
10 Principles of Reinvention

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According to Osborne and Gaebler, governments don't work well, because they are tall, sluggish, over-centralized, and preoccupied with rules and regulations."We designed public agencies to protect the public against politicians and bureaucrats gaining too much power or misusing public money. In making it difficult to steal the public's money, we made it virtually impossible to manage the public's money... In attempting to control virtually everything, we became so obsessed with dictating how things should be done - regulating the process, controlling the inputs - that we ignored the outcomes, the results". Osborn and Gaebler recommend "Entrepreneurial Government": a government that can compete and must compete with for-profit businesses, nonprofit agencies, and other units of government.

Ten Principles of Reinvention (Osborne and Gaebler)

The Entrepreneurial Government should be:

  1. Catalytic. Steering rather than rowing.

  2. Community-owned. Empowering rather than serving.

  3. Competitive. Injecting competition into service delivery.

  4. Mission-driven. Transforming rule-driven organizations.

  5. Results-oriented. Funding outcomes, not inputs.

  6. Customer-driven. Meeting the needs of the customer, not the bureaucracy.

  7. Enterprising. Earning rather than spending.

  8. Anticipatory. Prevention rather than cure.

  9. Decentralized. From hierarchy towards participation and teamwork.

  10. Market-oriented. Leveraging change through the market.

The model of David Osborne and Ted Gaebler for Entrepreneurial Government has led to the initiation of the National Performance Review (NPR) by Vice president Al Gore in 1994.

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Forum discussions about the Principles of Reinvention.

topic Problems with Entrepreneurial Government
Some developing African countries are facing big challenges. Governments of these countries initiate and spend much on multiple projects like dams, roads, electricity, etc that have a long gestation ...
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topic Change Management and Process re-engineering
Change is inevitable. Some is planned and other is "enforced". Enforced in the case of poor governments receiving donations (funding). How could anyone managing the later cope with the situation where...
topic Impact of Economic Regulation on State Company
How does economic regulation impact on a project-based state company where all funds are allocated by the government... In relation to managing financial resources and decision making?...
topic Community -owned and Enterprising
It is difficult to prapse ideas how government can empower communities completely... What will be the impact for managing funds? ...
topic How to Implement the Principles of Reinvention?
The above is a master list of possible attention areas to consider for public organizations existing in a dynamic environment. Good ideas. But how to instil these aspects in organizations is a point...
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topic Local Self Government
What is local self government? Thanks for your help or builds......
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🔥 Development of Administration Practices in the Wake of Covid-19
In the wake of convid-19 what is your assessment of the need for and sustainability of having an entrepreneurial government? How might such a government form be helpful during and after the convid-19...
topic Reinventing the Wheel in Organizations
Reinventing the wheel… - What does it mean (in an organizational context)? - How is it affecting the organisation and its effectiveness? - What kind of solutions are possible?...
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topic Management in a Profit versus Non-profit Organization
Please inform me about the similarities and differences between management in a non profit organization and management in a for profit organization. Thank you....
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topic Principles only for Educated Societies
I am not against decentralization, or a new theory of reinventing government. But in my opinion this theory is not useful for countries that depend on donations and are low literated. In fact many t...
topic Generic Processes of Public Administration
Expain the following within the context of a government department: generic processes of public administration....
topic New Public Management and BPR
New Public Management (NPM) is a term coined by Hood (1991, A Public Management for All Seasons. Public Administration, 69 (Spring), 3-19) for the policy to modernize the public sector and and render ...

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In-depth Overview of Business Process Reengineering

BPR Introduction Business Process Reengineering
Comprehensive presentation about Business-Process Reengineering (BPR) with government example. Each section includes mul...

Interpreneurship: Characteristics and Success Factors

Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship, Characteristics of an Entrepreneur, Startup Business
Presentation about entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship that includes the following sections: 1. Overview 2. Entrepre...


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