
Méthode Kaizen | Philosophie de Kaizen

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Qu'est-ce que Kaizen ? Définition


La méthode Kaizen d'améliorations incrémentales et continues est un concept de gestion initialement japonais pour un changement (amélioration) progressif et continu (incrémental).

Kaizen est réellement une philosophie de mode de vie. Il suppose que chaque domaine de notre vie mérite à être constamment amélioré. La philosophie Kaizen est sous-jacente à beaucoup de concepts de gestion japonais comme : Contrôle Qualité Totale, Cercles de Contrôle Qualité, activités en petit groupe, relations de travail.

Les éléments principaux de Kaizen sont : qualité, effort, participation de tous les employés, volonté de changer, et communication.

Les entreprises japonaises distinguent entre : Innovation, une forme radicale de changement, et Kaizen, une forme progressive de changement. Kaizen signifie littéralement : changez (kai) pour devenir bon (zen).

Les cinq éléments de base du Kaizen

  1. Travail d'équipe.
  2. Discipline personnelle.
  3. Moral amélioré.
  4. Cercles de qualité.
  5. Suggestions pour l'amélioration.

De ce fondement, trois facteurs principaux du Kaizen émergent

Cadre de Kaizen 5S
  • Élimination du gaspillage (muda) et de l'inefficacité.
  • Fondement des cinq S du Kaizen pour faire bon ménage.
  •       1. Seiri - ordre
  •       2. Seiton - ordonné
  •       3. Seiso - propreté
  •       4. Seiketsu - nettoyage normalisé
  •       5. Shitsuke - discipline
  • Standardisation.

Quand le Kaizen philosophy (Philosophie de Kaizen) devrait-il être appliqué ? Bien qu'il soit difficile de donner des conseils génériques, il est clair qu'il s'adapte bien dans des situations progressives et incrémentales de changement, qui requièrent le changement à long terme et dans des cultures collectives. Des cultures plus différentes qui davantage sont concentrées sur le succès à court terme favorisent souvent des concepts tels que le Réingénierie des Processus d'Activités.

Kaizen comparé à Réingénierie des Processus de Gestion

Quand Kaizen est comparé avec la méthode de BPR qu'il est dégagé que le Kaizen philosophy (Philosophie de Kaizen) soit plus orienté vers la personne, plus facile de mettre en oeuvre, mais de requérir la discipline à long terme et fournit seulement un petit pas de changement. L'approche de la Réingénierie des processus d'activités (Business Process Reengineering) d'une part est plus dure, orientée vers les technologies, elle permet un changement radical mais elle exige des qualifications considérables en gestion du changement.

Livre : Masaaki Imai - Kaizen

Groupe d'Intérêt Spécial

Groupe d'Intérêt Spécial Amélioration Continue (Kaizen) .

Groupe d'Intérêt Spécial
Groupe d'Intérêt Spécial (103 membres)


Discussions du forum sur Amélioration Continue (Kaizen).

🔥 La Méthode 5S: Des Principes de Bon Sens, Permettant de Responsabiliser Chacun
La méthode des 5 « S » (en anglais the 5 S's) est une technique de management japonaise visant à l'amélioration continue des tâches effectuées dans les entreprises. Élaborée dans le cadre du système d...
sujet Kaizen Sans le Savoir
Il ya a 20 ans je travaillais pour une entreprise familliale dans l'agroalimentaire. Tout les 6 mois une réunion était effectuée. tous les sujets pouvaient-être abordés sauf "la paye". c'était un p...
sujet Kaizen Prerequisites
I believe self-discipline is a mandatory prerequisite before one can hope to achieve success with Kaizen, just as it is in martial arts. The focus and 'stillness' of thought required in martial arts h...
Commentaires8 commentaires
sujet Formal Kaizen Programs
Kaizen should be practised within a formal program with reward or recognition for successful efforts lest it may do in disarray. It was proven as a very successful way of doing our daily jobs as had b...
sujet The Kaizen Philosophy
Kaizen is really a way of life philosophy. It is change for betterment. We have to inculcate this concept in every student in different streams to make them understand the inevitable of change. Even w...
Commentaires1 commentaires
sujet Kaizen is a Way of Life
I believe that Kaizen has not been well understood by most of the occidental companies; Kaizen is not a specific program, Kaizen is not a special project, Kaizen is not a quality circle activity... Ka...
Commentaires3 commentaires
sujet Gauging Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction has a direct effect on profit and profitability. To what extent can profit measures be used to gauge customer satisfaction? To what extent can the flow through the channels be us...
sujet Personal Experiences with Kaizen
Kaizen has been wonderful for me having practiced it over 2 decades. It's like maths or physics (in fact any subject) in that if you want to you can see it being used in all aspects of everyday life. ...
sujet Building Blocks of Kaizen, Continual Improvement
It's interesting to see the clarification we received from Anthony from India about continually improving quality, cost and delivery. The key word is continually (for the broad scope of the whole org...
Commentaires1 commentaires
sujet Lean Kaizen: Continuous Improvement in the Lean Direction
Traditional Kaizen came to the western world like lightening: people in industry got fascinated by the concept of "continuous improvement", a bit less - perhaps - by its "bottom-up" approach. Neverthe...
sujet Linking Kaizen to Goals of the Organization
Linking Kaizen to the goals of the firm is a sure way to ensure improvement of each process of the organization. These projects are reviewed internally and any boondoggle (unnecessary, wasteful) activ...
sujet Loss Function Analysis
Loss function analysis can be used for controling loss incurred during production, the smaller the tolerance the less is the loss in production....
sujet Kaizen Action Must be Followed by Standardization
Your Kaizen action must be followed by standardization so you can see your improvement in the process. My trigger for a Kaizen project is the result of my visual management what is based on the 6 bi...
sujet How we Use Kaizen in my Company
We use Kaizen to improve continuously. We also hang the tools on a board, but someone is working with it and they have to report to me. As a lean manager I follow up on them and facilitate them. We w...
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Meilleures Pratiques

Les sujets les mieux notés sur Amélioration Continue (Kaizen). Vous trouverez ici les idées les plus précieuses et des suggestions pratiques.

🥇 Quotes on Kaizen. Quotations
Do you know some deep, famous or funny quotes on Kaizen? Quotations? Proverbs? Please share them as a reaction to this posting and mention the author. To get started, here's my favorite: 'Constant dri...
Commentaires7 commentaires

🥈 Kaizen and Quality and Toyota
Small incremental changes in quality can be accomplished through solid statistical analysis. Through the use of p-charts and other variable control charts a narrowing of the upper and lower limits inc...
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🥉 Organizational Change Must Be Slow and Incremental
Change in organizations should be slow and incremental in order to be really effective. This is applicable regardless of the approach used....
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sujet Start the Change Within Yourself
The most important thing before starting Kaizen is, start the change within yourself. You cannot educate others about Kaizen if you yourself are not well educated enough about it....
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sujet Kaizen is Based on Kata
Kaizen is more than we can think in Japanese culture. Everything is based on 'Kata'* in their culture, so no one is supposed to do things outside of the context of the Kata. Through Kata we reach Kai...
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sujet Kaizen is More than the Housekeeping techniques (5S) !
Kaizen 5S is not just housekeeping techniques... We should always link it with performance and productivity enhancement....
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sujet Kaizen is a Philosophy | Kaizen Background
I am led to believe Kaizen is more of a philosophy than it is a management 'tool' - the description above may wish to include the definition of Kaizen as it is understood with a Taoist appreciation of...
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Conseils d'Experts

Idées avancées sur Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) (Anglais). Vous trouverez ici des conseils professionnels d'experts.


Conseils de Consultation


Conseils Pédagogiques


Conseils Pratiques de Mise en uvre


Comparison Kaizen vs. Innovation

Appreciate the Differences...
In 1992, A. Meckel made this useful comparison of Kaizen (K) versus Innovation (I): 1. EFFECT - K: long term and contin...

Tools to Attack Waste

Waste Management, Waste Tools Overview
What tools you can use for every waste you can find at your company? Before you try to implement these lean tools you h...

Building blocks of Kaizen: QCD

Imai mentions three main building blocks of Kaizen, known as QCD: 1. A continually improving Quality assurance system; ...

Leadership Strategies for Change

Initiate, implement, develop and sustain change
In response to the high rate of change failure, Ken Blanchard and his team have developed the Blanchard Leading Through ...

Benefits of Kaizen

Continuous Improvement
There are several benefits of using Kaizen or Kaizen events. These benefits can be categorized as either quantitative or...

The 8 Wastes of Lean Explained

Waste Management
T - Transport - Moving people, products & information I - Inventory - Storing parts, pieces, documentation ahead of req...

Alternate Process Improvement Model

Process Improvement, Continuous Improvement, Kaizen, CMM
The IDEAL Model. Originally, the IDEAL model was a life-cycle model for software process improvement based upon the Cap...

Why Kaizen is Needed for Wastefree and Flexible Manufacturing

According to Masaaki Imai, founder and chairman of the KAIZEN Institute: "Why can humans walk upright and apes cannot, ...

Types of Change. Classification

Change Management, Organizational Change, Expected/Unexpected Change, Incremental/Radical Change
Organizational change varies along at least to dimensions (expected-unexpected and incremental-radical) and can be manag...

Kaizen The Keys to Continuous Improvement

Facilitating a Kaizen Workshop
This learning package provides you with everything you need to facilitate a learning group in your company. The basic ...

How to Focus your Improvement Efforts?

Achieve More With Less, Kaizen, BPR, JIT, Lean, Value Chain
Very often organizations consider continuous improvement as committing on improvement efforts, and thus creating project...

Kaizen Best Practices

Preparing a Kaizen program
When starting a Kaizen program, remember to: A. Establish the QCD processes B. Ensure top management commitment C. Pl...

Kaizen: An Essential Tool

Kaizen = Continuous Improvement in Every Facet of Life
According to Imai, founder and chairman of the KAIZEN Institute (1986), Kaizen means “continuous improvement”. Not just ...
Sources d'Information

Diverses sources d'informations sur Amélioration Continue (Kaizen). Vous trouverez ici des powerpoints, des vidéos, des actualités, etc. à utiliser dans vos propres conférences et ateliers.


What is 5S

Workplace Organization
5S, abbreviated from the Japanese words Seiri, Seiton, Seison, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke, are simple but effective methods ...

5S Framework

5S House Keeping
In depth presentation by GREAVES LIMITED....

5S Strategy for Performance Excellence

5S is the foundation, the building blocks, for a “Kaizen” approach to incremental improvement....

5S Program

Workplace Organization
Presentation on implementing the 5S-es....

The Nature and Complexity of Organizational Change

Change Management, Organizational Change
Presentation about organizational change. The presentation discusses and highlights the complexity and multi-dimensional...

5S Game: Introducing 5S Before You Start

Kaizen Method, 5S Exercise
Before you start a 5-S on a GEMBA use this Numbers Game to energize the participants. Fun to do and after this everyone...

Masaaki Imai Redefines KAIZEN

Initial Understanding of Kaizen, Kaizen Definition
In this video Masaaki Imai, founder of the KAIZEN institute explains his interpretation of Kaizen. According to Imai, K...

8 Wastes Assessment and 5S Analysis in Office Environments

Lean, 5S , WASTE
In the office environment, our work does not take place on our desks, but on our computers and in our digital networks. ...

Kaizen Diagrams

Change Management, TQM
Download and edit these 12manage PowerPoint graphics for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing i...


Outils utiles concernant Amélioration Continue (Kaizen).













Comparez le Méthode Kaizen avec : Cycle de Deming  |  Hoshin Kanri - Déploiement de la Politique  |  Formation dans l'Industrie  |  Résolution de Problèmes 8D  |  Six Sigma  |  Déploiement de la Fonction Qualité  |  Oubliez Empruntez Apprenez  |  Chaîne de Valeur  |  Juste à Temps  |  Organisation Organique  |  Enquête d'Appréciation  |  Déviance Positive  |  Phases du Changement  |  Six Approches du Changement  |  Théorie du Noyau Dur  |  Théorie du Comportement Planifié  |  Réingénierie des Processus de Gestion   |  Gestion du changement  |  Dimensions du Changement  |  Analyse du Champ de Force  |  Cartographie des Flux de Valeur  |  Huit Attributs de l'Excellence de Gestion  |  Cinq Disciplines  |  Dix Principes de Reinvention  |  Les Quatorze Points de Gestion de Deming  |  CMM des Personnes

Retour vers la page des disciplines de Management : Changement & Organisation  |  Communication et Compétence  |   Éthique et Responsabilité  |  Ressources Humaines  |   Management de Projet et de Programme  |  Stratégie & Innovation  |  Supply Chain & Quality (Chaîne des Appros et Qualité)

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