
Knowledge Management Still Remains a Victim of Technology

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Knowledge and Intangibles Management



J.Jeyaseelan, India

Knowledge Management Still Remains a Victim of Technology

I believe current knowledge management concepts still remain a victim of technologies particularly data and document management technologies. The rich reservoir of knowledge that is now accessible over the Internet still remains out of reach, because of the limitations of the html framework that handles only text and the limitations of search engines that somehow manage to find something that is of use. My experience of using the www the last 13 years almost on a daily basis is that one comes across information that is often not related to what you are searching for. This is the reason why some kind of bookmarking that one accumulates over time becomes the main source of knowledge.
In order to effectively manage knowledge, we should be able to uniquely classify, identify and relate almost everything on earth. Only that framework would help us spend our time more productively in the area of knowledge creation, communication, application and regeneration.


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  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Semantic Web and Knowledge Domains

You are right that generic search engine results are not so good as many people believe.
The semantic web is a technical concept that is supposed to allow more relevant search results in the future. However there are many issues still to be solved around it, such as practical feasibility, technical specifications, censorship, privacy and dealing with spam.
However bookmarking and the sematic web are not the only nor in fact the best solution!
I believe domain know-how portals and domain know-how networks are. Such web sites specialize in one knowledge domain (such as "management" in the case of 12manage.com). By doing so they can offer people the fastest access to the most relevant information and know-how for them. Faster and more relevant than generic search engines are able to.
You can test this yourself by entering the word "change" or "strategy" both in the 12manage search engine (at the top right of this page) and in the generic search engine Google and compare the relevance of both search results.
Another example is our business dictionary. Communities of interest for core domain issues such as on 12manage (for example the knowledge management community) are a further way to facilitate the exchange of relevant know-how amongst experts and interested people.

  Ennio Martignago
Ennio Martignago
Management Consultant, Italy

Knowledge MANAGEMENT is an Old Idea

Before the document management systems, the main damage was made by ERP systems such as SAP that have forced a return to a departmental organizational model dated '70s. The main culprits remain, however, consultants who have always tried to sell out a method as a technology to induce companies to buy auto knowledge, but could pocket as much money as possible. Unfortunately, there will always be some consultant who, while of pocketing easy money, will transform everything into automation. Anyway, it is the very term management in knowledge management that has to be exceeded. Today the business model based on automation is in crisis but lacks a credible and acceptable alternative model.


Management & Technology

Dear all, in my opinion technology is an opportunity, it depends on how we use it and we allow it to enter into the organisation.
Anyway I agree with Ennio regarding SAP which is deeply inside the main companies conditioning the way to do business.

Professor, India

Semantic Web and Knowledge Domains

All language elements including semantics act as mediums of transfer of information in addition to pictures, videos, music, expressions, art forms, audio inputs etc. Searching by semantic web forms covers only one aspect of the search. The original idea by the inventor/discoverer/initiator can be best understood in its initial form.

  Mike Foy
Mike Foy, United Kingdom

Knowledge is Tacit

If we agree with Polanyi's assertion that all knowledge is tacit and therefore needs a knower i.e. a map cannot read itself then the Internet is a medium only for communicating information.
This misunderstanding of his original idea, and western cultural norms, have led to the presumption that knowledge can be made explicit i.e. written down or codified in some way when in fact this does not apply. Only knowers have knowledge i.e. inside their hands and heads, which cannot be moved around as a commodity.

  M Schuller
M Schuller

Knowledge Management Still Remains a Victim of Technology

I agree regarding the difference between knowledge and information. Quoting Polanyi "We can know more than we can tell". He states that tacit knowledge can be passed on only by experience and communicated indirectly, through metaphor and analogy. Schuppel calls it human oriented knowledge and technology oriented knowledge. Human knowledge, the "know-how" requires the transfer to other members in the organisation; on the other hand technology knowledge requires conditions under which information can be stored, collated, prepared, disseminated, used and updated. While most people have a desire to learn and to share what they know, it has been proven that in practise it is far more difficult to transfer knowledge than to gather information.


Knowledge Management Still Remains a Victim of Technology

Automation, the replacement of machines of the machines age. Just take the example of an accountant, learning all the accounting terms, concepts and formulas to become an accountant. The computer systems are set to do all calculations and even the reports. IT systems can also do the auditing works, quicker and even better than normal auditors will do. So ain't knowledge a victim of technology?

  Robin Stewart
Robin Stewart, Canada

Knowledge Management and Technology are Complementary

No, I believe that knowledge management and technology are complementary. Within any profession there are specialists and generalists. Knowledge management runs across these professions, and while general knowledge can more easily be transferred and taught to others; it is the specific detail than alludes others. What is important is the delivery model within which knowledge is transferred and taught to others.
Why rely solely on technology to transfer knowledge? Knowledge transfer occurs in many forms. With the use of the web, search engines, bookmarking, ERP systems, etc., we are only trying to simplify and transfer data into information for decision-making and other purposes. I agree with a previous writer that technology is an opportunity, and it has its strengths and weaknesses. People across the world have many good ideas and share information, but how does one make sense of it within their own context? Perhaps web 2.0 will address this?

  Margret Schuller
Margret Schuller

Not Just IT, but also Creativity and Innovation

But who developed the software for the accountant? Technology like the accountancy software or other technologies allow companies to increase their innovation capabilities. They increase their efficie...

Management Consultant, United Arab Emirates

Strategic and Tactical Knowledge Management

Most of the times Knowledge Management initiatives are considered a support function or a supplementary initiative, on the contrary KM should be considered a major mile stone in business performance a...

  Sudheendra G. Mudikeri
Sudheendra G. Mudikeri
Management Consultant, India

KM Remains a Victim of Technology

The issue here is we tend to pick and pack whatever the search engines spew out. The tacit and explicit are not segregated. Moreover my need for tacit might be another's explicit or vice versa. Techno...

  george amissah
george amissah
Consultant, Nigeria

Knowledge Management and Technology

There has always been a relationship between knowledge management and technology. Improved technology helps in the area of knowledge creation, communication, application and exchange of ideas....

  Sanjay Verma
Sanjay Verma
Business, Kenya

Technology and Knowledge

Any technology is a result of knowledge. So, technology created by using knowledge can only be a tool/means/facilitator but always limited to that function. As mentioned above by Polanyi and Foy, and...


Knowledge Management > Technology > Knowledge Management > ...

Knowledge, at whatever level, is intrinsic to any holder of it. Out of knowledge comes, amongst other things, the innovation of technology. This technology then enhances the betterment of knowledge ma...

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Learn from the Neanderthals

Last weekend I visited the Neanderthal Museum (near Dusseldorf, Germany). Very educating! The Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis developed around 120.000 years ago. Anyway, because of this visit I now unde...

  Jaime Gonzalez
Jaime Gonzalez
Accountant, Mexico

Knowledge is All Around

Technology is just a tool, management should always use its technical basis and experience to meet the objectives. Systems are cold, insensible without the capability to change according with the dyna...

  M. Pradet
M. Pradet, Canada

Knowledge of Information Management

Knowledge is how we use the information we have at our disposal for our survival, our growth etc. I believe that all business information structures should be managed properly in only one macro struct...

Professor, India

Ideas, Inventions and Technology

Technology enables shaping the idea into purposeful product or service. Evolution essentially means each generation is progressively normalising with what they grew up with in terms of technology. Tha...

  Paramathmuni srinivas Kumar
Paramathmuni srinivas Kumar

Impact of the Semantic Web

With the advent of semantic web the software agents can compile, compare, negotiate and do all necessary activities that the rational decision making system is capable of. It is here I suppose the con...

  Sokolova Tatiana
Sokolova Tatiana, Russian Federation

Limitation of Information from Networks and Know-how Portals

I think that the problem with limitation of information obtained from networks and know-how portals is getting more serious with regard to perspetive limits of minds of those who work on creation of c...

  Sokolova Tatiana
Sokolova Tatiana, Russian Federation

Technological Progress does not Directly Impact Humanity

@Jaap de Jonge (Editor): It is a well-known fact that humanity has not improved much, even today we can see very primitive way of consciousness, nearly representatives of the wild period of civilizati...

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Technology Matters in Evolution

@Sokolova Tatiana: Thanks for your critical reaction. Definitely new technologies have caused sudden and major jumps in the evolution of humanity in the last millions of years as I described above and...


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More on Knowledge and Intangibles Management
Methods, Models and Theories Discussion Topics
topic Recognize/Reward People that are Sharing Knowledge
topic Importance of Knowledge Management. Value for Organizations
topic Knowledge Capturing Process and Methods
topic Is Business Education Useful?
topic Definition of Knowledge Management (KM)
topic Conditions for Knowledge Management
topic Implementation of Knowledge Management. Roadmap and Steps
👀Knowledge Management Still Remains a Victim of Technology
topic Business Schools and MBA - Value, PROs and CONs
🔥 Learning Effectively: Dale's Cone of Experience (Pyramid of Learning)
topic Communities of Practice
topic DICK and DICKS concept by Anand
topic Knowledge Management in the Public Sector
topic From Knowing to Finding and Using Information
topic Wisdom Management: Can Wisdom be Managed?
topic Education and Learning Without a Degree
topic Are Current Education Systems Stifling Initiative?
topic How to Make a Person Really Learn?
topic Knowledge Sharing in Projects
topic Sharing Environments in Knowledge Management
topic Imagination and Knowledge
topic Does Education Lead to People Becoming more Selfish?
topic The Value of your Knowledge, Skills and Experiences
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Knowledge and Intangibles Management

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