
HR as a Strategic Business Partner

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Bola Michael
Bola Michael
Management Consultant, United Kingdom

HR as a Strategic Business Partner

I am carrying out a diagnosis on my organisation to find out how HR as a strategic business partner can lead to competitive advantage. Does anyone have an idea how to go about it?


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  Luis R. Villegas H.
Luis R. Villegas H.
Consultant, Mexico

Strategic Business Partner.

Since a "competitive advantage" today is very much related to the intangible benefits that an asset can bring to your company, I would analyse each potential partner against the 4 major Balanced Scorecard perspectives: Financial, Customer, Business Process and Learning and Growth.
I would create a "Strategic Partner Selection Matrix": The rows would be the potential partners; the columns would be the sets of criteria for selection in each of the 4 perspectives mentioned above.
When you create the sets of criteria for each perspective, remember that the objective is to know how a potential business partner can impact your organisation. If you grade your potential partners in all the criteria you will be able to determine which is the best.
A tip: You may build the criteria sets from the performance measures already defined within your company.
Any doubts? Do not hesitate to ask.

  Bola Michael
Bola Michael
Management Consultant, United Kingdom

HR as Strategic Business Partner

Thanks Luis, that's a brilliant idea. I am planning to measure my organisation HR based on the Ulrich model, since the whole process is looking at HR being a business partner. Can anyone help with a survey sample I can follow as a guide?

  Ullhas Pagey
Ullhas Pagey
CxO / Board, India

HR as a strategic Partner

To the extent you can co-relate the impact of your HR interventions with the top line and bottom line of the organisation, you are playing the role of a strategic HR partner - because that is the only language which the top management understands.

  Luis R. Villegas H.
Luis R. Villegas H.
Consultant, Mexico

HR Strategic Business Partner

Probably I did not understand your issue. But Dave Ulrich's philosophy about HR as Strategic Business Partner says that 'HR must ensure that its practices, processes, and policies complement the overall organizational strategy. It needs to develop a capacity to execute that strategy.' So, I would still correlate the activities of HR with the corporate strategy. To do this, I would identify the drivers or measures that link HR practices, processes, and policies to corporate strategy...

  Ludwig G
Ludwig G, Germany


First consider (and discuss) if the organization is adopting a shareholder value view or a stakeholder value view. In case a stakeholder view is taken, it will be a little easier to show a direct strategic contribution of the HRM function and SHRM to achieve competitive advantage, because the employees are considered a stakeholder group.

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Strategic Human Resource Management

Good points... Yet another angle to Strategic Human Resource Management is presented by the RBV of Barney. SHRM can offer ways to protect strategic resources (somewhat) from being imitated. For example by gradually developing a strategic social employee / alumni network or by creating causal ambiguity via the hrm function about what actually are the strategic resources of a firm.

Bongani, South Africa

Strategic Human Resource Management Questions

Hi all, what's also really fundamental to Strategic HR is a comprehensive look into the entire employee value chain parallel with the organization's value chain. Out of this one can ask the following questions:
What kind of business are we in?
What kind of leadership and or sponsorship do we need to visibly model the correct behaviors?
What kind or type of skill and talent do we require to have an edge?
What is the climate of the organization currently from a people management perspective? what is the status with internal policies?
Do our people understand the policies and how they impact them?
What are the existing hygiene factors that need serious intervention?
What is our core differentiator from a people point of view?
Seeing that this world is constantly faced with change, how well capacitated is our human capital to deal with and manage change? and lastly as HR,
How concerned are we about ensuring that we create a direct link to the bottom line....

Strategy Consultant, India

Diagnosing HR as a Strategic Business Partner

The expected end result of the diagnosis process is to ensure whether the workforce is committed to perform at their maximum potential. Whether HR is developed as a self-directed resource having unique competitive edge. Whether the market value of HR is appreciated over that of the investment on account of cost to the company. HR should be leveraged in all areas of strategic management in attaining the overall objectives of organization.

  Emmanuel Guobadia
Emmanuel Guobadia
Management Consultant, Nigeria

HR Business Partnering versus HR Shared Service Center

Hi Bola, the HR Business Partnering approach is a way of assigning or seconding HR Executives to the various units or departments so as to work closely with them, manage their employee issues, give them a sense of belonging, find ways to improve work productivity and positively impact bottom line.
However for this to be successful, they most have a good understanding of the business.
In many cases the HR function is reverted to a centralised office (HR Shared Services). It is a model used by fairly large organisations which has proven to be very efficient.

  Natasha Shabdeen
Natasha Shabdeen
Manager, Bermuda

HR Shared Services Model

@Emmanuel Guobadia: Hi, I am very interested in learning more about the HR Shared Services model you reference here. May you kindly direct me to some of the research you have on it.
Thank you.


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topic Line Managers' Knowledge of HR
topic Job Evaluation Systems
topic Human Resources Management: Art or Science?
topic Introducing New HR Policies
topic Human Resource Audit
topic Methods of Employee Profiling by HR?
topic HR Challenges in the 21st Century
topic Favorite HR Phrases :-)
topic Definitions of Human Resources Management
topic Core functions of HR?
👀HR as a Strategic Business Partner
topic Meaning of Employee Induction, Orientation and Onboarding
topic Role of the HR Manager in a Financial Crisis
topic Creating a HR System in a Family Business
topic Differences Between HR Practices in Small and Large Organizations
topic Employee Relations - Frames of Reference
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topic Return of Piecemeal Pay/Work
topic Ratio of Number of HR Positions to Staff Numbers
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topic Human RELATIONSHIP Management
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topic Impact of HRM on Company Performance
topic Retirement of Baby Boomers and Ikigai
topic Green Human Resource Management
topic Psychological Contract
topic Models to Determine Numbers and Types of Staff
topic Salary Policy on Natural Disasters ('Acts of Nature')
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