
Drie Cultuurniveaus


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Culturen omringen ons allen. Culturen zijn diepgeworteld, doordringend en complex.

Maar toch, volgens Edgard Schein, kunnen wij Organisatorisch Leren, ontwikkeling en geplande verandering niet begrijpen, tenzij wij cultuur als de primaire bron van weerstand tegen verandering beschouwen.

En verder, als managers zich niet van de culturen bewust worden waarin zij zijn ingebed, zullen die culturen hen managen. Begrip van culturen is wenselijk voor iedereen, maar het is essentieel voor leiders als zij moeten leiden.

Met zijn Drie Niveaus van Cultuur, heeft Edgard Schein een belangrijke bijdrage verstrekt tot het bepalen van wat organisatiecultuur eigenlijk is.

Wat zijn de Drie Cultuurniveaus?

Edgard Schein Drie Cultuurniveaus dat organisatiecultuur bepaalt

Schein verdeelt organisatiecultuur in drie niveaus:

  1. Artefacten. Deze „artefacten“ bevinden zich aan de oppervlakte, zulke aspecten (zoals kleding) welke gemakkelijk kunnen worden onderscheiden, maar moeilijk zijn te begrijpen.
  2. Omarmde Waarden. Onder artefacten zijn „aangenomen waarden“ die bewuste strategieën, doelstellingen en filosofieën zijn.
  3. Basis Veronderstellingen en Waarden. De kern, of de essentie van cultuur wordt vertegenwoordigd door de fundamentele onderliggende veronderstellingen en waarden, die moeilijk zijn te onderscheiden omdat zij grotendeels op onbewust niveau bestaan. Maar toch bieden zij de sleutel tot het begrip van waarom de dingen op een bepaalde manier gebeuren. Deze basisveronderstellingen vormen zich rond diepere dimensies van menselijk bestaan zoals de aard van mensen, menselijke relaties en activiteit, werkelijkheid en waarheid.

In zijn klassieke boek uit 1992: De „Organisatiecultuur en Leiderschap“, definieert Schein de cultuur van een groep: Een „patroon van gedeelde basisveronderstellingen dat de groep leerde toen het zijn problemen van externe aanpassing en interne integratie oploste, dat goed genoeg heeft gewerkt om als geldig te worden beschouwd en daarom aan nieuwe leden wordt geleerd als de juiste manier om waar te nemen, te denken en te voelen m.b.t. die problemen.

In een recentere publicatie van 1996 bepaalt Schein organisatiecultuur als: de „fundamentele stilzwijgende veronderstellingen over hoe de wereld is en zou moeten zijn, welke een groep mensen delen en die hun waarnemingen, gedachten, gevoelens en hun openlijk gedrag bepaalt“.

Schein (1992) erkent dat - zelfs met rigoureuze studie - wij slechts verklaringen kunnen afleggen over elementen van cultuur. Wij kunnen cultuur niet in al zijn onderdelen verklaren. Schein adviseert de volgende aanpak voor het onderzoeken over cultuur: herhalend, klinisch, gelijksoortig aan een therapeutische relatie tussen een psycholoog en een patiënt. De gedisciplineerde aanpak van Schein voor cultuur staat in tegenstelling tot de manier waarop cultuur behandeld wordt in sommige populaire managementtijdschriften.

Boek: Edgard Schein - Organizational Culture and Leadership

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Forumdiscussies over de Drie Cultuurniveaus.

🔥 3 Cultuurniveaus = UI Model
Deze 3 niveaus van cultuur (Schein) zijn toch gewoon hetzelfde als het het ui-model?...
onderwerp How to Choose and 'Live' the Right Organizational Values?
Values are being revisited in many organisations - yet few manage to select the right values and then anchor them in their culture as virtues. Often because they simply don't know how. Other causes of...
Reacties25 reacties
onderwerp Factors in Organizational Culture?
What main factors are making up or influencing the culture of an organization?...
Reacties13 reacties
onderwerp Corporate Principles / Organizational Principles
Below I briefly explain what are Corporate Principles (CPs) and what are they used for. I welcome any comments, tips and experiences... What are Corporate Principles? Definition and Demarcation To b...
Reacties6 reacties
onderwerp Three Levels of Culture by Sathe
Who actually developed the three levels of culture: is it Sathe (1985) or Schein (1992)? According to Sathe, the three levels of Culture are: 1. Manifest level, 2. Expressed value level and 3. Bas...
onderwerp The Denison Culture Model
Caroline J. Fisher in Employment Relations Today, Summer 2000, in her article, "Like it or Not... Culture Matters" describes Denison's Culture and Effectiveness Model: 1. Mission - the degree to whi...
Reacties3 reacties
onderwerp The Role of Culture in Innovation and Organisational Learning
Corporate culture also influences organisational learning and innovation. An interesting opinion by Schein is that, because the very concept of the organisation involves some restriction of individua...
onderwerp The Impact of Covid-19 on Company Culture
There is a social impact of the Covid-19 pandemic as it requires social distancing and security. Employees are often required to work from home. And when they have meetings, like with other company st...
Reacties15 reacties
onderwerp The Distinction Between Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate
People tend to view these two concepts as the same and use them interchangeably. I believe that there is a difference between both. Could anyone please make a distinction between them?...
Reacties3 reacties
onderwerp From Employee Culture to Organization Design
Organizations who designed themselves in accordance with their employee culture are more and more successful and long sustaining....
Reacties3 reacties
onderwerp Edgar Schein: Born: March 5,1928 Died: January 26, 2023
In his 94 years, Edgar Schein gave us many memorable quotes. Here are few that resonated with me. "Most of my important lessons about life have come from recognizing how others from a different cul...
Reacties1 reacties
onderwerp Will Artificial Intelligence Affect the Culture of your Organization?
We all know that employee involvement in the management (decision-making) of the company is helpful to form a good workplace culture, as long as their achievements are properly recognized. At this tim...
Reacties4 reacties
onderwerp Creating a Good Working Environment and Culture
It is very important to create a working environment in a company for the employees to feel not stressed and to be motivated. The working environment has a physical component, but also a non-physical ...
Reacties4 reacties
onderwerp The Influence of Organizational Culture and Intellectual Capital on the Management Accounting System as well as the Corporate Performance
The above research topic has been conducted among companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The Intellectual Capital is divided into its sub-components: Human, Structural, Social and Tec...
Reacties2 reacties
onderwerp A Culture of Voice for Millennials
Millennials are those typically born between 1980 and before 1995. They outnumber the Gen-X and Baby Boomer population in the workplace since 2018. The Millennial generation value and prioritize job ...
Reacties3 reacties
onderwerp Steps to Guard Against Cultural Risks
A proper corporate culture can be a competitive advantage of a company and usually is considered a very important asset. But sometimes it can also become a liability and cause a cultural crisis. A cul...
onderwerp The X Factor that can Make your Corporate Culture Great: Quiddity
The X factor that will really differentiate your culture is unique for each company. Some X factors that are often used include transparency, a culture of trust, and put people first. They are all to ...
Reacties2 reacties
onderwerp How Does Globalization Impact (Organizational) Culture?
Globalization has various cultural consequences. Robert Holton (2000) in his article "Globalization's Cultural Consequences", The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, argue...
onderwerp Write Down the Unwritten Rules of your Organization's Culture
According to Jocelyn Goldfein, "Culture is the behavior you reward and punish". In other words, behavior will shape culture. Behavior that is based on unwritten rules will often determine the course o...
onderwerp How can Organizational Culture Lead to Company Performance?
Sorensen (2000) found that if an organization maintains a strong culture by demonstrating a well integrated and effective set of specific values, beliefs, and behaviors, then it will perform at a HIGH...
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De best beoordeelde onderwerpen over de Drie Cultuurniveaus. Hier vindt u de meest waardevolle ideeën en praktische suggesties.

🥇 The Influence of Organizational Structure/Design on an Organisation's Culture
Organizational structure and design will (always) influence an organisation's culture. I have been researching the topic and quite frankly can't find any contradicting theory or thesis stating otherw...
Reacties5 reacties

🥈 WHEN to Develop a Company Culture?
Nowadays in our global world anybody has an opinion about what company culture means and why it's important. But in the view of McKinnon, it's premature to focus on building a world-class culture bef...
Reacties21 reacties

🥉 Influence of External Environment on Organizational Culture
To what extend does the external environment influence the 3 levels of organizational culture?...
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Expert Tips

Geavanceerde inzichten over de Three Levels of Culture (Engels). Hier vindt u professionele adviezen van deskundigen.






Praktische implementatietips


Reasons for Shared Beliefs and a Homogeneous Corporate Culture

Why does Homogeneity Develop?
According to a 2005 Paper by Eric Van den Steen on Shared Beliefs and Corporate Culture, there are two main reasons why ...

Establishing an Organizational Culture of Perpetual Crisis

Corporate Culture Best Practice
An interesting article in the issue of Fortune (Sept. 5, 2005, no. 15) explains how Jong-Yong Yun, CEO of Samsung, is re...

Strategies to Change Employee Habits, Hearts and Heads

Changing Organization Cultures
According to J.E. Kee and K.E. Newcomer ("Why Do Change Efforts Fail? What Can Leaders Do About It?", The Public Manager...

Pitfalls and Best Practices in Culture Change

Changing Organizational Cultures, What to DO and what NOT
According to Jon Katzenbach and Ashley Harshak ("Stop Blaming Your Culture", strategy+business, Spring 2011, Issue 62), ...

Other Thinkers on Corporate Culture

Different Approaches
After Schein's work on Organizational Culture, economic literature on this topic has been growing steadly: - Kreps (199...

Key Behaviors of Innovative Organizations

Innovation Management, Culture Change, Organizational Change, Innovative Culture, Organizational Culture
Many large-scale attempts to make organizations more innovative are experiencing organizational inertia, barriers and/or...

Why is Changing an Organization Culture So Hard? The ASA Model (Schneider)

Organization Culture, Culture Change, Corporate Culture, Change Management, Recruitment
Why is changing an organization culture so difficult? Because, once it is established, a culture has the tendency to str...

How Culture Levels Explain Failures in Organizational Learning and Innovation

Improving Organizational Learning, Organizational Innovation, Changing Organization Cultures
Schein (as cited by Bertagni et al., 2010) tries to elaborate on the question why organizational innovations often fail ...

Organodynamics: the 3 Laws at the Basis of Performance in Organizations

Strategic Performance Management, Leadership, Corporate Mission, Corporate Culture
Sherwood (2014) introduces the concept of organodynamics, a concept that explores the level of performance that can be a...

7 Mechanisms to Change Corporate Cultures

Change Management, Organizational Change, Culture Change
Management can choose from this menu of actions to change a problematic corporate culture: 1. Making a compelling case...

The Importance of Culture in Organizational Performance

Organizational Culture, Corporate Culture, Employee Behavior, Organizational Performance
John Connolly, former CEO of Deloitte UK, argues that one of the most critical determinants of organizational performanc...

PROs and CONs of a Strong Corporate Culture

Corporate Culture Change, Change Management, Organizational Change
Implementing a significant change is generally easier when the corporate culture is not strong. By strong Corporate Cult...

Diverse informatiebronnen betreffende de Drie Cultuurniveaus. Hier vindt u powerpoints, video's, nieuws etc. om te gebruiken in uw eigen lezingen en workshops.


Organizational Culture and Critical Theory, Including Schein

Organizational Culture
A detailed presentation, explaining Organizational Culture and Critical Culture. A description of Organizational Cultur...

Management Across Cultures: Managing in a Global Context

Cross-Cultural Management, Cultural Dimensions, Cultural Intelligence, Multicultural Teams, Global Leadership, Global HR
This presentation consist of six sections that together form an extensive description of management across cultures. The...

Edgar Schein on the Role of Macro and Micro Cultures in Corporations

Appreciating the Role of National and Occupational Cultures in Corporate Cultures
Interview with Professor Emeritus, MIT, Edgar Schein on corporate cultures in which he explains that we need to increasi...

Reasons for Merger Failures

mergers, synergies, information, uncertainty, organizational culture
This paper by Albert Banal_estanol and Jo Seldeslachts proposes an explanation as to why some mergers fail, based on the...

Organizational Culture and Effectiveness:Can American Theory Be Applied in Russia?

Organizational Culture, Effectiveness, Russia, Transition Economies
This paper by Carl F. Fey and Daniel R. Denison examines the link between organizational culture and effectiveness for f...

Introduction to Organizational Culture and Climate

Organizational Culture, Organizational Climate
Presentation about organizational culture and climate, including the following sections: 1. Learning objectives 2. Bas...

Building the Helping Relationship

10 Principles for Facilitative Consultancy
Superb article by MIT Professor and OD consultant Edgar H. Schein in which he concludes that: "... The decisive factor ...

Organizational Cuture and Relationship Skills

Corporate culture, alliances
While both the strategic management and the network literature recognize the importance of inter-firm relationships for ...

Corporate Diversity and Inclusion

Cross Functional Team, Organizational Culture, Globalization, Organizational Change, HRM, Cultural Dimensions
In this introduction video, top managers of Skanska share their vision on Diversity and Inclusion and the strategic impo...

What is Corporate Culture? 4 CEOs Share their Views

Corporate Culture, Organization Culture, Organizational Culture, Starter for Training / Workshop
Arkadi Kuhlman (ING), Tony Hsieh (Zappos), Bernie Marcus (Home Depot), Shelly Lazarus (Ogilvy & Maher) share their views...

The Characteristics of a High Performance Organisation

Characteristics, Core Competence, Corporate Culture
Under the pressure of ever increasing demands of the external environment and stakeholders, organizations are more and m...

Culture, Cultural Competence, Cultural Intelligence and the CQ

Cultural Intelligence
This presentation is a good introduction to culture and contains three large sections: Culture, Cultural Competenence an...

Introduction to Organizational Culture

Initial Understanding of Organizational Culture and Why it Matters to an Organization
Daniel Denison explains what an organizational culture is and why this own unique identity matters to an organization. H...

Organizational Culture and Leadership

Organizational Culture, Leadership
Comprehensive presentation by W. Baker-Thompson, explaining the concept of Organizational Culture according to Schein wi...

Three Levels of Culture Diagram

Organizational Culture
Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...


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Vergelijk met de Drie Niveaus van Cultuur:   Contingentietheorie  |  IJsberg van Verandermanagement  |  Cultuurtypes  |  Veranderen van Organisatieculturen  |  Veranderingsfasen  |  Krachtenveldanalyse  |  Kerngroeptheorie  |  Spiraal van Stilte  |  Groepsdenken  |  Gepland GedragtheorieKennismanagement (Collison & Parcell)  |  Organisatorisch Geheugen  |  Organisatorisch Leren  |  Leiderschapcontinuum  |  Culturele Intelligentie  |  Vergeet Leen Leer

Keer terug naar Management Discipline: Verandering & Organisatie  |  Ethiek & Verantwoordelijkheid  |  Human Resources  |  Leiderschap  |  Strategie & Innovatie

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