
Liderazgo Nivel 5
(Jim Collins)

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¿Cuál es Liderazgo Nivel 5?

Liderazgo Nivel 5 - Collins

El Liderazgo del nivel cinco se basa en la idea para lograr sacar a relucir lo mejor de los subordinados, se debe respetar a la gente, contar con la entrega decidida del líder, y con un fuerte y poderoso compromiso para lograr los resultados. Los líderes del nivel 5 son una mezcla paradójica de voluntad feroz y humildad personal. Son obstinados y despiadados. Pero a pesar de ello, son humildes. Son ambiciosos para su compañía, y raramente permiten que su ego sea un obstáculo para el éxito de su organización. Aunque logran grandes cosas para sus organizaciones, atribuyen sus realizaciones notables a su gente, factores externos y a la suerte. Los líderes del nivel 5 conducen con la ayuda de gente disciplinada, del pensamiento disciplinado y de la acción disciplinada.

Origen del Liderazgo Nivel 5. Historia

Liderazgo nivel 5 es una teoría que emergió independientemente. “Fue descubierta” por Collins y sus investigadores en las compañías que tenían un de alto nivel del crecimiento en más de quince años consecutivos. Compare: Liderazgo Servidor

Cálculo del Liderazgo Nivel 5. Fórmula

La gente adecuada (cultura, carácter más bien que capacidad) + humildad + Fuerte voluntad profesional (en relación con la meta) = éxito.

Uso del Liderazgo Nivel 5. Aplicaciones

Este método trabaja al parecer cada vez que se le aplica. Es más sobre carácter que capacidad. Tener una alta capacidad no es requerida necesariamente para ser exitoso, pero el carácter es un requisito no negociable.

Pasos para alcanzar el Liderazgo nivel 5. Proceso

  1. Emplee a gente adecuada.
  2. Despliegúelo en los trabajos que “se piensan” para hacer.
  3. Fije una meta a largo plazo realmente alta. (BHAG).

Fortalezas del Liderazgo nivel 5. Beneficios

Usted puede lograr resultados magníficos, de largo plazo, y con resultados duraderos.

Limitaciones del Liderazgo nivel 5. Desventajas

  • Requiere mucho tiempo e inversión personal del líder.
  • El líder no recibe crédito personal.

Supuestos del Liderazgo nivel 5. Condiciones

Esta metodología de liderazgo está emergiendo, y hasta este momento no se ha discutido extensivamente. Pero aparenta ser sensible y fuerte.

Libro: Jim Collins - Good to Great - Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't

Grupo de Interés Especial

Grupo de Interés Especial de Liderazgo Nivel 5 (Collins) .

Grupo de Interés Especial
Grupo de Interés Especial (105 miembros)


Discusiones en el Foro sobre Liderazgo Nivel 5 (Collins).

tema La urgencia de Leer Lao Tse en Relación con Collins
Lao Tse en el Tao Te King, destaca aspectos que quizá se relacionen bien con estas aseveraciones de Collins. En una paráfrasis a un conferencia refiero que dijo: la gente se automotiva. Y que si se c...
tema Al Líder Natural Basado en Principios y Valores donde su Principal Trascendencia
La aportación del descubrimiento de Collins sobre el liderazgo de Nivel 5 es que es algo común en las empresas sobresalientes de su libro así vemos que este es el líder natural basado en principios y ...
Comentarios1 comentarios
🔥 Liderazgo Nivel 5 me Permitió un Desarrollo Profesional
Este estilo de liderazgo podria con toda humildad comentar que es el estilo que sin saber he practicado y por experiencia confirmo el contenido de este articulo, en realidad este estilo de liderazgo m...
tema Level 5 Leaders are Humble
Level 5 Leaders are the real leaders, they are determined consistent and yet shy and humble. They don't show off themself, don't take the credit of company's success. How many leaders have you come...
tema Society Should Value the HELP of Level-5 Leaders
In a world where business and economic systems interact and adapt to turbulent forces from their external environment, society should recognize and embrace ambitious leaders that desire nothing less t...
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tema Level 5 Leadership also Applies to Life in General
The principles applied by level 5 leaders also apply to life in general - Respect for others, humbleness, selflessness, commitment, drive and a passion to bring out the best in others. By allowing yo...
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tema Examples of Level 5 Leaders
I always relate Level 5 Leadership to two key people that I have studied in depth. Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi. Both worked for the people and the a goal that was far more difficult than compare...
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tema Leadership is Playing by Heart
Leadership, in any level, is playing by heart the roles of making people prosperous, helping people grow healthily, motivating people to be professional, opening opportunities for best performing, and...
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tema What is Level 5 leadership?
Level 5 leadership also includes passion, innovation, creativity and advocacy - without these traits level five is just a very good level 4...
tema L5 Leadership (vs L4)
Do you think that L5 leaders differ from L4 ones in the level of personal humility, level of spiritual growth? They are capable to look inside as deep, as outside and see and feel emotionally much br...
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tema Meaning of Level 5 Leadership
I don't think this page or even Collins really sums up the crucial difference between level 4 and level 5 leadership clearly enough. For me, level 4 means promoting your own solutions while level 5 dr...
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tema Level 5 Leaders and Organisational Culture
I would like us to discuss how level 5 leaders contribute to creating and enriching organizational culture and in what way? Since Level 5 leaders are expected to be above average, how do they influen...
tema What Level 5 Leadership Entails
Level 5 leadership entails a high level of sense of ownership, undiluted humility and passion for greatness with change in mind....
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tema Being a Level 5 Leader is Hard to Learn
Being wise, being ethically irreproachable is hard to learn from a book or a lecture. To see through those who falsely claim to to be that is fairly easy unless you're dealing with psychopaths. Iden...
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tema The Level 5 Transformative Leadership Qualities
Summary Level 5 Leadership is the highest level of hierarchy of executive capabilities necessary for good-to-great transformations of companies and portrays personality traits which include among oth...
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tema The Role of SCM in Vietnamese Coffee Products: A Systems Thinking Approach
Supply chain management (SCM) has been receiving greater attention among academics and organizations and is viewed as a potential source of increasing competitive advantages. Thus, the aim of this stu...
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Mejores Prácticas

Los temas mejor valorados sobre Liderazgo Nivel 5 (Collins). Aquí encontrará las ideas más valiosas y sugerencias prácticas.

🥇 Values of Leaders
Character (of Leaders) is a result of their internal values: - Self Discipline to keep you on task - Affiliation to keep you focused on your team - Self Esteem to allow you to complete difficult ta...
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🥈 Leading People; Managing Things
The moment you stop managing things/activities and start managing people you become a Leader. Leadership is not about designations/hierarchy....
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Consejos de Expertos

Conocimientos avanzados sobre Level 5 Leadership Collins (Inglés). Aquí encontrará consejos profesionales de expertos.


Consejos de Consultoría


Consejos de Enseñanza


Consejos Prácticos de Implementación


Categeories of CEO's

Leadership Styles, CEO Types
In their book "The Secrets of CEOs", Steve Tappin and Andrew Cave identified that top-quartile CEOs fall into five disti...

Five Leadership Development Ideas

Leadership Development, Management Development, Coaching, Mentoring
Although years of research and analysis by biographers, historians, and scholars have produced an enormous library of bo...

Identify and Develop Leadership Abilities

Leadership Development, Management Development, Coaching, Mentoring
Covey's 4 Roles of Leadership® helps managers to identify and develop 4 important abilities of 'true' leaders: Modeling...

Leadership Best Practices

Leadership Development, Leadership Tips
- The best leaders always know how to involve others in making decisions: You will get a better range of ideas and they ...

Identifying Level 5 Leaders

According to Collins, you should look for people who show these four two-sided traits: 1. Creates-and is a clear cataly...

LEADER: Best Practices for Effective Leadership Behavior

Leadership Behavior, Leadership Effectiveness, Leadership Style
Following six short behavioral tips can help you to enhance your leadership efficiency: 1. L - LISTENING: Actively list...

The 5 Levels of Leadership According to Collins

Level 5 Hierarchy
According to Jim Collins, the Level 5 leader sits on top of a hierarchy of capabilities and is a necessary requirement f...

Leadership Self-Assessement

Leadership Training, Leadership Development, Coaching, Mentoring
Before you seek training in leadership, you should assess your strenghts and weaknesses as a Leader by comparing with th...
Fuentes de Información

Varias fuentes de información sobre Liderazgo Nivel 5 (Collins). Aquí encontrará powerpoints, videos, noticias, etc. para usar en sus propias conferencias y talleres.


Reflection for Business Leaders

Leadership Reflection, Servant Leadership, Values, Moral Leadership, Vocation, Leadership Ethics, Bounded Ethicality
This presentation is about the reflection in the context of business leaders. The presentation includes the following se...

Jim Collins Refutes 2 Key Misconceptions about Leaders

Leadership Development
In this interview a Jim Collins refutes 2 key beliefs about great (level 5) leaders that used to be held by many people ...

Jim Collins Defines a Level 5 Leader

Leadership Development
In this micro-learning video Jim Collins, author of the book "Good to Great" - Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Othe...

CEO Succession Planning

Succession Planning
Presentation about CEO Succession Planning thereby making a difference between compliance-based and operational successi...

Summary by Deepak Chopra on 'True, Enlightened Leadership'

True Leadership, Enlightened Leadership, Servant Leadership, Authentic Leadership, Visionary Leadership, Leadership Valu
Indian writer of many alternative and spiritual books Deepak Chopra explains what he believes is "True Leadership": Grea...

Leading versus Managing

Understanding the differences between Leading and managing
Dr. John Kotter gives his opinion on what are the key differences between leading and managing. - Management is a set o...

Level 5 Leadership Diagram

Leadership Development
Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...


Herramientas útiles sobre Liderazgo Nivel 5 (Collins).













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