
Varumärkespersonlighet Modellen av Aaker


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Varumärkespersonlighet av Jennifer Aaker (Journal of Marketing Research, 8/97, pp. 347-356) är ett ramverk för att beskriva, och att mäta 'personligheten" hos ett varumärke i fem huvud dimensioner, var och en indelad i en uppsättning av aspekter.

Det är en modell som beskriver profilen hos ett varumärke, genom att använda en analogi med en människa.

Fem huvuddimensioner och deras aspekter

Dessa är:Jennifer Aaker Varumärkespersonlighet

  • Uppriktighet (jordnära, ärlig, hälsosam, gladlynt)
  • Spänning (våga, uppmuntrande, fantasirik, aktuellt)
  • Kompetens (pålitligt, intelligent, lyckat)
  • Sofistikerat (överklass som, charmerande)
  • Strapatsrik (uteliv, tuff)

Varje aspekt i sin tur mäts av en uppsättning av karaktärer. Karaktärsmätningarna görs genom att använda en fempoängs skala (1 = inte alls beskrivna, 5 = extremt mycket beskrivna) som klassar i hur hög grad som varje karaktär beskriver det specifika varumärket.

En förklaring till karaktärerna som hör ihop med var och en av aspekterna

Dessa karaktärsdrag är:

  • Jordnära = jordnära, familjeorienterade, småstad
  • Ärliga = ärliga, uppriktiga, verkliga
  • Sunda = sunda och nyttiga, originella
  • Gladlynta = gladlynta, känslosamma, vänskapliga
  • Vågade = vågade, moderiktiga, spännande
  • Klämmiga =spirituella, coola, ungt, klämmiga  
  • Fantasirika = fantasirika, unika
  • Aktuella = aktuella, oberoende, samtida
  • Pålitliga = pålitliga, hårt arbetetande, trygga, stadiga
  • Intelligenta = intelligenta, tekniska, företagsamma
  • Framgångsrika = framgångsrika, lyckade, ledare, säker
  • Överklass = överklass, glamorösa, bra utseende
  • Charmiga = charmiga, som är kvinnliga, mjuka
  • Friluftslivsstil = uteliv, friluftsliv,som är manligt, Väst
  • Tuff = tuff, kraftfull

Varumärkets personlighetsdimensioners ramverk av Jennifer Aaker kan användas till att utforska nuvarande läget (IST) hos ett varumärke och beskriva det önskade framtida läget (SOLL) hos varumärket.

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Forumdiskussioner om Varumärkespersonlighet.

ämne How to Create a Brand? The Brand Creation Process
Brands and Branding are essential components of a successful business. But more in detail, what attributes and properties combine to create a brand and is the creation process instantaneous or evolut...
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ämne Brand Personality - Education - Social Media Marketing
Interesting theory, particularly for private educational institutions transitioning from more traditional marketing strategies to social media tools (in Canada, anyway). The brand personality of a co...
ämne Brand Personality Questionaire
Where can I find an inventory or questionnaire on brand personality dimensions? Thanks......
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ämne 6 Human Attributes of Human-Centric Brands (Kotler)
In marketing, it's being said for a long time: 'The Customer is King'. In the digital era, this saying is truly manifested. Marketers now need to adapt and create brands that behave like humans - appr...
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ämne Do Female Brands Outperform Male Brands?
New research by Pogacar et al. suggests that brand names that are linguistically sounding feminine generally outperform those that are perceived as masculine (except if a brand is aimed at a typical m...
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ämne CORPORATE Brand Personality Models
Can we apply the same model to measure corporate brand personality (of banks)? Or else, what is best model to measure corporate brand personality....
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ämne Brand Personality for Recruitment
Has anyone tried to utlize this model for determining an organization's personality traits for the purpose of employment recruitment attraction?...
ämne Destination Personality
I am applying the personality dimensions to destination brands. Has anyone done this before? I am doubting which model is more applicable (Aaker's Model or the model by McCray & Costa with their big f...
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ämne Using Brand Personality Dimensions Model for Goal Setting
This is a good model and I would like to use this to set goals for my department and individual staff members. We need to improve our credibility & image internally in our hospital organization. Has a...
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ämne Global Marketing Strategy
The world that we know today is becoming more and more connected due to the effect of globalization, but consumers still attempt to link their personality to the brands they buy by association (Curran...
ämne Multi-attribute Theory
I have a question regarding the linear multi-attribute theory? What is this model? What are indifference curves in terms of multi-atribute theory? How can these be plotted for any given attributes?...
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ämne Branding Case: Why the Branding of Mauritius Failed
A branding exercise of Mauritius failed miserably because the dual-language slogan "Mauritius, c'est un plaisir" did not connect with the people, but exacerbated the tensions already existing at the t...
ämne Employment Branding Survey
I would like to do a survey on Employment Branding. Is it possible to suggest me on how to go about?...
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Praktiska Implementeringstips


Pitfalls of International / Global Brands

Brand Portfolio Management, Brand Valuation
Consistent with current trends in globalization, international firms have concentrated their efforts on the development ...

What are Attributes of Strong Brands?

Brand Management, Brand Valuation
In the article “The Brand Report Card” (Harvard Business Review, January 2000), Kevin Lane Keller argues that the world’...

How to Build a Brand in China

Brand Development, China, Best Practices
Based on data about Chinese consumers’ expectations, Paul F. Nunes, Susan A. Piotroski, Lay Lim Teo and R. Michael Mathe...

Dimensions and Traits of the Corporate Brand Personality

Corporate Brand Development
In contrast to product brand personality, which typically relates to consumers and user imagery for a specific product b...

Generic Traits of a Good Brand

Brand Management, Checklist
A good brand displays nine traits: 1. It drives shareholder value. 2. Top executives support the branding effort, mark...

How to Divest 2nd Tier CPG Brands?

Brand Portfolio Management, Freeing up Resources for Main Brands, Brand Valuation
On top of the value of each individual brand comes the value of brands combined whith eachother. Bahadur, Landry and Tre...

Nationalism and Patriotism in Corporate Brand Communication Strategies

Corporate Branding, Corporate Reputation, Corporate Nationality, Corporate Patriotism, Corporate Nationalism
Past research in market communication revealed that many consumers prefer to purchase domestic brands because they want ...

Benefits of a Strong Brand Personality

Brand Management, Brand Strategy, Marketing Strategy
A lot of research has been done on the effects of brand personality; these researches suggested various benefits that ma...

The Need for Brand Authenticity

In an article called "Embrace the Dark Side" in the HBR of Oct 2006, Michael J. Fanuelle says that to be strong, brands ...

Generic Implementation Steps of a Global Brand

Global Brand Development, Best Practices
Firms that want to build global brands should take following 10 steps: 1. Involve the CEO and board to provide top-down...

Why are Brands Often So Similar? Understanding Brand Similarity/Parity

Branding, Brand Management, Brand Parity, Brand Similarity, Know Model, Brand Differentiation
Despite of the efforts of companies to differentiate their brand from other brands, in many product categories a high le...

Six Steps for Integrating Social Media Into your Organization

Social Media Integration, Using Social Media, Social Media for Business
In order to successfully integrate social media into your organization, six useful steps can be used. These are the foll...

Status Brands: The influence of Power-distance Beliefs

Branding, Brand Management, Power Distance, Brand Recognition
Status brands are brands that can inherently raise the social prestige of its owners within a certain community or socie...

The 22 Laws of Branding (Trout & Ries)

Branding, Brand Recognition
1. The Law of Expansion: The power of a brand is inversely proportional to its scope. Trying to be all things to all peo...

Focus Points in City Branding

City Branding, Regional Branding, Geographical Branding
Although most people are used to products and services marketing, cities are increasingly being used as a marketing tool...

Brand Relationship Quality

Branding, Brand Management, Brand Differentiation, Brand Relationship
A lot of research has been done to consumers’ brand evaluations about brands by examining factors such as brand attitude...

Three Dimensions in How Global Brands are Evaluated by Consumers

Global Branding, Corporate Reputation, CSR, Globalization
Holt et al. (2004) researched how people evaluate and value global brands. They found out that 3 main characteristics ar...

Olika informationskällor om Varumärkespersonlighet. Här hittar du powerpoints, videor, nyheter etc. som du kan använda i dina egna föreläsningar och workshops.


Evolution of Consumer Brands over Time. Development Patterns and Transgression

Brand Personality Effects over Time
Article by Jennifer Aaker, Susan Fournier and S. Adam Brasel reports results from a longitudinal field experiment examin...

The Impact of Fun and Classiness

Brand Image Beliefs, Brand Image / Personality
This study by Rajeev Batra and Pamela M. Homer experimentally examines some situational influences on the formation and ...

Jennifer Aaker: Strong Brands Start Internally

Jennifer Aaker on Branding
Jennifer Aaker explains that strong brands start inside the company. A strong brand involves not just "Branding" which ...

Brand Identity Positioning

Brand Positioning by A. Kwanta Panthongprasert, Department of Advertsising, 2010. A clear summary presentation about Br...

Original In-depth Research Paper by Aaker

Brand Personality
Although a considerable amount of research in personality psychology has been done to conceptualize human personality, i...

Brand Stretching and Extension

Brand Management, Brand Identity, Global Brand, Meta Brand
Presentation that is mainly about Brand Stretching and branding in a Global Context. The presentation includes many exam...

Martin's Trust Model: The Trust Matrix

Trust, Corporate Reputation, Corporate Branding, Corporate Image
An important determinant of the reputation of your brand, company or sector is TRUST. In the financial sector for exampl...

Branding Cities: City Branding

City Branding, Branding Strategies
This presentation is about city branding. It explains how to successfully brand cities. The following sections are inclu...

Country Branding: Branding a Country

Country Branding, Place Branding
This presentation is about branding a country or another geographic location. Next to the outline, there are several cou...

How Sponsoring Enhances and Supports other Marketing Elements

Initial Understanding of the Added Value of Sponsoring
Fiona Green explaines that sponsoring is valuable to support and enhance other marketign elemenets such as CRM, PR, adve...

Understand the Basics Behind Sport Sponsoring

Initial Understanding of Sport Sponsoring
A sponsorship is a business contract between a company and an individual, a club, a team or an event in which the compan...

The Self-Expressing Role of Brands

Brand Management
1999 Paper by Jennifer Aaker. Considerable research in consumer experimental psychology has examined the self-expressive...

Brand Personality Model Diagram

Brand Strategy
Download and edit the 12manage PowerPoint model for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in int...


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