. It is proving to be extremely us...
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ämne Six Sigma Manufacturing Example
Businesses who are not very active in quality management most of the time have a process quality from 2 or 3 sigma. This means a failure of about 66.700 products per million opportunities. At first si...
ämne Quality Lessons in Dealing with Contractors
In the last 2 years I learned the following lessons working with Home Remodeling contractors. Lesson One: Be careful who you hire. Top contractors find and keep top craftsmen while contractors that d...
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ämne Six Sigma for Retail
What is best way to measure defects in a retail business in order to improve efficiency?...
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ämne 6 Sigma Timeframe/Period
Hi..., I have a concern regarding the execution of 6 sigma... When a business has to move from one sigma level to another, for how long we have to measure and analyse and how long (approximately) does...
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ämne Six Sigma in Passengers Handling
How can Six Sigma be applied to passengers handling services in air transportation at an airport?...
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ämne Six Sigma Black Belt Certification
I would like to know to what educational degree one can compare a Lean Six Sigma (L6S) Blackbelt certification? Thanks for your input....
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ämne Six Sigma In Inbound Call Center
How can Six Sigma be used in an inbound call center? What are the basic parameters to be defined?...
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ämne 7 Key Principles of Six Sigma
In brief, Six Sigma is a methodology that ensures quality processes are followed every time to reduce variations. The 7 key principles of Six Sigma The seven key principles of Six Sigma are: A...
ämne Next Step after Voice Of Processes have been Defined?
We have defined all the Voice Of Processes for our 6Ϭ Lean Manufacturing project. What should be our next step to construct a 6-Sigma Project charter in line with VOP?...
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ämne Organizational Development + Six Sigma or Lean
Have any of you integrated tools from Organizational Development with the use of Lean and Six Sigma. I would be interested to hear your reactions and experiences....
Kommentarer4 kommentarer
ämne Should Six Sigma start after Lean Implementation?
My perception to Six Sigma is that it should start after Lean Implementation, at least basic (Stability Phase and Continuous Flow), then can go in parallel, since Lean helps set the standards and Six ...
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ämne Good Practitioner Books on Lean - Six Sigma, S&OP?
Hi all, short question, currently I am working in a pure logistics field but would like to develop my supply chain knowledge further. Especially looking at job adverts the topic lean and Six Sigma are...
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ämne Lean 6 Sigma in Laboratories
Hello, I want to know about Lean 6 Sigma in as I am laboratory supervisor. How can I use this approach to reach to high quality in my organization?...
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🥇 3 Additional Six Sigma Levels
Besides the Sigma levels 1 to 6, we can actually also distinguish between 3 other levels of using Six SIgma: A. Use Six Sigma as a statistical measurement unit (comparable to degrees or dollars) B. ...
🥈 The Basis of Six Sigma? Statistics and Discipline
Many of the tools of Six Sigma (and the concept of lean manufacturing with which Six Sigma is most closely identified) can be found in statistical process control, total quality management, statistics...
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🥉 Implementing Six Sigma: Roles
The following names (some are from martial arts) are used for Six Sigma professional roles: Sponsor - Senior executive who sponsors the overall Six Sigma Initiative. Leader - Senior-level executive ...
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ämne Sustaining Momentum of Process Improvement over Time
Improving business processes using methods like Lean, Six Sigma and Agile often works well initially, however quite often the gains fade very quickly, according to recent research by Holweg and all. ...
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ämne The Cost of Poor Quality: Tools for Effective Control & Reduction
Which Six Sigma tools are effective to determine and reduce the cost of poor quality (in the manufacturing sector)? Since there are lot of quality tools used in industries, selecting correct, effect...
Kommentarer7 kommentarer

ämne Tools for Finding Root Cause in 6 Sigma
Which tool is preferable in Six Sigma methodology to detect or find the root cause from special cause variation and then solve accordingly? And how to differentiate if the tool is suitable to use for ...
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ämne Preparing Six Sigma: Requirements
In order for Six Sigma to be successful in an organisation, the concept should be embraced from the grass roots to top management. Involvement of all stakeholders should be emphasised, as data is gen...
Kommentarer4 kommentarer

ämne Evaluating Six Sigma Projects
How can I evaluate the quality of 6 Sigma projects (logical think, creative, right tools, effectiveness and so on). What grading and evaluation of the factors you recommend?...
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ämne Six Sigma Effectiveness
Please, can someone evaluate the effectiveness of Six Sigma process improvement methodology....
Kommentarer7 kommentarer

ämne Hypothesis Testing in DMAIC Projects
Is hypothesis testing a must in DMAIC projects? Why (not)?...
Kommentarer10 kommentarer


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Praktiska Implementeringstips


Six Sigma Implementation Principles

Implementing Six Sigma Succesfully
In the article 'Six Sigma - the route to business excellence' (Management Services, Winter 2005), John Morgan argues tha...

Six Sigma Approaches / Steps Compared

Commonly Six Sigma projects focus on re-designing processes and systems and improving performance of existing systems. W...

Good Six Sigma Project Management

Six Sigma Project Characteristics
In their article 'Six Sigma in Service Organizations' (International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 2...

Hypothesis Testing in Lean Six Sigma Explained

SS Hypothesis Testing
How to do simple hypothesis testing in lean six sigma? How to simplify the basic roadmap in a hypothesis test? Using th...

6 Management Responsibilities in 6 Sigma

Six Sigma Implementation, Best Practices
The six imperative responsibilities top managers must take on in the early stages of a Six Sigma process: 1. Develop a ...

Human Sigma

Improving Employee-Customer Encounters
Although Six Sigma is an extremely powerful tool in manufacturing contexts, it falls short when it comes to the employee...

Six Sigma in Service Organizations

According to Jiju Antony ('Six Sigma for Service Processes', Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2005),...

How Six Sigma Supports TQM

TQM, Six Sigma
Forrest B.Green suggests in a paper called: Six-Sigma and the Revival of TQM that Total Quality Management (TQM) is unde...

Six Sigma Lessons Learned

Process Improvement of Six Sigma Projects
Although six sigma programs typically start of well, they all too often fail to have a lasting impact as participants gr...

Six Sigma in Service Organizations

Challenges and Difficulties
Although the adoption of a Six Sigma business strategy in service organizations can lead to considerable benefits, follo...

3 Critical Success Factors for Six Sigma Projects

Getting results out of a 6 Sigma project
3 Critical Success Factors of a Six Sigma project are: 1 Executive Engagement: - Support consistently the organization ...

3 Six Sigma Variants

Differences in Six Sigma Approaches
Behind the success of 3 major companies who innovatively applied Six Sigma in Supply Chain Management there are differen...

Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA)

Testing Measurement Systems, Improving Measurement Systems, Assessing Measurement Systems
WHAT IS MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS ANALYSIS (MSA)? MSA is a type of experiment whereby you measure the same item or object rep...

Generic Six Sigma Project Ideas

Identifying LSS Projects
Here are some general 6 Sigma project ideas: • Reduce expenses at… • Reduce scrap… • Reduce downtimes… or increase up...

Design for Six Sigma

Supply Chain & Quality
In addition to the two common key methodologies: DMAIC and DMADV of Six Sigma, there is another separate approach which ...

How to Make Value Stream Map? Tips

Making a Value Stream Map, Creating a Value Stream Map
Hi, here's a great explaining youtube clip on tricks for making a VSM. Enjoy!...

DMAIC Approach is Sequential, But...

Six Sigma Implementation
The DMAIC approach is designed to allow for flexibility and iterative work, if necessary. As more is learned through thi...

The DMAIC Process Step by Step Example

Six Sigma Implementation, DMAIC Process
In order to better illustrate the DMAIC process, consider the case of a janitorial company that wants to boost the calib...

Lean Six Sigma Programs

Driving Innovation
Based on an analysis of Caterpillar and other companies that used lean Six Sigma programs to drive broad-based innovatio...


Six Sigma Method
What Key Overall Requirements are there? Requirements come from the customer (VoC) and the business (VoB), depending on...

Six Sigma Improvement Team Composition and Procedure

Six Sigma
Six Sigma teams should be multidisciplinary. The diversity of perspectives in the team — which includes someone with exp...

Appropriate Sample Sizes in Six Sigma

Six Sigma
The first question faced by a statistical consultant, and frequently the last, is, “How many subjects (animals, units) d...

Radical Innovations

Assessing Your Level of Preparedness
According to the article “Using a Lean Six Sigma Approach to Drive Innovation” by George Byrne, Dave Lubowe and Amy Blit...

Control Charts and Control Limits

Controlling the Process
Elements of a Control Chart There are three main elements of a control chart 1. A control chart begins with a time ser...

Olika informationskällor om Sex Sigma-metodologi. Här hittar du powerpoints, videor, nyheter etc. som du kan använda i dina egna föreläsningar och workshops.


Six Sigma Dictionary (250 terms)

6 Sigma Terms
Short explanation of 250 six sigma terms. By Luis Garcia Guzman....

Great Truths about Six Sigma

Introducing SIx Sigma
Humorous introduction to Six Sigma with cartoons from various cartoonists....

Six Sigma Explanation

Business Process Improvement
Definition of “Six Sigma” Six Sigma Best Practice Implementation framework Key Ingredients for a Successful Six Sigma ...

Lean Assessment Tool

Lean / Six Sigma Assessment
Spreadsheet calculates current and future Lean and Six Sigma scores based on scoring in 28 criteria. Generates Lean Over...

Six Sigma Intro

Introduction to SS
Introduction presentation by lakhanpalv....

Y=f(x) + E

DMAIC Project Control
This document guides and helps you through the DMAIC process using the well known Six Sigma formula Y=f(x) + e....

Six Sigma Calculator

Calculating DPM and PPM
Determine the process performance in terms of Defects Per Million (DPM) or Parts Per Million (PPM)....

Business Process Management and Improvement: Six Sigma, BPR and (R)Evolutionary Change

Process Management, process Improvement, Business Process Reengineering, BPR, Six Sigma
Presentation about process management, particularly process modeling simulation and design. The presentation focuses on ...

SS Origins and Destinations

Six Sigma and Sustainability
Presentation by Prof. Rick Edgeman explains DMAIC, DFSS, the role of 6 Sigma in biophysical sustainability, environmenta...

Introduction to Project Quality Management

Quality Management, Project Quality Planning, Project Quality Assurance, Project Quality Control
Presentation about Project Quality Management. A large part of the presentation is about Six Sigma as a quality manageme...

Overview Six Sigma

Six Sigma Method
Presentation defines Six Sigma as a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects in any pro...

8 Wastes Assessment and 5S Analysis in Office Environments

Lean, 5S , WASTE
In the office environment, our work does not take place on our desks, but on our computers and in our digital networks. ...

Six Sigma Demystified

MEASURE – SIX SIGMA IMPROVEMENT METHODOLOGY A. Ask each Customer: What do you need from the service / product we provi...

Using the Whys Method

Six Sigma, Toyoda, Toyota, Lean Production, Root Cause Analysis
To solve a problem effectively, you need to drill down through the symptoms to the underlying cause. Sakichi Toyoda, one...

Plan for Every Part

Lean Production, Parts Management, Value Stream Mapping, Continuous-flow Manufacturing
Business Managers are making progress in realising flow as more they learn about VSM (Value Stream Mapping) and continuo...


Lean, HoT
Japanese manufacturing techniques have had a major affect on the approaches taken in manufacturing and management in man...

Continuous Sampling Planning

The concept of continuous sampling planning originated in 1943 by Dodge. Known as CSP-1, continuous sampling is used whe...

Battle of Champions in Performance Improvement: Six Sigma versus Lean

Performance Improvement Lean Six Sigma
While both Six Sigma and Lean focus on waste reduction as a key aim (recognizing waste comes in many forms), this is the...

Six Sigma Diagram

Quality Assurance
Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...

Certifications from Various Accreditation Agencies

Six Sigma Certifications
The attachment gives an overview of existing Lean Six Sigma Certifications. When you want to find or become yourself a ...

Errors in Hypothesis Testing

Errors in Hypothesis Testing
An article with example how we can circumvent errors in Hypothesis testing. Setting the value of α is not automati...

A Guide to Control Charts

Applying Control Charts, Types of Control Charts
Control charts have two general uses in an improvement project. The most common application is as a tool to monitor proc...

Rolled Throughput Yield

Calculating Yield of a Process
Rolled Throughput Yield allows us to expose the "hidden factory" by providing visibility into the yield of each process ...

Sample Size Calculation

Calculating Sample Size, Determining Sample Size
The first question faced by a statistical consultant, and frequently the last, is: “How many subjects (animals, units) d...

Design of Experiments (DOE)

Designing Experiments, Designing Statistical Experiments
Quality managers who understand how to apply statistical tools for Design of Experiments (DOE) are better able to suppor...

Six Sigma Capability Studies

Determining the Six Sigma Level
For many years industries have used Cp, Cpk, Pp and Ppk as statistical measures of process quality capability. Some segm...


Användbara verktyg angående Sex Sigma-metodologi.













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