
Teoría de las Expectativas

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¿cuál es la Teoría de las Espectativas?

Teoría de las Expectativas

La Teoría de las Espectativas del Víctor Vroom se ocupa de la motivación y de la gestión. La teoría de Vroom asume que el comportamiento es un resultado de opciones conscientes entre alternativas. El propósito de las opciones es maximizar placer y disminuir dolor. Junto con Edward Lawler y Lyman Porter, Vroom sugirió que la relación entre el comportamiento de la gente en el trabajo y sus metas es tan simple como habían imagino inicialmente científicos. Vroom se dió cuenta que el desempeño de un empleado está basado en factores individuales tales como la personalidad, habilidades, conocimiento, experiencia y capacidades.

La teoría de las expectativas dice que los individuos tienen diversos grupos de metas y pueden ser motivados si tienen ciertas expectativas.

Expectativas de la Teoría de las Espectativas

  • Hay una correlación positiva entre los esfuerzos y el desempeño,
  • El desempeño favorable dará lugar a una recompensa deseable,
  • La recompensa satisfacerá una necesidad importante,
  • El deseo de satisfacer la necesidad es bastante fuerte como para hacer el esfuerzo de mérito.

El Teoría de las Expectativas de Vroom se basa sobre la creencia siguiente tres.

Creencias de la Teoría del Espectativas

  1. Valencia. efiere a las orientaciones emocionales que la gente lleva tiene con respecto a los resultados [recompensas]. La profundidad del deseo de un empleado por las recompensas extrínsecas [dinero, promoción, tiempo libre, ventajas] o intrínsecas [de satisfacción]. La Administración debe descubrir lo que aprecian los empleados.

  2. Expectativa. Los empleados tienen diversas expectativas y niveles de confianza sobre lo que son capaces de hacer. La Administración debe descubrir qué recursos, entrenamiento, o supervisión necesitan los empleados.

  3. Instrumentalidad. La percepción de los empleados de que realmente van a recibir lo prometido por la gerencia. La gestión debe asegurarse de que las promesas de recompensas estén satisfechas y de que los empleados estén enterados de esto.

Vroom sugiere que la creencia de un empleado sobre expectativa, Instrumentalidad, y la valencia interactiva psicologicamente. De esta manera, crean una fuerza de motivación tal, que el empleado actuará de una manera que traiga placer y evite el dolor. Esta fuerza se puede “calcular” vía una fórmula:

Fórmula del Teoría de las Expectativas

Expectativa de la motivación = valencia x (Instrumentalidad).

Esta fórmula se puede utilizar para indicar y para predecir cosas como: satisfacción profesional, opción ocupacional, la probabilidad de permanecer en un trabajo, y el esfuerzo que uno puede invertir en el trabajo.

Grupo de Interés Especial

Grupo de Interés Especial de Teoria de las Espectativas .

Grupo de Interés Especial
Grupo de Interés Especial (121 miembros)


Discusiones en el Foro sobre Teoria de las Espectativas.

tema Barreras de la Motivación: 20 Principios para Desmotivar Al Equipo
A continuación os indico 20 maneras para desanimar al equipo, así como para perder dinero en la empresa (¡evitémoslo!) 1. Tener poco contacto con las personas. 2. Dejar a la gente en un segundo pla...
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tema 15 Principios de la Motivación
1. Tener un motivo. Las personas necesitamos tener un sentido de lo que hacemos. 2. Sentido de la responsabilidad. Las personas deben sentirse orgullosas de sus logros. 3. El equipo debe saber que s...
tema Identificar metas reales en cada caso
Las expectativas cuando se convierten en realidad y no nos dan lo que esperamos, nos frustran. Hay que ensenar a la gente a valorar sus posibilidades reales, de lo contrario nos llenaremos de personas...
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tema Expectativa y Organización Sistémica
Fundar en la sistémica una nueva manera de administrar los 5 sistemas propuestos por Mario Bunge en "Emergencia y Convergencia" (2004) para evitar que se planteen pautas de expectativas de versión lin...
🔥 Valencia, Expectativa e Instrumentalidad
Con respecto a estos tres factores, ¿creéis que operan de la misma manera en los empleados? Por cual de ellos os decantais como más importante, o ¿tienen cada uno de los tres el mismo rango de eficaci...
tema Utilidad de la Teoría de las Expectativas de Vroom
La utilidad de la teoría de las expectativas de Vroom radica en la comprensión de los procesos mentales de la motivación de los trabajadores. Por otra parte, es muy complicado alcanzar unas mediciones...
tema Las motivaciones reales de la gente para trabajar exitosamente
El mundo laboral actual nos impone el desafío de conocer en profundidad acerca de las motivaciones reales de la gente para trabajar exitosamente en un puesto, sobre todo en ambientes tercerizados. Est...
tema Misunderstandings About Motivation
Motivating employees is found to be hard by many people. The reason for that could well be that motivation is misunderstood. So I would like to put across and discuss all misconceptions around motivat...
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tema Is your Job Meaningful?
Finding a purpose in your job is important for millennials and in fact for everybody. Nevertheless, many people have a job that they don't regard as meaningful. Therefore, they are not completely sat...
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tema How to Deal with Demotivated Employees: Learned Helplessness
It is easy to understand the principle of "Learned Helplessness" (LH) by imagining an elephant trainer who trains a baby elephant. The training commences by initially tying a baby elephant's leg to a ...
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tema What Precisely is Expectancy? Definition
According to Vroom, Expectancy is the 'momentary belief concerning the likelihood that a particular act will be followed by a particular outcome'. It can range from zero (belief that the outcome will...
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tema Expectancy Theory versus Human Needs?
There are many different ways to reach goals, but I believe that the NEEDS have more weight than the EXPECTANCY. So what about Maslow thinking of human behavior?...
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tema Effort Leads to Performance, But Only to a Certain Extent
This is true in most cases, the more you put in the more you get out. But there are times when this is not the case. If you put in all of your effort you do perform better, but it is hard to see how ...
tema What Precisely is Valence? Definition of Valence
Hi, for me it's hard to understand "valence"? It's not in my English dictionary. Can you give me some help?...
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tema Human Motivation Lies Within
A human can never be motivated. You can just push a bit and show a way. A person always needs to be self-motivated to perform best and be successful. We as a company in HR spend a lot of effort on ...
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tema Problems with Expectancy Theory. Disadvantages
Two major issues with Expectancy Theory is that it breaks down if employees do not believe in their capability or in the reward. Other leadership, motivation skills and theories are needed first in s...
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tema Motivation Should be a Two-way Process
I think the motivation process between the manager and the employees is exchangeable, i.e., bosses can and should motivate their subordinates in various ways, but at the same time the subordinates can...
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tema Measuring Motivation:The PIAV Assessment
When it comes to looking at the individual there is no substitute (personal bias here) for the Personal Interests, Attitudes and Values (PIAV) assessment. It is a validated tool (based on the work of...
tema Identify your Passion for Success
In my opinion, success comes from loving what you do. Is your current work your passion? When you study highly successful people, you understand that they have at least one thing in common, they like...
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tema The Importance of the Goals in Motivating Workers
I believe that success in motivating employees is well explained in McGregor's example in which, to the question: "What are you doing?", three stone masons working on a construction site answer differ...
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Los temas mejor valorados sobre Teoria de las Espectativas. Aquí encontrará las ideas más valiosas y sugerencias prácticas.

🥇 Los Factores que implican Los Deseos de los Trabajadores
Es interesante conocer los factores que implican un mayor rendimiento en el trabajador, sería conveniente crear departamentos de personal en las organizaciones a fin de conocer las aptitudes y deseos ...
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🥈 How can you Motivate Knowledge Workers?
In the current 'knowledge era', the question what motivates knowledge workers, and, being a manager, how you should motivate and manage them is important. In their article "The Progress of Small Win...
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🥉 What Motivates Employees? The Answer Depends (Partly) on their Generation
The age of retirement has been moved to 60, 65, 70 years and beyond. Where each generation used to pass the baton; there is no baton being passed anymore. We can now find multiple generations (up to ...
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tema All 3 Elements in Expectancy Theory are Mandatory
Will your employee work hard for a raise? Of course management science is not mathematics. But a consequence that should not be overlooked of Vroom's formula M = V * E * I is that even if only one of...
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tema Why People Want to Become Leaders? Motivations to Lead
Leadership roles in an organization are obviously pivotal to the successful and smooth functioning of the organization in terms of both tactical (day-to-day) issues and strategic (long-term) perspecti...
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tema Motivation in Non-Profit Organizations
I'm having difficulties finding a theory to help me research motivation, and the importance of it, in a non-profit organization. Could someone please give me some advice for the best possible theory? ...
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tema Controlling the Minds of Employees
I think there can be several way to achieve goals, however what's more important is to have control over the mind of the team members. And that's up to the managers how they carry their team....
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tema Extended Version of the Expectancy Theory (Lambright)
Lambright (2010) addresses an important weakness of the expectancy theory: it makes no distinction between certainty and uncertainty conditions. Indeed, the expectancy theory does not take into accoun...
tema Motivating an Employee by Valence
According to Vroom, Valence refers to a preference for one outcome over another. It can be positive, neutral or negative. For example, if an employee strongly desires a promotion, and believes that a...
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tema Motivation is Owned by the Individual
Motivation is a slippery slope. I believe Wlodkowski who says: one cannot directly motivate another since motivation is owned by the individual; it comes from within us. It's the same as telling one t...
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Consejos de Expertos

Conocimientos avanzados sobre Expectancy Theory (Inglés). Aquí encontrará consejos profesionales de expertos.


Consejos de Consultoría


Consejos de Enseñanza


Consejos Prácticos de Implementación


4 Steps to Motivate your Employees...

Using Expectancy Theory in your Department / Group
As a manager, you can motivate your employees applying Expectancy Theory. Take these 4 steps: 1. Find out what each ind...

It's All About Perceptions!

Implementing Expectancy Theory
Note that what matters in expectancy theory are the perceptions of the person who is to be motivated, not the rea...

Expectancy can be Unexpected!

On Experts and Surprises
Be careful with assuming what the expectancy of a person (employee) is going to be: Zakary Tormala did research on how ...

Relationships in Expectancy Theory

Understanding / Teaching Expectancy Theory
The Expectancy theory focuses on three relationships: 1. Effort<>Performance relationship. The probability perceived b...

The Effort -> Performance Relationship

Coaching, mentoring
As mentioned in the summary, one of the expectations of Vroom’s theory is the positive relationship between effort and p...

Reasons Why People are Doing Voluntary Work

Expectancy Theory, Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholder Perspective, Volunteers
Voluntary work has long been seen as an activity performed mainly by unemployed individuals –mostly women, both in their...

Family-Work Conflicts (FWC) and Daily Job Performance

Family-work conflicts, Coaching, Mentoring, Job Performance
FAMILY ROLES and WORK are two factors influencing each other: - Work can interfere with family roles; this is called a W...

Differences in Organizational Commitment Between Paid Workers and Volunteers

Organizational Commitment, Employee Motivation, Non-profit Organizations
Paid and unpaid workers in hybrid organizations Although financial considerations are an important reason to work for a...
Fuentes de Información

Varias fuentes de información sobre Teoria de las Espectativas. Aquí encontrará powerpoints, videos, noticias, etc. para usar en sus propias conferencias y talleres.


Human Motivation

Employee Motivation
Comprehesive presentation on Human / Employee Motivation. Topics: 1. What is motivation? 2. How do needs motivate peo...

Overview of Content and Process Motivation Theories

Motivation, Needs, Incentives, Goal Setting, Behavior
Overview presentation of the major content motivation theories (Hierarchy of Needs; Acquired Needs theory; Two-Factor Th...

External and Internal Motivation

Presentation about motivation, from a psychological perspective. The presentation includes the following sections: 1. P...

Reasons and Secrets of Employee Retention

Employee Retention, Attrition
This presentation is about Employee Retention and includes the following sections: 1. Introduction 2. Reasons for Empl...

Intrinsic Motivation versus Extrensic Motivation

Initial Understanding of Motivator Types and Consequences
How can I do a better job of motivating a team? Dan Pink and Dan Ariely make a distinction between extrinsic motivators...

Attitude, Motivation and Persuasion

Persuasion Theory, Managing Behavior
This presentation by S.J. Grant is about attitudes, motivation and how affects persuasion. The following sections are in...

Voluntary Activities of Employees | Employee Volunteerism

Employee Motivation, Employee Volunteerism, Employee Commitment, Shared Value, CSR, Corporate Reputation
Presentation about employee volunteerism, including the following sections: 1. What is employee volunteerism 2. Employ...

Work-Family Conflicts and Work-Life Policies

Performance Management, Work-Life Balance, HR, Programs
This presentation is about Work-Family Conflicts and Employee Performance. The presentation includes the following secti...

Introduction and Summary of the Expectancy Theory of Motivation

Initial Understanding of the Expectancy Theory, Trainings, Workshops
Inspiring explanation of Victor Vroom's Expectancy Theory using examples from the world of basketball and the meaning. E...

Forecasting motivation

Calculating motivation
Some interesting formulas to calculate both negative and positive motivation....

Expectancy Theory Diagram

Employee Motivation
Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...

Performance Measurement, Expectancy and Agency Theory

Performance Measurement
Theoretical analyses of (optimal) performance measures are typically performed within the realm of the linear agency mod...


Herramientas útiles sobre Teoria de las Espectativas.













Compare la Teoría de las Espectativas, con:   Jerarquía de Necesidades  |  Liderazgo Servidor  |  Teoría de las Necesidades  |  El efecto Hawthorne de Mayo  |  Modelo de Valores Complementarios  |  Teoría de la Atribución  |  Enmarque  |  Teoría de los dos Factores Herzberg   |  Teoría X Teoría Y  |  Gradilla de Gestión  |  Teoría ERG  |  Modelo del Liderazgo Continuo  |  Teoría de la Trayectoria-Meta  |  Estilos de Dirección  |  Liderazgo Situacional  |  ASESORES ÉPICOS  |  Coaching  |  Patrocinio

Vuelva a la página principal de Administración: Cambio y Organización  |  Recursos Humanos  |  Liderazgo

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