
Changement et Organisation

Changement et Organisation. Méthodes, modèles et théories A-Z



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Organisation et Changement

14 Principes du Management Fayol


Analyse de Portefeuille

Analyse du Champ de Force Lewin

Analyse SWOT

Apprentissage par l'Action Revans

Approches des Fusions & Acquisition

Approches du Changement Kotter

Approches Intégration Acquisition Haspeslagh Jemison

Aptitudes Distinctives Kay

Architecture d'Entreprise Zachman

Avantage de la Filialisation Goold Campbell

Bases Sociales de la Puissance French Raven

BPR Hammer Champy


Bureau de Gestion Stratégique Kaplan Norton

Cadre des 7-S McKinsey

Carte de Stratégie Kaplan Norton

Cadre des Valeurs en Concurrence Quinn

Catégories de Performance Baldrige

Cartographie de la Valeur Jack

Cartographie des Flux de Valeur

Centralisation et Décentralisation

Centre de Service Partagé

Chaîne de la Valeurs Porter

Changement des Cultures d'Organisation Trice Beyer

Changement d'Industrie McGahan

Cinq Disciplines Senge

CMM des Personnes CM-SEI


Co-Création Prahalad Ramaswamy

Coeur de Compétence Hamel Prahalad

Comportement du Changement Ajzen

Configurations d'Organisation Mintzberg

Construction d'Équipe

Contrôle des Actifs Incorporels Sveiby

Courbe d'Adoption de l'Innovation Rogers

Courbe d'Expérience

Cycle de Deming PDSA

Cycle de Vie de l'Industrie

Cycle de Vie de Produit Levitt


Déviance Positive Pascale Sternin

Dimensions Culturelles Hofstede

Dimensions du Changement Pettigrew Whipp

Dimensions du Travail Relationnel Butler

Disciplines de la Valeur Treacy Wiersema

Dix Ecoles de la Pensée Mintzberg

Dix Principes de Reinvention Osborne

Douze Principes de l'Economie en Réseau Kelly

Effet de Hawthorne Mayo


Enquête d'Appréciation Cooperrider

Equation du Changement Beckhard

Estimation du Capital Intellectuel

Étapes du Développement d'Équipe Tuckman


Facteurs Critiques de Succès Rockart

Facteurs du Changement Pettigrew Whipp

Fondement DICE BCG

Formation dans l'Industrie

Gestion Basée sur la Valeur

Gestion de Crise

Gestion d'Exécution Krüger

Gestion de la Connaissance Collison Parcell

Gestion Hors Budgétisation Fraser

Gestion Orientée Résultats

Gestion par la Valeur McTaggart

Gestion par Objectifs Drucker

Grille de Gestion Blake & Mouton

Gouvernement Entrepreneurial Osborne

Pensée de Groupe Janis

Hoshin Kanri - Déploiement de la Politique

Iceberg de Gestion du Changement

Indicateurs de Performance Rockart

Initiatives Stratégiques Wiseman

Innovation Disruptive Christensen

Intelligence Culturelle Early

Intention Stratégique Hamel Prahalad

Juste à Temps JAT

Leadership Charismatique Weber

Leadership de Niveau 5 Collins

Leadership-Serviteur Greenleaf

Leviers de Contrôle Simons

Gestion de Redressement (Turnaround Management)

Management de la Performance

Management Réussi de Programme OGC

Mécanismes Catalytiques Collins


Méthodologie Douce des Systèmes Checkland

Métaplan Schnelle

Mise en Relation des Epistémologies Cook Brown

Ajoutez une méthode/modèle

Modèle Causal de Performance Organisationnelle et de Changement Burke-Litwin

Modèle CMM

Modèle de Maturité des Aptitudes CMM

Modèle de Mission d'Ashridge Campbell

Modèle Stage-Gate Cooper

Modélisation des Processus d'Activités

Navigateur Skandia Edvinsson

Niveaux de Culture Schein


Options Réelles Luehrman


Organisation Apprenante Argyris Schön

Organisation Hiérarchique Burns

Organisation Organique Burns

Organisation Scientifique du Travail Taylor

Oubliez Empruntez Apprenez Govindarajan Trimble

Perspective de Valeur Partenaire

Perspective de Valeur d'Actionnaire

Phases du Changement Kotter

Phases de Croissance Greiner

Philosophie de Kaizen




Prisme de la Performance

Quatorze Points de Gestion Deming

Réingénierie des Processus de Gestion Hammer Champy

Réservoir de Leadership Drotter

Rôles de Management PAEI

Roue PDSA de Deming

Sept Bonnes Habitudes Covey

Sept Surprises Porter

Simulation des Processus d'Activités

Six Chapeaux pour Penser de Bono

SMART Drucker

Styles de Facilitation Heron

Styles de Filialisation Goold Campbell

Styles de Leadership Goleman

Systèmes Pensant / Dynamique Forrester

Tableau de Bord Prospectif Kaplan Norton

Théorie Chemin-But House

Théorie d'Action Raisonnée Ajzen Fishbein

Théorie de la Contingence Vroom

Théorie des Attentes Vroom

Théorie des Catastrophes Thom

Théorie des Contraintes Goldratt

Théorie des Systèmes Mécanistes et Organiques Burns

Théorie du Chaos Lorenz

Théorie du Noyau Dur Kleiner

Théorie Gestalt

Théorie Y Théorie X McGregor

Théorie Z Ouchi

Trajectoire de Changement d'Industrie McGahan

Types de Culture Deal Kennedy

Types Stratégiques Miles Snow

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Discussions du forum sur Changement et Organisation.

sujet Confonder entre Crise, Urgence et Catastrophe
Je tient a dire que plusieurs entre nous confond entre crise, urgence, et catastrophe. En realité la crise englobe a la fois l'urgence et la catastrophe, l'urgence est une sorte d'une sous crise car ...
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sujet Mon Résumé du Développement des Organisations
Le terme Développement des Organisations est utilisé de manière abusive depuis la fin des années 50 pour décrire une philosophie, un processus et un ensemble d'approches et de méthodes pour améliorer ...
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🔥 Trois Niveaux Différents du Changement
Trois niveaux différents peuvent être concernés par le changement au sein d'une entreprise: - Celui des relations de l'entreprise avec son environnement, - Celui se rapportant à son organisation gén...
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sujet Checklist of Organizational Problem Areas
I discovered the following useful checklist of typical organizational problem areas: 1) Dysfunctional organizational structure. 2) Poor financial control. 3) Interpersonal conflict. 4) Lack of qu...
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sujet At what Level Should an Organization be Diagnosed?
When should a change agent diagnose at individual-level, group-level and organizational level? And what are the strengths and weaknesses at each level?...
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sujet Change: A Challenge and a Necessity
In the past, the field of organizational change and change management turned out problematic and change managers and senior management struggled. Yet today it is evident that changing organizations i...
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sujet Loops and Mutual Causality in Organizational Change
As Gareth Morgan said in his book Images of the Organization: "We should think about change in terms of loops rather than lines and to replace the idea of mechanical causality with the idea of mutual ...
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sujet Change: the Only Constant for Managers and Leaders
The constancy of change forces itself into our consciousness because of the dynamism of the human condition. Change is the only constant in the leadership/management process. The key to my mind is in ...
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sujet Can Organizational Change Lead to Extinction?
Is change better if it is revolutionary (i.e. fast and experimental) or evolutionary (slow and steady)? Will change ever result in an "extinction event" for an organization because it was either too r...
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sujet People Need Some Constancy (Besides Change)
People need some constancy (besides change), so when engaging in extensive change it is important to establish the things that will remain unchanged / bedrock (i.e. integrity, follow up... whatever)....
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sujet Why do Organizations Change?
We all know that organizations change. They have to. But exactly why do organizations change? In other words, what are the causes or reasons for change to occur in organizations? How can these reason...
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sujet Relevance of Change Management Theories?
My interpretation of change management theory in a practical sense is that change theories are never used, but are more sub-consciously instilled within managers. Although it could possibly be proved ...
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sujet Change is a Natural Process
If we think about change as a natural process in life... This occurs from two related lines: 1. The theory of chaos and self organization on the one hand, and 2. Complexity theory on the other hand...
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sujet What is an Organization?
Someone asked me the other day: what exactly is an organization? DEFINITION OF AN ORGANIZATION Well, in in simple terms, an organization is defined as: "an entity comprising one or more people tha...
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sujet Are we Managing Change or the Perceptions about Change?
Are we even managing change or are we managing employee feelings about the change?...
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sujet Evolution Theory in Organisations?
Having just joined this forum I was surprised that there is no theory or model listed for "evolution theory". Surely this is the key process by which organisations develop their individual characteris...
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sujet The Role of Conflicts in an Organisation
A conflict is not necessarily good or bad, but must be evaluated in terms of its individual and organisational functions and dysfunctions....
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sujet On what do the Efficiency and Effectiveness of an Organization Depend?
Does the efficiency and effectiveness of an organisation depends on the people who are in an existing organization? Thank you for your kind feedback....
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sujet Normative Re-Educative Strategies?
Hi, can anybody provide me more information related to the topic normative re-educative strategy. I'll be very thankful....
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sujet Reframing Organizations (Bolman and Deal)
I would like to know about Framing / Reframing of organizations. What is the model and what are advantages, disadvantages, and challenges in simple terms....
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sujet Change Management in the Realty Industry
How would you initiate change [management] in the construction industry which generally does not have strategic plans, there are delays in every activity and cost overruns are a way of life....
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sujet Searching for the General Theory of the Firm
Is it not possible to set up the general theory of the firm? The reason why I raise this question is that there are so many methods, models and theories in dealing with business management, both theo...
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Les sujets les mieux notés sur Changement et Organisation. Vous trouverez ici les idées les plus précieuses et des suggestions pratiques.

🥇 Key Issues of Change Management (at the Executive Level)
The ability to manage organizational change at a high level has become a crucial skill for executives. The times of simply aiming for organizational continuity and predictable earnings growth are gone...
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🥈 Change Management: Theory versus Practice
I would like to make a comparison between theory and practice in change management. I am writing a paper in which I discuss the following sentence: "I smoke, I know it is bad for me, but I won't stop"...
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🥉 The Core of Organizational Change is in the Emotional Relations and Social Ties
The core of successful (organizational, social) change is embedded in the emotional relations among actors involved in the movement. The real change is the changes of the emotional relations or the st...
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sujet Change Management Factors in Technology Transformation
During any technology transformation - like when implementing new technology initiatives or improving over the existing technology within organisations - what are the main factors that contribute to t...
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