
Attributes of Leaders | Leadership Attributes

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Heena khalid
Heena khalid, India

Attributes of Leaders | Leadership Attributes

I'd like to give some basic attributes on leadership that run on all fields of corporates. In my view, attributes of high quality leadership are:
A. Forming and inspiring a shared vision inspiring people to achieve more
B. Open to learning with mental resilience
C. Mental and emotional strengths energizing the people
D. Guiding as a vital skill.


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CEO, India

Leadership Qualities: The 3 S

Selflessness, Sincerity, Simplicity are important qualities of a true leader.
Selflessness: A leader has to be selfless. Then only he/she can provide good leadership to others. There is a saying "Selfishness is a gift of nature, but selflessness is an accomplishment". A true leader will be selfless in nature. This is one of the fundamental and essential attribute for a leader.
Sincerity: A leader has to be sincere if he/she has to generate respect from others. With Sincerity a leader will command respect, trust.
Simplicity: A leader has to be simple, down to earth, humble, and easily approachable. This nature will make others comfortable to follow the leader.

  Christian D. Clores
Christian D. Clores
Director, Philippines

Qualities of a Good Leader: the VICTORY acronym

A good Leader is someone who has the following qualities:
V - Vision for his people or organization
I - Instructions that are crystal clear
C - Consistency in all his work
T - Trustworthy
O - Others, acknowledge other people and supported by others
R - Respectful and Responsible
Y - You: can inspire You

  Mohamad Nasir Mahmood
Mohamad Nasir Mahmood
Director, Malaysia

G. One More Attribute of Leadership: Integrity

If there was just one attribute that a leader needed the most, then it would have been: integrity. Integrity is the basic tenet that a leader should have, regardless they are in politics, social, or corporate world.

  salem ahmed
salem ahmed
Teacher, Yemen

Personality Attribute of a Leader According to Islam

I think one of the important attributes of the leader is as said by Caliph Omer (the second Caliph of Islam) when he is asked about the conditions of a leader, he said: "if he is in the people and not their leader as if he was their leader and if as their leader he seems to be one of them".
I think the most important thing the leader should think about is how others see you acting according to your nature of humanity; let the others see you as a regular person.

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Trait Leadership Theory Page

See also our Trait Leadership Theory page for more on traits of leaders.

  William Gomes
William Gomes, Brazil

F. Creating and Mantaining a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Yes! The new age will not bring any possibility of less organizational pressure. To do the right thing, right, at the right time is not sufficient from now on, so the leadership challenger is directing the organization collaborators focused on clients, improving and innovating their activities.

  ganesh tiwari
ganesh tiwari, India

E. Leaderships for Ethics or Ethics for Leadership

Leaders don't do different things, but they do things differently! It's here that one must demarcate the thin lining of self-actualization & self-realization for leaders.
Whether (s)he is practicing leadership for ethics or ethics for leadership.
In the former case it is self-propelled inner motivation which brings Value Based Development.
While in the later case it may be forced or compulsion from external forces where there is every likelihood for deviation and thus imbalanced or unethical development.
It is up to the leader to decide which way (s)he goes.

  Nwene Anthony
Nwene Anthony, Nigeria

On C. Motivating the Subordinates

I think to be a good leader, you should also motivate your subordinates adequately for their positive input into the organization. In so doing it's easier for them to key into your vision and help you achieve it and more with little effort.

  Prakash rao
Prakash rao, India

On B. Learners are leaders

Learners are leaders. Delearning is also a learning process. Leaders must do "5S" of their mind. It should be kept free for receiving inputs from others. They should constantly change the process.


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