
Styles de Leadership

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Dans son livre Primal Leadership (2002, avec Richard Boyatzis et Annie McKee), Goleman introduit six styles de leadership. Pour comprendre correctement les six styles de leadership, vous devriez d'abord comprendre son concept humain de communication/interaction de la résonance.

Les Leaders créent de la résonance

Selon l'opinion de Goleman, les bons Leaders sont efficaces parce qu'ils créent de la résonance.

La résonance vient du mot Latin resonare. Renvoyer le son en augmentant son intensité. Les Leaders efficaces sont à l'écoute des sentiments des autres et les enmènent dans un sens émotif positif. Ils parlent authentiquement au sujet de leurs propres valeurs, sens et priorités et résonnent avec les émotions du personnes de leur entourage. Sous les conseils d'un Leader efficace, les personnes ont la sensation d'un niveau mutuel de confort. La résonance vient naturellement aux gens avec un degré élevé de intelligence émotive (conscience de soi, gestion de soi, conscience sociale et gestion de la relation) mais implique également des aspects intellectuels.

La création de la résonance peut être faite de six manières, menant à six Styles de Leadership. Typiquement, les Leaders les plus efficaces peuvent agir selon et ils peuvent égaliser habilement le contact entre les divers styles, selon la situation.


Leadership Visionnaire

Style Coaching

Leadership Social

Leadership Consensuel

Leadership Elitiste

Leadership Autocratique

Caractéristiques du Leader

Inspire. Convictions dans sa propre vision. Compréhensif. Explique comment et pourquoi les efforts des personnes participent au « rêve ». Écoute. Les aides peuplent identifier leurs propres points forts et faiblesses. Conseiller. Il encourage. Délégués. Favorise l'harmonie. Amical. Compréhensif. Il stimule le moral. Résout les conflits. Auditeur superbe. Travailleur en équipe. Collaborateur. Personne d'influence. Forte demande à réaliser. Possède des normes élevées. Initiative. Niveau faible d'empathie et de collaboration. Impatience. Micro-gestion. Guidé par les chiffres. Commandement. "Faites-la parce que je le dis". Menaçant. Contrôle serré. Contrôler étroitement. Création de dissonance. Contamine l'humeur de chacun. Fait fuir les talents.

Comment le Style établit la résonance

Il emmène les gens vers des rêves partagés. Se connecte avec ce qu'une personne veut ; avec les buts de l'organisation. Crée l'harmonie en connectant les gens entre eux. Apprécie les apports des personnes et obtient l'engagement par la participation. Concrétise des buts et challenges passionnants. Il diminue la crainte en donnant un sens cap clair en cas d'urgence.

Impact du Style sur le climat (des affaires)

+ + + + + + + Souvent   --  une fois utilisé trop exclusivement ou mal Souvent   --

Quand le Style est approprié

Quand les changements requièrent une nouvelle vision. Ou quand une orientation claire est nécessaire. Changement radical. Pour aider les employés compétents et motivés à améliorer leur performance en construisant des aptitudes à long terme. Pour guérir les fissures dans une équipe. Pour motiver pendant les périodes stressantes. Ou pour renforcer les liens. Pour établir l'appui ou le consensus. Ou pour obtenir des apports de valeur de la part des employés. Pour obtenir des résultats de haute qualité d'une équipe motivée et compétente. Ventes. Dans une crise grave. Ou avec des employés à problèmes. Pour commencer une rotation organisationnelle urgente. Militaires traditionnels.

Livre : Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee - Primal Leadership

Groupe d'Intérêt Spécial

Groupe d'Intérêt Spécial Styles de Leadership .

Groupe d'Intérêt Spécial
Groupe d'Intérêt Spécial (161 membres)


Discussions du forum sur Styles de Leadership.

sujet Leadership et Performance
je pense que la performance est un maillon fort pour toute survie de l'entreprise ce qui rend le leadership un moyen de la performance et pas une finalité....
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sujet Leadership et Management
Le leadership n'en est qu'un une fois la preuve faite, le résultat ou l'objectif atteint et devient inspirationnel par la direction qu'il donne et la vision qu'il peut ou a le droit désormais de sus...
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🔥 Le Leadership Repose sur la Confiance d'un Groupe
Le leadership peut être statutaire (dû à la position hiérarchique) ou de fait (lié à la personnalité). Mais pour moi, le "vrai" leadership reste la capacité d'une personne à avoir la confiance d'un g...
sujet Authentic Leadership
I can't wait for great authentic leadership to emerge in the current context in which the trust is shaken. In times of crisis people discover ways to better deal with the future. As an authentic lead...
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sujet Shaw about Situational Leaders
As the saying goes by George Bernard Shaw - "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the un...
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sujet Leadership Style: born or made
Are you born with a particular leadership style, or can you learn one?...
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sujet Leadership and Humilty
Nokia CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo says in the HBR of last January that when he started as CFO in 1990, when Nokia was in financial distress, he had to be humble in front of bankers when he attempted to r...
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sujet Why is the Commanding Leadership Style Still Abundant?
The commanding leadership style demotivates workers. And even if it worsens the employer ↔ employee relationships, and even if workers will not produce the best results under this type of leader...
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sujet The Best Leadership Style
The democratic or cooperative style is the best style of leadership. It motivates the employee to work properly. By this style, an employee feels that he has some importance in the organisation and he...
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sujet What Causes the Choice for a Leadership Style?
How do leadership styles actually relate to motivation?...
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sujet Leadership Styles are Labels
I think most of the leadership styles we heard and read about are simply labels made by people, in particular social scientists, to interpret those demonstrable behaviors. They are after-thoughts. Th...
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sujet How to Assess Your Own Leadership Style?
Did Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee provide a test to assess your own leadership styles out of the six mentioned? Are there any other similar leadership style self-tests?...
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sujet Reverse Determination of Leadership Style
If a leader creates followers who are willing to give their full efforts, can we determine which leadership style has been used?...
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sujet Bad Leadership in Organizations
I would appreciate any inputs on the questions: Does it make sense to say a certain way of leadership is bad? Isn't there something wrong with the idea of 'bad leadership'?...
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sujet What Makes a Leader Effective or Not?
Please help me with this question: What makes a leader (whether in business or elsewhere) effective or not? Thank you....
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sujet 3 Kinds of Leaders: Builders, Maintainers and Destroyers
There are three kind of 'leaders', namely builders, maintainers and destroyers. - Builders are always with a new vision and they work towards the vision by selling their vision to their followers by...
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sujet Creating Resonance versus Buy-in?
I'm struggling with the following question: is creating resonance the same as creating buy-in?...
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sujet From Military to Digital Leadership Styles
About 100 years back, business management schools borrowed their concepts of leadership/management in armed forces. The mindset of an officer in the armed forces is very different from the mindset nee...
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sujet General Allenby (Field Marshal Viscount Allenby)
Does anyone know what sort of leadership style Allenby had? He was known as the 'bull' and had a mixed career. He had success in South Africa where the cavalry used its mobility. Frustration in WWI on...
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sujet Leadership by Using Psychology
Effective leaders understand the psyche of their teams. Those who struggle tend to be technically focused and think they can succeed without winning people over. Technical skills are important, but y...
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sujet Leadership by Setting an Example
Many leadership styles such as paternalistic leadership, creative leadership, task-oriented leadership, laissez-faire leadership, leading by example work by setting an example for the others to follo...
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sujet Democratic/Participative Leadership
Democratic or participative management style sometimes is not always good, for example when you have good team members that have totally differing opinions. You can then not enter into a common groun...
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Les sujets les mieux notés sur Styles de Leadership. Vous trouverez ici les idées les plus précieuses et des suggestions pratiques.

🥇 Adjusting, Altering and Varying the Leadership Style
After reading briefly on the leadership styles as per Goleman it had me thinking, are leaders aware that they are using particular leadership styles? And do leaders think before they act as to what le...
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🥈 Visionary Leadership
I am all for dreaming, some of the most unlikely and impressive things have been done by dreamers. But one characteristic of the dreamers I respect - Francis Ford Coppola, Steve Jobs, folks at Pixar l...
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🥉 Pitfalls and Drawbacks of Authentic Leadership
Although authenticity has become a popular and according to some people critical feature for efficient leadership, Ibarra (2015) argues that the success of the authentic leadership approach depends on...
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sujet Effective Leadership by Switching Between Dominance and Prestige
The leadership styles Dominance and Prestige are fundamental strategies used by (potential) leaders to find their ways through organizational hierarchies: Leading through Dominance refers to the ...
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sujet What is the Preferred Leadership Style in Various Countries?
Greetings. Could anyone let me know what is the best leadership? Which kinds of leaderships are appropriate to the following parts of the world: 1. USA 2. Canada 3. Mexico 4. African countries in ...
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Conseils d'Experts

Idées avancées sur Leadership Styles (Anglais). Vous trouverez ici des conseils professionnels d'experts.


Conseils de Consultation


Conseils Pédagogiques


Conseils Pratiques de Mise en uvre


Factors Affecting the Required Leadership Style

Choosing an Appropriate Leadership Style
Goleman provides a good framework to understand and classify leadership styles. It is true that no leader always leads i...

Categeories of CEO's

Leadership Styles, CEO Types
In their book "The Secrets of CEOs", Steve Tappin and Andrew Cave identified that top-quartile CEOs fall into five disti...

Leadership Best Practices

Leadership Development, Leadership Tips
- The best leaders always know how to involve others in making decisions: You will get a better range of ideas and they ...

Leadership Self-Assessement

Leadership Training, Leadership Development, Coaching, Mentoring
Before you seek training in leadership, you should assess your strenghts and weaknesses as a Leader by comparing with th...

Building an Organizational Coaching Capacity

Developing an Organizational Coaching Capacity, Learning Organization, Developing Coaching as an Organizational Capacity
COACHING ON AN INDIVIDUAL LEVEL In their book "Trillion Dollar Coach: Lessons for Managers", Google's Schmidt, Rosenber...

Identify and Develop Leadership Abilities

Leadership Development, Management Development, Coaching, Mentoring
Covey's 4 Roles of Leadership® helps managers to identify and develop 4 important abilities of 'true' leaders: Modeling...

Write a Personal Mission Statement

Establish focus on who you want to be in your life...
Covey wrote this pearl of wisdom in his book Seven Habits: "The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of wh...

What is Your Leadership Point of View?

Reflection on your Leadership Style
In my experience very few leaders are able to define and succinctly articulate their leadership point of view. The reaso...

Five Leadership Development Ideas

Leadership Development, Management Development, Coaching, Mentoring
Although years of research and analysis by biographers, historians, and scholars have produced an enormous library of bo...

LEADER: Best Practices for Effective Leadership Behavior

Leadership Behavior, Leadership Effectiveness, Leadership Style
Following six short behavioral tips can help you to enhance your leadership efficiency: 1. L - LISTENING: Actively list...

How to Develop your Own Leadership Philosophy

Leadership/Management Development, Coaching, Mentoring
In an article “When should a leader be directive or empowering? How to develop your own situational theory of leadership...

Emotional Style and Leadership Performance

Leadership Coaching, Understanding the Mechanisms behind Leadership
Goleman made another contribution to the study of successful leadership. This represented a deeper analysis of earlier r...

The Relationship between the Power of Leaders and Overconfidence

Leadership, Power, Leadership Development, Executive Education
Fast et al. (2012) researched the relationship between power and overconfidence. In many cases it can be seen that decis...

Reasons and Remedies to Dissonance in Leaders

Primal Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Stress, Cognitive Dissonance, Resonance
In today’s constantly changing, challenging and demanding environment, it is hard for leaders to remain effective and re...

For Resonance, One Must Differentiate Between Various Discrete Forms of Positive Emotions

Leadership Skills, Management Skills, Emotional Intelligence
Effective leadership involves moving peoples' feelings into a more positive direction, which implicitly suggest a positi...

Freud ‘s Personality Types

Personality Types, Leadership Development, Management Development, Coaching, Mentoring
Freud recognized that there are an almost infinite variety of personalities which could be in the end broken down into 3...
Sources d'Information

Diverses sources d'informations sur Styles de Leadership. Vous trouverez ici des powerpoints, des vidéos, des actualités, etc. à utiliser dans vos propres conférences et ateliers.


Sex Differences in Mgt Style

Managerial style
This paper by Eduardo Melero tests the extent to which sex differences in managerial behaviour match those expected fr...

Leadership Classification: Perspectives, Styles and Forms

Leadership Styles, Leadership Types, Leadership Classification, Leadership Forms, Leadership Overview
This presentation presents an extensive outlines of various important forms of leadership categorized under various lead...

Current Major Trends in Leadership

Leadership Development, Leadership Styles, Coaching, Mentoring, Servant Leadership, Vision, Business Model Innovation
Business thought leader John Spence presents 2 important current trends in leadership: BEHAVORIAL: Spence argues there...

Authentic Leadership

Leadership, Management, Leadership Styles
Presentation about authentic leadership, including the following sections: 1. Authentic Leadership Description 2. Aut...

CEO's influence on Performance

CEO, Firm performance
The extent to which CEOs influence firm performance is fundamental to scholarly understanding of how organizations work;...

Authentic Leadership: Your Own Style?

Authentic Leadership
This presentation focuses specifically on authentic leadership (using Fire Chiefs as an example), and discusses the conc...

The Fatal Coaching Mistake by Managers

Coaching, Mentoring, Management, Leadership
Managers and executives often don't realize how much influence they have over their staff, by just being their superior...

Bullying: Workplace Performance and Preventive Strategies

Organizational Management, Strategy
This presentation is about bullying in the workplace, its impacts and management strategies that can help to address bul...

Leadership in Crisis

Organizational Crises
This article proposes that there is, in fact, a difference between crisis management and crisis leadership, and that wha...

Introduction to Leadership

Leadership Training
Presentation about Leadership that explains key characteristics of leaders as seen by several authors. The presentation ...

Leading versus Managing

Understanding the differences between Leading and managing
Dr. John Kotter gives his opinion on what are the key differences between leading and managing. - Management is a set o...

Summary by Deepak Chopra on 'True, Enlightened Leadership'

True Leadership, Enlightened Leadership, Servant Leadership, Authentic Leadership, Visionary Leadership, Leadership Valu
Indian writer of many alternative and spiritual books Deepak Chopra explains what he believes is "True Leadership": Grea...

Ineffective Leadership and Unethical Leadership

Leadership Types, Management, Ethics
Presentation about Bad or Unethical Leadership that includes the following sections: 1. Webs of Significance 2. The We...

Practical Communication Tips for Managers

Management Skills, Leadership Skills, Management Development, Leadership Development, Situational Leadership
As manager you need to combine professional expertise and experience with specific character traits, interpersonal and c...

Change Management versus Change Leadership

Understanding the Difference Between Change Management and Change Leadership
This video explores and explains some differences between Change Management and Change Leadership: CHANGE MANAGEMENT ...

10 Choices that Authentic Leaders Make

Leadership, Leadership Styles, Authentic Leadership
During the interactions with others, an authentic leader will make 10 typical choices: Know who you are Talk the t...

How to Manage Challenging Situations and Challenging People?

People Management, Conflict Management, Persuasion, Challenging Situations
This presentation is about the management of Conflicts, other challenging situations and about managing challenging peop...

Martin Luther King: I Have a Dream...

Visionary Leadership
Arguably the most famous visionary speech ever, the 'I Have a Dream' - speech by Martin Luther King. August 28, 1963. W...

Motivation by Pacesetting / Commanding Leadership

Introduction to Leadership Styles, Workshops, Trainings
Hilarious video in which an extremely pacesetting / commanding manager presents his view towards how productivity should...

Young Steve Jobs on the Role of Managers

Management, Leadership, Talent Management, Talent Acquisition, Talent Development
This video is a nice start for any management course. Jobs shares some ideas on managers (in a high-tech environment) an...

Requirements for Leaders in the 21st Century

Visions on Modern Leadership
Professor Michael Useem argues that over the next decade the world will become even more complex, more unpredictable and...

Donald Trump's Leadership Style

Leadership, Leadership Styles, Change Management, Trump
In The Five Roles of a Master Herder, Linda Kohanov introduces her tools for developing leadership and managing change. ...


Outils utiles concernant Styles de Leadership.













Comparez les Styles de Leadership de Goleman avec :   Intelligence Émotionnelle   |  Continuum du Leadership  |  Réservoir de Leadership  |  Modèle de Hagberg de Pouvoir Personnel  |  Leadership de Niveau 5  |  Leadership Charismatique  |  Conseilleurs Epiques (EPIC ADVISERS)   |  Leadership-Serviteur  |  Théorie de Chemin-But  |  Théorie Y Théorie X  |  Grille Managériale  |  Théorie de la Contingence  |  Cadre des Valeurs en Concurrence  |  Théorie des Attentes  |  Gestion Orientée Résultats  |  Bases Sociales de la Puissance  |  Sept Surprises pour les Nouveaux Présidents  |  Sept Bonnes Habitudes  |  Coaching  |  Mentoring  |  Leadership Basée sur Résultats  |  Leadership Situationnel   |  Métaplan  |  Modèle de Mission d'Ashridge

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