
Netto Contante Waarde (NPV)


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Wat is Netto Contante Waarde? Definitie

De Netto Contante Waarde (NPV) van een investering (project) is het verschil tussen de som van de verdisconteerde kasstroom die van de investering worden verwacht, en het bedrag dat aanvankelijk wordt geïnvesteerd. Het is een traditionele waardevaststellingsmethode (vaak voor een project) die in de Discounted Cash Flow-methode metingmethodologie wordt gebruikt, waarbij de volgende stappen worden ondernomen:

Stappen in de berekening van Netto Contante Waarde

Netto Contante Waarde (NPV)
  1. Berekening van verwachte vrije kasstromen (vaak per per jaar) die uit de investering resulteren
  2. Trek af / verdisconteer de kosten van kapitaal (een rentepercentage om voor tijd en risico aan te passen)

Het tussentijdse resultaat wordt genoemd: Contante waarde.

  1. Trek de aanvankelijke investeringen af

Het eindresultaat wordt genoemd: Netto Contante Waarde.

Daarom is NPV een bedrag dat uitdrukt hoeveel waarde er uit een investering zal voortvloeien. Dit wordt gedaan door alle kasstromen terug in de tijd te meten naar het huidige punt op dit moment.

Als de NPV methode resulteert in een positief bedrag, zou het project ondernomen moeten worden.

Beperkingen van Netto Contante Waarde

  • Hoewel de Netto Contante Waarde (NPV) meting breed voor het nemen van investeringsbesluiten wordt gebruikt, is een nadeel van NPV dat het geen rekening houdt met de flexibiliteit / onzekerheid na het projectbesluit. Zie Real Options-analyse voor meer informatie.
  • Ook niet kan NPV ongrijpbare voordelen behandelen. Dit onvermogen vermindert zijn nut voor strategische kwesties en projecten. Zie Intellectueel Kapitaal Waardering voor meer informatie.

Boek: S. David Young, Stephen F.O'Byrne - EVA and Value-Based Management: A Practical Guide.

Boek: Aswath Damodaran - Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the.

Boek: James R. Hitchner - Financial Valuation: Applications and Models

Special Interest Group

Netto Contante Waarde Special Interest Group.

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Special Interest Group (19 leden)


Forumdiscussies over Netto Contante Waarde.

onderwerp NPV of $1 Million for a Project Means What
If a NPV of one project is $1 million, what does it mean to an investor?...
Reacties2 reacties
onderwerp WHEN to Invest? Investing at the Right Moment...
I have done a NPV calculation for an investment option. The problem I'm thinking about is not IF I should invest, it is WHEN to invest. Its weird to make a calculation on a 10 years basis for option ...
onderwerp Calculating NPV with Missing Data
How will I calculate the NPV if I only have the different annual income for 6 years business proposal?...
Reacties4 reacties
onderwerp Example of Net Present Calculation
Consider the following two investments: Investment 1 requires a cash investment of $ 10,000 today and $14,000 two years from now. One year from now this investment will yield $24,000. Investment 2 r...
Reacties2 reacties
onderwerp NPV of Partial Payments
Suppose a business sells an average of $ 1000 per month to a group of 200 customers on Net 30 terms. What would be the financial benefit to the seller if those customers each paid 1/30th of the invoi...
onderwerp Missed Interest in NPV
(How) Can I include interest income forgone in an NPV calculation?...
Reacties1 reacties
onderwerp How do you Calculate NPV when Initial Investments are Unknown?
In calculating NPV when initial investment is not mentioned what should i do? Only cost and benefit from year 1 is given. What would be the power of (1+discount rate) 1 or 0?...
Reacties4 reacties
onderwerp NPV assumes Certainty of Cash Flows
When using the Net Present Value method be careful: this calculation assumes certainly in the forecasted future cash flows. For strategic longer term projects this assumptions is often not valid in to...
onderwerp NPV with a Missing Cash Flow Figure
Is is possible to calculate NPV with a missing cash flow figure? E.g. the expected cash flows for a 5 year project at 2% with initial investment of £5000 pounds are £1000, £2500, £2300, £1700 and unkn...
onderwerp NPV with Only Costs & IRR
Hi, I have been posed with the problem of trying to calculate an NPV, with only costs provided and an IRR. Additionally, costs are not incurred upfront, but by borrowing over each period at a given ra...
Reacties1 reacties
onderwerp NPV for Leased Equipment versus Purchased Equipment
Do any of you use NPV for a lease situation? I lease equipment and am often asked about purchase versus lease I do not have the customers cash inflows, but when I'd do this comparison of NPVs, the le...
onderwerp Calculating Cost per Unit if Zero NPV without any Operating Costs Information
How does one calculate the cost per unit from the following info? Initial investment of R120M, R8M maintenance costs per year, R5M additional costs for each 1M units produced and 1.2M units produced ...
onderwerp NPV Cost Avoidance and Savings
I evaluating a capital expenditure project where 'stand alone' (location 1) the savings from the investment are low. Due to this, the NPV is low. And thus the project is not feasible. However this pr...
onderwerp Calculating NPV for a Project
John owns a nursery school. He estimates that, with an extension, he would be able to sell the business as a going concern for $600,000 in six years time. Without the extension, he would expect to sel...

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Best Practices

De best beoordeelde onderwerpen over Netto Contante Waarde. Hier vindt u de meest waardevolle ideeën en praktische suggesties.

🥇 Re-evaluating an investment decision
Question: I am re-evaluating an investment decision from 2004 - - where the initial investment was made. If I wanted to look at the investment today would I need to take the future value of the past C...
Reacties6 reacties

🥈 Operating Cash Flows
What is the NPV of a project that has cost of 52,125 and net cash flows of 12,000 per year for 8 years with a cost of capital of 12 percent?...
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🥉 Does the Net Present Value (NPV) calculation uses cash inflows or profits?
Does the NPV calculation uses cash inflows or profits? Should I use the revenue generated by the project or the profit?...
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onderwerp Choosing between Investments Using a Comparison of NPVs
If I have 2 investments and I compare the NPV of both. Which one I prefer? With the biggest NPV?...
Reacties2 reacties

onderwerp More Complex NPV Comparison: Interrelated Projects
How would I compare 3 projects - two have an NPV = $500,000 (over 9 years mixed stream of inflows and 20 years annuity, respectively) and one which is a lump of $490,000 cash right now? ...
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Expert Tips

Geavanceerde inzichten over Net Present Value (NPV) (Engels). Hier vindt u professionele adviezen van deskundigen.






Praktische implementatietips


Diverse informatiebronnen betreffende Netto Contante Waarde. Hier vindt u powerpoints, video's, nieuws etc. om te gebruiken in uw eigen lezingen en workshops.


Net Present Value vs IRR

Two of the most important criteria for choosing between capital investment projects are net present value (NPV) and inte...

Present Value Tables

Calculating PV
Set of present value tables written in rich text format, compatible with MS-Word and most other word processors. Include...

Capital Budgeting

Calculate NPV, IRR, ROC
Basic capital budgeting analysis for a project. Compute NPV, IRR and ROI. Spreadsheet by Aswath Damodaran....

Business Valuation | Company Valuation | Firm Valuation

Business Analysis, Company Analysis | Firm Analysis
This presentation elaborates on the valuation and analysis of companies and include the following sections: 1. Company ...

Analyzing Financial Feasibility

Financial Feasibility Analysis, Project Selection, ROI, NPV, IRR
Presentation about Feasibility Studies in the Financial Area. The presentation includes the following sections: 1. Fina...

How to Calculate NPV in MS Excel

Basic Understanding of how to use Excel for calculating NPV
The Net Present Value of an investment is the present value of the investment minus the amount of money it cost to buy i...

Net Present Value Diagram

Investment Valuation
Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...

Net Present Value and Capital Budgeting

NPV, Capital Budgeting, Investment
The presentation teaches how to make complicated decisions (using NPV as the investment rule) in capital budgeting for b...


Handige tools met betrekking tot Netto Contante Waarde.













Vergelijk met Netto Contante Waarde: Interne Opbrengstvoet (Effectief Rendement)  |  Terugverdientijd  |  Kosten-Baten Analyse  |  Total Cost of Ownership  |  CAGR  |  Kosten van Aandelen

Keer terug naar Management Discipline: Besluitvorming & Waardering  |  Financiën & Investeren

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