
La Base de la Pirámide
(C.K. Prahalad)

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¿de Qué trata La Base de la Pirámide?

La parte inferior de la pirámide (económica) está conformada por 4 mil millones personas que viven con menos de $2 por día. Por más de 50 años, el Banco Mundial, gobiernos de naciones donantes, varias agencias de la ayuda humanitaria, y, últimamente, las organizaciones civiles, han hecho su mejor esfuerzo, pero no han podido suprimir la pobreza.

Enterado de este frustrante hecho, C.K. Prahalad comienza su libro: “La fortuna en el La Base de la Pirámide” con un asunto simple con todo revolucionario: Si paramos de pensar en los pobres como víctimas o como una carga y comenzamos a reconocerlas como persistentes y creativos empresarios y consumidores concientes del valor, un entero nuevo mundo de oportunidades se abrirá.

Prahalad sugiere que cuatro mil millones pobres puedan ser el motor del siguiente capítulo del comercio y prosperidad globales, y puede ser una fuente de innovaciones. Servir a los clientes de la Base de la Pirámide requiere que las firmas grandes trabajen en colaboración con las organizaciones civiles de la sociedad y con los gobiernos locales. Además, el desarrollo del mercado en la Base de la Pirámide también creará millones de nuevos empresarios a los niveles más bajos.

La Base de la Pirámide

Prahalad presenta su nueva propuesta desolución al problema de la pobreza, como una solución de Co-Creación (Creación compartida) hacia el desarrollo económico y la transformación social (ver gráfico), en la cual las partes involucradas son:

  • Empresas privadas
  • Agencias del desarrollo y ayuda humanitaria
  • Consumidores de la Base de la Pirámide
  • Empresarios de la Base de la Pirámide
  • Organizaciones civiles de la sociedad y el gobierno local

12 principios de innovación para los mercados de La Base de la Pirámide

Prahalad proporciona los siguientes bloques del edificio capaz de crear productos y servicios para los mercados de la Base de la Pirámide:

  1. Céntrese en desempeño del precio.
  2. Soluciones híbridas, mezclando vieja y nueva tecnología.
  3. Operaciones graduales y transportables a través de países, de culturas y de idiomas.
  4. Reducción intensiva de recursos: productos eco-amistosos.
  5. Reajuste radical del producto del principio: cambios marginales sobre los productos occidentales existentes no funcionan.
  6. Contrucción de infraestructura logística e industrial.
  7. Trabajo de Deskill (servicios).
  8. Eduque a clientes (semi analfabetos) en el uso del producto.
  9. Los productos deben trabajar en entornos hostiles: ruido, polvo, condiciones antihigiénicas, abuso, apagones eléctricos, contaminación del agua.
  10. Interfaz adaptable al uso sobre bases heterogéneas de consumo.
  11. Los Métodos de distribución se deben diseñar para alcanzar mercados rurales altamente dispersos y mercados urbanos altamente densos.
  12. Céntrese en amplia arquitectura, capaz de recibir, rápida y fácilmente nuevas características.

Origen del modelo de La Base de la Pirámide. Historia

Antes de su libro 2005, Prahalad publicó dos artículos con respecto a este marco sobre como aliviar la pobreza:

  • Ene de 2002: La fortuna de la Base de la Pirámide. (Estrategia+Empresa), con Stu Hart
  • Sep de 2002: Serve the World's Poor, Profitable (Harvard Business Review), con Allen Hammond

Uso del modelo de La Base de la Pirámide. Aplicaciones

  • Este marco proporciona un nuevo ímpetu para una implicación más activa del sector privado en la construcción de los ecosistemas de comercialización para transformar la Base de la Pirámide.
  • Ayuda a reconsiderar y cambiar creencias, asunciones e ideologías, generadas desde hace mucho tiempo.
  • Proporciona pistas sobre el desarrollo de productos y servicios para los consumidores de la Base de la Pirámide.

Fortalezas del pensamiento de la Base de la Pirámide. Beneficios

Las más grandes fortalezas de la propuesta de "La Base de la Pirámide" de Prahalad son, que esta ayuda a reconsiderar y cambiar creencias, asunciones, e ideologías, arraigadas y basadas en la ideas de tratamiento de los pobres como víctimas o cargas:

  • Hay dinero en la Base de la Pirámide: es un mercado viable.
  • El acceso a los mercados de la Base de la Pirámide no es necesariamente difícil. Los acercamientos poco convencionales tales como el de Avon ladies pueden trabajar.
  • Los pobres son muy concientes de las marcas.
  • El mercado de la Base de la Pirámide está conectado (los teléfonos móviles, TV, Internet).
  • Los consumidores de la Base de la Pirámide están mucho más abiertos hacia tecnología avanzada.

Supuestos de La Base de la Pirámide. Condiciones

  1. Los pobres no pueden participar en los beneficios de la globalización sin una participación activa del sector privado y sin el acceso a los productos y a los servicios que representan estándares de calidad globales.
  2. El mercado de la Base de la Pirámide, proporciona una nueva oportunidad del crecimiento para el sector privado y un foro para las innovaciones. Las viejas y probadas soluciones no pueden crear mercados en la Base de la Pirámide.
  3. Los mercados de la Base de la Pirámide, deben convertirse en una parte integral del trabajo y del negocio de base del sector privado. Los mercados de la Base de la Pirámide no se pueden dejar simplemente al reino de las iniciativas de la responsabilidad de la empresa social (CSR).

Libro: C.K. Prahalad - The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty through Profits

Grupo de Interés Especial

Grupo de Interés Especial de La Base de la Pirámide .

Grupo de Interés Especial
Grupo de Interés Especial (126 miembros)


Discusiones en el Foro sobre La Base de la Pirámide.

tema Desventajas o sesgos en la teoría de la base de la pirámide
Veo una desventaja o sesgo en la teoría de la base de la pirámide, y es que no sólo debe focalizarse a la base (pobres), sino a las estrategias y políticas gubernamentales que permitan fomentar empleo...
tema Las Oportunidades Que Otorgan la Existencia de la Pirámide
La existencia de un grueso de personas en la base de la pirámide se debe tomar como una oportunidad para las empresas para generar nuevas fuentes de trabajo y negocios pequeños, los mismos que poco a ...
tema Buscando crear empresarios con base en su comunidad
Deberiamos buscar el desarrollo de nuevos empresarios entre los pobres que han tenido acceso a algo de educacion. Nuestros empresarios tradicionales solo se enfocan en lo tradicional y no consideran q...
🔥 Base de la Piramide: Acción Estratégica de Empresas Tradicionales en el Tercer Mundo
La nueva oportunidad de negocios en la base de la pirámide. Una confirmación de por qué el modelo de C. K. Prahalad funciona, 2010, Grupo Editorial Norma, es un libro que impele a una acción estratégi...
tema Fighthing Corruption in Developing Countries. The Role of Leaders
I am looking for ideas to start a study on how to "eliminate" corruption in developing countries. Actually, most developing countries depend on rich countries and international organizations to run th...
Comentarios95 comentarios
tema Increase the Whole Pyramid
It is easy to imagine that if someone moves up to the top, another one will move in the opposite direction, that is down to the bottom. This happens when the pyramid does not grow in its volume. Since...
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tema Bottom of the Pyramid and Technology
The assumption that only the developed world would appreciate and pay for new technology while previous technology are reserved for the poor, is a delusion. The poor equally appreciate new technology....
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tema Bottom of the Pyramid People and SMEs
The development of SME strategies to mobilize the financial resources of the BOP will help get the BOP out of the $2 per day zone....
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tema The BOO Model, BOOM Model and BOOT Model. Implementation in BOP Countries
The financial models, such as BOO (Build Own Operate), Build Own Operate and Maintain (BOOM), BOOT (Build, Own, Operate, and Transfer), tailor-made for the mega-energy-products which were planned for ...
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tema Bottom of the Pyramid Concept by CK Prahalad is Profound
A profound concept. Aiming at a win-win solution for all. As Mahatma Gandhi said something like this (I do not remember exact words) if you govern a state, think about whether your action brings a sm...
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tema Packaging at the Bottom of the Pyramid
Perhaps one can look at the BOP concept from the point of view that low income earners require to consume quality products as much as the individuals on the higher parts of the pyramid. Unfortunately ...
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tema Using House of Quality With Bottom of the Pyramid Framework
The Bottom of the Pyramid framework can be perceived as an idea that will make the poorest people in our society more creative and innovative. Whichever approach or policy is adopted to make this a re...
tema Enabling Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) Entrepreneurs
Micro credit organizations such as KIVA are enabling access to credit. It's a good start. Education institutions (now often profit driven) need to make the access to trade education as well as other m...
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tema Responsibility of International Corporations
Large corporations such as Nestle and Exxon mobile have traditionally supplied raw materials with a low price from developing countries, but they have shown only little amount of co-operation with l...
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tema Why Informal Economies can Become Larger than Illegal Economies
Over the last decades, the concept "informal economy" has been conceptualized in many ways (see here for detailed info); scholars often refer to it as economic activities that take place outside a def...
tema Definition of Informal Economy
People that belong to the bottom part of the economic pyramid are often unable to generate income from the so-called formal economy, and therefore they aim to sustain themselves via informal economic ...
tema Rural Marketing - Rural (Tourism) Marketing
How is rural tourism marketing different? How can rural tourism be used as an effective tool to remove unemployment of rural people?...
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tema Problems with Bottom of Pyramid
No matter how liberal and open we project ourselves... It's easy to say we should improve the capabilities and position of those at the bottom of pyramid. But when it comes to implementing it, it req...
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tema Effective Humanitairian Aid to BOP Countries: The Case of Haiti
Haiti has once again been hit hard, this time by a devastating hurricane named Matthew. The country – which is one of the poorest in the world – needs help from abroad, as their own chronic ineffectiv...
tema Improving the Lot of People at Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) Takes More
I don't subscribe to the view that the lot of 4 billion people at the BOP can be changed by above measures and initiative alone. Unless their basic daily needs of food, shelter, literacy and health ca...
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tema Bottom of Pyramid and Network Marketing Hybrid Plan
Being an entrepreneur and having very practical knowledge of sales and marketing and of challenges faced by the middle & lower middle class in our society (i.e. how to increase income or how to get ba...
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tema Relations Between Informal & Formal Sector
Despite the fact that the definition of the informal economy is debatable, a lot of scholars focus on how an informal sector can be formalised. In particular these scholars research to what extent th...
tema Best Practices in Extending Medical Facilities to the Poor
Has anyone experienced a successful business case that extends medical facilities to the poor? In a country like India about 42% of the population is below BPL (below poverty line). All these people c...
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tema Community Marketing in Developing Countries
Due to the lack of well-functioning distribution networks in developing countries, potential buyers in those countries are hard to reach. In such economies/countries, organizations need to use unconv...
tema Differences in Purchasing Decision Making and Consumer Behavior in BOP-markets
It is often assumed that the behavioral trends and practices of consumers in BOP-markets are the same as in developed markets (only buyers have less money to spend). The general description of BOP-mar...
tema Ideas for Development Phase of Papua New Guinea
How can Papua New Guinea (PNG) improve the living standard and efficient use of resources to improve infrastructure and increase development? What strategies can PNG use to improve lives in the resou...
tema Bottom of Pyramid People?
Which class of people come under BOP?...
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tema Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) and Communication
If the bottom of the pyramid is not connected with communication tools and media, how can marketers position their product to the BOP consumers (keeping in mind crisis of resources for further investm...

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Mejores Prácticas

Los temas mejor valorados sobre La Base de la Pirámide. Aquí encontrará las ideas más valiosas y sugerencias prácticas.

🥇 Are the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) Brand Conscious Consumers?
The people at the Bottom of the Pyramid are referred to as brand conscious and at the same time they are price sensitive. How should these two factors go together?...
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🥈 The Role of Government in Bottom of the Pyramid Thinking
Africa is a place with extremities. There is abundance of arable land and sufficient amount of water sources for agriculture. On the other hand, the bulk of the population live in abject poverty hence...
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🥉 What is Jugaad? Meaning, Definitions and Examples
What is the role of 'Jugaad' (Hindi term for innovative, improvising, lateral fixes and hacks using limited resources) within Bottom of the Pyramid thinking?...
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tema A Bottom of the Pyramid Solution Must Be High Tech, Low Cost and Mass Producible
Many present solutions to the developing countries are based on high tech and high cost. The problems of BOP countries is they need solutions of high tech but of low cost so they're applicable to a ma...
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tema Developing and Exporting Ideas From BOP Countries
I have redesigned traditional hand-pumps and park equipments to work together. The result is a water lifting device which is twice as efficient as manual water pumps and has minimal operational costs....
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tema Lighting Up African Village Schools
Nigerian population: 150 million - Electricity: < 16bln KwH South African population: 44 million - Electricity > 195bln KwH. In a month, millions of Nigerian students in high schools will be writing...
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Consejos de Expertos

Conocimientos avanzados sobre Bottom of the Pyramid (Inglés). Aquí encontrará consejos profesionales de expertos.


Consejos de Consultoría


Consejos de Enseñanza


Consejos Prácticos de Implementación


Organizing Large Corporations to Capture BOP Opportunities

Organizational Development, Best Practices
To capture the gigantic opportunities and to deal with the immense complexities of the many emerging markets, C.K. Praha...

Bottom of the Pyramid Pitfalls

Avoid these Problems when you're Building a BoP-Business
According to Ashish Karamchandani, Mike Kubzansky, and Nishant Lalwani ("The Globe: Is the Bottom of the Pyramid Really ...

Is your Firm Ready to Enter into BoP Markets?

BOP Self-Questionnaire
In a recent article titled "The Globe: Is the Bottom of the Pyramid Really for You?" by Ashish Karamchandani, Mike Kubza...

Bottom of the Pyramid in Financial Services

Microfinance Strategy
A success story of a BOP approach in financial services is the case of India-based 250M$ SKS Microfinance. In HBR June 2...

Organizational Infrastructure to Address the Bottom of the Pyramid

OD, Organizational Development, Best Practices
In order to address the opportunities at the “Bottom of the Pyramid”, companies have to build an organizational infrastr...

Innovation Principles Behind Bottom of the Pyramid Strategies

BOP Strategy Focus Points
The 12 principles of market innovation for the BOP are: 1. Focus on value, on delivering performance for the price 2. ...

Base of the Pyramid Strategic Innovation

Strategic innovation in developing markets
In their article “Strategic Innovation at the Base of the Pyramid” (MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall 2007), Jamie Ander...

Bottom of the Pyramid Commercial infrastructure

BOP Commercial Strategy
1. “Creating Buying Power”, through access to credit and rise in income level to help the world’s poor Tier 4 consumers ...

Going Global: Adaptation of Marketing Mix Components

Marketing Strategy, Global Marketing, International Marketing, Marketing Mix, 4Ps
As we all know, companies that conduct business internationally are often adapting their products to the markets served....

Differences in Purchasing Decision Making and Consumer Behavior in BOP-markets

Bottom of the Pyramid, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Marketing
It is often assumed that the behavioral trends and practices of consumers in BOP-markets are the same as in developed ma...

Marketing for the BOP market

The three steps to use for segmenting a BOP market are: 1. Create segments – Break down the largest group with an inter...

Examples of Bottom of the Pyramid Strategies

Strategy, Marketing, Innovation
- Micro-credit: An example of the “Bottom of the Pyramid” is the growing micro-credit market in South Asia, especially i...

How BOP Countries Can Disrupt Western Markets

Disruptive Innovation, Bottom of the Pyramid, Country-level Strategy
After the Second World War, Japan started to develop fast as a result of their disruptive innovation strategy. This disr...

BOP Success Cases

BOP Strategy
1. Small-scale distributed energy solutions using renewable alternative resources such as biofuels for generation of ele...
Fuentes de Información

Varias fuentes de información sobre La Base de la Pirámide. Aquí encontrará powerpoints, videos, noticias, etc. para usar en sus propias conferencias y talleres.


BOP is at Best a Harmless Illusion and Potentially a Dangerous Delusion

BOP Critics
Poor people – at the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) - represent a very attractive market opportunity. The 'BOP proposition'...

Reverse Innovation

Understanding Reverse Innovation, Innovation Strategy, Emerging Markets, BOP
Professor Vijay Govindarajan, a leading expert on innovation strategy explains the concept of Reverse Innovation. "Reve...

Perspective: Biography Prahalad (1941-2010)

Developing a Broader Perspective towards the Ideas of Prahalad
A short biography on C.K. Prahalad's career and ideas....

Bottom of the Pyramid Diagram

Alleviating World Poverty by Involving the Prviate Sector
Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...

Risk Management in Agricultural Lending

Agricultural Risk Management, Micro Finance, Bottom of the Pyramid, Agriculture Risk Management
Presentation about Risk Management, especially focused on the Risks in Agricultural Lending. The presentation includes t...

Interview with Prahalad about Assumptions in Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) Thinking

Errors to Avoid in BOP Strategy
Interview with business guru C.K. Prahalad on "The Unexplored Last Market". In this short video, Prahalad explains 3 wr...


Herramientas útiles sobre La Base de la Pirámide.













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