
The SIVA Model of Marketing

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Marketing Mix | The 4Ps



Dan, US

The SIVA Model of Marketing

An interesting customer-focused variant of the 4Ps was suggested by Chekitan S. Dev and Don E. Schultz in Marketing Management v.14 n.1 January/February 2005. Their approach is known as the SIVA model:
  • Product → Solution
  • Promotion → Information
  • Price → Value
  • Place → Access


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  Denis Salamadin
Denis Salamadin
Consultant, Netherlands

SIVA the New 4P's of Marketing

SIVA is a replacement for the standerd 4P's of marketing.
In short, SIVA stands for Solution Information Value Access and could replace the current 4 P's of marketing.
Chekitan S. Dev and Don E. Schultz—like Lauterborn's 4C's—argue that today the customer has the power and can vote with his or her purse, wallet, or pocketbook.
Thus, the marketer must shift from a "supply" model that has been dictated by the four Ps to a "demand" model that will encourage customer "votes" in terms of sales and ongoing relationships (Marketing Management, Jan/Feb2005). They present a SIVA model:
1. Product > Solution
2. Promotion > Information
3. Price > Value
4. Placement > Access to solution
Customer: How can I solve my problem?
See your product as a solution. It is not what is to be delivered but what the service means or does in the eyes of your customer. This must be the main subject when you are having a sales conversation. The key to the S of solution is to see your product as a solution. This must be the main subject when you are having a sales conversation.
Customer: Where can I learn more about it?
Transparency came since the introduction of the internet. Your customers are aware of the benefits and downsides of your product as well as the competitors' product. Advertisement in a classic way is having its turning point and becoming less efficient. A better strategy is to give your customer clear information about your product and lean on testimonials of your current customers.
On #3: VALUE
Customer: What is my total sacrifice to get this solution?
What kind of value it gives your customer. It's not about the price of your product; the focus lies on the total cost of ownership. These are the total cost of your product during the product's life time cycle. Costs can include maintenance, repair etc.
Customer: Where can I find it?
The location of your company is less important than it used to be. It's more important that your company, your service and support has an easy access for your customers. For example: After how many times does my secretary answer the phone? Are my maintenance workers easy to reach? Can my customers look at the current stock, the status of their order and can they trace their shipment? This kind of accessibility has much more impact than before.


Detailed Info on SIVA Model

I need more detail information about the SIVA model. Who has some further details?

  Sachin Jaiswal
Sachin Jaiswal, India

SIVA Concept

Hi I need some more explanation about the SIVA concept... Thanks


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