
14 Principes du Management
(Henri Fayol)

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Henri Fayol (1841-1925) - 14 Principes du Management

Quels sont les 14 Principes du Management ?

Les 14 principes du Management de Henri Fayol (1841-1925) sont :

  1. La Division du Travail. La spécialisation permet à l'individu d'accumuler l'expérience, et pour améliorer en permanence ses qualifications. Il peut être de ce fait plus productif.
  2. L'Autorité - Responsabilité. Le droit aux questions de commandes, avec lesquelles doit aller la responsabilité équilibrée de sa fonction.
  3. La Discipline. Les employés doivent obéir, mais c'est recto-verso : les employés obéiront seulement aux ordres si le Management  joue leur partie du jeu en fournissant le bon leadership.
  4. L'Unité de Commandement. Chaque travailleur devrait avoir seulement un patron sans autres lignes de commande contradictoires.
  5. L'Unité de Direction. Les personnes engagées dans le même genre d'activités doivent avoir les mêmes objectifs dans un plan unique. C'est essentiel pour assurer l'unité et la coordination de l'entreprise. L'unité de commandement n'existe pas sans unité de sens mais ne découle pas nécessairement d'elle.
  6. La Subordination des intérêts particuliers à l'intérêt général. Le Management doit voir que les buts des sociétés sont toujours primordiaux.
  7. La Rémunération. Le salaire est un incitateur important bien qu'en analysant un certain nombre de possibilités, Fayol précise qu'il n'y a aucune chose telle qu'un système parfait.
  8. La Centralisation (ou Décentralisation). C'est une question de degré selon l'état de l'activité et la qualité de son personnel.
  9. La Hiérachie. Une hiérarchie est nécessaire pour l'unité d'orientation. Mais la communication latérale est également fondamentale, tant que les supérieurs savent qu'une telle communication a lieu. La chaîne scalaire se rapporte au nombre de niveaux dans la hiérarchie de l'autorité finale au niveau le plus bas dans l'organisation. Elle ne devrait pas être trop large et se composer de trop de niveaux.
  10. L'Ordre. La commande matérielle et la commande sociale sont nécessaires. Le premier réduit au minimum le temps perdu et la manipulation inutile des matériaux. Le dernier est réalisé par l'organisation et la sélection.
  11. L'Équité. En Menant une activité une « combinaison de gentillesse et de justice » est nécessaire. Bien traiter les employés est important pour réaliser l'équité.
  12. La Stabilité du Personnel. Les employés travaillent mieux si la sécurité de l'emploi et la progression de carrière leurs sont assurés. Un emploi temporaire et un taux élevé de rotation des employés affecteront l'organisation défavorablement.
  13. L'Initiative. Permettre à tout le personnel de montrer leur initiative est d'une manière quelconque une source de force pour l'organisation. Même si cela implique un sacrifice « de la vanité personnelle » de la part de beaucoup de dirigeants.
  14. L'Union du Personnel. Le Management doit développer le moral de ses employés. Il suggère plus loin cela : « le talent réel est nécessaire pour coordonner l'effort, pour encourager l'enthousiasme, pour utiliser les capacités de chaque personne, et pour récompenser chacun mérite sans réveiller des jalousies potentielles et déranger des rapports harmonieux. »

Les 5 Fonctions de l'Administrateur (Fayol)

Dans le cadre de l'activité "administrative", l'administrateur - que l'on appelle aujourd'hui le gestionnaire ou le manager, Fayol distingue cinq fonctions :

  1. Prévoyance. (Prévision et Plan). Examiner le futur et élaborer un plan d'action. Les éléments de la stratégie.
  2. Organiser. Elaborer la structure, matérielle et humaine, de l'entreprise.
  3. Commander. Préserver l'activité parmi le personnel.
  4. Coordonner. Tisser ensemble, unifiant et harmonisant toutes les activités et les efforts.
  5. Maintenir sous contrôle. Voir que tout se produit conformément à la règle établie et commande exprimée.

Origine des 14 Principes du Management. Histoire

Henri Fayol (1841-1925) était un théoricien français du Management dont les théories en matière de management et d'organisation du travail étaient largement influentes au début du 20ème siècle. Il était ingénieur des mines et a travaillé pour une entreprise d'exploitation minière française la Commentry-Fourchamboult-Decazeville, d'abord en tant qu'ingénieur. Puis il est entré à la direction générale et en est devenu le directeur général de 1888 à 1918. Durant la période où il occupait la position de directeur général il a écrit divers articles sur l'« administration » et en 1916, le Bulletin de la Société de l’Industrie Minérale, imprima son « administration, Industrielle et Générale - Prévoyance, Organisation, Commandement, Coordination, Contrôle ». En 1949 la première traduction en anglais est apparue :   « General and Industrial Management » par Constance Storrs.

Utilisation des 14 Principes du Management. Applications

  • Changement et Organisation.
  • Prise de décision.
  • Qualifications. Peut être utilisé pour améliorer l'efficacité de base d'un dirigeant.
  • Comprenez que le Management peut être vu comme une variété d'activités, qui peuvent être énumérées et regroupées.

Livre : Henri Fayol - General and Industrial Management

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Groupe d'Intérêt Spécial Principes du Management .

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Discussions du forum sur Principes du Management.

sujet La Valeur des Principes de Fayol Aujourd'hui
Ces principes, dans leurs profondeurs, permettent à une multitude d'entreprises de faire leur chemin et apporte une absolue réussite dans la vie de ces entreprises....
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sujet 15eme Principe de Management
Un des principes qui pourait être rajouté aux 14, est "de batir la confiance"....
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sujet Peut-on Remplacer une Bonne Coordination Par une Multiplication des Ressources Tout en Restant Efficace?
Vu l'importance de la coordination pour une bonne amélioration de l'entreprise mais aussi des ressources beaucoup de gens posent la question à savoir si on peut remplacer une bonne coordination par un...
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sujet Division du Travail de Fayol
Le premier principe de FAYOL est à mon sens applicable dans tous les domaines, mais elle condamne à une monotonie du travail....
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🔥 Conséquences de Fayol Pour les Employés
Salut, ma question est de savoir les conséquences du vision de management de Fayol sur les salariés?...
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sujet Entreprise Valide ou Invalide Ses 14 Principes de Fayol?
Comment peut-on savoir si une entreprise valide ou invalide ses 14 principes de Fayol Il ya plusieurs entreprises qui peut étre valide ou invalide ses principes comment alors peut - on distinguer ent...
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sujet Are Fayol's 14 Management Principles Still Relevant Today?
Despite being challenged by various scholars, these principles from Fayol are still relevant in many organisations in Tanzania, what we are doing is just refining those principles in order to suit our...
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sujet What is Management? Art, Science, …?
Management... Indeed is a great learning and makes many things easy in their own way. Decision-making, organizing, co-ordinating and work not least are the components which come together in management...
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sujet What is Organisational Hierarchy?
Describe the key management roles and discuss why some roles are considered to be more important or less important at different levels of the organisational hierarchy....
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sujet Management Requires Patience
I think managers must be more patient than anybody else in the world, because when making a decision they don't just make a choice such as how cookers do in the kitchen....
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sujet Best Ever Developed on Management
These principles are very efficient and they serve as the best principles ever developed for carrying out effective management activities....
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sujet The 10 Principles of Urwick
Similar to Fayol's 14 principles although less well-known are the 10 Principles of Organisation by Lyndall Urwick. According to Urwick (Notes on the Theory of Organization, 1952), an organisation is b...
sujet Risks in Fayol's 14 Principles of Management
What and where are the risks in the 14 principles of management?...
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sujet Managers versus Leaders
Not all managers are good leaders and not all leaders are good managers. We need to develop both managers and leaders to realize the vision and mission of the company....
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sujet Evolution of Management
The way management is evolving keeps managers on their feet. Everyday brings a new management method. As a result the way we manage today you'll be surprised will change by the year 2010....
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sujet Good and Bad Managers...
Why don't all managers follow the principles of management? Still they become managers? Why? How?...
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sujet POLICE Acronym in Management
Can someone explain the terms P. O. L. I. C. E. in management?...
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sujet Managers: Born or Made?
I think that managers are mostly born. The persons who have inborn, natural managerial qualities are much better in their role as manager than other managers who have acquired the managerial qualities...
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sujet Fayol's 5 Management Roles (Functions)
Fayol mentioned 5 roles (also called functions, actions): 1. Prevoyance. 2. To organize. 3. To command. 4. To coordinate. 5. To control. Apart from these 5 managerial functions or roles in my vi...
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sujet Add #15 Principle: Conformity to the Basic Origin
Aristotle noticed that well-being everywhere depends on two things: a choice of the correct goal, and a choice of a correct way of its achievement. In other words, to do the right things in the right ...
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sujet What is Prevoyance? Explanation
Prevoyance is the function of management which says one must examine the future and draw a plan. How hard is it to forecast what needs to be done in the future? I need a bit of explanation on this, th...
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sujet #14. Team Spirit / Esprit de Corps-principle (Fayol)
Can someone please come with an further explanation/example how to explain this to students?...
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sujet Is Management an Inexact Science?
Social sciences are considered inexact. And indeed, the knowledge and study of management is quite an inexact science for many reasons: There is no laboratory for testing the principles of manage...
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sujet Organizational Efficiency or Effectiveness?
Which is more important for an organization: efficiency or effectiveness? Why?...
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sujet Which of Fayol's 14 Principles is Most Important?
Hi, I have just a simple question on Fayol: which of his 14 principles do you think is the most important one and why?...
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sujet (Why) Do we Need Managers?
Why do we need managers? They are a layer of cost and add no real value, so why do we have them? Most specialists left their field to be managers and usually hate it and perform at lower levels than i...
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sujet Difference between Adminstration and Management
Should't Fayol's principles be called the 14 principles of Administration? Why was 'administration' (in the French language) translated into English in 1949 as 'management'? What differences are there...
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sujet #6. Subordination of Individual Interest-principle (Fayol)
Who can give me example of Henri Fayol's 6th principle ie. Subordination of Individual Interest. Thanks.....
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sujet #1: Division of Work/Labor-principle (Fayol)
Let's discuss: What are the benefits of Fayol's "Division of Labor/Work"-principle (Fr: Division du Travail)? Henry Fayol argues that work should be divided among individuals and groups so that they ...
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sujet #5. Unity of Direction-principle of Fayol
I'm looking for some further explanation and examples of UNITY OF DIRECTION as the 5th principle of Fayol's Principles of management? The 12manage summary says: "People engaged in the same kind of act...
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sujet #9. Hierarchy (Scalar Chain)-principle (Fayol)
Had Fayol been alive today, he would have modified scalar structure as the hierarchy is different and structures are much more flat today. People are working in different countries on a single project...
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sujet #4. Unity of Command-principle (Fayol)
According to Fayol's 4th Principle, Unity of Command, I should receive instruction from one boss who is my immediate manager. However I have been instructed by other managers from other department to...
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sujet Management Mantras
What is the present management mantra practiced in your organisation? A paradigm shift in management may lead to innovations which may lead to new applications. Or are the old management theories sti...
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sujet Exactly Where are the 14 Principles of Fayol Located?
I am writing an essay which encompasses Fayol's theory and applying it to a modern business. I have a copy of General and Industrial Management to hand but I'm having difficulty to find a reference to...
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sujet A Good Organization Run by Monkeys
A good organization run by monkeys is still a zoo....
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sujet Are Fayol's Principles of Management also applicable to non-profit organizations?
Fayol's principles of management were written having industrial (mining) firms in mind. Obviously these are for profit companies. Are the 14 principles also applicable to non-profit organizations? Wh...
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sujet Books by Henri Fayol on Management
Has he written any books? I can only find articles about his management style, but no books. Please help....
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sujet Using Fayol's Principles of Management as a Checklist
How to check the Principles of Management? Maybe most of Fayol's 14 Principles of Management are still necessary for organizations today, but what if we find a few of them can not be used in some kind...
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Les sujets les mieux notés sur Principes du Management. Vous trouverez ici les idées les plus précieuses et des suggestions pratiques.

🥇 15ème Principe de Fayol: Transformer les Talents Individuels en Intelligence Collective
Le 15ème principe pourrait être de transformer les talents individuels en intelligence collective....
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🥈 14 Principes du Management du Fayol toujours d'actualité
Quelque soit le style de management, son mode ou son époque, Fayol reste toujours d'actualité....
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🥉 Les Modes de Gouvernances des Entreprises
Comment été t'il possible de nos jours encore, dans le monde des organisations de considérer que le Marché est le seul mécanisme fiable en tant que mode de gouvernance d'un système prix?...
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sujet How to Remember the 14 Principles by Fayol?
How to remember the 14 principles of management, if we find them difficult to remember?...
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sujet Delegation: How to Delegate Effectively?
WHAT IS DELEGATION? Fayol's 13nd principle ("Initiative") is related to the management role of delegator. Kreitner (2009) defines "delegation" as: the transfer of decision-making authority to subordi...
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sujet Need for Employees' Welfare in the Principles
It is obvious that in this 14 principles something is missing: the inclusion of "staff welfare". Because after all proper measures have been put in place, and the end-result is achieved, what becomes ...
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sujet Difficulties to Apply 14 Principles of Henri Fayol
What difficulties can a manager confront today if he/she tried to implement the principles of Fayol as they were originally stated?...
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sujet Manager in Conflict with Top Management...
Conflicts occur regularly in almost all organisations. Managers having a conflict with top management normally have to accept the decision and command of top management. But quite often, the lower/mi...
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sujet Abuse of Delegation | Misuse of Delegating
Delegation is a core part of leadership and management, according to what we have learnt from numerous management works. It is often described positively as an effectiveness method or management techn...
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Idées avancées sur Principles of Management (Anglais). Vous trouverez ici des conseils professionnels d'experts.


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Fayol's 16 Management Duties of the Organisation

Management Science
1. To aim at giving serious thoughts to activity plans and having them firmly executed. 2. To aim at having employed pe...

Fayol's 6 Types of Operations

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Fayol wrote that any organisation can be subdivided into 6 types of operations. Each operation is fulfilled by its corre...

Mintzberg: 7 Myths on Management

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Prof. Henry Mintzberg refutes 7 myths on leadership and management: ORCHESTRA CONDUCTOR: One myth about management is t...

Fayol's 5 Elements of Administrative Operations (~management)

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Fayol wrote any organisation can be subdivided into 6 types of Operations. The sixth one (=Administrative Operations; ~...

Fayol's 7 Qualities of Managers

Management Science
The 7 qualities Fayol expected from managers were: 1. Health and vigour 2. Cleverness 3. Moral qualities 4. General ...

Why and How the Functions of Managers Have Changed

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Traditionally, the task of managers would be described or summarized as "getting the work done by others". Nowadays, the...

Six Groups of Activities of Henri Fayol

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Frederick Taylor basically viewed managers as mere overseers with limited responsibility. Fayol viewed the role of manag...

Powell's Support to Fayol's Ideas

Management Science
Fayol named one of the duties of organization "To set up a unique 'direction' (~top management), skilled and vigorous". ...
Sources d'Information

Diverses sources d'informations sur Principes du Management. Vous trouverez ici des powerpoints, des vidéos, des actualités, etc. à utiliser dans vos propres conférences et ateliers.


Administration: Industrielle et Générale

Livre original de Henry Fayol....

Visions on the Roles of Managers, Management Roles, Managerial Roles

Management, Leadership, Reflection on What Management Fundamentally is, Workshops, Trainings
This superb presentation outlines the roles and tasks that managers perform. The presentation includes views of importan...

Scientific Management: Definitions, Theorists and Main Contributions

Scientific Management, Taylor, Gannt, Gilbreth, Gulick, Weber, Fayol
Presentation about Scientific Management that includes a description of the main theorists their contributions to the th...

The Role of Supervisor | Skills of Supervisors

Skills of a Supervisor, Supervisor Role, Supervisor Behavior
This presentation elaborates on the skills that supervisors need in order to be successful in their business/organizatio...

Fayol Principles of Management

Principles of Management
Short presentation by Saruchi Pandey....

Delegation versus Empowerment

Delegation, Employee Empowerment, Situational Leadership, Management
Employees want to feel that their work is important and that they contribute to the success of the company. As a manager...

Theory of Bureaucracy (Weber) and the 14 Principles of Management (Fayol)

Administration, Management, Early Administrative Management Theories, 5 Principles, Bureaucracy
This presentation presents the 5 Principles of Weber’s Theory of Bureaucracy and Henri Fayol's 14 Principles of Manageme...

Leading versus Managing

Understanding the differences between Leading and managing
Dr. John Kotter gives his opinion on what are the key differences between leading and managing. - Management is a set o...

Original Source Document of the 14 Principles of Fayol

Management History 'pur Sang'
Scan of the section in Fayol's Original Work "Administration Industrielle et Générale" that contains the "Principes et é...

Principles of Management

Principles and History of Management
Presentation by WJ Patterson includes some generic thoughts, observations on management and contains some slides on mana...

Young Steve Jobs on the Role of Managers

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This video is a nice start for any management course. Jobs shares some ideas on managers (in a high-tech environment) an...

Mintzberg Presents 3 Views Towards Management and Decision-making

Initial Understanding of Management and Decision Making, Trainings, Workshops
Short presentation by Professor Henry Mintzberg on: A. Management as a Practice, in which he argues it is in the center...

10 Differences Between Managers and Leaders

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According to Scott Williams, people don't want to be managed, they want to be lead. The 10 simple, but important differ...

Brief Overview of the Informal Organization

Informal Organization
Presentation that elaborates on the concept of informal organization. The presentation includes the following sections: ...

Interpretation of the 14 Principles of Management: Comparison of Then and Now

Principles of Management
Paper by C.A. Rodrigues. This paper compares interpretation Fayol's fourteen Principles of Management today and in the p...


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