
Stage-Gate-Modell | Stage-Gate-Prozess


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Was ist das Stage-Gate Modell?

Die Stage-Gate Methode von Robert G. Cooper ist ein Ansatz, der verwendet werden kann, um den Produktentwicklungsprozess wirkungsvoller zu gestalten. Es ist ein Entwurf für das Handhaben des neuen Produktprozesses. Von einer Idee bis zur Einführung eines Produktes. In einer Anzahl von vorbestimmten Schritten oder Stadien. Jedes Stadium besteht aus einem Satz von bestimmten kreuz-funktionellen und parallelen Tätigkeiten, die vor dem Erreichen der Zustimmung des Management erfolgreich durchgeführt werden müssen, um zum folgenden Stadium der Produktentwicklung zu gelangen. Der Zugang zu jedem Stadium wird genannt: ein Tor. Diese Tore, die normalerweise Treffen sind, kontrollieren den Prozess und dienen als:

  1. Qualitätskontrolle
  2. Go/Kill Kontrollpunkte. Bereitschaftsüberprüfungen, Must-Meet Kriterien und Should-Meet Kriterien.
  3. Wegweiser für Aktionsplan für die folgende Phase.

Stage-Gate ist ein geschütztes Warenzeichen des Product Development Institute Inc.

Ursprung der Stage-Gate Methodik. Geschichte

Die Methode basiert auf den Erfahrungen, Vorschlägen und Beobachtungen einer großen Anzahl von Managern und Unternehmen in über 60 Fällen, die von Robert Cooper beobachtet wurden. Die Bezeichnung „Stage-Gate“ erschien zuerst in einem Artikel durch Cooper in The Journal of Marketing Management, 3, 3, Frühling 1988. Eine noch frühere Version kann in Cooper's Buch gefunden werden: „Winning at New Products“, 1986.

Gebrauch von Stage-Gate. Anwendungen

  • Produktentwicklung, Innovation.
  • Bestandteil des Portfolio Managements.

Schritte (Stadien) im Stage-Gate Modell. Prozess

Robert G. Cooper Stage-Gate Modell

Dem Stage-Gate Prozess geht ein Entdeckungsstadium voran, das in einer neueren Version des ursprünglichen Modells hinzugefügt wurde, das nur 5 Phasen hatte. Es enthält Vorarbeit, die entworfen ist, um Möglichkeiten zu entdecken und neue Ideen zu erzeugen.

  1. Abgrenzen. Eine schnelle, einleitende Untersuchung jedes Projektes. Stellt günstige Informationen durch Sekundärforschung zur Verfügung, um die Einengung der Zahl der Projekte zu ermöglichen.
  2. Den Geschäftsfall errichten. Eine viel ausführlichere Untersuchung durch Primärmarketing und technische Forschung. Der Geschäftsfall muss eine Produktdefinition, eine Produktrechtfertigung und einen Projektplan beinhalten.
  3. Entwicklung. Ein ausführliches Design und eine Entwicklung des neuen Produktes, zusammen mit einigen einfachen Produktests. Auch ein Produktionsplan und ein Markteinführungsplan werden entwickelt.
  4. Prüfung und Validierung. Umfangreiche Produkttests sowohl im Markt, als auch im Labor und im Betrieb.
  5. Produkteinführung. Beginnen der vollen Produktion, des Marketings und des Verkaufens. Markteinführung, Produktion/Tätigkeiten, Distribution, Qualitätssicherung. Post-Launch Durchsichten werden durchgeführt.

In der Wirklichkeit ist es notwendig, weiter nach unten in die Untertätigkeiten zu bohren, um ausführliche und operative Anweisungen für das Innovationsteam zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Stärken der Stage-Gate Methodik. Nutzen

  • Gut organisierte Innovation kann eine Quelle des Wettbewerbsvorteils sein.
  • Beschleunigte Produktentwicklung. Notwendig aufgrund von sich verkürzenden Produktlebenszyklen.
  • Erhöhte Erfolgwahrscheinlichkeit der neuen Produkte. Verhindert schlechte Projekte früh und hilft, sie umzuleiten.
  • Das Modell bricht den komplexen Innovationsprozess in großen Unternehmen in eine Anzahl von kleineren Schritten hinunter.
  • Stellt einen Überblick zur Verfügung, der Priorisierung und Fokussierung ermöglicht.
  • Integrierte Marktorientierung.
  • Kreuz-funktionell. Bezieht Einsatz und Teilnahme der Angestellten aus verschiedenen Funktionen in der Organisation mit ein. Kein unterschiedliches F&E oder Marketing-Stadium. Aber sehen Sie über Entdeckung hinweg.
  • Kann mit verschiedenen Performancemaßen, wie Kapitalwert, etc. kombiniert werden.

Einschränkungen von Stage-Gate. Nachteile

  • Obgleich innerhalb eines Stadiums Tätigkeiten parallel durchgeführt werden können, ist der Stage-Gate Ansatz grundsätzlich sequentiell (Wasserfall). Einige Innovationsexperten glauben, dass Produktentwicklung tatsächlich parallel organisiert werden sollte, in Schleifen.
  • Das ursprüngliche Stage-Gate Rahmenwerk behandelte nicht den Entdeckungprozess und die Tätigkeiten, um neue Ideen zu schaffen.
  • Eine Spannung besteht zwischen dem Organisieren und Kreativität. Beide sind innerhalb der Innovation sehr wichtig.

Buch: Robert G. Cooper - Product Leadership - Pathways to Profitable Innovation


Produktentwicklung Fachgruppe.

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Forumsdiskussionen über Produktentwicklung.

🔥 Charakteristika von Gatekeepers?
Was sind die Funktionen oder Charakteristika von Gatekeepers?...
Kommentare1 Kommentare
Thema Stage-Gates are Not Limitative
The stage gate model is a widely used model, not only for product innovation but also for all projects. It is part of the Prince2 project management method. Note that the the phases and number of gat...
Thema Involving End Users in the Innovation Process
Is it reasonable to involve end users in the innovation process within the company (during product development) at all the stages of the Stage-Gate model?...
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Thema Politics and Innovation in Countries
1. The political leadership has the major say to promote innovation since it controls the environment, and environment is the first thing which gives scope for development of innovation. 2. Depending...
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Thema Stage-Gate Process for Product Quality Improvement
Has anyone applied the stage-gate process in an actual new product development for the specific purpose of improving product quality and customer satisfaction? What were the results?...
Thema Innovation in Emerging Economies
How do we create an enabling environment for innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship in emerging economies?...
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Thema Iteration in Stage-Gate Model (Cooper)
This model is good for new product development but its execution appears to be sequential in nature. (How) is the idea of iteration incorporated in the model?...
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Thema Innovation versus Improvisation
What separates innovation from improvisation?...
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Thema Estabish a Distributed Innovation Group
In an article entitled "Teaming Up to Crack Innovation and Enterprise Integration, James Cash, Michael Earl and Robert Morison suggest to establish a Distributed Innovation Group (DIG) to deal with th...
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Thema Process for New Product Introduction
What is the typical process that a company should follow to introduce a new product in the market? What is time to market?...
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Thema Agenda for a Stage-Gate Meeting?
What does the process for a typical Stage-Gate meeting look like? What would be the typical agenda for such meeting?...
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Die am besten bewerteten Themen über Produktentwicklung. Hier finden Sie die wertvollsten Ideen und praktischen Vorschläge.

🥇 Fostering Innovation by Leaders
The main challenge to improve innovation is how to develop leaders which stimulate and sustain innovation instead of just looking at the bottom line figures. An innovative culture is the consequence ...
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🥈 Tip: 10 Red Flags for Innovation
Interesting statement for discussion in Business Week: "There's no surefire way to guarantee success in innovation". Stefan Lindegaard offers 10 helpful suggestions or common pitfalls to avoid." Ver...
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🥉 The 5 Elements Innovation Framework (Bouquet et al.)
In an interesting article, IMD professors Bouquet, Barsoux and Wade are criticizing existing innovation frameworks for being UNREALISTIC (being overly linear [like the Waterfall and Stage-gate approac...
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Praktische Umsetzungstipps


Success Factors for Stage-Gate Implementation

Imlementing Stage-Gate Processes
In his article “Implementing a Stage-Gate Process: A Multi-Company Perspective”, O’ Connor analyzed several cases...

How to Find Good Product Ideas? List of 10 Approaches

Discovering New-Product Ideas, Creative Approaches
In his book “Product Leadership: Creating and Launching Superior New Products”, Robert Cooper suggests following ten way...

Stage-Gate Implementation CSFs

Implementing the Stage-Gate Process
So far Stage-Gate method has been widely recognized as the best New Product Development Process, although there can be s...

Innovation Pitfalls

Avoiding Innovation Traps
Note that Stage Gate is focused mainly on the innovation PROCESS. Harvard Professor R. Moss Kanter describes 4 common in...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Stages and Gates

Innovation Management, Stage-Gate Implementation
Advantages: + Stage - Gate processes have been highly appreciated as they tend to confine investment in the next stage ...

Setting up a Stage-Gate Organization. Best Practices

Stage-Gate Roles and Responsibilities
To obtain successful outcomes from Stage-Gate it is essential to define roles and responsibilities of all people involve...

Benefits of Outsourcing Innovation

Improving Innovation Performance
Michael A. Stanko, Jonathan D. Bohlmann and Roger J. Calantone (“Outsourcing Innovation”, Executive Adviser, November 20...

Innovating Bottom-up or Top-down

Corporate Innovation Approaches
I just read an interesting article by professor Deschamps on encouraging innovation within large organizations. Deschamp...

Key Challenges of Internet Age for Management and for Product and Service Development

R&D, Product Development, Service Development, Strategy, Marketing, Innovation, Visioning
The Internet age represents a huge challenge for most businesses. Why? Because the Internet, wireless devices such as m...

Recent Innovation Trends | New Innovation Types

Open innovation, User Innovation, Value Innovation, Bottom-up Innovation
Roland Bel (2012) outlines and explains four types of innovations that have become more and more important since the las...

How to Detect Consumer Needs that are Unmet?

Product Innovation, New Product Development, Innovation Strategy
In their article New Business Models in Emerging Markets" (Harvard Business Review, January-February 2011), Matthew J. E...

Alternatives to Stage-Gate Approach

Innvation Management
An alternative product development technique called "The Bounding Box" has been recently pionereed by Phd Laura Doyle. T...

Cooper's Innovation Diamond (tm)

More Factors Leading to Succesful Product Innovation
Also look at Cooper's Innovation Diamond (2005) with (besides the Stage-Gate System) three more factors leading to succe...

Another Product Launch Method: 4 I's

Stage-Gate Alternatives
I use a Process of 4 I's when coaching planning processes. The process is similar to S/G above but the 4-I's are easier...

When Should a Firm Consider to Outsource Innovation?

Outsourcing Best Practices, Innovation
According to Michael A. Stanko, Jonathan D. Bohlmann and Roger J. Calantone in the article “Outsourcing Innovation” (Exe...

Pitfalls and Obstacles in Product Development Strategy

Product Development, Product Portfolio Management
Although product development can be an important growth strategy, it is necessary to keep in mind that several factors t...

Innovating Under the Radar

Avoiding 5 Obstacles to Major Innovation
If somewhere below in a large corporation an innovator has a very bright, daring, promising but for some perhaps also th...

A Next-Generation Stage Gate Approach

Innovation Funnel Management, Innovation Decision-making, Innovation Risk Management
Whereas most Stage Gate models have a qualitative, non-financial orientation, Strat/Assess is a funnel innovation model,...

How Culture Levels Explain Failures in Organizational Learning and Innovation

Improving Organizational Learning, Organizational Innovation, Changing Organization Cultures
Schein (as cited by Bertagni et al., 2010) tries to elaborate on the question why organizational innovations often fail ...

Key Behaviors of Innovative Organizations

Innovation Management, Culture Change, Organizational Change, Innovative Culture, Organizational Culture
Many large-scale attempts to make organizations more innovative are experiencing organizational inertia, barriers and/or...

Alternate Product Launch Method

Stage-Gate Alternatives
Steelcase CEO James P. Hackett describes the following product launch stages: - THINK (Ponder, Query, Read and researc...

The Mandate of NPD and the Degree of Change that is Required

New Product Development, NPD Process Improvement
When using the Stage-Gate process, a strategic implementation plan is advisable to avoid stakeholders’ disappointment re...

Control and Measurement Method

Tracking Stage-Gate Performance
To deeply understand performance and effects of Stage-Gate as NPD Process on an organization, an effective measurement a...

Characteristics of Organizations with an IT-driven Business Transformation Strategy

IT-driven Strategy, IT-led Strategy, Competitive Potential, Innovation Accelerators, Disruptive Innovation
Today organizations need to move quickly through a wide range of business transformations, often caused by new and compl...

How to Lead an Innovation Team

Best Practices, Innovation Team Management
In order to become a great innovation team leader, Ram Charan suggests in the article "P&G's Innovation Culture" (strate...

How to Design Experiments to Support Decision-making on Strategic Innovations

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The probability of success of a major innovation is difficult to assess. Statistics and other datasets only provide info...

Creating Organizations to Produce Breakthrough Innovations

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Since 50 years, the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been very successful in producing a...

The Role of Diversity in Personal Traits on Innovation and Innovativeness

Innovation, Increasing Organizational Innovativeness
New research by Hewlett, Marshall and Sherbin proves that diversity (of personal and team traits) drives innovation and ...

A Closer Look at How Change and Innovation Decisions are Made

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Kim, T (2015) elaborates on decision making on "non-routines" or innovations. According to him, non-routines can be seen...

What Makes a Company Innovative?

Innovation Best Practices, R&D Best Practices, Corporate Innovation
A Futurethink Innovation Tracker Survey (2006) mentions: - Ability to create a climate that continuously fosters innov...

Three Critical Capabilities in Developing a Strategic Corporate Disruptive Innovation Competence

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Skarzynski and Rufat-Latre (2011) discovered that the successes of disruptive innovators are driven by 3 critical capabi...

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Improving Product Development Processes to Manage Development Risk

Innovation of Product Development Processes
To create new products, firms employ a product development process (PDP) to generate new product concepts, to translate ...

Stage Gate Approval Template

Stage Gate Meetings
Some good Stage Gate approval templates along with some useful forms by Padraig Clarke....

How to Manage Creativity in Organizations

Innovation Management, Managing Creativity, Managing Creative People, Fostering Creativity in Organizations, Creativity
This presentation elaborates on the management of creativity in organizations, and includes the following sections: 1. ...

3 Key Benefits of Cross-Functional Teams for Innovation

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In innovation you need a team of people with the right mix: the members should come from different departments like Mark...

Introduction to Managing Creativity and Innovation

Innovation Management, Managing Innovation, Managing Innovative Employees, Managing Creative Employees
Presentation about Innovation and Creativity, thereby mainly focusing on creativity in organizations. The presentation i...

Concept Testing and Conjoint Analysis for New Products

Concept Test, Concept Statement, Conjoint Analysis, Product Design, Product Innovation
Presentation about concept testing and conjoint analysis, including the following sections: 1. Evaluating with Customer...

Stage-Gate Diagram

Innovation Management
Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...


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