
Seis Aproximaciones sobre el Cambio

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Los seis (6) Preparaciones para el Cambio de Kotter y de Schlesinger son un modelo para prevenir, para disminuir o para disminuir resistencia al cambio en organizaciones.

Razones de la resistencia al cambio

Según Kotter y Schlesinger (1979), hay cuatro razonó que cierta gente se está oponiendo al cambio:

  1. Interés propio parroquial. Alguna gente se refiere más a la implicación del cambio para sí mismos y cómo puede afectar sus propios intereses, más bien que en vista de los efectos para el éxito del negocio.

  2. Malentendido. Problemas de comunicación; información inadecuada.

  3. Tolerancia baja del cambio. Cierta gente es muy afilada en la sensación asegurada y que tiene estabilidad en su trabajo.

  4. Diversos gravámenes de la situación. Algunos empleados pueden discrepar con las razones del cambio y con las ventajas y las desventajas del proceso del cambio.

Seis acercamientos al reparto con resistencia al cambio

Kotter y Schlesinger han precisado los seis (6) acercamientos siguientes del cambio al reparto con resistencia del cambio:

  1. Educación y comunicación. Donde hay una carencia de la información o información y análisis inexactos. Una de las mejores maneras de superar resistencia al cambio es: para informar y educar a la gente sobre el esfuerzo del cambio de antemano. Los empleados precedentes de las ayudas de la comunicación y de la educación ven la lógica en el esfuerzo del cambio. Esto reduce rumores infundadas e incorrectas referentes a los efectos del cambio en la organización.

  2. Participación y participación. Donde los iniciadores no tienen toda la información necesaria para diseñar el cambio, y donde otros tienen energía considerable de resistir. Cuando los empleados están implicados en el esfuerzo del cambio son más probables desear el cambio más bien que se oponen a él. Este acercamiento es probable disminuir la resistencia de los, que consienten simplemente en el cambio.

  3. Facilitation y soporte. Donde la gente se está oponiendo al cambio, debido a problemas del ajuste. Siendo de apoyo de empleados durante épocas difíciles, las gerentes pueden prevenir resistencia potencial. El soporte directivo ayuda a empleados a ocuparse de su miedo y ansiedad durante un período de transición. La base de la resistencia al cambio es probable ser: la opinión que habrá un poco de forma de efecto perjudicial ocasionó por el cambio en la organización. Típico para este acercamiento son el entrenamiento especial y el asesoramiento, las premisas de oficina normales exteriores.

  4. Negociación y acuerdo. Donde alguien o un cierto grupo puede perder hacia fuera debido a un cambio, y donde ese individuo o grupo tiene energía considerable de oponerse. Las gerentes pueden combatir resistencia ofreciendo incentivos a los empleados para no oponerse al cambio. Esto puede ser hecha permitiendo a la gente que se está oponiendo al cambio a ciertos elementos del veto del cambio que estén amenazando. O la gente que se está oponiendo al cambio puede ser ofrecida los incentivos para dejar la compañía con compras de participaciones tempranas o con retiros. Para evitar la experiencia del esfuerzo del cambio. Este acercamiento será apropiado donde eso está el cambio que resiste en una posición de la energía.

  5. Manipulación y Co-opción. Donde otras táctica no trabajarán ni son demasiado costosas. Kotter y Schlesinger sugieren que sea una técnica eficaz de la manipulación: para cooptar con la gente que se está oponiendo al cambio. la Co-opción implica el traer de una persona en un grupo de planeamiento de la gestión del cambio por aspectos más bien que de su contribución substantiva. Esto implica a menudo el seleccionar de los líderes de la gente que se está oponiendo al cambio, participar en el esfuerzo del cambio. Estos líderes pueden ser dados un papel simbólico en toma de decisiones, sin amenazar el esfuerzo del cambio. Observe esto: si estos líderes se sienten que los están trampeando, son probables empujar la resistencia incluso más futura que si los nunca incluyeron en el liderazgo del esfuerzo del cambio.

  6. Coerción explícita e implícita. Donde está esencial la velocidad. Y ser utilizado solamente como último recurso. Gerentes puede forzar explícitamente o implícito a empleados en aceptar el cambio, haciendo el claro a el cual la resistencia al cambio puede conducir: pérdidas de los trabajos, despidos, transferencias del empleado, o no promover a empleados.

Grupo de Interés Especial

Grupo de Interés Especial de Seis Aproximaciones sobre el Cambio .

Grupo de Interés Especial
Grupo de Interés Especial (42 miembros)


Discusiones en el Foro sobre Seis Aproximaciones sobre el Cambio.

tema Cuatro tipos de resistencia al cambio
Cuatro tipos de resistencia al cambio son los siguientes: 1. Miedo 2. Intereses Creados 3. Malentendidos 4. Escepticismo...
🔥 Propuesta de Estrategias y Tacticas
Necesito asesoria para presentar una propuesta de estrategias y tacticas en una empresa del sector de la construccion que se dedica a la comercializacion de materiales, suministros y asesoria de proye...
tema Dealing with Resistance to Change
- MAINTAINING STATUS QUO means living and working within the known and the comfort zone. - CHANGE means going beyond frontiers of the known, learning to work with new challenges. - RESISTANCE TO CHA...
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tema Change Ability is a Core Competence
The capacity or ability of an organization to change quickly and successfully (skillfully combining various change approaches) can be viewed as a core competence, which can be continually upgraded and...
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tema Why Communication is Crucial in Change Processes
Communication is a very critical process in today's challenging times. The success factor is proper communication on: - Why the change is inevitable, and - Why the support and involvement of all st...
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tema Everyone is Part in Change
There is a saying that says "you either get better or you get worse"; you don't stay the same. So anyway you slice it, you are part of change, it's either good or bad. This goes for every part of an...
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tema Combining Multiple Change Approaches?
In order to select the appropriate change approach (as categorized by Kotter), it's useful to understand the change management iceberg model of Kruger. There are probably different groups with differe...
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tema Resistance to Change Types
Resistance to change can be considered along various dimensions: - Individual versus Collective resistance - Passive versus Active resistance - Direct versus Indirect resistance - Minor versus Ma...
tema First Values and Culture
I believe that the change must be made by participation and involvement but first we have to work on organization values and culture because we have to prepare the field, any other way can´t be follow...
tema Change Leadership AND Change Management: 2 Parts of the Same Whole
Thank you for the video of this week explaining the differences between Change Leadership (CL) and Change Management (CM) in Kotter's view. I humbly suggest that they are mutually inclusive: Without...
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tema Expansion (Change) in Business Focus
Our company is undergoing a major change. We are expanding in a very fast pace and it is a great change! Due to expansion, we have recruited a lot of talented and good people who have the drive, passi...
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tema Participatory Approaches Towards Taking on Change
I think you will find in most cases larger organisations will use a programmatic approach, i.e. a top down approach towards implementing and communicating change. Here I believe issues arise as it doe...
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tema Using Change Approaches for Post-election Violence
Extremely useful information. I used it to advice people on post election violence and on how they can manage change....
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tema Displacement Through Change
Forging change of a political government and of leadership in a country may mean displacement of political leaders in power. In such case, it appears that their resistance to change is influenced by p...
tema Approach #7 to Deal with Resistance
I would add 7th approach. This is facilitation to inner, spiritual development of all those involved into change. Wise people do not resist change, but are open to it. Inner spiritual path, growth to ...
tema Mention Change in Introduction Training
It is advisable to emphazise the subject of change (management) during the introduction training of new employees....
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tema Organizational Ideology as a Change Approach
I believe another (7th) approach to change could be: 'Organizational Ideology'. Ideological change following the situation is a competency and shows the flexibility of management. One way to change ...
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tema Kotter Change Model and ADKAR Model
I am comparing Kotter's model with ADKAR from Prosci, they closely resemble each other though Kotter seems to be more forceful in implementing change....
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tema Resistance to Change not Just Self-Interest
The first factor in resistance, self interest, may be something less "toxic" and that is complacency (Editor: ~self-satisfaction). At first an individual isn't resistant to change, per se, but it sim...
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tema The Origin of Resistance to Change
It is my belief that resistance to change stems from fear and lack of information. When free-flow of information forms part of the policy of an organization, every worker is able to analyze available...
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tema Change Dynamics of People Being in the Organization for a Long Time
It seems to me as if the longer people stay in an organisation, the more resistance they develop to any change initiative - despite their advantages. Is this impression of mine correct?...
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tema First the Rational and Hard Factors
Organizational change management can be effectively carried if the rational and hard factors are addressed first before applying the models which are supposed to address the emotional and soft factors...
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tema Why *assume* they are wrong and we are right?
Too many of these explanations for why "they" are fearful, uninformed, unaware are simply an excuse for failing to consider all the implications of the change. If you do that - and you still consider ...
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Los temas mejor valorados sobre Seis Aproximaciones sobre el Cambio. Aquí encontrará las ideas más valiosas y sugerencias prácticas.

🥇 5th Reason for Resistance to Change: Over Protectiveness of the Status Quo
I am managing a change program for a voluntary organisation for people with learning disabilities whose over caring attitude has developed over decades. The necessary change needs to happen for the or...
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🥈 Manage Change Like a Salesman
In order to make effective change, the manager has to believe in the change. It is top down. You hear words like "buy in" which means a manager has to talk up the change and make it practical and tang...
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🥉 Trust, change and management
Trust creates trust, mistrust creates mistrust! Managers should create trust in order to be trusted by others. A barrier towards mistrust is a lack of knowledge and the understanding of concepts which...
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Consejos de Expertos

Conocimientos avanzados sobre Six Change Approaches (Inglés). Aquí encontrará consejos profesionales de expertos.


Consejos de Consultoría


Consejos de Enseñanza


Consejos Prácticos de Implementación


Personal Networks of Successful Change Agents

Leading Major and Minor Change Initiatives
Organizational change is often difficult to achieve because it disturbs the hierarchical structures and the way to accom...

Leadership Strategies for Change

Initiate, implement, develop and sustain change
In response to the high rate of change failure, Ken Blanchard and his team have developed the Blanchard Leading Through ...

Key Success Factors when you're Designing your Change Management Program

Best Practices, Change Management, Organizational Change
In their article "Making Change Happen, and Making It Stick" (published in the online edition of strategy+business, Dece...

Categories of Change Tools and Approaches

Change Management, Organizational Change
According to Christensen et al. in HBR Oct 2007, 4 types of "tools" can be distinguished, depending on the extent that p...

What Change Agents Should I Use?

Change Management, Organizational Change, Turnaround Management
When choosing between internal or external change agents, organizations should consider following advantages and disadva...

Six Crucial Mind Shifts for Strategy Execution / Implementation

Change Management, Strategic Change, Resistance to CHange, Strategy Implementation
Speculand (2009) suggests six mind shifts that people should consider when they're implementing new strategies in organi...

Types of Change. Classification

Change Management, Organizational Change, Expected/Unexpected Change, Incremental/Radical Change
Organizational change varies along at least to dimensions (expected-unexpected and incremental-radical) and can be manag...

The Role of the CEO in Strategic Change Initiation

Communicating Strategic Change
In management literature the role of the CEO in formulating and implementing strategic change has often been emphasized....

Approaches to Planned Change

Change Management, Organizational Change
Organizations may take one of the following three approaches to planned change: - Structural Approach: The structural a...
Fuentes de Información

Varias fuentes de información sobre Seis Aproximaciones sobre el Cambio. Aquí encontrará powerpoints, videos, noticias, etc. para usar en sus propias conferencias y talleres.


Your Organization Needs to Change its Strategy Implementation Method

Strategy Execution, Strategic Change, Change Management, Strategy Implementation
Dr. John Kotter explains most clearly how the rate of change of events, technology, globalization, products and markets ...

How to Communicate Organizational Change to Affected Audiences

Organizational Change, Change Management, Change Communications
This presentation elaborates on the process of communicating change towards those affected by the change. The presentati...

Effective Change Leadership and Management: Principles, Frameworks and Tools

Change Management, Change Leadership
Comprehensive presentation on leadership and management in a change context. 1. Introduction and Overview 2. What is t...

Organizational Change & Dev.

Organizational Change Overview
Overview paper on Organisational Change and Development by Sharika Gupta Sr. deals with following topics: 1. INTRODUCTI...

Resistance to Change and Its Management

Change Management, Resistance to Change, Change Resistance
This presentation focuses on a specific dimension of change management, namely the management of resistance to change of...

Dealing with Resistance to Change

Change Management, Resistance to Change
This presentation focuses on resistance to change and ways to overcome or prevent it. The presentation has good graphics...

Change Management versus Change Leadership

Understanding the Difference Between Change Management and Change Leadership
This video explores and explains some differences between Change Management and Change Leadership: CHANGE MANAGEMENT ...

Managing Organizational Change

Change Management, Leading Change, Organizational Development
This is a presentation about the ways to manage change. The presentation includes the following sections: 1. Introducti...

Dealing with Strong Resisters

Dealing with Resistance to Change, Change Management, Training, Workshop
Dr. John Kotter gives remarkable advice on dealing with "No, No, People" (strong resisters in change initiatives). Acco...

Compensation for Change

Change compensation
This paper by Karen Hopper Wruck explains why establishing a strong, positive relation between rewards and performance i...

Managing Organizational Change and Managing Stress

Organizational Change; Change Management; Stress Management
Presentation about organizational change with a special emphasis on stress management. The presentation includes the fol...


Herramientas útiles sobre Seis Aproximaciones sobre el Cambio.













Compare con los seis (6) Preparaciones para el Cambio: Las fases del Cambio  |  Teoría de la Contingencia  |  Consideraciones para Cambiar la Cultura de Organizaciones  |  Estilos de Dirección  |  Teoría del Grupo Central  |  Bases del Poder Social  |  Organización Orgánica  |  Planned Behavior  |  Reingeniería  |  Kaizen  |  Gente CMM  |  Gestión del Cambio  |  Dimensiones del Cambio  |  Las 4 Dimensiones del Trabajo Relacional  |  Niveles de Cultura  |  Oficina de Gestión Estratégica  |  Modelo Causal de Desempeño e Cambio Organizacional

Vuelva a la página principal de Administración: Cambio y Organización  |   Recursos Humanos  |   Liderazgo  |  Gerencia de Programas y Proyectos  |  Estrategia y Innovación

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