
Balanced Scorecard for Universities

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Balanced Scorecard



Otera Chris
Otera Chris, Kenya

Balanced Scorecard for Universities

I am intending to develop a balanced scorecard for a university set up, however I have no idea where to start from. Looking for like minds to discuss the same with me.


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  Ofelia Bellati
Ofelia Bellati, Argentina

Balanced Scorecard for University - You Totally Can!

Dear Chris,
BSC can be used for many areas. I know of cases where it was implemented in private companies, in public administrations, and many others. It is just a matter of finding your way. May be we could develop it together. Please, get in touch with me.

  Gaia Bassani
Gaia Bassani

Balanced Scorecard University

Hi! I'm a PHD student and my field of study is everything about performance measurement. I have read a lot about BSC: it's my passion!
Why we don't try to have a common project about Balanced Scorecard in our universities? I think that the processes could be different, because in our country probably they are, and surely the measures are different. It could be very interesting! What do you think about collaboration? Could it be possible?

  Stan Verran
Stan Verran
Manager, Canada

Balanced Scorecard

I recommend you purchase Kaplan and Norton's books on the Balanced Scorecard. Or, Google 'Balanced Scorecard' as there is a wealth of guidance published on the I have an extra copy of the first book on this and could mail it to you if you wish. The BSC is not an easy concept to engage and even if you don't use it you will find that it made you think and this will be helpful in whatever you eventually do.

  Gaia Bassani
Gaia Bassani

Theoretical Suggestions

K&N book of 2004? I know that one, it's a compass about theoretical aspects and implementation. I don't know Google Balanced Scorecard, but surely I'm interested in.
I know that it's a difficult concept, above all the implementation.

  Sergio Leite
Sergio Leite
Analyst, Brazil

BSC and Planning

Hi, Otera Chris. The BSC is a methodology to give managers a system of performance measures, which must be connected to the organization's strategy.
So it is a form of control that should give feedback to the planning system, where the main goals now are to be defined. The point of connection between planning and the BSC will be represented by targets related to these goals, which should in turn be related to their work units, as in a cascade. These targets will form the basis for establishing performance measures.
Objectives and goals of the units must be prepared by their teams to develop their activities. Similarly measures of performance scorecards should be extended to levels of the departments and their members. I recommend you read the Kaplan & Norton and / or some text related to the BSC and strategic planning. Feel free to contact me if you wish. I hope I have contributed.

  Otera Chris
Otera Chris, Kenya

Challenges to Implement Balanced Scorecard in Universities

Fellow chaps, thanks a lot for the immense assistance in understanding this matter. I have read and followed your discussion and they were great.
May be to take the notch higher, what are some of the challenges in management of change of performance measurements that some of you have experienced in implementing BSC in your respective institution?

  De Saram
De Saram, Sri Lanka

Balanced Scorecard for University

Dear Otera Chris, I have just started on a research proposal on unemployed graduates and also considering BSC to the university system. I can brief you on the process once I start on it. Have you done any ground work related to implementing BSC to university?

  Paul Maguire
Paul Maguire
Business Consultant, United States

Balanced Scorecard for University

Note that there are several universities that have successfuly implemented BSC (a Google search will identify several). They are good references for how others have implemented this tool/approach/methodology/system.
Of course every organization has different needs, focus and desired outcomes and so each will be different - and are therefore good learning devices.

  salem ahmed
salem ahmed
Teacher, Yemen

Uses of Balanced Scorecard in Universities

I am very much interested in BSC and read a lot about it.
If I want to apply it to a university, shall I use it only to evaluate the performance? Or do I use it to enhance the performance?
Thanks for you help...

  salem ahmed
salem ahmed
Teacher, Yemen

The BSC Framework at Universities

The BSC framework proved to be a beneficial and flexible technique, being able to adjust to new realities. Conceptually, it's good, but how could we apply the BSC at universities, adjusting the measures?


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More on Balanced Scorecard
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topic Balanced Scorecard Design Tips
topic Balanced Scorecard for Engineering Services
topic Weaknesses or Disadvantages of the Balanced Scorecard
topic Balanced Scorecard in Budget Formulation
topic Balanced Scorecard Trends and Developments
topic What the Balanced Scorecard DOES Address and What NOT
topic Formula to Calculate Balanced Scorecard
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topic Balanced Scorecard for Financial Institutions
topic How to Determine the Efficiency of Balanced Scorecard
topic Individual Balanced Scorecard Measurement
topic Cascading the Balanced Scorecard from Corporate Level to Business Levels to Individual Level
topic Generating Data for the Balanced Scorecard
topic Balanced Scorecard in Public Sector
👀Balanced Scorecard for Universities
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topic HR Use of Balance Scorecard
topic Balanced Scorecard in a Charity Organisation
topic A New Flow Oriented Scorecard: Bellwox Bureau (Value Turbine)
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topic Balanced Scorecard for Reorganisation
topic The BSC is Now Being Stretched Beyond its Optimality
topic Spiritual Element in Balanced Scorecard
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topic 3 Types of Performance Measures
topic Balanced Scorecard for Start Up Companies?
topic Make Balanced Scorecard a Regulatory Requirement
topic Tool to Analyze the Control Proces in a Maintenance Division: BSC or EFQM?
topic Implementation of Balanced Scorecard in Outsourcing Industry
topic Balanced Scorecard for Software Development
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