
Five Disciplines (Senge)

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For Peter Senge (1990), change is teaming and learning is change. Thus, it is possible for organizations to learn to change because "deep down, we are all learners". In his book "The Fifth Discipline", Senge wants to destroy the illusion that the world is created out of separate, unrelated forces. When we give up this illusion, we can then build 'learning organizations', organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together. Managers must learn to detect seven organizational 'learning disabilities' and use the "Five Disciplines" as antidotes to them.

The Five Disciplines of Senge

Fifth Discipline - Senge

Senge proposes that organizations that aspire to achieve long-term success must cultivate five core disciplines. The five components in the model from Senge are:

  1. Personal Mastery. This refers to an individual's ongoing commitment to self-improvement and learning. It involves developing a clear personal vision, expanding mental models, and fostering a lifelong love of learning. People must regard their life, work, and learning like an artist would regard a work of art.

  2. Mental Models. These are the deeply held assumptions and beliefs that shape how we perceive the world and interact with it. By becoming aware of our mental models and challenging them when necessary, we can improve our decision-making and communication.

  3. Shared Vision. A shared vision provides a unifying purpose and direction for the organization. It goes beyond simply setting goals; it's about creating a mental image of a desired future state that inspires and motivates employees. If there is a genuine vision, people excel and learn, not because they have to, but because they want to.

  4. Team Learning. Effective collaboration is essential for knowledge creation and innovation. Team learning involves developing the ability to work together productively, fostering open dialogue, suspending one's assumptions, and sharing knowledge effectively within teams.

  5. Systems Thinking. The integrative (fifth) discipline that fuses the other 4 into a coherent body of theory and practice. This discipline encourages us to view organizations and situations as interconnected systems, rather than focusing on isolated parts. By understanding the complex relationships between different elements, we can make better decisions that lead to desired outcomes.

All these 5 disciplines must be employed in a never-ending quest to expand the capacity of the organization to create its future. Learning Organizations are those organizations that can go beyond survival learning, to perform generative learning: a form of learning that enhances their capacity to create.

Book: Peter Senge - The Fifth Discipline

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Forum discussions about the Five Disciplines.

topic Schools as a learning organisation
Educational orgainsations also need to develop themselves to be learning organisations. This is mainly because of the changing in the aim of education Claxton (2002, p.46 and 2008) pointed out comm...
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topic Three Levels in Senge's 5 Disciplines
A ‘discipline’ is viewed by Senge as a series of principles and practices that we study, master and integrate into our lives. Each of the five disciplines can be approached at three levels: 1) PRACTI...
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topic How to Become a Systems Thinker?
How does one become a systems thinker? After reading The Fifth Discipline and getting interested in the subject I have read a number of books; some of which are mind blowingly complex! How have other ...
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topic Characteristics of a Learning Organisation
What are the characteristics of a learning organisation?...
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topic What are the Merits of Senge for Human Resources Development?
What are the pros and cons of Senge's Learning Organization for Human Resources Development? Any help would be greatly greatly appreciated! Thanks....
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topic Pillars of the Five Disciplines
Senge's five disciplines would not be well understood without considering the following critical pillars: values, guiding principles, personal experience, commitment and context....
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topic Aligning a Firm's Vision Statement to Peter Senge's Disciplines
How can a firm's vision statement be crafted in line with Peter Senge's 5 disciplines? I want to have an insight on how this can be done to create a learning organisation....
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topic Learning Organizations in Social Services
I am currently researching the application of the theories of Senge's 'Learning Organization' in the social services setting. I would love to gather input from anyone who has had experience in this ar...
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topic Does Senge's View of Systems Thinking Go Far Enough?
In the 5th Discipline Senge outlines his views on systems thinking, when in reality this is only one dimension of the systems thinking concepts. I have come across many people who have read the 5th D...
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🔥 The Benefits of Learning Organizations. Advantages
What really are the main advantages of learning organizations? Let's try to collect them all. Here is my attempt: Enhanced Innovation: By fostering a culture of continuous learning, organizations ...
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topic We Need to Apply Learning Organizations at Society Level
Our technological progress is outpacing our social progress.We are caught in an evolutionary mismatch: Our technological progress is outpacing our social progress. The impact of robotics and artifici...
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Best Practices

The best, top-rated topics about the Five Disciplines. Here you will find the most valuable ideas and practical suggestions.

🥇 Turning an Organization into a Learning Organization
I have worked on changing people's thinking. But, in organizational context, the turning point for converting a conventional style organization into a learning style is a subject of research for me. I...
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🥈 Mental Models in Senge's 5 Disciplines
I understand how to use 4 disciplines but maybe somebody can explain me the mental models... Thanks......
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🥉 Obstacles to Creating Learning Organizations. Pitfalls
Why is creating Learning Organizations is hard? According to Senge, transforming organizations into learning organizations is not easy, because managers have to surrender their traditional spheres of ...
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topic Skills of Managers and Leaders of Learning Organizations?
What skills or traits do leaders and managers need in a Learning Organization?...
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topic What Skills do Employees Need in a Learning Organization?
What skills or traits do employees / knowledge workers need in a learning organization?...
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Expert Tips

Advanced insights about the Five Disciplines. Here you will find professional advices by experts.


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Building an Organizational Coaching Capacity

Developing an Organizational Coaching Capacity, Learning Organization, Developing Coaching as an Organizational Capacity
COACHING ON AN INDIVIDUAL LEVEL In their book "Trillion Dollar Coach: Lessons for Managers", Google's Schmidt, Rosenber...

Capturing Learned Lessons

How to Capture Organizational Learning? Best Practices
Knowledge from bad and good experiences will lead you and your organization to better future performance. You can improv...

To What Extent are you a Learning Organization?

Take this Test..., Benchmarking the Depth of Learning in your Organization
Professors Garvin, Edmondson and Gino have developed an online assessment tool to determine and benchmark the depth of l...
Information Sources

Various sources of information regarding the Five Disciplines. Here you will find powerpoints, videos, news, etc. to use in your own lectures and workshops.


Knowledge Management Between Fad and Relevance

Knowledge Management
Paper by Marin Fotache. Related to Learning Organization (Chris Argyris, Donald Schon, Peter Senge etc.), but establishe...

Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning

Models, Implementation, Overview, Examples
An extensive presentation explaining both the concept of Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning by H. Gundogan...

Organizational Learning and Senge's Five Diciplines

Creating a Learning Organization
Concise explanation of the five disciplines of Senge: - First, the concept of organizational learning is explained, in ...

Introduction of Organizational Learning

Initial Understanding of Organizational Learning
Peter Senge explains that Organizational Learning is about how organizations work at their bests. It comes down to how p...

Introduction to Organizational Learning and Learning Organizations

Organizational Learning, Learning Organizations
Presentation that gives a clear overview to the concept of Organizational Learning (OL). The following sections are incl...

Five Disciplines Diagram

Learning Organizations
Download and edit this 12manage PowerPoint graphic for limited personal, educational and business use. Republishing in ...


Useful tools regarding the Five Disciplines.













Compare with Senge's Five Disciplines:  Organizational Learning  |  Organizational Memory  |  System Dynamics  |  Theory of Mechanistic and Organic Systems  |  Fourteen Points of Management  |  Eight Attributes of Management Excellence  |  Ten Principles of Reinvention  |  Theory X Theory Y Theory Z  |  Business Process Reengineering

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