
Differences Between HR Practices in Small and Large Organizations

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Student (University), Sri Lanka

Differences Between HR Practices in Small and Large Organizations

What are the main differences between Human Resource practices in a small versus a large firm? Thank you for your suggestions...


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  David Guild
David Guild
Consultant, Australia

Difference HR in Large and Small Firms

HR basically stays the same in any size organization. But in small firms you do have a chance of being much more up close and personal, whereas in a large firm you do not have that chance, no matter how hard you try, you can not get to know 1,000+ staff.
Therefore being so informed in a small firm you should be able to be more proactive because of your closeness to the front line work place.

HR Consultant, Zimbabwe

Difference Between HR Practises in Large and Small Organisations

There are actually no differences between the two as HR practises will be same. You will find the same grievances.
However, there will be differences in volumes and levels.

Krishna, India

HR Practices in Large and Small Firms

Although the basics of HR are the same, The difference comes in terms of the magnitude of issues that are faced. The span of control and the level of operations of the company would matter a lot. HR practices will be fine tuned according to this factor.
And not only the size of (operations of) an organization, HR practices also vary greatly with the nature of the industry they apply to.
I take an example, while a small organization in its industry would worry a great deal on employee attrition rate, a larger organization would accept that as part of the game and formulate strategies in the base model itself. On the other hand a large manufacturing organization will have policies that prevent (contract) workers to be working continuously for more than, say, 6 months, keeping law of the land in mind.
In a nutshell: HR practices definitely vary greatly on the size of business and on the nature of the business.
More thoughts are invited.

  Ashish Verma
Ashish Verma
HR Consultant, India

Differences in Human Resources Practices in Large and Small Firms

There are many differences in the way HR practices work in large and small firms. To understand the practices, one must understand the basic differences between large and small firms.
- Resources: large firms have relatively easy access to resources. They can dig easily into their large resource pool.
- Employer Branding: the major area of focus for HR in large firms is employer branding. Small firms do not aim or vie for employer branding.
- Talent Management: using the mentioned employer branding and resources, large firms acquire talent whereas small firms hire people with a focus on cost.
- Employee Development: large firms have a holistic approach to development of employees, while small firms generally have some limited, stray instances of skill-based training.
- Corporate Responsibility: while the large firms are engaging employees in CSR as an important assignment, csr in small firms is limited to promoters.
These are some generic differences; many things depend on the organizational value system.

  Alex Odul Ochol
Alex Odul Ochol
Manager, Uganda

Difference in HR Practices in Large and Small Firms

There is a very thin line between HR in large organisations and small organisations. In my view, the approach is basically the same in almost all aspects, except that in large organisations there is workforce diversity that calls for a holistic approach. Because of the sensitivity of cultures and beliefs of the employees.

  Dr Azman CheOmar
Dr Azman CheOmar
Professor, Malaysia

Difference HR in Small and Large Organization

In term of functions, they are almost the same. However they do differ in some activities:
- HR planning is practiced in large organizations but not in smaller organizations.
- Career development is also very limited in smaller organizations.
Also the roles played by the line managers and staff managers are not the same. For smaller organization, there is a blur of roles, that is the same manager is doing the line job and staff job.

  Yeshwant Moodliar
Yeshwant Moodliar
Consultant, India

Differences of the HR Function between Small and Large Organizations

In a small organization, the HR function is limited to "employee/supervisor"interactions & annual appraisal.
In a large organization the HR function is split between VP of HR (head office) with CEOs and HR managers of all subsidiary units. Self development up to supervisory level is in the unit itself, but development of all managers could be in two areas a) personal deficiecies and b) development for handling higher responsibilities.

  Sakala Abraham
Sakala Abraham
Student (Other), Zambia

Differences of HR Practices in Large and Small Firms

HR is always the same, whether in large firms or small firms. A difference is in the number of activities that they perform. In large firms there a lot of HR activities while in a small firm there are few.

geevis, India

Formal / Personal HR in Large / Small Organisations

HR in large organisations are more planned, formalised and more modern tools are used to implement HR policies.
Smaller firms tend to be more personal in their HR approaches, basically because everyone knows each other.
Larger organisations may suffer to some extent due to their impersonal style of HR. Smaller firms may suffer to soem extent due to the subjectivity arising out of their personal approach.
Still the principles of HR remain the same.

  Diganta Bora
Diganta Bora
HR Consultant, India

Differences of HR in Large and Small Organisations

There are some differences between HR in large & small organisations.
Large organisation have resources. If the top management of a large organisation has a HR attitude, they can implement a new concept of HR in their organisation, which may not be possible for a small organisation.

  Yeshwant Moodliar
Yeshwant Moodliar
Consultant, India

A HR Attitude. In Large & Small Companies

I totally agree with you. An "HR attitude" has to be cultivated and this depends a lot on the top management and their concern about the HR function and the employees in the organisation. This "concern about hr" is reflected in the communication sent from top management to other subsidiaries and employees in the head office.
The Entrepreneur in an SME can also exibit an HR Attitude in the way he manages his supervisors and employees

  Aladdien Mohamed
Aladdien Mohamed
Manager, Saudi Arabia

Not All HR Functions Would Be Used, Others would be Different

I could see that many HR functions could be different based on the scope of HR delivered services and headcount.
For example, in small organizations, functions such as succession planning and career development might not be that important and be missing.
Recruitment activities would be there, but more ad-hoc.

  Yeshwant Moodliar
Yeshwant Moodliar
Consultant, India

HR Practices in a Small versus a Large Firm

- In a small firm HR practices are limited, apart from hiring and firing and some practices linked with annual salary revision & promotions. There is no HR manual per se and the owner is the HR manage...

  Shruti Misra
Shruti Misra
Coach, India

Comparision of HR Practices in Small and Large Firms

HR functions in small firms are more into the administrative roles and more focused towards accomplishing immediate operational tasks at hand. Whereas in larger firms, HR functions apart from adminis...

Azim, Tanzania

HR in Small and Large Organisations

Hello, I agree in small industries HR is more focused on utilising the human resource and pays less attention to their benefits. Whereas in large organisation HR is a holistic approach of retaining an...

  Kevin M. Adolfo
Kevin M. Adolfo
Management Consultant, Philippines

HR in Small and Large Companies

Basically, HR functions are the same regardless of company size. HR activities, projects, and programs are universal and they cut across cultural boundaries. It is a matter of how HR managers would ap...

  qamar hussain
qamar hussain
Entrepreneur, Pakistan

HR and Size of the Company

@David Guild : you are right. But in small size firms the task of HR is usually given to administration....

HR Consultant, Mauritius

Differences in HR Between Big and Small Organisations

@David Guild: I agree to your suggestion put forward. HR basically stays the same irrespective of the size of the organization. In small organisations, with less number of employees there is an open d...

  David Wilson
David Wilson
Manager, Canada

Large versus Small HR Organizations

There are differences between large and small HR organizations: In larger and more complex organizations, you are more likely to find a wide variety of diverse HR activities and job specializatio...


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