
Evolution Theory in Organisations?

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Organization and Change



Richard Tod
Richard Tod, United Kingdom

Evolution Theory in Organisations?

Having just joined this forum I was surprised that there is no theory or model listed for "evolution theory". Surely this is the key process by which organisations develop their individual characteristics and ethos?
In trying to mould an organisation into a new path or changed priorities, it is essential to know how it has evolved in the past and what forces will be required to shape the evolution for the future.
Evolution is not just the structural hierarchy of the organisation nor indeed its reward and benefit systems but rather the culture of social interaction, learned behaviours and pleasure optimisation, complex social interactions and sub cultural forces. (I joined a company once where membership of the baptist church was a prerequisite for any chance of promotion.)
Failure to understand the fundamental dynamics of the socio-economic culture and its evolving nature within and outside the organisation can only result in less than effective change.


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United States

Evolutionary, Incremental Change Management Methods

In the Burke Litwin Model of organizational performance and change, a frame work is provided to process an organization's need for change, what variables will have the greatest impact, and whether to implement the change in the transactional factors or the transformational factors. The model's change process dynamics is based on a quasi-equalibrium process of incremental change.
This Burke-Litwin model of organizational performance and change has 12 variables that allow one to analyze the culture and climate of an organization on a systemic, group and individual level. It not only, captures the transformational need, but also the transactional need; such as, what you are referring. A deep dive appreciative inquiry in combination assists in garnering data integral to the social dynamics of the climate.

  Victor Goossens
Victor Goossens
Consultant, Belgium

Principles of Evolution Theory Applied to Organizations

Evolution Theory (EVT ) in Organizations is a concept that draws a parallel between the principles of natural selection in biological evolution and the changes that occur within organizations over time. Just as species evolve to adapt to their changing environment, organizations also evolve in response to internal and external factors. EVT, attributed to Charles Darwin, has been applied to the dynamics of organizations to better understand how they change, grow, and, in some cases, become obsolete.

The main principles of evolution theory can be applied to organizations in the following way:
  • VARIATION: Within any organization, there exists a variety of structures, processes, and cultures. Just as in nature, no two organizations are exactly alike.
  • SELECTION: Just as in natural selection, certain traits or characteristics within an organization will prove to be more advantageous than others. These advantageous traits are more likely to be perpetuated and replicated.
  • RETENTION: Once advantageous traits are identified, they are retained within the organization. This retention often occurs through processes such as institutionalization, where successful practices become embedded in the organization's culture.
  • DIVERSIFICATION: Over time, organizations may diversify as they adapt to different environmental niches or markets. This can lead to the formation of sub-units or entirely new branches within the organization.
  • INERTIA: While organizations evolve, they also tend to maintain a degree of stability or inertia. This can make significant changes difficult, as established structures and processes resist alteration.
  • COMPETITION: Organizations are in constant competition with each other for resources, market share, and talent. This competition can drive the evolution of organizations, leading to innovation and efficiency.
  • ADAPTATION: Successful organizations are those that can adapt to changes in their environment. This may involve changes to the organizational structure, culture, or strategy.
By applying the principles of EVT, organizations can better understand the forces that shape them and can make informed decisions about how to adapt and thrive in a constantly changing business environment.

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Problem with Applying Evolution Theory to Organizations

There can be no doubt that organizations, like biological organisms, are subject to the principles of evolution theory (EVT), whether their management wants them to be or not.
A major problem with that is that EVT is based on the idea that no conscious external intervention is taking place. While this is of course precisely what we want as managers. We cannot sit back and relax and enjoy how our company/organization develops on its own 😃. We want to steer our organization in a certain direction using our vision, strategy, organization, people, systems, culture, values, etc.
Strong believers in EVT will likely argue that interfering with the natural development of things is futile.

  Jeremy Sole
Jeremy Sole
Student (University), New Zealand

Evolution and Business

I think there is relevance to this discussion in neo-institutional theory. The different proponents seem to oscillate between structure and agency - they are both important. The agency dimension implies the ability of an organisation to evolve through the independent actions of different actors (for better or worse?). Powell and DiMaggio suggest "The new institutionalism in organization theory and sociology comprises a rejection of rational-actor models, an interest in institutions as independent variables, a turn toward cognitive and cultural explanations, and an interest in properties of supraindividual units of analysis that cannot be reduced to aggregations or direct consequences of individuals’ attributes or motives".

Also - different paradigm - Capra and Luisi, suggest "Unlike residual early to mid-20th century scientific management understandings of organisations as mechanistic entities (Spreitzer & Mishra, 1999), the emerging complex adaptive systems paradigm positions organisations as self-generating social networks of communications with increasingly sophisticated communities of practice.

  Monika Ekstrom
Monika Ekstrom
Business Consultant, Sweden

'Evolutionary Organizations'

Hi ! I recommend reading: Laloux, Frederic’s Reinventing organizations....


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topic Checklist of Organizational Problem Areas
topic At what Level Should an Organization be Diagnosed?
topic Change: A Challenge and a Necessity
topic Change: the Only Constant for Managers and Leaders
topic Loops and Mutual Causality in Organizational Change
topic Key Issues of Change Management (at the Executive Level)
topic Can Organizational Change Lead to Extinction?
topic People Need Some Constancy (Besides Change)
topic Why do Organizations Change?
topic Relevance of Change Management Theories?
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topic What is an Organization?
topic Change Management: Theory versus Practice
topic Are we Managing Change or the Perceptions about Change?
👀Evolution Theory in Organisations?
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topic The Core of Organizational Change is in the Emotional Relations and Social Ties
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topic Normative Re-Educative Strategies?
topic Reframing Organizations (Bolman and Deal)
topic Change Management in the Realty Industry
topic Searching for the General Theory of the Firm
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