
Besluitvorming en Waardering

Besluitvorming en Waardering. Methodes, modellen en theorieën (A-Z)



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Besluitvorming en Waardering

10 Denkscholen Mintzberg

12 Principes van de Netwerkeconomie Kelly

14 Managementprincipes Fayol

6 Denkhoeden de Bono


Absorptie Kostprijsberekening

Activity Based Costing ABC ABM

Actieleren (Actie-Leren) Revans

Analoog Strategisch Redeneren Gavetti Rivkin

Analyse van de Onderliggende Oorzaak

Attributietheorie Heider

Balanced Scorecard-methode Kaplan Norton

Bases van Sociale Macht French Raven

Bass Diffusiemodel Bass

Bedrijfsintelligentie (Business Intelligence)



Break-even Punt

Capital Asset Pricing Model Sharpe

Cash Flow Return on Investment

Cash Value Added CVA Anelda

Centralisatie en Decentrali­satie


Chaostheorie Lorenz

Contingentietheorie Vroom


Culturele Intelligentie Early

Cultuurtypes Deal Kennedy


Delphimethode Helmer

DICE-Raamwerk BCG

Directe Kostprijsberekening

Discounted Cash Flow-methode DCF


Economische Marge EM

Economic Value Added EVA

Effect/Waarde Raamwerk Hammer

Fair Value accounting

Gemiddelde Gewogen Kosten van Kapitaal (WACC)


Groepsdenken Janis

Industrie Levenscyclus

Integrale Kostprijsberekening

Intellectueel Kapitaal Waardering

Interne Opbrengstvoet (Effectief Rendement)

Kepner-Tregoe Matrix

Knelpuntentheorie (Theory of Constraints) Goldratt

Koers/Winst Groei Verhouding

Koers/Winst Verhouding


Kosten van Eigen Vermogen

Kosten van Kapitaal

KPIs Rockart

Krachtenveldanalyse Lewin

Kritieke Pad (Critical Chain) Goldratt

Kritische Succesfactoren Rockart

Leiderschapcontinuum Tannenbaum


Management by Objectives Drucker

Managementraster Blake Mouton

Marginale Kostprijsberekening

Market Value Added MVA

Meeropbrengst (Excess Return) ER

Merkidentiteit-prisma Kapferer

Merkpersoonlijkheid Aaker

Merkwaarde Waarderingsmethode (BAV)

Metaplan Schnelle


Modelleren van Bedrijfs­processen

Netto Contante Waarde NPV

Oorzaak- en Gevolgdiagram Ishikawa

Operations Research

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Productlevenscyclus Levitt


Pyramide van Maslow Maslow


RAROC Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital

Real Options-analyse Luehrman

Relatieve Waarde van Groei Mass

Rendement op Investering ROI



Simulatie en modellering

Skandia Navigator Leif Edvinsson

SMART Drucker

Sociale Intelligentie

Speltheorie (Game Theory) Nash

Spiraal van Stilte Noelle-Neumann

Spiral Dynamics Graves

Stage-Gate Model Cooper


Stakeholderperspectief (Stakeholder­waarde­perspectief)

Stakeholders in Kaart Brengen (Stakeholder Mapping)

Sterkte-zwakteanalyse (SWOT-analyse)

Strategie Dynamica Warren

Strategiekaart (Strategy Map) Kaplan Norton

Strategische Stuwers Wiseman

Strategisch Risicomanagement Slywotzky



Systeemdenken Forrester

TDC Matrix Internet


Tien Denkscholen Mintzberg

Time-Based Activity Based Costing Kaplan

Total Business Return TBR BCG

Total Cost of Ownership

Value Based Management (Waarde­sturing)

Variabele Kostprijsberekening

Vijf Krachtenmodel Porter

Vrije Kasstroom


Waardedisciplines (Waarde­proposities) Treacy Wiersema

Waarde in Kaart Brengen (Value Mapping) Jack

Waardemanagement McTaggart

Waardetechniek (Value Engineering) Miles

Whole Brain-model Herrmann

Winstpoelen (Profit Pools) Gadiesh, Gilbert

Winst voor Rente, Belasting, Afschrijvingen en Amortisatie (EBITDA)

Winst voor Rente en Belasting (EBIT)

Zachte Activa Monitor Sveiby

Zes Denkhoeden de Bono

Meer in Woordenboek


Community of Interest

Besluitvorming en Waardering Community of Interest.

Community of Interest
Community of Interest (612 leden)


Forumdiscussies over Besluitvorming en Waardering.

🔥 Meerdere Sturingslijnen: Hoe Doe je Dat?
Bij het ontwerpen van een nieuwe organisatie willen we met 3 sturingslijnen gaan werken: hierarchisch, gebiedsgericht en programma/projecten gericht. Wie heeft ervaring met het werken in een organisat...
Reacties1 reacties
onderwerp Rationele Besluitvorming?
Ik geloof niet in enige rationele besluitvormingsmethodes voor managers. De complexiteit van veel managementbeslissingen is groot, en de omstandigheden veranderen snel. Daarom geven heel wat leidingge...
onderwerp Decision-making According to Peter Drucker
Definition of a Decision A decision is a choice whereby a person performs a conclusion about a situation. This represents a course of behavior about what must or what must not be done. It is the po...
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onderwerp The Role of Optimism in Decision-Making
How does optimism influence decision-making?...
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onderwerp Why a Leader Must Make Informed Decisions
Ramos said: 'No authority shall rule over reason, on the contrary the mind must prevail over the authority to manage it'. Therefore a wise leader should consider others' opinion, especially the views...
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onderwerp Avoid These Common Decision Traps and Errors
Making decisions is your most critical job as a leader. The more high-stakes a decision is, the more likely you are to get stuck. Here's how to avoid three of the most common traps: 1. Anchoring Bias...
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onderwerp Decision Making Process not Only for Managers
Decision making processes are not only for managers, they work in all fields of the organization......
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onderwerp Conscious and Unconscious Decision-making
A decision is a neurological process taken individually, collectively, or with a cyber brain that results in an action. The decision and hence actions can be taken consciously or unconsciously and the...
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onderwerp Individual versus Organizational Decision-making
We should distinguish between two basic levels (or types) of decision-making when studying the above methods and theories: 1. Individual decision-making - Historically viewed as a relative simple, li...
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onderwerp Decision-making Reviews?
Jerome Groopman says it's about time that managers make themselves more vulnerable by organizing formal decision-making reviews when a poor decision has been made, or when a particularly important de...
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onderwerp The Role of Opinions in Decision-making
Opinions play a major role in decision making in the absence of sufficient management information and lack of analytic skills. Although modern management tools emphasize that management information ...
Reacties9 reacties
onderwerp Making no Decision at All
Should the Indian way of decision making - "no decision at all" be construed as a decision?...
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onderwerp Good Judgment in Decision Making
We are often in a situation where there are no right or wrong answers when we must make a decision. In such situations we need "good judgment". Good judgment is the ability to combine personal qualiti...
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onderwerp Role of Artificial Intelligence in Organizational Decision-making
What do you think is the role of Artificial Intelligence (big data, self-learning software, digital networks, algorithms) in strategic organizational decision-making? Does it represent an entirely ne...
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onderwerp What Makes a Manager Into a Good Decision-maker? 10 Traits for Decision Making
Decision making is vital in our life, be it workplace or home. My long experience in industry and thirty years of marriage say decision making needs the following traits in a 'manager': 1. Knowledge...
Reacties5 reacties
onderwerp Avoid Hasty Decision-making
Life itself is the ultimate school for making decisions. We make decisions constantly when faced with any situation. However, we need not be hasty about making them (although some are required on the...
Reacties3 reacties
onderwerp The Role of Religion in Decision Making
Do Religion, Yoga, Meditation play any role in correct decision making? Our religions preach many virtues which are age old and long lasting. They are playing a vital role in many people's lives. - ...
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onderwerp Silence Following a Decision is Sometimes Seen as Agreement
Some individuals/organizations/cultures will perceive/treat silence following a decision as agreement. The other party should be aware of that....
Reacties2 reacties
onderwerp What is Institutional Theory?
Has anyone got any information or pointers to this theory? Thanks......
Reacties2 reacties
onderwerp Reasoning in Decision Making
In a business decision making process, an aspect of 'Reasoning' is involved. Reasoning is the process of using existing knowledge to draw conclusions, make predictions, or construct explanations. Ther...
Reacties2 reacties
onderwerp Apps for Decision-making
Are there any systems or intelligent apps to help make the most appropriate decision among a set of alternatives by choosing the best solution alternatives to a problem based on some analysis?...
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De best beoordeelde onderwerpen over Besluitvorming en Waardering. Hier vindt u de meest waardevolle ideeën en praktische suggesties.

🥇 Rational Decision-making
I don't believe in any rational decision-making methods for managers. The complexity of most management decisions is big, and the circumstances change quickly. As a result, many executives prefer the...
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🥈 5 Steps to Learn from your Mistakes
We all know that making mistakes is needed to learn from them, in order to do things better in the future. Indeed, people are often told to learn from mistakes, to maximize return on failure. But how ...
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🥉 15 Obstacles to Making Decisions
What kinds of obstacles do you know to making (correct) decisions? Here is my collection of common reasons which may or will lead to bad decisions. I am looking forward to hearing your further obstac...
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onderwerp Improving the Decision-making by Managers: Choice Architecture
A different approach towards improving decision making is 'Choice Architecture'. In every organization, employees tend to make decisions that will neither benefit their employer nor themselves. Accor...
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onderwerp How to Choose the Appropriate Decision-making Method
Most decision makers in organizations rely on conventional decision-making tools - even in situations of high complexity and uncertainty. However, these basic tools are based upon the assumption that ...
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onderwerp 6 Ways of Dealing with Uncertainty at Work
Have you ever wondered if and how you should start a new job at a new organization? Are you considering the option of a transfer to a new team or department? Do you have jitters about the new project...
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