
A Leader is Someone Who Has Followers...

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Javier Elenes
Javier Elenes
Business Consultant, Mexico

A Leader is Someone Who Has Followers...

A key issue that is sometimes overlooked is that a leader is a leader when, and only when (s)he has followers. These followers will follow the leader if:
1. The followers think that the leader wants there well-being (compare servant leadership);
2. The followers think that the leader is capable;
3. The leader communicates a strategic vision as something that it is worth to pursue (as in: "We are building a new country" or "You can be too first new world citizen" rather then "We need to increase productivity by 17% or the quality of your products by 20% to reach an international cost and quality level".


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  sahar sultan
sahar sultan
Student (University), Pakistan

Leader Always Born with Some Inborn Skills

I think a person who has capability and nature to create his or her followers by himself is a leader. A leader may have the ability to influence the thoughts and to modify the behaviors as he wants and is required on the spot.

  Toyin Babs-Enoch
Toyin Babs-Enoch
Entrepreneur, Nigeria

Leadership is a Two-way Process

Without followers there will be no leader. Without having someone referred to as a leader, there will be no followers.
Also leadership is based on influence and common goals and objectives. Apart from leadership by position, if any member of a group is able to come up with the best ideas and solution to their shared challenges, and has the charisma and enough knowledge and competency to carry the others along, he automatically becomes a leader.
In other words, leadership is a two-way transaction between the leader and the followers with both parties having mutual respect for each other.

  Njau Mungai
Njau Mungai
Lecturer, Kenya

The Origin of Leadership

It is the followers who transform a lone dancer into a leader...

  Bill Boynton
Bill Boynton
Teacher, United States


I believe leadership is in direct alignment with followership, and is identified primarily by personal character coupled with competence and the ability to influence.
We need to have organizations and/or institutions full of leaders of responsibility.
Leadership has a common denominator of influence within themselves first, then moves out to others.

  Bill Boynton
Bill Boynton
Teacher, United States

Is it a Leader or a Follower

I believe "leadership" is a lot like the word "beauty': I know what it is, but I can't describe it.
The true bottom line of leadership can't always be recognized because it is made up of the soft issues of management style.
True character, caring, empathy, trustworthiness, continuous learning aligned with abilities for change.
This style of leadership comes to the front by example, and is driven by personal competence, bringing with it lots of respect.
It can't always be seen or heard, its just there. OK, just a thought.

  Javier Elenes
Javier Elenes
Business Consultant, Mexico

Leadership = Motivaction to a Worthy Mission

True leaders give motivaction (motives for action) to pursue a worthy mission, the acid test it is that his team members work for something more than money.

  Vijaya Saradhi Mekala
Vijaya Saradhi Mekala, India

Lead Yourself and Others Follow You

Be it a business leader, a corporate CEO, the head of a department, a community leader, a government official or a housewife - every person is a leader in his or her own way.
The point is, if you can lead yourself, no matter what the issue is, you will have followers...
But most important is to know how to lead yourself! By the time you know the answer to this question, you are automatically a leader with followers of your own...

  Abdul-gakeem Satira
Abdul-gakeem Satira, South Africa

Followers need to Buy in to your Ideas

In my humble opinion, a leader is not about someone who has followers. Any senior position would automatically assume followers, whether they choose to follow or not. However a leader is about someone taking others with him/her. Whilst setting the direction and growing the organisation, he/she will also grow people in order to ensure sustained growth. A leader is someone who invests in people and in return gain their loyalty. The fundamentals of a leader is about delivering results through others. The followers need to buy in to your ideas, which is your leadership and then only can your followers truly be deemed as your followers.

  Richard S. Dillard
Richard S. Dillard, United States

No Self-appointed Leaders

Leader is a title that can only be given to us by those who choose to follow our lead. And, I agree, they will only be inclined to follow if they believe the leader is truly interested in their well being, is truly capable of leading, and is truly moving toward something that is worthwhile.
We learn a lot from the etymology of the term. In fact, the etymology of leadership suggests the term finds its roots in the idea of movement or advancement by appointment. The use of the word “appointment” here implies, by definition, these three criteria are met and that others do the appointing (i.e. choose to follow).

  Conny Morokweng
Conny Morokweng
Student (MBA), Botswana

Is it a Leader or a Follower

@Bill Boynton: I do agree with you Bill. Leaders provide guidance on the organisation's mission and influence, motivates employees while managers only implement tasks leading to the accomplishment of the mission.

  Bill Boynton
Bill Boynton
Teacher, United States

Organiational Leadership: Lead Yourself and Others Follow You

@Vijaya Saradhi Mekala: Great reponse, and so true. It is what I like to refer to as the inside-out approach for change. Thank you.

  Aziz Rattansey
Aziz Rattansey

A leader must Inspire Followers > Believers

Whilst it is useful for a leader to have followers, it is also important that leader must have BELIEVERS who truly buy into the leader's vision unconditionally. This is a make-or-break scenario for effective leadership. Believers are even more important than short-term followers. A leader must inspire believers. Thank you.

  Javier Elenes
Javier Elenes
Business Consultant, Mexico

Leaders must Inspire Followers and Create Believers

Aziz, you are right, leaders must inspire followers and generate motivaction (motives to take action) This can be accomplished if:
1. The followers believe that the leaders is looking for they well-being
2. The followers believe that the leader is capable
3. The followers perceive the mission as something is worth to pursue (as in 'we are building a new company' versus 'we need to increase productivity by 12%'.

Business Consultant, India

Follower is a Must, the Importance of a Follower in a Leadership

Absolutely right! There is no meaning to the leadership if there are no followers. There could be a point that an astute (Ed: ~smart) leader develops, cultivates the followers, of whom he is sure that they will follow before the launch of an idea...
Could it be true in corporate sector, before a CEO launches a program, he is already sure of all people that will follow? Whose support he can count on? He must ensure that before he launches the program, the chances of success are higher that way! Enclosing a link from Ted which highlights the importance of the first follower(s) in a hilarious way...

  Bruce W Butler
Bruce W Butler
Entrepreneur, United States

If You Look Back are Others Following?

Do others seek your advise? Do others actions demonstrate understanding your vision? Are you finding employees doing something right more often than doing something wrong? Do you spend more time cl...

Consultant, Portugal

Leadership is to Have Followers

Hi everyone, I believe the first who said "Leadership is to have followers" was Peter Drucker. For me that is the only complete definition. He also said that everything you need to know about it, is ...

  Ramdonee Vikash
Ramdonee Vikash
Student (MBA), Mauritius

Did You Say Leadership?

A leader who has many followers who are following him blindly! Is this what we call leadership? Leadership comes from within. It is charisma coupled with action for a better world... For all... Withou...

  roseline ikem
roseline ikem
Student (MBA), United Kingdom

Leadership is to be a Servant

A leader is a servant who seeks the well being of those around him. He was chosen not because they believe in him to gear them to success, but because he believed the people and saw potential in them....

  M Y Zainudeen
M Y Zainudeen
Management Consultant, Sri Lanka

3 Types of Leaders: Appointed, Self-Appointed and Emerged

It is interesting to see diversified ideas about leadership. In my view there are three kinds of leaders, appointed leaders, self appointed leaders and emerged leaders. Out of these 3, the emerged lea...

Consultant, Portugal

Charisma is a Leadership Myth

@Ramdonee Vikash: what is charisma? A personality characteristic that gets you in a better position to be a leader? Is it a skill that you were already born with, or is it something you can improve in...

  Stephen Adjei
Stephen Adjei
Management Consultant, Ghana

Leadership is Two-way Influence between Leader and Followers

Leadership is about making others feel important and part of leader's vision and objectives for any endeavour. It is doing things through followers. Followers must have trust and confidence in the lea...

  M Y Zainudeen
M Y Zainudeen
Management Consultant, Sri Lanka

From Interpreting the Future to Selling the Hope to the Followers

Theoretically a successful leader is a person who: - interprets the future into a current scenario, - develops a vision as a solution to a problem or as a compliment to an existing issue, and then ...

  Gregory Johnson
Gregory Johnson
Coach, United States

Caution with Focusing on Followership being a Leader

This is an interesting topic for discussion that keeps coming up time and time again. It puzzles me when we focus on followership while defining leadership. Because it is a very shaky road to walk d...

  Javier Elenes
Javier Elenes
Business Consultant, Mexico

3 Conditions for a Leader to Have Followers (Ginebra)

A leader is a leader when and only when he has followers. Joan Ginebra in his remarkable book 'The Leader and the Action', gives some advise: the 3 conditions to have followers are: 1. The followers ...

Consultant, Portugal

Credibility is the First Principle of Leadership

@Javier Elenes: I completely agree with that, but I would include a 4th item, that in my opinion should be the first. However, those 3 items also contribute to the one I believe is missing, which is...

  Gani Davlatsher
Gani Davlatsher, United States

The First Follower..

Recently I watched a video by Derek Sivers who discusses the importance of the first follower to start a movement. It made me think: what is more difficult - to be a person with an idea or to be the ...

  Adnan Shaswar
Adnan Shaswar, Iraq

The Relationship between the Leadership and the Followers

Although leadership is a two-way interaction, I believe the role of the leader comes first. It's the leader's responsibility to take initiative and build and strengthen such a role by being a role mod...

Consultant, Portugal

A Real Leader is Followed Easily

@Gani Davlatsher: Hi once again. Really? Do you really think it is hard to be the first follower? People are hungry for leadership. Employees seek someone to follow, they seek visions, and strategies ...

  Zandile Shaba
Zandile Shaba
Financial Consultant, Malawi

A Leader Does NOT Need Followers

My view is that a leader does NOT need followers. Often times a leader is guided by principles and convictions which may not necessarily be popular. Often times a leader has to stand alone. The big...

Consultant, Portugal

Definition of Leadership Isn't the Same as Objectives

@Zandile Shaba: Hi everyone. I think we're confusing a concept, a definition with goals. They are two completely different things. If you have no followers, you're no leader at all, probably, and it i...

  Tom Wilson
Tom Wilson
HR Consultant, United States

RE: a Leader Does NOT Need Followers

@Zandile Shaba: You are exactly correct: there are circumstances when the leader is obliged to assume a moral burden which isolates him from the popular wisdom or convenient opinion. In fact, it is th...

Consultant, Portugal

Credibility is the Number 1 Characteristic of a Leader

The credibility of a leader is the way to make everything happen. It is implicit in the 3 rules presented by Javier Elenes in this discussion, but should be mentioned seperately. Credibility is the "...

  Vicky Jha
Vicky Jha
Manager, Nepal

Leaders Can Stand Alone

@Zandile Shaba: I totally agree. It may take long for the masses to understand what the leader stands for. It may be that the leader would need to stand strong all alone with his own convictions- the...

Coach, India

A Leader Must Have Followers

@Zandile Shaba: I believe, you do in fact have good leadership potential when you make this comment about 'Leaders need not have Followers'. Because, few leaders have the courage of conviction today i...

  Vipul Nahar
Vipul Nahar

How Belief Generates Followership

The claim that a goal can be achieved without other people's support holds true, but to refer to that achiever as a leader, does not hold true at all and that is simply because a leader has to have fo...


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topic Management versus Leadership
topic The Incomplete Leader
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topic Can a Sports Team Leader Become a Business Leader?
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