
What is the Difference between the Contingency Theory versus the Situational Theory of Leadership?

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Student (University), United Kingdom

What is the Difference between the Contingency Theory versus the Situational Theory of Leadership?

I'm finding it really interesting how confusing and cross defined this subject is.
I think that situational and contingency could almost be band under the same group; to be honest they are very similar.
Dou you agree? If not, what difference you know of?


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  Antonio C A Maximiano
Antonio C A Maximiano
Professor, Brazil

Contingency versus Situational

In my perception, contingent and situational are the same concepts. Contingent means dependent on the situation or the circunstances; hence, contingent is situational.

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Contingency NOT Equal to Situational

If you watch the video "Situational Leadership versus Contingency Theory" you'll see that even if both theories are similar, there is also a major difference in HOW they deal with the circumstances.

  Antonio C A Maximiano
Antonio C A Maximiano
Professor, Brazil

Contingent versus Situational

I did watch the video, but I am not convinced. If contingent means adapting the leader to the situation and situational means adapting the style to the situation, I can't see how the two may be so different. I would like to know of an original support to this point, not that in the video. Correct me if I am wrong, please. Tks.

  Jaap de Jonge
Jaap de Jonge
Editor, Netherlands

Contingent versus Situational

- SLT would mean that a leader can flexibly adapt to a follower should the follower change.
- CT would mean you need another leader if the circumstances change / are different.
So they seem similar in that they consider the situation, but in how they deal with changing or different situations is quite different.


Situational Leadership versus Contingency Theory

Beyond the one already mentioned by Jaap de Jonge, a further difference is:
SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP as coined by Hersey and Blanchard is more specific in that it focuses solely on leading/managing individual employees, arguing the manager should use a different leadership style depending on the" situation". For the situation, 2 things are considered: competences of an employee in a task area and his/her commitment to this task.
CONTINGENCY THEORY is more generic:
- First of all, it does nog focus solely on managing/leadership.
- Secondly, if we focus on the contingency theory of leadership, the success of the leader is a function of various factors in the form of subordinate, task, and/or group variables. It does not focus on managing/leading individual employees (can also be used at a team, group or company level).
- And thirdly, it suggests to take ALL circumstances into consideration, not only the 2 used in situational leadership.


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topic History of Contingency Theory
topic Donaldson's Neocontingency Model
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