
IJsberg van Verandermanagement


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De IJsberg van Verandermanagement van Wilfried Krüger is een sterke visualisatie van wat over het algemeen de essentie is van verandering in organisaties: het behandelen van barrières.

De bovenkant van de ijsberg

Volgens Krüger overwegen vele veranderingsmanagers slechts de bovenkant van de ijsberg: Kosten, Kwaliteit en Tijd („Issuemanagement“).

Onder de oppervlakte van de ijsberg

de ijsberg van het veranderingsmanagement

Maar onder de oppervlakte van het water zijn er nog twee extra dimensies van het Veranderingsmanagement en van de implementatie:

  • Het Management van Percepties en Geloven, en
  • Power (Macht) en Politiek Management.

Welke soort barrières zich voordoen, en welke soort Implementatie Management bij gevolg nodig is, hangt af van:

1. het soort Verandering

     - alleen harde dingen (informatiesystemen, processen) raken „slechts“ de oppervlakte,

     - de zachte dingen (waarden, denkrichtingen en mogelijkheden) zijn diepgaander.

2. de toegepaste Veranderingsstrategie

     - revolutionaire, dramatische verandering zoals in Business Process Reengineering (Herontwerpen van Bedrijfs Processen)

     - opeenvolgende, incrementele verandering zoals in Kaizen-filosofie

Mensen die betrokken zijn bij Verandering

  • Tegenstanders hebben zowel een negatieve algemene houding ten opzichte van verandering ALS als een negatief gedrag naar deze bepaalde persoonlijke verandering. Zij moeten door Management van Percepties en Overtuigingen worden gecontroleerd om hun meningen zo ver mogelijk te veranderen.
  • Promotors aan de andere kant, hebben zowel een positieve generieke houding ten opzichte van verandering EN zij zijn positief over deze specifieke verandering voor henzelf. Zij halen voordeel uit de verandering en zullen deze daarom steunen.
  • Verborgen Tegenstanders hebben een negatieve generieke houding ten opzichte van verandering, hoewel zij de verandering op oppervlakkig niveau schijnen te steunen („Opportunisten“). Hier is Management van Percepties en Geloven noodzakelijk om hun houding te veranderen, ondersteund door informatie (Issue management).
  • Potentiële Promotors hebben een generieke positieve houding ten opzichte van verandering, maar om bepaalde redenen zijn zij (nog) niet overtuigd van deze bepaalde verandering. Macht en Politiek management schijnt in dit geval passend te zijn.

Omgaan met verandering

Krüger zegt dat het algemene management een permanente taak en uitdaging heeft om met verandering om te gaan. Oppervlakkig Issue Management kan alleen resultaten op een niveau bereiken dat consistent is met de acceptatie die onder de oppervlakte ligt. De basis van Change Management ligt in zowel de inter-persoonlijke als in de gedragsdimensie en in de normatieve en culturele dimensie, en is onderworpen aan Macht en Politiek Management en aan het Management van Percepties en Geloven.

Artikel: Wilfried Krüger - Implementation: the Core Task of Change Management, CEMS Business Review, Vol. 1, 1996

Boek: Michael A. Beitler - Strategic Organizational change

Boek: Linda Ackerman Anderson, Dean Anderson - The Change Leader's Roadmap

Special Interest Group

Verandermanagement (ijsberg) Special Interest Group.

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Special Interest Group (175 leden)


Forumdiscussies over Verandermanagement (ijsberg).

onderwerp Weerstand in Uw Team? Hef Eerst Uw Eigen Weerstand Op
Merkt u wel eens dat uw team weerstand biedt? Dat er momenten zijn dat het lijkt of niets goed aankomt? U krijgt uw mensen niet gemotiveerd en ze zetten de hakken in het zand tegen veranderingen (ze l...
Reacties5 reacties
onderwerp Communicatie ter Voorkoming van Weerstand tegen Verandering
Mijn scriptie ging in op de vraag hoe organisatorische verandering succesvol kan worden gemaakt d.m.v. effectieve communicatie. In het algemeen mislukt 80% van alle organisatieveranderingen, wat voor ...
Reacties1 reacties
onderwerp Reduceren Weerstand Tegen Verandering Door Aanleren Zelfredzaamheid bij Werknemers
Wanneer een organisatie door de markt wordt gedwongen om te veranderen, blijkt dat weerstand tegen deze verandering bij medewerkers ontstaat. Deze weerstand wordt in hoge mate veroorzaakt door onzeker...
Reacties1 reacties
🔥 Change Management Blijft Vaak Beperkt Tot de Managementlagen
Bij nogal wat bedrijven waar ik over de vloer kom, tref ik vaak de gevolgen van een mislukt of maar gedeeltelijk gelukt verander traject aan. Vaak blijkt bij gesprekken met de diverse betrokken dat de...
onderwerp De Zin en Onzin van Aandacht voor Weerstand
Natuurlijk moet je observeren, waarnemen, weten wat er leeft binnen de uitvoeringsorganisatie. Maar als er werkelijk veranderingen nodig zijn, draal dan niet, leg uit waarom veranderingen nodig zijn, ...
Reacties1 reacties
onderwerp How to Make Employees LOVE Change?
Most of the discussions in this particular knowledge center change iceberg focus on the RESISTANCE to change. My question is how to make people LOVE change... Why not create and exploit that situation...
Reacties102 reacties
onderwerp Dealing with Toxic Employees
In modern society and organizations, very negative, destructive, "toxic" team members may damage an entire organization or a team. Typical examples of toxic behaviors are: Backstabbing, critici...
Reacties2 reacties
onderwerp Bad Change Management Examples
Who can share a live example of a company implementing change management miserably? What went wrong and why? Thanks!...
Reacties31 reacties
onderwerp 6 Images of Managing Change (Palmer, Dunford and Akin)
Palmer, Dunford and Akin provide vision and direction for managers to think about their role in managing organizational change. They suggest that during the course of a change the following 6 Images o...
Reacties1 reacties
onderwerp Transparancy Needed in Change Management
I think everyone who is involved in change processes needs to practice "transparency" in a way to abstain from misunderstanding, mis-communication and building up trust. Especially the management gro...
Reacties1 reacties
onderwerp Is it Possible to Manage Change If the Right Approaches Are NOT Used?
Hi all, I've been focussing on this question for a week now and I find that unless if the right approaches, like that of implementing, communication and strategy are used, you end up creating problems...
Reacties2 reacties
onderwerp Dealing with Change is Not Always Problematic
I think there's a degree of over complexity here. In many instances humans do cope well with change, most usually when such change is under their control or when external influences are compatible wit...
Reacties3 reacties
onderwerp Managing Change is in the Essence of Management
If there are no needs to change, why do we need management? Managing change is in the essence of management. A daily routine (almost impossible in these days) would strongly reduce the need of manager...
Reacties4 reacties
onderwerp Change is Often Selfish; for the Organization
The problem I find with change is that in most cases, it favors the organization more than the employees....
Reacties15 reacties
onderwerp Ethics in Change Management
What does one do when as a change agent, one realizes that what is being asked will finally be damaging to the growth or health of the organization? In one of my various change management assignments...
Reacties7 reacties
onderwerp Human Factors in Change Management
An important part of change management is dealing with human factors --- reactions to implementation which for both individuals and groups occur in phases. These can be laughing at the change, resisti...
Reacties2 reacties
onderwerp Overcoming Resistance? The Rapid Results Method by Schaffer
I have recently come across the interesting "Rapid Results" method of implementing change by Robert H. Schaffer ('Rapid Results!' (2005)). A Rapid Results project, in short, is an adrenaline-charged c...
Reacties1 reacties
onderwerp Communicating Change to Top Management
What are the different ways of communicating change to top management?...
Reacties3 reacties
onderwerp Managing the Change Within Oneself
What about the change we manage within ourselves everyday, everytime? Can anyone please share any experience about how they manage the changes within themselves?...
Reacties4 reacties

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Best Practices

De best beoordeelde onderwerpen over Verandermanagement (ijsberg). Hier vindt u de meest waardevolle ideeën en praktische suggesties.

🥇 Reasons and Motives to Resist Change
I'm trying to collect a list of all motives for resistance to change by employees. Henk Kleijn and Fred Rorink in their book 'Change management' indicate that there are multiple psychological motives...
Reacties43 reacties

🥈 The ADKAR model by Prosci
The ADKAR model by Prosci (1998) helps to deal with the people dimension of change. It can be used to: 1. Diagnose employee resistance to change. 2. Help employees transition through the change proc...
Reacties6 reacties

🥉 What are the Reasons for Change?
Why do we really need change in the first place? What are the sources / reasons for the need to change?...
Reacties5 reacties

onderwerp Hidden Resistance to Change
It is very important to recognize that the most powerful resistance does NOT come from those who openly disagree with you. For such people you can easily ague it out with them and know where the proce...
Reacties3 reacties

onderwerp What Leadership Style Reduces Resistance?
The importance of employees being committed to change cannot be underestimated nowadays, since more and more organizations are operating in a dynamic environment, both internally and externally. How ...
Reacties19 reacties

onderwerp What Punishment for Unwilling Employees?
My question is this: when an organization wants to bring change in the organization, we know that if employees are in favour of the change then we reward them and if they are not then they are punched...
Reacties11 reacties

onderwerp Create Involvement and Communicate the Strategic Need to Change
Changes in general are difficult and, in most cases, we live them more like a threat than an opportunity. As we all know, these resistors are not random, but part of the deep survival mechanism that h...
Reacties14 reacties

onderwerp Characteristics of Organizations That are Open to Change
To what extent should an organisation be open to regular change management initiatives. Are certain types of organisations more receptive to successful change management than others? What characterize...
Reacties5 reacties

onderwerp Automatic Defense Mechanisms to Change
What I think is that human beings are reluctant for change by nature. When there is a change taking place around themselves, they will either cope with that or else the automatic defense mechanism wil...
Reacties4 reacties

Expert Tips

Geavanceerde inzichten over Change Management (Iceberg) (Engels). Hier vindt u professionele adviezen van deskundigen.






Praktische implementatietips


I'll never use the term 'Resistance to Change' again

Resistance to Change is a Defensive Attitude...
I am working as a change manager in a German IT company. Somebody advised me the other day to read an article about resi...

Addressing Concerns Against Change and their Remedies

Change Management, Organizational Change, Turnaround Management
According to Ken Blanchard in the article “Mastering the Art of Change” (Training Journal, January 2010), it is importan...

Personal Networks of Successful Change Agents

Leading Major and Minor Change Initiatives
Organizational change is often difficult to achieve because it disturbs the hierarchical structures and the way to accom...

Leadership Strategies for Change

Initiate, implement, develop and sustain change
In response to the high rate of change failure, Ken Blanchard and his team have developed the Blanchard Leading Through ...

Understanding Why Resistance Occurs

Why Acknowledging the Power of Employees is Important
The concept of bases of social power is very important for organizations in the context of change initiatives. The sour...

Key Success Factors when you're Designing your Change Management Program

Best Practices, Change Management, Organizational Change
In their article "Making Change Happen, and Making It Stick" (published in the online edition of strategy+business, Dece...

Role of Recruiting in Organization Culture So Hard? The ASA Model (Schneider)

Organization Culture, Culture Change, Corporate Culture, Change Management, Recruitment
Why is changing an organization culture so difficult? Because, once it is established, a culture has the tendency to str...

What Change Agents Should I Use?

Change Management, Organizational Change, Turnaround Management
When choosing between internal or external change agents, organizations should consider following advantages and disadva...

The Need to Communicate the REASONS for Change

Change Management
1072 survey contributors commented on how improve their chances of thriving, by communicating in ways that build trust a...

Assessing the Risks of Change and the Organization’s Capacity for Change

Leading Change
In their book "Transforming Public and Nonprofit Organization – Stewardship for Leading Change", James Edwin Kee and Kat...

Critical Leadership Skills

Tackling the Six Stages of Concern
In order to tackle all six stages of concern mentioned by Ken Blanchard in the article “Mastering the Art of Change” (Tr...

Six Crucial Mind Shifts for Strategy Execution / Implementation

Change Management, Strategic Change, Resistance to CHange, Strategy Implementation
Speculand (2009) suggests six mind shifts that people should consider when they're implementing new strategies in organi...

Strategic Change: Why, What, When, Who and How

Preparing Strategic Change
If we need to change strategically, we need to think about why, what, when, who and how: - Why do we want to change? - ...

The 7C Framework for Successful Personal and Professional Change

Personal Change, Professional Change, Personal Transition, Professional Transition, Embracing Change
In the article 'Managing Yourself: How to Embrace Complex Change", Brimm (2015) provides a framework of seven C’s that c...

The Role of the CEO in Strategic Change Initiation

Communicating Strategic Change
In management literature the role of the CEO in formulating and implementing strategic change has often been emphasized....

Diverse informatiebronnen betreffende Verandermanagement (ijsberg). Hier vindt u powerpoints, video's, nieuws etc. om te gebruiken in uw eigen lezingen en workshops.


22 Best Practices in Change Management

Change Management, Organizational Change
Presentation starts with short introduction of managing organizational change and then outlines 22 best practices in cha...

The Nature and Complexity of Organizational Change

Change Management, Organizational Change
Presentation about organizational change. The presentation discusses and highlights the complexity and multi-dimensional...

Dealing with Strong Resisters

Dealing with Resistance to Change, Change Management, Training, Workshop
Dr. John Kotter gives remarkable advice on dealing with "No, No, People" (strong resisters in change initiatives). Acco...

Avoiding Resistance: Communicate Organizational Change to Affected Audiences

Organizational Change, Change Management, Change Communications
This presentation elaborates on the process of communicating change towards those affected by the change. The presentati...

Tips for Successful Change Management

Initial Understanding of How to Manage Change Successfully
Gavin Wedell explains that to change one's organization, one must change one's inner being. In today's world market con...

Effective Change Leadership and Management: Principles, Frameworks and Tools

Change Management, Change Leadership
Comprehensive presentation on leadership and management in a change context. 1. Introduction and Overview 2. What is t...

What is Change Management?

Initial Understanding of Change Management
In this video Elissa Farrow from About Your Transition explains the relatively new concept of Organizational Change Mana...

Professor Evans Explains Why Fast Change Requires New Ways of Learning and Thinking

Action Learning, Coping with Change, The Need of Change, The Need for New Ways of Learning
In this historic video Action Learning Professor Reg Evans shows that it is very important to understand that today's ra...

Dealing with Resistance to Change

Change Management, Resistance to Change
This presentation focuses on resistance to change and ways to overcome or prevent it. The presentation has good graphics...

Resistance to Change and Its Management

Change Management, Resistance to Change, Change Resistance
This presentation focuses on a specific dimension of change management, namely the management of resistance to change of...

Managing Organizational Change

Change Management, Leading Change, Organizational Development
This is a presentation about the ways to manage change. The presentation includes the following sections: 1. Introducti...

Change Management in an Information Technology / IT Context

Change Management, Information Systems Planning, Information Systems Architecture, Information Systems Implementation
This presentation provides information about the planning and implementation of change, focusing on a context of informa...

Managing Organizational Change and Managing Stress

Organizational Change; Change Management; Stress Management
Presentation about organizational change with a special emphasis on stress management. The presentation includes the fol...

Evaluating Organizational Change: Approaches, Reasons, Types and Processes

Change Management, Success of Organizational Change, Organizational Learning
This presentation elaborates on how to evaluate organizational change. The presentation includes the main known approach...

The X Model of Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement, Organizational Commitment, Amployee Attitude
Organizations aim for success. And so do employees. But individuals (employees, executives, managers) have their own def...

The Importance of Adapting to Change

Change Management, Need to Change, Change Management
Dave Weber reveals that Charles Darwin never said that the strongest of the species survives. What he really said was t...

Article by Krüger 1

Change Management
Part 1 of the article by Wilfried Krüger in De Wit and Meyer's Strategy: Proces, Content, Context. Used with permission....

Role of Leadership in Change Management

Change Management, Leadership
Clear presentation about the tasks of leaders in change management by N.H. Amer. First there is an outline of the person...

Change Management Iceberg Diagram

Resistance to Change
Download and edit the 12manage PowerPoint model for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in int...

Article by Krüger 2

Change Management
Part 2 of the article by Wilfried Krüger in De Wit and Meyer's Strategy: Proces, Content, Context. Used with permission....


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Vergelijk met de IJsberg van Verandermanagement: Vergelijking voor VeranderingVeranderen van Organisatieculturen  |  Vergeet Leen Leer  |  Veranderingsfasen  |  Appreciatief Onderzoek  |  Positieve Deviatie  |  DICE-Raamwerk  |  Krachtenveldanalyse  |  Kerngroeptheorie  |  Bases van Sociale Macht  |  MSP  |  PMMM  |  Gepland GedragtheorieHerontwerpen van Bedrijfsprocessen  |  Kaizen  |  Dimensies van Verandering  |  Zeven Eigenschappen  | Cultuurniveaus  |  Cultuurtypes  |  RACI

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