
Individual Balanced Scorecard Measurement

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Balanced Scorecard



mahetem merawi
mahetem merawi
Coach, Ethiopia

Individual Balanced Scorecard Measurement

My organization has conducted a BSC project and now faces the problem how to proceed. There are jobs that can not be distributed to individual performers. In such cases where cascading is a problem, how can we measure the performances of individual performers?


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  Odoch Charles Langoya
Odoch Charles Langoya
Strategy Consultant, Uganda

Cascading the Balanced Scorecard to Individuals

The Balanced Scorecard Methodology has been transformed from textbook knowledge to a practical strategic planning and performance management framework that addresses alignment at team and individual level.
In cascading the scorecard to individuals and teams, emphasis must be placed on understanding the teams purpose and mission, it's customers and the benefits they deliver, the teams composition and key result areas of the individuals in the team.
Through this, the cascading team begins to create a line of sight between the teams goals and the organizations overall strategy, making alignment a reality.
The best benchmarking reference I can give Merawi is the Federal Ministry of Health or St. Paul's Hospital in Addis Ababa. Also find time to read Howard Rohm's publication "The Institute Way" it really simplifies the BSC Methodology through a "Nine Steps" Framework!

  Ceferino Dulay, Jr.
Ceferino Dulay, Jr.

Individual BSC Measurement

It's true that certain jobs are done by a team rather than individual members. But each team member has a role in accomplishing that job. It's either that the job accomplishment is attributed to all the members or based on individual contribution which can be identified if roles and resulting contributions can be identified and attributed to each individual.

  Donald Reynolds
Donald Reynolds
Manager, United States

Focus on Measuring Process Outputs and Business Outcomes

You maybe on a slippery slope placing measures on individual's performance due to making the score carding process punitive. As BSC'er we should focus on measuring process outputs and business outcomes.
Process output + process output + process output = business outcomes.
Individuals need to understand the process outputs that they need to achieve and be held accountable to deliver those results, or identify the barriers (time, tools, skills, or knowledge) needed to achieve the results. This reinforces continuous improvement and organizational learning.

  Paul Maguire
Paul Maguire
Business Consultant, United States

Individual BSC Measurement

Consider these roles as "job families". I suggest you start with a competency profile for each job family, which is a combination of 1) knowledge (e.g. the industry, business, product, SBU, etc.), 2) skills necessary to complete the work and 3) the values needed to support the work achievement. By example, a customer service representative would need to know the product (knowledge), have problem solving skills (amongst others) and has customer-focused values. Once the profile is completed, you can then construct individual scorecards based on gaps and standard performance measures.

Consultant, United Kingdom

Measuring Individuals: Leadership Values Assessment

An ideal tool you might consider is the Leadership Values Assessment (LVA). The LVA is one of the several tools for measuring culture and values in organizations and among teams.
The tools are called Culture Transformation Tools (CTT) and they are designed by Richard Barret and are currently used in over 2000 companies and 60 nations in order to develop high performing cultures with high level of alignment and low level of cultural entropy.
To use CTT you must contact a certified consultant for this kind of work.
Also the scorecards that we are using are 6 fields. In addition to Norton and Kaplan, Richard has added 2 more fields. One for corporate culture and another for corporate evolution.

  Ajaya Shankar Gupta Ainapur
Ajaya Shankar Gupta Ainapur
Management Consultant, India

Create Process / Activity table

You can ask to prepare a process/activity table covering each activity/sub-process step, their desired output and the performance indicator to know the desired output is achieved or not.
You can capture all these potential performance measures and try to see their impact / link to strategy and select key measures.

  Carel Venter
Carel Venter, South Africa

Measure Individual Performance Against the Role

You must be able to define anybody's role - even in a forced team (like a machine minder and assistant). If you can't define his role, he has no job. If you define his role, you can define what are the critical minimum standard/contribution this job/role has to make the team successful. You measure then the whole team and the achievement of sub-set targets.


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More on Balanced Scorecard
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topic Weaknesses or Disadvantages of the Balanced Scorecard
topic Balanced Scorecard in Budget Formulation
topic Balanced Scorecard Trends and Developments
topic What the Balanced Scorecard DOES Address and What NOT
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topic How to Determine the Efficiency of Balanced Scorecard
👀Individual Balanced Scorecard Measurement
topic Cascading the Balanced Scorecard from Corporate Level to Business Levels to Individual Level
topic Generating Data for the Balanced Scorecard
topic Balanced Scorecard in Public Sector
topic Balanced Scorecard for Universities
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topic Tool to Analyze the Control Proces in a Maintenance Division: BSC or EFQM?
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topic Balanced Scorecard for Software Development
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