
Does Business Coaching Really Work?

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Management Consultant, Netherlands

Does Business Coaching Really Work?

Hypothesis: coaching helps the coachee (and his team) to perform significantly better in achieving business objectives.
Is this a dream or a fact? Experience?


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said, Morocco

Absence of Regulation for Coaching

I'm not very confident on the effectiveness of coaching, due to the increase of the number of coaching consultants and trainers and the total absence of rules and regulation of this profession.

  Tleli Makhetha
Tleli Makhetha, South Africa

Does Business Coaching Really Work?

The answer depends on what the coachee is trying to accomplish. Business coaching is like sports coaching, the coach enables the coachee to improve his results through having confidence in his potential and a commitment to applying himself. A good business coach starts the relationship by helping the coachee to understand his current position and articulating his goals. My view is that business coaching works exceptionally well when the coach and coachee are right for each other and are focussing on well articulated outcomes.

  Toy Radebe
Toy Radebe
Coach, South Africa

Coaching is Assisting

Coaching assist one to create and act on the reality that you want to create. The coachee does all the work not the coach - the coach only guides / drives you to the destination. The coachee's commitment and follow through on his / her your word determines the outcome. The coach creates awareness of what is possible to create around tendencies that sabotage you living the life you want or obtaining the results you desire e.g. committing to submitting your taxes in time, reading two books a month, etc.

  Katia Tripod, CPC
Katia Tripod, CPC
Coach, Canada

Does Business Coaching Really Work

Coaching does work as long as the coachee is willing to move on and feel committed to the goals set. As long as the business objectives have the buy in of the staff to be coach, the result will be clearly positive.

Management Consultant, Netherlands

Compatibility with Performance Reward System?

Thanks for your comments. The right learning environment in the organisation is very important indeed. Can't agree more. However, at the same time companies try to drive behaviour of employees with substantial performance rewards. Do you have evidence that these two drivers (learning culture and performance rewards) can be compatible?


Business Coaching is a Must Today

In today’s competitive world, business coaching is a must for any business. There are many companies that are considering business and executive coaching programs and the best thing is that these coaching services really work for them.

  David Smith
David Smith
Business Consultant, United States

Business Coaching Might Benefit Everyone, But...

@PCN Scheurwater: It's a fact that nobody is perfect so everybody might benefit from coaching, but that will be true only if you reach the right person.
And a person can become a coach after years of experience. That experience has come for example from the small business he had in past, as a result he now has all necessary skills to give hike to a small business. .

  Tim Brosnan
Tim Brosnan
Manager, Ireland

Coaching of Sales People

In a sales environment, I feel the benefits of having sales managers that are good coaches has a direct influence on the bottom line.
Account planning guidance and sales call feedback and planning are great motivational tools..

  Lynda Byrne
Lynda Byrne
Manager, Australia

Business Coaching Does not Always Work

Yes it does, however you must remember that not all incidents/items/tasks/problems etc are coachable.
It must be used appropriately and it is up to the coachee to want to change for it to work. This may very well be the place for the coach to start.

  Paul Chung
Paul Chung
Consultant, China

Does Business Coaching Really Work?

I would add to Tleli's comments with "in an appropriate environment". As an external business coach, what will trap you would be the hidden culture or the coachee's working environment.

  Sreejith M
Sreejith M
Business Consultant, Netherlands

Compatibility of Coaching and Performance Reward System

@Kuiper: Yes, its possible. But only if there is a proactive consensus from the top-down (high-level) and also bottom-up (grass root level) alignment of motives and outcomes.
Culture and rewards should sync, but rewards can only be objectively assessed in the right culture.

  PCN Scheurwater
PCN Scheurwater, Netherlands

Does Business Coaching Really Work

There is no perfect human being on this planet so I think that everybody in this world including all business related objectives needs coaching.

  Paul Clare
Paul Clare, United Kingdom

Does Business Coaching Really Work?

I agree with Katia, in as much as the environment has to be correct (strategy and values) so that coaching and learning are part of the of the organisation. coaching then becomes a normal way to do business of individuals and teams.

  Katia Tripod, CPC
Katia Tripod, CPC
Coach, Canada

Coaching Works But Needs the Right Environment

Actually, yes. But it is important to create also the right environment. Trusting that the employee will succeed and accepting some mistake as improvement areas and not as failure will help you get the proper end result. When I was working in HR, I was putting emphasis on creating a non-threatening environment. The objective should be presented as a great opportunity; not a risky business. I hope this will help you.

Management Consultant, Netherlands

Coaching and Business Objectives

Thanks Katia. I agree that the coachee should be committed to his/her tasks and targets. By setting those himself (in line with business objectives and agreed by superior) that commitment can be instilled. Do you have experience if performance coaching really works under those conditions?

  Boudewijn Krijger
Boudewijn Krijger

Does Business Coaching Really Work

Yes! Coaching always works and creates results when a coachee is willing to go beyond his/her comfort zone.


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More on Coaching
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topic Coaching by Managers and by Leaders
topic The GROW Model / Coaching Framework
topic Team Coaching by Managers
topic The Enneagram of 9 Personalities. Types and Centers
topic Mentoring versus Coaching
topic The Coach as a Facilitator for Self-Findings
topic Has Coaching Become Too Technical?
🔥 ACT Hexaflex Therapy and Business Coaching
topic Qualities of a Good Coach. Checklist
topic Preconditions for Successful Coaching
topic Coach People's Strengths or Weaknesses?
topic Assumptions of Coaching: You Can Change and Develop Yourself
topic Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
topic Effective Coaching
topic The Impact of Personal Coaching
topic Coaching is Expert-aided Goal-oriented Learning
topic Why Leaders Need Coaching
topic Coaching as Social Capital
👀Does Business Coaching Really Work?
topic How to Get Help from Someone Else?
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topic The Need for Relational Coaching
topic Using Incentives and Rewards in Coaching
topic Coaching and Pedagogy
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topic Being a 'Good-Enough' Coach is the Best that we can Be...
topic How to Raise Productivity by Coaching?
topic The Wheel of Life: Balance your Life
topic Psychodynamics, Coaching and the Validity of All Emotions
topic The Empowerment Corner: Unleashing your Full Potential Through Personal Guidance
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