
7 Goda Vanor
(Stephen Covey)


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Modellen med de sju vanorna av lednings- och ledarskapsgurun Stephen Covey är en teori som är tillämpbar på vårt personliga liv, sociala liv och på arbetslivet. Likväl så är ramverket mycket tillämpbart för ledare och chefer. Enligt Covey så påverkar våra paradigm hur vi samverkar med varandra vilket i sin tur påverkar hur de samverkar med oss. Därför förordar Covey, att ett effektfullt självhjälpsprogram måste börja med ”ett inifrån och ut” tillvägagångssätt, i stället för se på våra problem med ”ett utifrån perspektiv” (ett utifrån och in tillvägagångssätt). Vi måste starta med att undersöka våra egna karaktärer, paradigm och bevekelsegrunder.

7 Goda Vanor av Covey

  1. Var proaktiv. Detta är förmågan till att kontrollera sin omgivning, i stället för motsatsen, som så ofta är fallet. Chefer behöver kontrollera deras egen omgivnig, genom att använda självbestämmande och förmågan till att reagera på olika omständigheter.
  2. Börja med slutet i åtanken. Detta betyder att chefen måste se det önskade slutresultatet och koncentrera sig på aktiviteter som hjälper till att uppnå det i slutändan.
  3. Sätt igång med det viktigaste först. En chef måste klara av sin egen personlighet. Personligen. Och chefer bör genomföra aktiviteter som syftar till att uppnå den andra vanan. Covey säger att vana 2. är det första eller mentalt skapande; vana 3 är det andra eller det fysiskt skapande.
  4. Att tänka vinn-vinn. Detta är den viktigaste aspekten i ett samverkande ledarskap därför att de flesta prestationer baseras på gemensamma ansträngningar. Därför är syftet vinn-vinn lösningar för alla.
  5. Sök först att förstå och därefter att förstås. Genom att utveckla och att underhålla positiva relationer och att ha en god kommunikation förstås chefen väl av andra och han kan bättre förstå de underlydande.
  6. Att skapa synergieffekter. Detta är vanan av kreativt samarbete: principen med att samarbeta mot att nå fram till ett syfte uppnår ofta mer, än vad som man kan uppnå genom att individer arbetar självständigt.
  7. Vässa sågen. Vi bör lära från våra tidigare erfarenheter. Och vi bör uppmuntra andra att göra detsamma. Covey ser utveckling som en av de mest viktiga aspekter för att kunna klara av utmaningar och för att aspirera mot högre nivåer av förmåga.

I hans bok 2004: ”The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness”, introducerar Covey en extra åttonde vana:

  1. Finn din inre vägledare och inspirera andra att hitta sin egen. Sträva mot ”storhet”, betyder att agera med integritet som en individ och att hjälpa andra till att göra detsamma. Enligt Covey representerar denna vanan den 3:e dimensionen i hans modell. Storheten är överlappat av:
  • Personlig storhet. Applicera de 7 vanorna i form av: vision, disciplin, passion och samvete.
  • Ledarskapets storhet. Applicera de 4 rollerna av ledarskapet, som modellerar med de 7 vanorna:
    • Finna vägen. Skapa ritningen.
    • Anpassa, rikta in. Skapa ett tekniskt elegant system av arbete.
    • Ge kraft åt. Frigör talangfullhet, energi och bidrag från personalen.
    • Modellerande. Att byggaupp förtroende med andra. Hjärtat av ett effektfullt ledarskap.
  • Organisatorisk storhet. Detta är storheten som kan vändas till en vision, ett uppdrag och värden. Detta tar fram klarhet, engagemang, översättning, synergi och möjliggör ansvar.

Bok: Stephen Covey: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Bok: Stephen Covey: The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness

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Forumdiskussioner om 7 Goda Vanor.

ämne Write a Personal Mission Statement
Would you like to focus your life on what really matters to you and who you want to be in your life? Covey described the following pearl of wisdom in his book Seven Habits: "The key to the ability t...
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ämne Stephen Covey 1932-2012
It's with great sadness I write that FranklinCovey Company announced the passing of Stephen Covey peacefully this morning due to the residual effects of a bicycle accident he suffered this past April....
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ämne Implement 7 Habits Across the Organization
Without effective communication, managers and subordinates have the tendency to misunderstand each other. This often leads to conflict. Managers must try to implement the 7 habits at all levels in an ...
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ämne Effectiveness to Greatness
I feel being effective alone will not lead to greatness. But being effective and efficient while being also Emotionally Intelligent will lead to greatness. Mr. Covey should take that as a separate top...
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ämne Seven Habits: Reprogram your Mind
It's never late to learn and apply the seven habits of Covey, because these habits are the only tool to reprogram your mind to travel the path to success....
ämne Questions About Covey's Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence (Habit 1)
"Because of position, wealth, role, or relationships, there are some circumstances in which a person's Circle of Influence is larger than his or her Circle of Concern. This situation reflects on a sel...
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ämne Covey's 8th Habit: Expression of a Higher Level of Awareness
The 7 habits framework can be applied as they are but the 8th habit represents a maturity that is not apparently evident in the first 7 habits. However, I would say that much like a diamond, the 8th h...
ämne Extra Habit: Spirituality
Be nice! Be good! Love is a powerful weapon against troubled people. Love and hate are contagious. Select first! Don't fall in dangerous games and keep your mind away from negative influences....
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ämne About Beginning with the End in Mind (Covey)
How is it possible to multiply time when we all have the same 24 hours in a day? Stephen Covey in his book "The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People" made a huge impact on me and while all his ...
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ämne Reasons for the 8th Habit
Anyone knows why the 8th habit came about. I feel it has to do with all the 7 not having the power of influence, no matter how proactive one remains, in bringing a significant change to the environmen...
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ämne Principled-centered Leadership
There seems to be an ongoing debate re who should come first - customer or employee. Yet, I can think of situations when it is family first. If you were in a high-powered client or employee meeting a...

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🥇 Think success, then it will follow...
Success starts first in the mind, all other steps are simply the embodiment of ingredients that made up this very first mental image. Think success, then it will follow......
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🥈 Extra Habit: Enthusiasm
I believe the world belongs to the people of enthusiasm. It is our enthusiasm that reflects on our future output....
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🥉 Tools for being Proactive?
How to effectively control one's environment in a proactive way?...
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ämne Seven Habits: Followers?
I wonder, can there be habits for followers as well?...
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ämne I say : Emotion Clouds Reason
Emotion clouds reason . To be an effective decision maker, a person should put truth and betterment of others above himself....
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ämne Habits inhibit Freedom?
I feel the 7 habits inhibit the freedom to act spontaneously as perceived by the Zen Management approach which demands "Being In The Present"....
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ämne Extra Habit: Setting and Achieving Goals
I accept that the good habits are necessary to building positive self-esteem and image, it is a universal truth. The Seven Habits model developed by Mr. Stephen Covey is really practical in human bein...
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ämne Seven Habits: Sharpen the saw?
What is the meaning of Covey's: Sharpen the saw?...
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ämne 7 Habits is Road Map to Personal Success
Stephen R Covey's 7 habits should be a road map to personal success but the habits can be increased to as many as possible to achieve the same goal of personal success....
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ämne Extra habit: Emotional Intelligence
I think the best way to have a successful and influential leadership is to add another habit: Emotional intelligence as a habit....
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ämne Accountability of Time and Workforce Output
Accountability of time in comparision to the output of workforce is to be monitored very strictly in order to achieve the goals....
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ämne Could Working Hard be an Extra Habit?
Can I add another habit: The attitude to work hard. I find that hard work is one of the most important habits, not found in all persons......
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Praktiska Implementeringstips


Seven Habits of Highly Effective Salespersons

Distinguishing Top Salespeople
In the article "The Seven Strategies of the Highly Effective Salesperson" (Industrial Distribution, February 2008), John...

Seven Habits of Strategic CFOs

CFOs New Roles as Corporate Change Agents
In the style of Stephen Covey, Kurt Kuehn suggests following Seven Habits of Strategic CFOs (Strategic Finance, Septembe...

Seven Habits of Effective Aid

International Cooperation
Following Stephen Covey's way, Andrew Rogerson and Paolo de Renzio (January 2005) suggest the following Seven Habits of ...

Five Leadership Development Ideas

Leadership Development, Management Development, Coaching, Mentoring
Although years of research and analysis by biographers, historians, and scholars have produced an enormous library of bo...

Identify and Develop Leadership Abilities

Leadership Development, Management Development, Coaching, Mentoring
Covey's 4 Roles of Leadership® helps managers to identify and develop 4 important abilities of 'true' leaders: Modeling...

The Principles Behind the 7 Habits

Reflection, Coaching, Mentoring, Leadership Development, Management Development
Steven Covey explained what are the universal, timeless principles behind his 7 habits: 1. Be proactive is based on the...

Why EFFECTIVE in the 'Seven Habits of Highly EFFECTIVE People'?

Stephen Covey chose the Word Effective, not Efficient nor Successful
As a 7H certified trainer, we start our sessions by looking at the title of the book. Stephen carefully chose the word "...

Ten Traits of Effective Leaders

Effective Leadership
In an excerpt titled “Ten Traits of Effective Leaders” (Harvard Management Update, 2005, Vol. 10, No. 10) from his book ...

Olika informationskällor om 7 Goda Vanor. Här hittar du powerpoints, videor, nyheter etc. som du kan använda i dina egna föreläsningar och workshops.


7 Habits Presentation

Good overview presentation by Think Inc....

The Habit of Continuous Personal Development

Lifelong Learning, Continuous Education, Continuous Learning, Personal Development, Professional Development
There is no habit that guarantees your success in life more than the habit of lifelong professional and personal improve...

Stephen Covey on Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning, Continuous Education, Continuous Learning, Continually Learning
This video provides background on Covey's 7th Habit ("Sharpening the Saw"). Many employees are reluctant to fulfill the ...

Steven Covey on his 8 Habits of Effective People / Managers / Leaders

Understanding the 8 Habits of Covey. Leadership Development, Management Development, Coaching, Mentoring
In this video Steven Covey explains his 7 habits plus the 8th habit he added later: 1. Be proactive 2. Begin with the ...

Seven Habits Outline Map

Summary Mindmap
Summary and outline of the 7-habits theory.(Courtesy of Bruce Liu, who produced and shared the map)...

Stephen Covey on the Speed of Trust

Corporate Strategy, Global Economy, Banking System, Leadership Development, Stakeholder Management
Steven Covey hints at some of the reasons why trust is so fundamental for corporations, the banking system, financial in...


Användbara verktyg angående 7 Goda Vanor.













Jämför att 7 Goda Vanor av Covey med: Sju Överraskningar Porter  |  Betjänanande Ledarskap  |  Karismatiskt Ledarskap  |  Ledarskapsutveckling Charan och Drotter  |  PAEI-modell, Managementroller Adizes  |  Förändringsledning  |  SMART  |  Path-Goal  |  Ledarskapets Övergångsmodell Tannenbaum och Schmidt  |  Teori X Teori Y  |  Dimensioner på Relationsarbete Butler och Waldroop  |  Resultatbaserat Ledarskap Ulrich  |  Resultatorienterad Ledarskap  |  Coaching, Coachande, Coachning, Rådgivare  |  Mentoring (Mentorskap)  |  Situationsanpassat Ledarskap  |  Ledarskapsstilar, Ledarstilar  |  Nivå 5 Ledarskap  |  Afrikanskt Ledarskapsmodell av Banhegyi

Retur till Management Start: Organisation och Förändring  |  Kommunikation och Färdigheter  |  HRM och Personalfrågor  |  Ledarskap

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