
Éthique et Responsabilité

Éthique et Responsabilité. Méthodes, modèles et théories A-Z



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Ethics and Responsibility Éthique et Responsabilité

Analyse de Partenaire

Analyse de Portefeuille

Analyse du Champ de Force Lewin

Analyse SWOT

Approche Instrumentale de Théorie de Partenariat

Approche Normative de Théorie de Partenariat

Bas de la Pyramide Prahalad

But Moral Mourkogiannis

Cadrage Tversky

Cadre des 7-S McKinsey

Cadre des Valeurs en Concurrence Quinn

Carte des Partenaires

Cartographie de la Valeur Jack

Ajoutez une méthode/modèle

Catégories de Performance Baldrige

Changement des Cultures d'Organisation Trice Beyer

Cinq Disciplines Senge

Comportement du Changement Ajzen

Configurations d'Organisation Mintzberg

Dimensions Culturelles Hofstede


Engagement Partenarial Intrinsèque

Enquête Dialectique

Gestion Basée sur la Valeur

Gestion par la Valeur McTaggart

Gestion Stratégique de Partenaire

Pensée de Groupe Janis

Hiérarchie des Besoins Maslow

Initiatives Stratégiques Wiseman

Intelligence Culturelle Early

Intelligence Émotionnelle Goleman

Intelligence Sociale

Intention Stratégique Hamel Prahalad

Leadership Charismatique Weber

Leadership-Serviteur Greenleaf

Leviers de Contrôle Simons

Modèle de Hagberg de Pouvoir Personnel

Modèle de Mission d'Ashridge Campbell

Modèle d'Herrmann

Niveaux de Culture Schein

Perspective de Valeur d'Actionnaire

Perspective de Valeur Partenaire

Phases de Croissance Greiner

Philosophie de Kaizen

Principes de Clarkson

Prisme de la Performance

Quotient de Réputation d'Entreprise Harris-Fornbrun

Sept Signes d'Effondrement Ethique Jennings

Six Chapeaux pour Penser de Bono

Spirales Dynamiques Graves

Systèmes Pensant / Dynamique Forrester

Théorie d'Action Raisonnée Ajzen Fishbein

Théorie d'Attribution Heider

Théorie du Comportement Planifié Ajzen

Théorie du Noyau Dur Kleiner

Théorie ERG Alderfer

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Discussions du forum sur Éthique et Responsabilité.

sujet Ethique et Responsabilité du MBA/Manager
"LE SERMENT "D'HYPPOCRATE" DU MBA «Les médecins (serment d'hyppocrate) et les avocats font un serment professionnel depuis longtemps. Une initiative similaire existe maintenant pour les diplômés M.B...
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🔥 Changer Son Monde
On ne peut pas changer le monde même si on le souhaite il y a tellement d'éléments que nous ne maîtrisons pas Cependant on peut changer SON monde c'est à dire tous les éléments sur lesquels nous somm...
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sujet Bonne Gouvernance dans une Entreprise Privée
Comment définir la bonne gouvernance dans une entreprise privée et veiller a son respect par délégation?...
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sujet Femmes Dirigeants Plus éthique
Je pense que les dirigeants féminins se comportent généralement de manière plus éthique que leurs équivalents masculins. En moyenne, ils sont moins égoïstes et moins orientés-pouvoir, ce qui pose un ...
sujet Professional Management Code: the MBA Oath
Doctors and lawyers have been taking a professional oath for many years. A similar initiative (on a voluntary basis) is recently started for MBA graduates, by a group of Harvard Business School Studen...
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sujet Female Managers are More Ethical
I think female managers generally behave more ethical then their male counterparts. On average, they are less egoistic and less power-oriented, which is causing lots of problems for men....
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sujet Consequentialist Theories in Business Ethics
Most theories pertaining to Business Ethics, Corporate Governance or Corporate Responsibility are either Consequentialist or Non-consequentialist by nature. According to this branch of corporate gove...
sujet Emerging of Ethics After a Chaotic State
Present day society and it's values have reached a rock bottom state leading to chaotic behavior everywhere. This cannot continue for long as the law of nature of dynamical systems indicate that order...
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sujet Ethics Oath for Public Servants?
Any views on public servants taking this oath? Is there any country in the world where this is done? My view is that public servants command the most power because of their control over resources....
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sujet The Difference between Ethics and Values
Values are what we believe in; Ethics are how we behave!...
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sujet Why are Business People / Managers not Ethical?
I do not know why people are losing their ethical behaviour when given a managerial position? Don't you think good values and ethics are inborn character, but are influenced by the environment? Pleas...
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sujet Ethics and the Ego-ridden Individual
In today's fast paced corporate life, the ego-ridden individual (irrespective of gender) seeks freedom from his nerve-racking run after worldly objects in the external world which leads to a life of b...
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sujet Economics with Spiritualism and Ethical Businesses are Needed
Many economists have forwarded different solutions to overcome the human sufferings and lead them to happiness, such as: - Capitalism - Socialism - Communism - Mixed economy - Keynesian just to ...
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sujet Accountancy Ethics
What are Accountancy Ethics? Ethics or moral is used to determine what is right or good. Ethics include the study of what people ought to pursue, that what is good for people, or alternatively, the ...
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sujet Integrity in Business: Definition and Issues
3 CONCEPTS The concepts of integrity, morality and ethics might seem similar, but not they're not the same. Jensen (2009) explains the 3 concepts as follows: INTEGRITY: A state or condition of be...
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sujet Buying a Problematic Business
Hello, I am about ready to buy a business. The seller is of very low morality and in debt. I have made an offer to purchase. I then find out he will be forced out of the store in two weeks. I have wi...
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sujet Organizational Justice
Organizational justice refers to the perceived fairness of an organization and is usually based on the subjective judgments of its employees. There are three components of Organizational Justice (OJ)....
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sujet Ethics is Universal, Flavor is Regional
I've worked in Africa, Europe, the middle east and yes, America. Ethics is a plumb line for moral character, ultimately individual in execution. While one may work for an organization that holds a st...
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sujet Ethical Business Requires a Long Time Horizon
The universe is constructed in such a way that long-term success is based on treating others as we (when in our right minds) want to be treated. Short term success can be had by non-ethical treatment...
sujet Planned Obsolescence: Ethical or Not?
Have you ever wondered why you need to change your cell phone every 2 to 4 years? Smartphones need replacing every couple of years, as battery life fades and software updates are no longer available....
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sujet When are Misdeed Committers Accepted as Advisors?
People that made a severe mistake in the past sometimes feel the need to help others to avoid making these same mistakes. And indeed, one could say that people that have experienced the making of such...
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sujet Ethical Issues in Using Social Media Conversation Data for Business
Has somebody considered what kind of ethical issues need to be considered when using the social media conversation data in business and for business development? For example, what ethical guidelines ...
sujet Success Requires Responsibility
Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility…. In the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have…is the ability to take on responsibility....
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sujet Ethical Issues in Human Resources Management
Following a recent discussion with the Head of HR in my organisation, I was rather shocked to see that ethics did not play too much of a role. HR management plays a key role as the “keeper” and “voice...
sujet About 'De' (德), an Ancient Chinese Moral and Ethical Virtue
The Chinese term "De" from the Shang dynasty in the twelfth century was a personal power in an individual directed to another person. According to Wikipedia, De (/de/; Chinese: 德), also writte...
sujet Is the term 'Third World' Ethical?
Why people are saying: "third world"? Do you think it is correct ethical behaviour?...
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sujet The Need for a Global Business Ethics
Ethics are what is determined by the society to be right and wrong. This means that ethics can differ from one region to another. But I still believe we must have global ethics or code of ethics / co...
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sujet Personal Ethics and Responsibility Must Come First
There is a lot of information on ethics on the 12manage website. Remember that ethics and responsibility should be personal first. Unless you have personal values and ethics they cannot be reflected ...
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sujet Loyalty in Business and Ethics
PROBLEMS CAUSED BY LOYALTY Stories in the media about corporate scandals, political scandals or gang-related violence often cite loyalty as one of the most important drivers of corruption. There are ...
sujet Shan Zhai and the Trickster
Chinese Shan Zhai (mountain fort, bandit) thrives today in copycat cell phones and the like.companies like BYD are bringing Chinese cars to the USA. The copycat lack of intellectual property regard ca...
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sujet Ethics in Public Administration
Could someone discuss the importance of ethics in public administration? Many thanks....
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Les sujets les mieux notés sur Éthique et Responsabilité. Vous trouverez ici les idées les plus précieuses et des suggestions pratiques.

🥇 Why do People / Organizations Act Ethically? Reasons
There are two main perspectives on why people (or businesses) act ethically: 1. The first one is on deontologic principle: one has to do what is right because that's good in it self. 2. The second r...
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🥈 What if Superiors Have Different Ethics...
Hi everyone, managing ethics in business has become a must nowadays... But sometimes whatever is ethical for me might not be ethical for someone else... What do we do if we come across such a situati...
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🥉 Doughnut Economics: 21st Century Economics
Kate Raworth’s book...
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sujet Confidentiality - Importance and Ethics
= Confidentiality Case = John had just completed 30 years service in the Army and, on retirement aged 49, moved into the Defense Contractor Industry as a consultant. His last posting, prior to retir...
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