
Gestión del Conocimiento e Intangibles

Gestión del conocimiento e intangibles. Métodos, modelos y teorías (A-Z)



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Gestion del Conocimiento e Intangibles

10 Escuelas de Pensamiento Estratégico Mintzberg

12 Principios de la Economía de la Red Kelly

Alcances sobre Fusiones y Adquisiciones

Alcances sobre Integración de Adquisiciones Haspeslagh Jemison

Alineamiento Estratégico Venkatraman

Análisis Costo - Beneficio

Análisis de Portafolio

Análisis PEST

Aprendizaje Activo Revans

Aprendizaje Organizacional Argyris Schön

Arquitectura Empresarial Zachman

Balanced Scorecard (Cuadro de Mando Integral) Kaplan Norton

Cadena de Valor Beneficio Heskett

Capacidades Distintivas Kay

Capital Humano HCI

Centralización y Descentralización

Cociente de Reputación Corporativa Harris-Fombrun

Competencias Centrales Hamel Prahalad

Costo Total de Propiedad

Cuadro de Mando Integral Kaplan Norton

Diez Escuelas de Pensamiento Estratégico Mintzberg

Dimensiones del Cambio Pettigrew Whipp

Dinámica eSpiral Graves

Dinámica de la Estrategia Warren

Doce Principios de la Economía de la Red Kelly

Efecto Hawthorne Mayo

Estilos de Facilitación Heron

Fases del Crecimiento Greiner

Flujo OODA Boyd


Gerencia Científica Taylor

Gerencia Estratégica del Riesgo Slywotzky

Gestión Basada en Valor

Gestión del Conocimiento Collison Parcell

Gestión del Riesgo

Impulsos Estratégicos Wiseman

Inteligencia Empresarial

Jerarquía de Necesidades Maslow

MAGIC (Medición y Contabilización del Capital Intelectual)

Mapa Estratégico Kaplan Norton

Mapas Mentales

Mapeo del Valor Jack

Matriz de Impacto/Valor Hammer

Matriz TDC Internet

Memoria Organizacional Walsh Ungson

Metodología del Valor Incluyente IVM

Metodología de Sistemas Blandos Checkland

Método PRVit

Método SERVQUAL Zeithaml

Modelo Ashridge de la Misión Empresarial Campbell

Modelo CMM

Modelo de Difusión de Bass Bass

Modelo de la Creación del Conocimiento Cook Brown

Modelo del Diamante de Porter Porter

Modelo Kano

Modelo Malcolm Baldrige Baldrige

Modelo RAROC Rentabilidad Ajustada por el Riesgo sobre el Capital

Modelo SECI Nonaka Takeuchi

Modelo ValueReporting PWC

Monitoreo de los Activos Intangibles Sveiby

Navegador Skandia Leif Edvinsson

Opciones Verdaderas Luehrman

Perfil de la Administración del Equipo Margerison McCann

Personalidad de la Marca Aaker

Perspectiva de Valor del Stakeholder

Posicionamiento Trout

Principio de la Pirámide Minto

Prisma de Identidad de la Marca Kapferer

Prisma del Desempeño

Ratio de Creación de Valor

Agregue Ud. un método/modelo

Teoría de la Contingencia Vroom

Teoría de la Plausibilidad

Teoría del Caos Lorenz

Teoría de los dos Factores Herzberg

Teoría de Sistemas Mecanicistas y Orgánicos Burns

Utilidad por Acción EPS

Valuación del Capital Intelectual

Valuación de Marcas

Ventana de Johari Luft Ingham

VRIN Barney

Visión de la Empresa Basada en Recursos Barney

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Comunidad de Interes de Gestión del Conocimiento e Intangibles .

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Discusiones en el Foro sobre Gestión del Conocimiento e Intangibles.

🔥 ¿Que es la Gestión del Conocimiento?
Es un proceso formal, dirigido a identificar la información que posee la compañía y que podría beneficiar al resto de sus integrantes, con el fin último de encontrar la manera de hacer que esté fácilm...
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tema Programación Neurolinguistica
Cuan importante y determinante puede ser en la vida de cualquier ser humano la pnl(programación neurolinguistica), quisiera saber sus experiencias tanto personales, como profesionales. Para empezar, m...
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tema Aprendizaje con Base en Procesos y Competencias (APC)
Resumen: La propuesta de Aprendizaje con base en Procesos y Competencias (APC) pretende aportar un enfoque y una metodología que contribuyan a capitalizar y administrar los conocimientos centrados en ...
tema Pasos en el Desarrollo y el Intercambio de Conocimientos
He encontrado este acrónimo fácil de recordar. El modelo DICK de Sanjay Anand. Este modelo destaca 4 pasos evolutivos para crear y compartir conocimiento: 1. DATA/Data - recopilar y/o compilar los da...
tema Recognize/Reward People that are Sharing Knowledge
Knowledge is found everywhere in organizations. A successful organization has knowledge on how to use pertinent knowledge spread over different heads for the benefit of the organization. One of such ...
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tema Importance of Knowledge Management. Value for Organizations
Companies face a paradigm shift: from productive management to talent management. Since the end of the 20th century to date, the main source of wealth creation has become knowledge. In organizational...
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tema Is Business Education Useful?
25,000 new business books are published annually along with millions of business articles. Thousands of business schools graduate over a million MBA students each year.Still I wonder: is all this kn...
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tema Definition of Knowledge Management (KM)
There is no exhaustive definition for knowledge management, as there is no crystal clear definition for the concept of knowledge. The mere use of information from various sources does not form the kno...
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tema Knowledge Management Still Remains a Victim of Technology
I believe current knowledge management concepts still remain a victim of technologies particularly data and document management technologies. The rich reservoir of knowledge that is now accessible ove...
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tema Business Schools and MBA - Value, PROs and CONs
Management researcher Yehuda Baruch has analyzed benefits and costs of MBA degrees. He classifies the impacts of an MBA in three categories: the individual level, company level and society as a whole...
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tema Learning Effectively: Dale's Cone of Experience (Pyramid of Learning)
Confucius (±550 BC, Chinese philosopher) taught mankind: "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." Perhaps this pearl of wisdom inspired Edgar Dale in 1947 to conceive ...
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tema DICK and DICKS concept by Anand
I found out about this easy to remember acronym: the DICK model by Sanjay Anand. It highlights 4 evolutionary steps in knowledge creation and sharing: 1. Data - Collection or compilation of disorgani...
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tema From Knowing to Finding and Using Information
I think we will soon see a big shift in learning from a focus on "knowing" information to a focus on "finding and using". This shift will mean that research methods and critical thinking will be most ...
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tema Education and Learning Without a Degree
The education system has converted knowledge to a set of degrees which are put in hierarchy. Quite often it is so strong that we tend to assume that degree is knowledge. But a degree at best can be a ...
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tema Are Current Education Systems Stifling Initiative?
Has the standardisation and testing regime in schools, and the demise of the tutorial systems (small group intellectual questioning/challenging and rigour etc.) in universities produced team players w...
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tema Sharing Environments in Knowledge Management
Knowledge management (KM) is a dynamic process. Information comes from various stakeholders but is often lost before something is done. If an organization offers a 'sharing environment', then some of ...
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tema How to Make a Person Really Learn?
I think people often understand, and even comprehend the message of the lessons, but just a few really transform the lessons in deep learning and start putting them into practice. Teaching is not o...
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tema Knowledge Sharing in Projects
Please give me your proofread and your comments about the following text: In today's highly competitive global knowledge economy, all organizations need to manage projects effectively. Evidence from...
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tema Imagination and Knowledge
As very rightly pointed out by Einstein, "Imagination" is more important than knowledge. It's simply because knowledge has limits, while imagination is unlimited. Most inventions come through the imag...
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tema Does Education Lead to People Becoming more Selfish?
I have seen that nowadays people are more intellectual and concerned with education, acquiring more and more knowledge. But on the other side they are becoming more individual and selfish. It seems l...
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tema The Value of your Knowledge, Skills and Experiences
How much are my knowledge, skills and experiences worth? This question was prompted today by a musician who requested and expected free marketing services for a concert. When he finally got an approx...

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Los temas mejor valorados sobre Gestión del Conocimiento e Intangibles. Aquí encontrará las ideas más valiosas y sugerencias prácticas.

🥇 Knowledge Capturing Process and Methods
Who can share a more detailed documentation on the knowledge capture process and methods?...
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🥈 Implementation of Knowledge Management. Roadmap and Steps
Why Knowledge Management (KM) Matters Firms do not only compete to sell their product, but also to acquire the best resources/inputs. One of these resources is the acquisition of skilled labour. Lab...
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🥉 Conditions for Knowledge Management
Everyone speaks about knowledge management, what are the conditions that must be met? Why? Thank you....
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tema Communities of Practice
FORMAL COMMITTEES VERSUS COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE Formal committees and communities of practice are similar groups in an organization. They are both made of delegates who collaborate in a transversal ...
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tema Knowledge Management in the Public Sector
Retirees in our public sector ministries, departments and agencies are a typical example of "knowledge walking out of the door" due to the absence of any systematic way of capturing, storing and trans...
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tema Wisdom Management: Can Wisdom be Managed?
In the discussion of the DICK and DICKS concept by Anand, the conclusion was reached that the highest level of knowledge is Wisdom. That then leads to a logical quest of what's next to Knowledge Mana...
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