
What to do if NO Annual Appraisal Interview is Scheduled?

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Performance Management (Appraisals)



Sandra Osbon
Sandra Osbon
Entrepreneur, United States

What to do if NO Annual Appraisal Interview is Scheduled?

🔥 What if an annual performance appraisal is not being scheduled by your manager? Should you request the annual review yourself?
Or is it better to wait patiently, especially if no salary increase is expected anyhow?


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No Yearly Appraisal Interview

I would go to the HRM DEPT and ask them to send a kind reminder to the manager.


Annual Review not Scheduled

Your HR BUSINESS PARTNER is responsible for making sure all managers follow a review process—if, the company has one or enforces it. Although there are plenty of under qualified managers that don't know how to write a review! In that case, they sometimes ask the employee to write it and they review it. However, that concept accomplishes nothing and does not help the employee learn or grown.
So lean on HR, it's better for everyone.


No Performance Appraisal Scheduled

I would suggest you see your MANAGER and arrange a time for your performance review. If your manager proposes a time, make sure you ask nicely if a calendar reminder can be sent to you.
It is also the employee's responsibility to remind their manager about the performance appraisal. Hope this helps.

  Dixah ladan
Dixah ladan
Student (University), Nigeria

Request Annual Appraisal Yourself

Yes, I feel very strongly that you should request the annual appraisal yourself. This can be done through a follow-up email.
Usually, annual appraisals are time bound and it's an obligation on both the staff/employee and their supervisor.

  Augustine Dajau
Augustine Dajau
Accountant, Nigeria

Appraisee Should Request for Commencement of Annual Appraisal Process

The annual Performance Appraisal process should be a JOINT RESPONSIBILITY of the appraising officer and the appraisee.
Either of them can initiate the process at the beginning of the period to be appraised. Both should have agreed on the set criteria on which the appraisee will be evaluated at the end of the period. The appraisee should notify the appraising officer for both to agree on the set standard of performance irrespectively of whether there will be a salary increment or not.

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Annual Performance Interview: Not Mandatory

In many countries an employer is NOT OBLIGED (by law) to conduct an annual appraisal interview with its employees. It could be the company you're in is not conducting such interviews. You might start by informing about that at your HR person.
Assuming these interviews are being held, I recommend to first approach your own MANAGER to arrange a date. Perhaps he simply forgot about it or intended to do it later. No need to immediately involve HR.

Consultant, India

The Performance Appraisal is a Collaborative Effort!

In my view, a Performance Management system is primarily for employee development. In this view it is imperative that the responsibility is shared and collaborative. Build a relationship with your line superior on the values to be achieved and things will work.

  David J. Rakers
David J. Rakers
Business Consultant, Netherlands

Follow the Official Road

Although you could do it yourself, approach HR and ask them when your appraisal is due. During the appraisal ask specifically for their schedule for next time. Everybody happy!

  Brian Delgado, MBA
Brian Delgado, MBA
Business Consultant, United States

Request Informal Feedback Periodically

I would approach the manager directly and request feedback; whether it's formal e.g. per the PM process or informal. This will offer you insights into your performance and also enable you to receive developmental feedback. On this note, you should request informal feedback periodically e.g. quarterly and carve time on your managers calendar to support those conversations.
Whether your goal is increased compensation or placement in a developmental role to fill a skill-gap; these convo's are a vehicle for your development.

  Zahid Qureshi
Zahid Qureshi

How to Approach Manager if no Appraisal is Planned

@Anonymous: I agree with you and Brian Delgado that the best way is to approach your manager directly. Remember the Agreement is between you and your manager. Do not rely too much on HR or other external parties as it may be disliked by your manager. Also ask yourself: What kind of relationship do you have with your manager and how well you get along with him/her? Then approach your manager with respect and regard, and use your understanding of his/her personality traits to find an appropriate way to raise this issue with him/her, ensuring you do not antagonise him/her and that he takes your reminder in a positive light.

  Vijay Bhatia
Vijay Bhatia
Consultant, India

Regular Performance Interviews

Conducting appraisal interviews should be a continuous process so effective managers do it on a regular basis. Your annual appraisal is a formal way of putting it across. See also the topic "No Routine Annual Performance Appraisals" for more on this.
Give your manager a rope... Patience pays - usually.


No Appraisal? Go Away and Never Look Back

If no appraisal is provided for, it means they don't care about you no matter what you do so it is better to look for another job. In a good company no employee is left without appraisals and growth plan as a follow up.

Manager, Senegal

The Annual Evaluation Meeting is an Important Step But not an End in Itself

The work must always be done in continuity; such meetings should be scheduled at different stages of each year.
In my case, I always remind top management to have such meeting at the start of the year. The goal is to discuss the strategic choices we made and dissect what worked last year (and why) and what needs to be improved (and why).
It is also an opportunity for open and sincere exchanges.
In summary, if the manager does not schedule this meeting, it is up to the employee to request it because the organization and the employees both have everything to gain from it.

  behnam khodabakhshi
behnam khodabakhshi
Project Manager, Iran

No Need for Annual Appraisal

I prefer that instead of an annual evaluation of a continuous process, the evaluation of the key indicators of personnel performance is done through an information technology platform and an application program, which can be done automatically every three months or less. In my opinion, that is necessary.
At the beginning of the year, the key indicators for each job should be told to the relevant employee so that he knows about them.

  Claudia Lavelle Sigamoney
Claudia Lavelle Sigamoney
Management Consultant, South Africa

What to do if no Performance Appraisal is Planned

Hello, a gentle reminder would not hurt. Possibly a human error was made in not sending out reminders. Although it could also be that the performance appraisals structure may have changed and this requires communication as well. That can be a concern, so raise it early on so that you are settled about the way forward.

  Bill Richards
Bill Richards
HR Consultant, Australia

Whose Responsibility is It?

It's not the manager's job to chase you - it's your job to arrange a time with him/her.
Employees are responsible for their own training and development and performance development!
The company is responsible for providing the opportunities.
If you are interested in how you are performing against agreed objectives, then arrange the meeting. You'll get much more out of it!

  robert elias
robert elias
Manager, Qatar

Annual Appraisal is a Must

In my opinion, regardless if there is the chance for a salary increment or not, all staff has the right to get their annual appraisal for their self development and for their motivation. Thus in the ...

Entrepreneur, India

Annual Appraisal is an Organization Priority

Appraisal normally is not directly connected to a salary increase as that is also influenced by the financial performance of the organization. An appraisal is a platform to showcase an individual's p...

  Brian Delgado, MBA
Brian Delgado, MBA
Business Consultant, United States

Performance Interviews also Support Talent Development & Retention

@Bill Richards: I respectfully disagree; responsible leaders keep their eye on the future. Just as performance matters today, it also ties into an employees potential discussion. Talent development ...


Performance Feedback is Important for Both Parties

@SREEDHAR: I totally agree with your response. It is for the advantage of BOTH PARTIES to hear constructive and positive feedback. You will know how to fulfill expectations and be a valuable team memb...

   Dr. Sapna Dadwal
Dr. Sapna Dadwal
Professor, India

Annual Reviews Boost Morale of Employees

The objective of annual performance review is not just to increase the salary of the employees, it is also done to give feedback to employees of their performance. This feedback actually is very impo...

  Bill Richards
Bill Richards
HR Consultant, Australia

Mutual Responsibility for Performance Review

Hi @Brian Delgado, MBA, I don't disagree, but it becomes a little tiring when employees complain that they didn't get a performance review. I agree that good leaders know when to schedule their one-on...

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

Why Was the Annual Appraisal not Scheduled?

I infer that: - The organisation has an appraisal system/process, - The individual is not new to the organisation, so has been through the process - The appraisal notifications and forms for prepar...

  David Wilson
David Wilson
Manager, Canada

Take the Opportunity to Talk to your Manager

You need to politely ask your manager about getting a performance review. The review should identify your accomplishments and your training needs. If you are not at the maximum of your position's sala...

  Maurice Hogarth
Maurice Hogarth
Consultant, United Kingdom

Self Appraise as Prompt

Again, picking up on the possibility that the initial posting is from when an appraisal is expected but hasn't been scheduled, consider completing your self appraisal and simply passing it to your lin...


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topic How to Give Constructive Feedback? Models and Tips
topic How to Achieve Fair Performance Appraisals?
topic Avoid Routine Annual Performance Appraisals
topic Concerns not Previously Discussed During Performance Reviews
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topic Feedback Should be Like a Mirror: Neutral
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topic Mismatch in Performance Appraisals: Actions from Last Year are Rewarded/Punished This Year
topic Optimize on the Strengths of your Employees
topic Use of Of Employee Appraisals to Validate the Remuneration System
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More on Performance Management (Appraisals)
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Checklist of 50+ Common Errors in Performance Appraisals
topic How to Give Constructive Feedback? Models and Tips
topic How to Achieve Fair Performance Appraisals?
topic Avoid Routine Annual Performance Appraisals
topic Concerns not Previously Discussed During Performance Reviews
topic How to Deal with Average Performers?
topic How to Get Employees to Improve? Issues with Feedback
topic Open Communication? Try Coffee Talks
topic Wrong Use of Employee Appraisals
topic Three Types of Performance Appraisals
topic Obsession with Quantifying Human Performance
topic Broken Confidentiality of Performance Appraisals
topic Don't Forget Practical Appraisal Follow-up
topic How to Deal with Poor Performers and Non Performers?
topic Conditions for Successful Performance Appraisals
topic Outcomes of Performance Appraisals
topic How to Receive Personal Feedback? Tips
👀What to do if NO Annual Appraisal Interview is Scheduled?
topic How to React When You are Undervalued?
topic The Performance-Values Match Matrix (Jack Welch)
topic Appraise the Past, Develop for the Future
topic How to Prepare for a Performance Appraisal as Appraiser
topic Tips for Ensuring Performance Appraisals Hold Up in Court
topic Appraisal for Future Job?
topic Avoiding Biases in Performance Appraisals
topic How to Identify and Manage Workplace Favoritism
topic Consider the Job Situation in Appraisals
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topic Disparaging Appraisal Terms
topic Performance Appraisals versus Student Examinations. A Comparison
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topic Feedback Should be Like a Mirror: Neutral
topic How Role Clarity and Employee Performance Management can help with Strategic Focus
topic Mismatch in Performance Appraisals: Actions from Last Year are Rewarded/Punished This Year
topic Optimize on the Strengths of your Employees
topic Use of Of Employee Appraisals to Validate the Remuneration System
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Performance Management (Appraisals)

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