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비즈니스 프로세스 리엔지니어링 (사업재구축, BPR,  Business Process Reengineering) Hammer와 Champy는 BPR을 '비용, 서비스, 속도면에서 현재의 성과를 급속도로 개선하기 위하여 조직의 프로세스를 근본적으로 재고하고 획기적으로 재설계'로 기술하였다.

Hammer Champy는 기업을 기능적 전문성 (생산, 회계, 마케팅 등)에 따라 조직하여 각각의 기능이 수행하는 업무에 주의를 기울이기 보다는, 전체 프로세스에 주의를 기울여야 한다고 주장한다. 물자확보로 부터 생산, 마케팅과 유통까지. 기업은 일련의 프로세스들로 재구축되어야 한다.

고객을 위한 가치 창조는 BPR를 이끄는 주요한 요인이고 정보 기술은 이를 가능케하는 중요한 역할을 한다. 비교 : Relationship Marketing [관계마케팅]


Michael Hammer와 James Champy

리엔지니어링의 주요 제창자는 Michael Hammer와 James Champy이다. Reengineering the Corporation, Reengineering Management, and The Agenda 등 일련의 책에서, 그들은 너무 많은 시간이 낭비되고, 업무가 부서에서 부서로 넘겨지고 있다고 주장한다. 그들은 하나의 팀을 정하여 해당 프로세스에 있는 모든 업무를 수행하는 것이 훨씬 더 효율적이라고 주장한다.


BPR을 위한 5단계 접근방법

Davenport (1992년)는 모델구축을 위한 5가지 단계를 다음과 같이 설명하고 있다 :

  1. 비즈니스의 비전과 프로세스의 목표들을 개발: BPR 방법은 비용감축, 시간감축, 산출물의 품질개선 등 특정의 사업목표을 의미하는 비즈니스 비전에 의해 추진된다.
  2. 재설계될 비즈니스 프로세스를 확인: 대부분의 기업은 가장 중요한 프로세스 또는 비즈니스 비전과 마찰이 생기는 프로세스 등에 초점을 맞추는영향력이 큰 접근법 (high-impact approach)을 사용한다. 소수의 기업들은 조직내의 모든 프로세스를 확인하여 긴급도에 따라 재설계의 우선순위를 두는 소모적인 접근법 (exhausitive approach)을 사용한다.
  3. 기존의 프로세스들을 이해하고 측정: 반복되는 고질적인 실수를 회피하고 향후 개선을 위한 기반 제공
  4. IT 지렛대를 확인: BPR에 영향을 미칠 수 있거나 영향을 줄 능력의 인지.
  5. 새로운 프로세스의 원형을 디자인하고 구축: 실제 디자인이 프로세스의 목적으로 보면 안된다. 오히려 연속적인 반복이 필요한 원형 (으로 보아야 한다. 원형이라는 비유는 을 빠른 결과물의 인도, 고객의 개입과 만족과 함께 진행한다는 것을 의미한다.

BPR 방법에 추가되는 6번째 단계로서, 종종 다음과 같은 사실을 알게된다 : 새롭게 디자인된 주요 프로세스에 조직의 구조와 지배구조를 적응

BPR의 필요여부에 영향을 미치는 일반적인 상황

일반적인 조언을 하는 것이 어렵더라도, 일부 고려될 수 있는 요인으로는 :

  • 경쟁업체들의 성과가 자사보다 월등한가? 비교 : 선회 관리
  • 조직내에 많은 갈등요인이 있는가?
  • 미팅 빈도가 극단적으로 많은가?
  • 비구조화 커뮤니케이션을 지나치게 많이 사용하는가? (메모, 이메일 등)
  • 점진적인 개선을 위한 좀 더 지속적인 접근을 고려하는 것이 가능한가? (참고 : Kaizen[카이젠, 개선기법]).

BPR 접근법에 대한 비판

BPR은 대량해고를 가져오므로 악평을 받고 있다. 베스트셀러에 오르기 위해 저자가 대량의 도서구입을 했다는 사실때문에, BPR의 도입을 둘러싼 지나친 관심에도 불구하고, BPR 방법은 기대만큼 활용되지는 않았다. 주요한 이유는 다음과 같아 보인다 :

  • BPR 조직의 성과를 제한하는 요인이 조직의 프로세스를 비효과적으로 만든다고 가정한다. 이것은 항상 옳거나 옳지 않을 수 있다. 또한 BPR은 이러한 가정을 유효하게 하는 수단을 제공하지 않는다.
  • BPR은 현상을 전적으로 무시한 깨끗한 상태(clean slate)에서, 성과개선 프로세스를 해야한다고 가정한다.
  • BPR은 조직의 제약조건에 개선노력을 집중하기 위한 효과적인 방법을 제공하지 않는다. (Theory of Constraint[제약이론]에 있는 Goldratt박사에 의해 행해진 것과 같은).
  • 때때로, 또는 종종, 점진적인 변화는 (Kaizen[카이젠, 개선기법]와 같은) 더 나은 접근일지도 모른다.
  • BPR은 문화적으로 미국의 사고방식에 치우쳐 있다. (참고 : Cultural Dimensions [문화차원 모델])

BPR 카이젠(Kaizen, 개선기법) 비교

카이젠이 BPR 방법과 비교할 경우, 카이젠 철학은 장기적인 교육과 소규모의 변화을 가져오지만, 좀 더 인간중심적이고, 실행하기 쉽다는 것은 명백한 사실이다. 반면, BPR 접근방법은 좀 딱딱하고, 기술지향적임으로 급격한 변화를 가능케하지만, 상당한 변화관리기술을 필요로 한다.

참고도서: Hammer and Champy - Reengineering the Corporation

참고도서: Davenport - Process Innovation


비즈니스 프로세스 리엔지니어링 시그(SIG).

시그(SIG) (41 개 회원)


다음에 대한 포럼 토론: 비즈니스 프로세스 리엔지니어링.

주제 Quotes on Business Process Reengineering
Do you know some deep, famous or funny quotes on Business Process Reengineering? Quotations? Proverbs? Please share them as a reaction to this posting and mention the author. To get started, here's my...
반응4 개의 댓글
주제 Costs of BPR - Any ideas?
Hoping that someone can point to some reference providing info on how much a BPR activity would cost -- some percentage of overhead expenses??...
반응3 개의 댓글
주제 Is BPR Helping ERP or is ERP Helping BPR?
My main area is BPR. I just want to know your expert opinion (just general) regarding the relationship of BPR and ERP. It is a fact that BPR uses technology for efficiency however, I have come across...
반응9 개의 댓글
주제 BPR is needed in Ethiopia
I believe BPR is an important change management tool. It is a radical tool. You can't help or solve all the bureacratic mess created on customers with any other tools - be it Kaizen , TQM, etc. Th...
반응11 개의 댓글
주제 Cases of Successful BPR Implementation / BPR Success Stories
Can you point out companies who were successful in BPR implementation? And what is the success rate of these projects? I am currently doing my thesis on this topic. Any assistance would be appreciate...
반응3 개의 댓글
주제 BPR Followed by Continuous Improvement or TQM
After we implement BPR on the ground we should use TQM as a continuous improvement tool or call it Kaizen or other tools to maintain the system and satisfy the "moving target" customers needs....
반응5 개의 댓글
주제 Is BPR Useful for Small Companies (SMEs)?
Can BPR be used in small and middle size companies as well?...
반응7 개의 댓글
주제 BPR Works only Top-Down
I am a BPR envangelist and in my experience BPR is only effective if it starts from the top, i.e. when senior managers accept the challenge to first revamp their mental models of management before the...
반응4 개의 댓글
주제 Business Process Reengineering = People
In BPR the people are the process and they are central to the success of any innovative change....
반응2 개의 댓글
주제 Business Process Reengineering and Downsizing
Why should BPR proceed downsizing?...
반응3 개의 댓글
주제 BPR in agricultural research?
Is BPR applicable for the agricultural research sector? Is there anyone in the world who can share me the experience how to reengineer the agricultural research system?...
반응3 개의 댓글
주제 Transition to a Paperless Office: Best Practices
The "Paperless Office" has been a buzz word in office culture for 3-4 decades now. More and more organizations and departments within organizations are attempting to go paperless. It is likely that Co...
반응3 개의 댓글
주제 Developing a Standard Framework for BPR
After reviewing literature, I think that there exists no standard process of BPR. Every company redesigns its processes in its own way. I believe different cultures, strategies and organizational str...
반응3 개의 댓글
주제 Personal Business Process Reengineering?
Would anyone help me with one doubt here, can the concept of BPR be implemented in anyones personal life to have a radical change? Or is BPR specifically for business need only?...
반응5 개의 댓글
주제 Public Sector BPR Through E-Governance Initiatives
In the public sector field of a government like India, implementing a 100% BPR would be difficult. Because the waste processes & positions identified out of such exercises would be of greater portion ...
반응3 개의 댓글
주제 Cases and Causes of BPR Failure / BPR Disasters
Hello, I'm doing research on BPR failure cases. Unfortunately, I can't find any cases to illustrate my research. Could you please tell me where I can find this kind of cases? Thank you in advance....
반응6 개의 댓글
주제 The Role of AI in BPR
What do you think is the role of Artificial Intelligence (big data, self-learning software, digital networks, algorithms) in Business Process Reengineering? Is it a catalyst or does it replace BPR?...
반응1 개의 댓글
주제 BPR Maturity Level Assessment for Completed Project Proposals
I am writing a dissertation on measuring the maturity level of projects under the BPR umbrella: 1. Completed project (in construction sector) 2. Completed proposal (for an ERP system) I understand ...
반응3 개의 댓글
주제 Business Process Reengineering in Agriculture
How to start BPR from clean sheet for large and very old agri industry? Any effective guide line? Thank You!...
반응2 개의 댓글

새로운 주제를 시작하거

새로운 주제를 시작하거 에 대한 비즈니스 프로세스 리엔지니어링

교육 과정

비즈니스 프로세스 리엔지니어링교육 과정 에 대한 .


초보자 코스


고급 코스


전문가를 위한 과정

모범 사례

비즈니스 프로세스 리엔지니어링에 대한 최고 평점 토론 주제. 여기에서 가장 가치있는 아이디어와 실용적인 제안을 찾을 수 있습니다.

🥇 What Knowledge is Required for BPR?
The underlying assumption on BPR presented in this article is "task completion through unified team effort". But how is this possible in the practical business world? There aren't any group of member...
반응2 개의 댓글

🥈 Mental Transformation Required to Implement Business Process Reengineering
BPR is a tool for making a fundamental, radical & dramatical change but what is most important is the mental transformation required to implement it. I believe if we understand it we can bring a revo...
반응3 개의 댓글

🥉 The Role of HR in Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
We already know BPR is not about IT only. But I'd like to find out what can or should be the role of HRM (Human Resource Management) in effective BPR implementations? Thanks for sharing your thoughts...
반응26 개의 댓글

주제 Faster and more Flexible than BPR - Alternative Approaches?
Is there any other alternative to BPR? Something that is more flexible, faster and with less work than BPR....
반응9 개의 댓글

주제 Reward Management During Business Reengineering
More often than not, Kenyan organizations in need of adapting to changes in the competitive business environment fail to satisfy the needs of the diverse groups of employees within the company. Many e...
반응5 개의 댓글

주제 Alignment of BPR and IT Solution Approach
I am conducting research as part of a Masters degree on the combination of business process change methodologies i.e. radical and continuous improvement and IT solution approach such as Commerical Of ...
반응7 개의 댓글

전문가 팁

Business Process Reengineering에 대한 고급 통찰력 (영어). 여기에서 전문가의 전문적인 조언을 찾을 수 있습니다.


컨설팅 팁


교육 팁


실용적인 구현 팁


Comparison Kaizen vs. Innovation

Appreciate the Differences...
In 1992, A. Meckel made this useful comparison of Kaizen (K) versus Innovation (I): 1. EFFECT - K: long term and contin...

List of Reasons for Business Process Reengineering Failure

BPR Implementation, BPR Pitfalls
Re-engineering usually fails due to 15 main reasons in 4 main categories: A. Failure due to the actual re-engineering p...

Success Factors of BPR

BPR Best Practices, BPR Implementation
Abdolvand et al. (2008) mention five factors that are critical for successful Business Process Reengineering : 1. Egali...

Comprehensive Step by Step BPR Approach

Generic Business Process Reengineering Methodology
In their article Business Process Reengineering: Building a Comprehensive Methodology, Guha, Kettinger and Teng are of...

BPR Guidelines by Hammer

BPR Implementation Best Practices
MIT Professor Michael Hammer has been identified as the pioneer of the BPR concept. In his earlier perspective, BPR con...

How to Re-engineer the Process Flow?

Guidelines and Ideas for Process Redesign
The process flow re-engineering phase in BPR cannot be standardized and summarized in a checklist since there are no fix...

Leadership Strategies for Change

Initiate, implement, develop and sustain change
In response to the high rate of change failure, Ken Blanchard and his team have developed the Blanchard Leading Through ...

Using Appreciative Inquiry to Improve Business Processes

Alternate Approach
Organizations focusing on developing their processes may use the appreciative process to improve them. They can apply ...

Innovating Bottom-up or Top-down

Corporate Innovation Approaches
I just read an interesting article by professor Deschamps on encouraging innovation within large organizations. Deschamp...

Business Processes by Goal

BPM Categories, BPM Types, BPM Classification
The main goals of Business Process Modeling can be classified into three different categories: 1. Descriptive: - Trace...

BPR Key Success Factors

BPR, Best Practices
In an article, Al-Mashari and Zairi summarize the following elements as the key success factors of a holistic BPR implem...

Morris & Brandon's BPR View

Organizational Change
Among the most recent scholars who added authoritative builds on BPR, Daniel Morris and Joel Brandon argue reengineering...

Harrington's Business Process Redesign

Lower Impact and Less Risky BPR
H. James Harrington has been the first to utilize the term Business Process Redesign, to underline his orientatio...

Business Processes by the Way they Develop

BPM Categories, BPM Types, BPM Classification
Considering the way that processes may develop, we can differentiate them into the following 2 types of processes: A. D...

Comparison TQM and BPR | Comparing Total Quality Management versus Business Process Reengineering

Learn form the Differences...
Compare TQM and BPR: Similarities in TQM and BPR: - Both TQM and BPR are customer-oriented. They both aim on im...

Supply Chain Processes to Consider

Business Process Redesign, Supply Chain Management
Critical value chain activities where various process components are typically scattered across several functional depar...

Business Processes by Focus Area

BPM Categories, BPM Types, BPM Classification
Depending on their focus, we can distinguish 4 types of business processes: - Integration intensive: Strong focus on au...

Types of Change. Classification

Change Management, Organizational Change, Expected/Unexpected Change, Incremental/Radical Change
Organizational change varies along at least to dimensions (expected-unexpected and incremental-radical) and can be manag...

Davenport's BPR Approach

BPR Implementation
Hammer's and Champy's original BPR concept, testified in their numerous publications, has been lately developed and miti...

How to Lead an Innovation Team

Best Practices, Innovation Team Management
In order to become a great innovation team leader, Ram Charan suggests in the article "P&G's Innovation Culture" (strate...

Process Analysis and Diagnosis Techniques and Tools

BPR, Business Process Modeling
Process Analysis and Process Diagnosis can be considered as one single concept, although some differences have been unde...

Remember to Focus your Improvement Efforts?

Achieve More With Less, Kaizen, BPR, JIT, Lean, Value Chain
Very often organizations consider continuous improvement as committing on improvement efforts, and thus creating project...

The Role of IT in Business Process Reengineering

Information technology (IT) plays an important role in Business Process Reengineering (BPR). It is considered to be a ma...

The Process Vision

Process Approaches, Organizational Development, Organizational Change
A business process is a set of interrelated activities targeted at a defined and measurable result that adds value to th...

Typical Improvements by Leveraging Information Technology

Business Process Reengineering is considered a key tool for improving the efficiency of an organization in accordance wi...

The Human Factor in BPR and Continuous Improvement

The Attitude of People is Key
In their book Learning Organizations: Knowledge Management Theories, Models and Case Studies, Italian F. Azzariti and ...
정보 출처

비즈니스 프로세스 리엔지니어링 에 대한 다양한 정보 출처. 여기에서 자신의 강의 및 워크샵에 사용할 파워 포인트, 비디오, 뉴스 등을 찾을 수 있습니다.


In-depth Overview of Business Process Reengineering

BPR Introduction Business Process Reengineering
Comprehensive presentation about Business-Process Reengineering (BPR) with government example. Each section includes mul...

Business Process Management and Improvement: Six Sigma, BPR and (R)Evolutionary Change

Process Management, process Improvement, Business Process Reengineering, BPR, Six Sigma
Presentation about process management, particularly process modeling simulation and design. The presentation focuses on ...

Paperless Workplaces: Reasons, Practices and Difficulties

Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Sustainability, Paperless Office
This presentation elaborates on the creation of paperless workplaces in the digital age, and includes the following sect...

How Businesses can Use Information Technology (IT) in Strategic Ways

Strategic Management, Information Technology
This presentation looks at Information Technology from a strategic point of view. In other words, it discusses in what w...

22 Best Practices in Change Management

Change Management, Organizational Change
Presentation starts with short introduction of managing organizational change and then outlines 22 best practices in cha...

BPR Implementation in Europe

BPR, Change Management
This 2006 paper analyses Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) implementation in 20 European firms. In contrast with the...

Introduction to Service Management

Initial Understanding of the Difference Between Service Management and Systems Management
In this video five several IBM experts give their views on Service Management and the difference with Systems Management...

Interview Hammer: Why Business Process Redesign?

Introduction. The Case / Main Reasons for BPR
The Business Process Reengineering method (BPR) is described by Hammer and Champy as the fundamental reconsideration and...

The IRSPNID Framework for BPR

A Framework you can Use for Business Process Re-engineering
A Business Process Re-engineering scenario could surface because of various situations like: 1. The credibility of the ...

BPR Diagram

Business Process Reengineering
Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...

3-Minute Summary of BPR

Initial Understanding of Business Process Reengineering
BPR is the fundamental rethinking and transformation of an integrated set of business processes to improve the efficienc...


비즈니스 프로세스 리엔지니어링에 관한 유용한 도구.






프리젠 테이션




플라톤 학파 사람들


BPR 관련개념 :  Outsourcing [외주]  |  Change Phases [변화 단계]  |  Catastrophe Theory [파국이론]  |  Organic Organization [유기 조직]  |  Core Group Theory [핵심그룹 이론]  |  Appreciative Inquiry [감상적 조사법]  |  Positive Deviance [긍정적 일탈]  |  Forget Borrow Learn 모형  |  계획된 행동  |  Force Field Analysis[역장 분석]  |  Kaizen[카이젠, 개선기법]  |  가치공학  |  Value Stream Mapping [VSM, 가치흐름지도]  |  Change Management [변화 관리]  |  6가지 변화 접근법  |  Managing for Value [가치지향 경영]  |  Dimensions of Change [전략적 변화의 영역]  |  8 Attributes of Management Excellence [경영 우수성의 속성]  |  Five Disciplines [제5경영]  |  Ten Principles of Reinvention [재창조를 위한 10가지 원칙]  |  Fourteen Points of Management [품질경영을 위한 14가지 지침]  |  Blue Ocean Strategy [블루오션전략]  |  Bottom of the Pyramid [BOP 시장]

다른 페이지로 이동: Change & Organization [변화와 조직]  |  마케팅 및 영업  |  전략 및 혁신  |  공급망관리와 품질

관리 방법, 모형 및 이론


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© 2024 12manage - The Executive Fast Track. V17.2 - 마지막 업데이트: 19-5-2024. 그들의 소유자의 ™ 모든 이름.