
Seven Habits: Followers?

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Amal, Sri Lanka

Seven Habits: Followers?

I wonder, can there be habits for followers as well?


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  Gary Wong
Gary Wong
Consultant, Canada

Everyone Has Habits

Yes, everyone has habits. Stephen Covey describes the habits of Leaders. Followers also have habits, but they are different.
Covey's work is based on an Inside-Out approach. We start with individual, then interpersonal >> organizational >> societal.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People focuses on the first 2 levels: Personal (individual) and Interpersonal (relationships with others). We learn how to proactively lead your own life and how to influence others.
Followers are people who may not realize they have the power to make choices. They are reactive and dependent on others. These are their habits.
Can a 7H leader follow another person's direction? Yes, but I prefer to use the concept of "alignment" rather than "followership". "I like where that person is heading. So I will make my choice to align with him/her, join the path and do what I can to realize the end goal."

Manager, Sri Lanka

Seven Habits

Win - Win thinking is of the best to achieve best results, peoples will get open mind and clear in their thoughts.

  Clarity Nthonyani
Clarity Nthonyani, Malawi


They say every body is a manager and therefore evrybody can be a CEO


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More on Seven Habits
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Think success, then it will follow...
topic Extra Habit: Enthusiasm
topic Write a Personal Mission Statement
topic Tools for being Proactive?
topic I say : Emotion Clouds Reason
👀Seven Habits: Followers?
topic Habits inhibit Freedom?
topic Stephen Covey 1932-2012
topic Extra Habit: Setting and Achieving Goals
topic Implement 7 Habits Across the Organization
topic Seven Habits: Sharpen the saw?
topic 7 Habits is Road Map to Personal Success
topic Extra habit: Emotional Intelligence
topic Effectiveness to Greatness
topic Seven Habits: Reprogram your Mind
topic Accountability of Time and Workforce Output
topic Questions About Covey's Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence (Habit 1)
topic Covey's 8th Habit: Expression of a Higher Level of Awareness
topic Extra Habit: Spirituality
🔥 About Beginning with the End in Mind (Covey)
topic Principled-centered Leadership
topic Reasons for the 8th Habit
topic Could Working Hard be an Extra Habit?
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