
Kotler's New 4C Marketing Mix for the Digital Economy

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Shubhi Kotiya
Shubhi Kotiya
CxO / Board, Germany

Kotler's New 4C Marketing Mix for the Digital Economy

🔥 In the digital economy the conventional Marketing Mix with 4P's must evolve to accommodate more customer participation. Kotler et al. suggest a marketing mix with four C's: Co-creation, Currency, Communal Activation and Conversation:
  • CO-CREATION: In the digital economy, co-creation is the new product development strategy. The product is developed by involving customers at the ideation stage. This increases the rate of success. Co-creation also allows for customization and personalization of the products, thereby providing superior value prepositions.
  • CURRENCY: Co-created products are offered at dynamic pricing, based on market demands. In the digital economy, price is similar to currency, which fluctuates depending on market demand. Industries like airlines, hospitality, retail, and all e-commerce shopping platforms today generate huge amounts of data from their customers. Using big data analytics these industries are able to provide differential pricing to different customers based on their history of purchase, location, and other profile aspects.
  • COMMUNAL ACTIVATION: In the connected world, consumers demand access to products and services instantly. And with brands going global these needs can be served only by peers in close proximity. Players like as Airbnb, Uber, Zipcar, and Lending Club are disrupting the hospitality, taxi, car rental, and banking industries. This peer-to-peer distribution is the essence of communal activation.
  • CONVERSATION: Traditionally promotion was a one-sided affair, wherein companies used to just make the offerings to the customers. Today, customers can easily respond to the brand offerings and brand messages and thereby generating valuable conversations. The rise of customer-rating systems such as TripAdvisor and Yelp provide a platform for customers to have conversations about and offer evaluations of brands they have interacted with.

  • ⇒ What do you think of this new Marketing Mix?
    Philip Kotler, Hermavan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan, (2017). "Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital", pp. 50-51.


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  Graham Williams
Graham Williams
Management Consultant, South Africa

Kotler's New 4C Marketing Mix for the Digital Economy

I like it Subhi but suspect that many will see it as a replacement for 4P marketing instead of an addition. That is, instead of rather than as well as.
But we still have products and services although they may arise and be designed in different ways, promotion including via the conversational process, pricing (where preference, variation, fluctuation, and so on are not really new but may now be more dynamic, and place (even though this may be a 'click' rather than a 'bricks' place).
So what has changed is not so much the components of the marketing mix, but the evolving nature of these components.

  Garth Sutherland
Garth Sutherland
Consultant, South Africa

Do the 4P's Require Clarification?

All models evolve! That is the nature of academia. But the 4P's?
And life evolves whether one needs to, desires it, or wants it to.
Even the P's now stand at 7 (or 8 or 14?) but the most valuable addition is Partnership.
That includes the co-creation, working with competitors and the similar "working together" thoughts the modern-day brings.
And the new models do help create new thoughts. That is the objective after all?

  Shubhi Kotiya
Shubhi Kotiya
CxO / Board, Germany

The Key in 4C's is Customer

The responses from many members from the forum echo the importance of 4Ps. And it's not at all questionable. 4P's carry their equal importance. Also, few of us acknowledge and appreciate the 4C's. According to me, in the digital economy the CUSTOMER is the key.
4P's + Customer at the heart of all = 4C's

  Mudukula Mukubi
Mudukula Mukubi
Business Consultant, Zambia

Kotler's 4C versus the 4P Model

Interesting additional perspective, primarily good to use for the digital age. However, no marketing enterprise is sensible that does not primarily rest on the 4P model.

  Helen Strong
Helen Strong
Business Consultant, South Africa

Role of 4 Cs

For me the 4Ps are the 'what' for the strategies and the Cs are a new way of describing the the 'how'.
Definitely technology and the need of the new generation in the market to participate have led to identification of these methods.

  Alkhaly Mohamed Tahey Conde
Alkhaly Mohamed Tahey Conde
Lecturer, Guinea

4 C in Knowledge Industries

@Victor Inambwae: The four Cs Model is also useful in the knowledge, cultural and information industries. I confirm that the four Ps are always valid, irrespective of the economic sector.

  Dr. Klaus Nuehrich
Dr. Klaus Nuehrich
Management Consultant, Germany

Kotler's 4C not a New Marketing Mix

For me that is really not new and not at all the replacement of the 4P.
Due to the technology it is possible to do these things which ever have been done faster more in real time and based on more data.
So far I agree with Graham.

  Alkhaly Mohamed Tahey Conde
Alkhaly Mohamed Tahey Conde
Lecturer, Guinea

4 Ps AND 4 Cs

These two models are useful, but the four P are the fundamentals in Marketing Mix. The four C are complements for the information economy. So the 4 Ps and the 4 Cs are not exclusive; they must be integrated, to analyze the process of exchange and commercialization in different types of organizations.

Student (University), Ghana

Kotler's New 4C Marketing Mix for the Digital Economy

This is interesting. Kotler's 4C seems to involve customers. However the 4C Model is not contradicting the 4Ps. I agree businesses could use both...

  Victor Inambwae
Victor Inambwae

Similarity Between Co-Creation and Conversation

It appears to me that of the four 4 Cs that are explained here there is some similarity between Co-Creation and Conversation which both seem to highlight the importance of customer or consumer participation.

Business Consultant, Netherlands

4 Ps AND 4 Cs

In my opinion, it is just marketing to use new keywords from time to time. From systematic approach you use the 4-5 P's and/or 4 C's. In business-to-business, we use since decades the 4-5 P's and 4 C's.
Are Airbnb, Uber still disruptive? I think not: it is common business today. If not, a company has no reason to exist.
Today, the "Corona virus" is disrupting to the world business and needs all of our attention. This virus will:
- Change the way of working; more at home;
- Change the production and logistics; sharing risks;
- Increase the power of authorities regarding a set of priority products;
- Focus on tools and factors for forecasting: impact and frequency of factors. .

  Sumit Kumar Pattnaik
Sumit Kumar Pattnaik
Student (MBA), India

Refreshing Read

This discussion has given me a whole new perspective regarding how powerful the digital economy has indeed become in the last few years....

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

Rephrase to Imply New and Different

As pointed out the C's are not new, but more like aspects of the P's. Product / Co-creation - It is increasingly important to involve future purchasers in the design and development stages. Price /...

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

Clarification from Evolution

@Garth Sutherland: Agreed, life evolves and that is true for models too. Evolution is, however, a natural process that arises from something fitting better into a niche; something that arises from the...

  Gandhi Heryanto
Gandhi Heryanto
Management Consultant, Indonesia

Digital Technology Changes the Way You Apply the 4Ps Concept

The 4Ps concept of price, product, promotion, and place are still relevant but the way we convey messages and communicate with customers must change according to their behavior. In the digital age the...

  Warren D. Miller, CPA, CFA
Warren D. Miller, CPA, CFA
Strategy Consultant, United States

The 4 Cs versus the 4 Ps

I'm sticking with the 4 Ps because I don't think the 4 Cs add anything that's essential to the conversation....


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topic Before using the Marketing Mix
topic Marketing Mix Alternatives
topic 4P Implementation Steps. Order of Implementing the 4Ps?
topic Promotion (4th P of Marketing Mix) Includes Image/Reputation
topic Impact of Marketing Plan on Employees?
topic Marketing Mix P's for Online Companies
topic Marketing of Services and Non Purely Physical Products?
👀Kotler's New 4C Marketing Mix for the Digital Economy
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topic Marketing = Marketing Mix + Customers = 4P's + C
topic Marketing Mix During Recesssion
topic The 5 Product Levels Model (Kotler)
topic The SIVA Model of Marketing
topic Why is Using the Marketing Mix Important?
topic Product in Marketing Mix ⇨ Customers' Value Bundle
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topic The Role of Culture in Marketing Mix : C4P's ?
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