
Resistance to Change not Just Self-Interest

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Six Change Approaches



Kathryn, USA

Resistance to Change not Just Self-Interest

The first factor in resistance, self interest, may be something less "toxic" and that is complacency (Editor: ~self-satisfaction). At first an individual isn't resistant to change, per se, but it simply doesn't occur to them. Comfort and complacency abound. Resistance occurs when it is perceived that the change agent is trying to take something away. More than resistance ensues, battle breaks out.


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  David Wilson
David Wilson
Manager, Canada

Change Acceptance Depends also Upon the Track Record in Previous Change Efforts of the Company

If a company has a poor record of managing change, there is a greater likelihood that the change will face more resistance from the different stakeholders. Following the flavour of the month will probably develop an attitude of complacency - "this change will pass."
If the organization explains the rationale for the change and the consequences of not changing, there may be less resistance. In addition, the organization needs to build a guiding coalition (see Change Phases (Kotter) from across the organization to build the case for change.

Kathryn, USA

Is Resistance to Change Self Interest?

While I agree with you, in my experience, people seek comfort and when they have comfort, they don't see a need to change. They are complacent not resistant. Resistant is an object "in motion." Complacency is an object on the couch. Sitting still. It requires more effort to get an object in motion than it does to change its direction.

  Isaac E. Kruger, HRA
Isaac E. Kruger, HRA
Management Consultant, South Africa

Resistance to the Status Quo Being Changed

I agree with Kathryn that people don't resist the CHANGE. Their reaction (resistance) is to the STATUS QUO being changed.
In organisations it is common to have staff referring you to the way things were always being done and how long its been that way. In the undertones you will hear those proponents suggest and defend why the status quo should remain.

  Karen Correll
Karen Correll, USA

Resistance is Self Interest

The statement that "resistance occurs when it is perceived that the change agent is trying to take something away", is based on self interest and fear. Change requires time, effort and a willingness to look forward, but in situations where folks are resistant and attempt to block the movement forward, they are doing so out of fear of change, and feeling that they do not have the time and energy to re-learn a new process or procedure. They are afraid that if they do, it will mean more work. What they are lacking in vision is that this change may mean working smarter not harder.


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topic Change Ability is a Core Competence
topic Dealing with Resistance to Change
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topic 5th Reason for Resistance to Change: Over Protectiveness of the Status Quo
topic Everyone is Part in Change
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topic Participatory Approaches Towards Taking on Change
topic Trust, change and management
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topic Approach #7 to Deal with Resistance
topic Mention Change in Introduction Training
topic Change Dynamics of People Being in the Organization for a Long Time
topic Kotter Change Model and ADKAR Model
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👀Resistance to Change not Just Self-Interest
topic The Origin of Resistance to Change
topic First the Rational and Hard Factors
topic Why *assume* they are wrong and we are right?
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More on Six Change Approaches
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Change Ability is a Core Competence
topic Dealing with Resistance to Change
topic Why Communication is Crucial in Change Processes
topic 5th Reason for Resistance to Change: Over Protectiveness of the Status Quo
topic Everyone is Part in Change
topic Combining Multiple Change Approaches?
topic Manage Change Like a Salesman
topic First Values and Culture
topic Resistance to Change Types
topic Change Leadership AND Change Management: 2 Parts of the Same Whole
topic Expansion (Change) in Business Focus
topic Participatory Approaches Towards Taking on Change
topic Trust, change and management
topic Using Change Approaches for Post-election Violence
topic Displacement Through Change
topic Approach #7 to Deal with Resistance
topic Mention Change in Introduction Training
topic Change Dynamics of People Being in the Organization for a Long Time
topic Kotter Change Model and ADKAR Model
🔥 Organizational Ideology as a Change Approach
👀Resistance to Change not Just Self-Interest
topic The Origin of Resistance to Change
topic First the Rational and Hard Factors
topic Why *assume* they are wrong and we are right?
Special Interest Group
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Six Change Approaches

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