
How to Create a Brand? The Brand Creation Process

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Brand Personality



Andrew Blaine
Andrew Blaine
Business Consultant, South Africa

How to Create a Brand? The Brand Creation Process

Brands and Branding are essential components of a successful business.
But more in detail, what attributes and properties combine to create a brand and is the creation process instantaneous or evolutionary?


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  Bornwell Chipfiko
Bornwell Chipfiko, USA

Branding is a Cultivation of a Perception

Branding is pretty much the culture a company portrays to it's stakeholders, or the culture as perceived by stakeholders. Being all about culture, the process of establishing a brand is evolutionary. It can be communicated consciously or passively.

Consultant, India

Good Branding Creates a Good Brand

A good brand signifies an easily recognizable, favorable awareness when people see the brand image. To achieve that you a need well communicated brand icon, and a number of in house branding efforts such as creating customer satisfaction, competitive pricing, highlighting USPs in ad campaigns, innovations to differentiate your product and a highly effective team working toward these objectives with adequate resources allocated.
The brand creation process can be evolutionary when you consistently seek a brand creation path that is different and more efficient than the existing paths, the leadership prompting the team to think differently and test them in the field. The team should have a thorough knowledge of outside forces both in favor and against the product under brand creation to be able to think outside the box.

  Ranjeet Menon
Ranjeet Menon
Project Manager, India

Branding is the Result of Gaining Acceptance of People

I believe the first step to creating a brand is to have a product and a strategy that beats the constraints of Porter's five forces model. But there is definitely more to it. Advertising is not a simple demonstration of a product, it is about leaving a footprint in the people's minds. We need to look back into the time when media was just print & TV. Catchy phrases and catchy tunes were the biggest influencers. If the product was good, word of mouth used to make it great. But now, because of Internet & social media, everyone looks up on the Internet & word of mouth has almost vanished in urban areas. But it all depends on the products & the type of consumers. Different classes of people can be influenced only with different methods of advertising. A brand is ultimately the recognition of the people because the product is created to satisfy the needs of people and is not something that can be artificially created or created in a short period of time.

  Biplab Kumar Biswal
Biplab Kumar Biswal
Teacher, India

How a Brand is Created

I don't think creating a brand is an instantaneous process rather it's an evolutionary process. Before a BRAND is created the reputation needs to be established which essentially means what does the consumer think about the brand. Through a serious work culture and focused approach on quality of the products or services offered, the company creates a brand. Customer retention policy, after sales service also plays a very vital role in brand creation. I will agree with @Bornwell Chipfiko that brand is the culture as perceived by stakeholders. So the best way to create a BRAND is to put sincere efforts to give a good product or service to the consumer and creating a robust system which takes care and retains the customer (both internal and external) for long term with the company. The work culture and quality of service is the basic need of a good business.
I wouldn't agree with pricing as we have seen products/services being sold at premium because of brand value. Apple and Sony are live examples.

  Cosmas Phillip Mwaita
Cosmas Phillip Mwaita
Student (MBA), Zimbabwe

Branding Process Starts with Attitude, Appeal and Character

The modern branding process starts with your attitude, appeal and character as the proprietor of whatever you want to create a good and strong name (Brand) for. Right from the time you wake up; the way you groom yourself, your attitude towards everything and everyone around you (people, animals and objects included) matters. This creates the "Feel Good Factor" towards your product, THE CUSTOMER, and everything around you if you have a positive and vibrant attitude.
When this is achieved over time you believe in yourself and your products and the customer will have faith in you and your products as well. Every individual is a brand and should behave as such and creating a name for your products (Branding) follows your attitude and behavior. If you are not honest with people you find it hard to be honest with your customers and therefore your brand as a person and that of your products is perceived as such.

  Hamad Al Sadd Al Ali
Hamad Al Sadd Al Ali, United Arab Emirates

Brand is your Portfolio

Most of the inputs previously reached very close the ultimate definition of Brand. But Cosmas Philip is the only that simply explained one pillar of the Brand creation process.
My idea is that a brand is when you have a unique assembly, unique service, or anything that others did not explore yet nor provide. Think of Samsung products, until they re-engineered Apple technology, we could say they did not explore technology. So, branding is about the exploration of technology and demonstrating that well to the stakeholders.

  ahmed magzoub ahmed
ahmed magzoub ahmed
Business Consultant, Sudan

Branding must be a Continuous Process

Branding should be a continuous process - accompanied with excellence and quality to obtain maximum consumer satisfaction.

  K.Narayana Moorthy
K.Narayana Moorthy
HR Consultant, India

Branding Process Steps

A really well designed brand will represent an organization"s internal culture, public offering, and experience; while conveying emotion, trust, excitement and other subliminal messages.
Branding involves customer"s service, product benefits, price, value proposition, strong impression which covers the organization's name, logo and reputation. In my opinion, the branding process begins when the firm invests in a marketing programme.
The branding process has 6 steps:
1. Analyzing decisive brand indicators,
2. Planning strategic brand indicators,
3. Positioning and planning operational brand targets
4. Comparing targets
5. Implementation
6. Steering and controlling.

  Glenn Thompson
Glenn Thompson
Strategy Consultant, United States

Branding also Involves Developing Demand

Brand rhymes with demand.
Branding requires the development of a need or desire for the product created... This is perhaps the most difficult part of sales. Persuading a client to see the need that you see and motivate them to invest in it... This, to me, is branding.

  Biraj Kholkumbe
Biraj Kholkumbe
Director, India

Sustainable Brand Creation

Branding in the true sense is imbibing virtues and proving their existence over a long, sustainable period. Real branding is therefore not a temporary affair. It has to create confidence in the minds of people which needs continuous honest efforts in establishing and maintaining quality over time.

Professor, Mexico

How to Create a Brand

In the process of branding, it is necessary to include a good strategy of added value, not only in the product, it is necessary to include all the elements that are around the product, just like adver...

  Olga Aros
Olga Aros
Consultant, United States

Brand and Branding

Your brand represents the culture and strategic direction of the organization. The development of the brand includes icon, image, theme, color, messaging and description of value proposition to identi...

  sam katz
sam katz
United States

Branding in a Nutshell

In its essence, branding is the "promise you make to your customers, employees, and self." Hence, the experience/s that your product/service is to exude is the promise you have made to each and every ...

  irwan sumadji
irwan sumadji
Professor, Indonesia

Brand and Branding

Brand is not just the name of the product, but the "meaning" of the product in the mind of the customers (and stakeholders). So we have to develop the mind set of the customers and stakeholders about ...

  Andrew Blaine
Andrew Blaine
Business Consultant, South Africa

Brands and Cultures

@Bornwell Chipfiko: There are numerous different, and often conflicting cultures in the World, but Coca Cola, Ford and many others work across all, or almost all, cultures. This, to me, seems at odds...

Coach, Madagascar

It's All About Choice

Let's assume for a moment that the process of creating a brand is the same for a person and for a product or company. The attributes definition phase should be natural because it relays your choice -...

  Sulaiman Kyambadde
Sulaiman Kyambadde, Rwanda

It’s All About Consumers Developing Some Form of Attachment to the Product

Branding is all about enticing feelings and experiences connected with your product, and nurturing the attachment consumers develop towards your brand. It’s that simple – and that difficult....

  K.Narayana Moorthy
K.Narayana Moorthy
HR Consultant, India

Branding Process

@Sulaiman Kyambadde, Salams I agree with you, that nurturing attachment is essential. I also agree with your words - "It is that simple-and that difficult". It is in community building that individu...

Consultant, India

Branding Process Develops Addiction

True, nurturing attachment can result in addiction. Such attachment level can come after prolonged satisfaction in the use of product, or can be created by the branding process to develop addictive el...

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Conclusions So Far on the Branding Process

We seem to agree that the branding process can be seen in a NARROW way as an instantaneous, creative marketing process of developing some profile or personality for a product or entire company, but th...

  ali ahamd
ali ahamd
Management Consultant, Kuwait

Branding Mission

Branding is the process of creating identity, image and character for the business or the organisation. So far, it plays a role in determining the sole of the people who created the business. It is a ...

  Jagmohan Singh Sirari
Jagmohan Singh Sirari
Director, India

Branding for Creating Brand Loyalty

@Ramakrishnan: Your planning, strategy and process of branding must entirely focus on developing brand loyalty of customer. The after sale service plays an important role in creating loyalty over a lo...

  Hamad Al Sadd Al Ali
Hamad Al Sadd Al Ali, United Arab Emirates

Branding is People Output, not Virtues

@ali ahamd:, with all due respect, there are so many brands in the world that it's not even close to a single virtue. Virtues are kept in home while brand is created in work-floor. Any other than this...

  Andrew Blaine
Andrew Blaine
Business Consultant, South Africa

Creating a Brand

In my opinion, the question originally posed can be answered as follows: 1. A brand is an entity that has a set of qualitative factors which appeal to the needs of the customer. Note that the needs o...

Entrepreneur, Guatemala


We are developing a mathematic formula that describes the construction process of solid brands. The name of our process is Marquitectura, and we study the image, reputation, brand essence, time, and o...

  K.Narayana Moorthy
K.Narayana Moorthy
HR Consultant, India

Brand Personality - Brand Mission

My humble reaction to @ali ahamd: In my opinion a brand has to be designed, structured and positioned using an effective content planning. The brand then gets a link to organization's vision, mission,...

  K.Narayana Moorthy
K.Narayana Moorthy
HR Consultant, India

Branding Creation Process

I agree with ali ahamed janab. Here I recollect Mahatma Gandhi's saying in 7 deadly sins: 1. Wealth without work; 2. Pleasure without conscience; 3. Knowledge without character; 4. Business witho...

  Armando Fonseca Toledo
Armando Fonseca Toledo
Consultant, Peru

Create a Brand.....an Evolutionary Process

To create a brand means focusing on the customer wants: functions, self image, services, availability and others. How are purchasing decisions made? We need to point our best efforts to giving our br...


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