
The Reasons for Lack of Determination to Knowledge Management

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SECI model



Alkhaly Mohamed Tahey Conde
Alkhaly Mohamed Tahey Conde
Lecturer, Guinea

The Reasons for Lack of Determination to Knowledge Management

🔥 Several complex organizations are not yet engaged clearly with a strong determination in the process of knowledge management and development. What are the reason for that?
  • One possibility is that they do not understand truly that they are in jeopardy, losing huge opportunities, capacities, capabilities and benefits in several spheres, activities, zones and periods of time. Any complex organization can be more excellent and competitive in its domain, when its leaders and managers will be or are educated and guided via the star pillar of Knowledge Management and Development (KMD).
  • Sometimes leaders and managers are not very open-minded, flexible, and agile. This can be another reason as some leaders and managers, influenced by a certain degree of narcissism, are not ready or willing or keen to boost Knowledge Management in their organizations. They think they will be compelled to share their powers and attributions by sharing knowledge and information, in transparency.
    Quite a lot of leaders and managers want to continue their autocratic and non-transparent decision-making They do not encourage open knowledge management and distribution to keep their position of asymmetric information, moral hazard, and adverse effect, in order to stay on abusing in their behavior and mismanagement reactions. As a result they are toxic for their organization. This destructive impact of such people can be multiplied by a factor 2 or 3 through the resources, processes, outputs, outcomes and systemic effects the control, especially when the organization is complex and/or becoming more complex.
    Therefore, such leaders and managers can destroy the interests and needs of several stakeholders of the organization.


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  Dr. Alan Williams
Dr. Alan Williams
Professor, Thailand

Another Reason: Resources are not Made Available

I agree with much of the post from Alkhaly Mohamed Tahey Conde.
In addition, I'm aware of companies who have discussed this concept briefly and then told the HR manager: 'do it, but don't spend any money'. So nothing happened.
On the other hand I'm aware of one giant oil company who decided to embrace the concept, especially in their technical / refining operations. They did a lot of hard work, pulled together solid resources, embraced new technologies and build a new department, and the benefits are now there, very quickly for use globally. And the new KM department is very well respected for the value and benefits they created and now share across the organization.

  Alkhaly Mohamed Tahey Conde
Alkhaly Mohamed Tahey Conde
Lecturer, Guinea

Investing in Knowledge Management and Development (KMD)

Dear Dr Professor Alan Williams, thank you so much for your insight, and your positive analysis, confirmed within vibrant facts. When the leaders and managers want to create value and values for a long period and a deep positive impact, they can and will understand the dynamics and global benefits, in the interests of all engaged stakeholders. If you invest in the process of KMD, you will not lose your money, as you may think in the short term.
You will be able to valorize in a sustainable, reliable and secured manner all your human, financial; market, physical (material and infrastructural), technological (scientific and methodological), ecological, managerial and network resources.

  Dr. Alan Williams
Dr. Alan Williams
Professor, Thailand

Positive Example of Knowledge Management and Development (KMD)

Please let me expand on my earlier positive comment on KM. In this case, the giant oil company has 40+ mostly very large oil refineries across the globe. One of their best global engineers (massive knowledge and past experience in solutions to refinery break downs) mentioned to me that they had never shared how they fixed problems with their other refineries. I had the authority to allocate resources and together we developed a model.
Sure enough there was an incident at a nearby refinery (in Asia) so together we quickly started up the 'model' we had just developed. A small team of an an engineer along with a clever video maker got to the scene very quickly. Within minutes we were streaming live video to about 12 other refineries (which had the exact same equipment and technology). The streaming included open 2-way audio capability and we invited local engineers across the world to contribute their thoughts/experiences for everybody to hear. I had also set up a small team of engineers to act as interpreters if needed, along with the capability for sub-titles to appear on the bottom of the streaming video. I requested the engineers assigned to translate from English to Chinese (simplified) and Spanish. It had all previously been tested and it worked well. And I should mention a senior safety engineer was part of the live comments/discussion. I alerted the global board of directors and they were watching, and were 'sold' on the benefits/value of what was happening on their screens.
Regarding the problem, the engineer on site was not very experienced and he was a bit lost and in panic. Using the global suggestions/encouragement* the problem was quickly solved, and the refinery went back to full/smooth operations. The video, language subtitles and all audio was deposited in a global on-line facility for future use and for training purposes. The global BOD quickly ordered further development with a dedicated KM team and a good budget.
* I mentioned 'encouragement' for a reason - it's a strong part of the working culture of the whole organization.

  Alkhaly Mohamed Tahey Conde
Alkhaly Mohamed Tahey Conde
Lecturer, Guinea

Dynamics of Knowledge Management and Development (KMD)

Dear Professor Williams, once more, I thank you very much for your enriching and learning case. We are delighted to note that you got advanced experiences to share in the sphere of KMD. To stimulate the dynamics of KMD, it will be useful to fertilize a positive and constructive culture and ecosystem to intensify the adequate perfusion, diffusion and distillation of the best practices.
⇨ Please share any other reasons you have encountered for not going all-in with KMD.


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More on SECI model
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Implementing SECI in an Organization
topic What is the Best Way to Transfer Tacit Knowledge?
topic The Meaning of the Japanese Word Ba
topic (How) Does the SECI Model Work in Western Cultures?
topic SECI Model Disadvantages and Critiques
👀The Reasons for Lack of Determination to Knowledge Management
topic Nonaka's SECI Process versus Peter Senge's Learning Organization
topic SECI for Integration Between ETOM and KM System
topic Commonality of SECI Model
topic History of Knowledge Management
topic Digital Learning Platform Based on SECI
topic Linking SECI Model to Innovation
topic SECI Software Tools?
topic How does SECI Lead to Improvement of Organizational Performance?
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